C H A P T E R  7

Error Messages

"Invalid Cross-Reference Format" lists Sun StorageTek Availability Suite error messages in alphabetical order. The software utilities associated with the error messages are described in Software Utilities.

The error messages come from the following sources:



TABLE 7-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Software

Error Message and Description


%s ==> %s not already enabled

Remote Mirror

The user has tried to do an operation on a set that is not enabled. Verify that the proper set has been specified to sndradm and then verify that the set is enabled using sndradm -i.


%s contains no matching Remote Mirror sets

Remote Mirror

The configuration file specified with the -f switch contains no valid remote mirror sets.


%s get_addr failed for Ver 4

Remote Mirror

The TCP/IP address of the specified Remote Mirror set could not be obtained.


%s gethost_byname failed for %s

Remote Mirror

The TCP/IP address of the specified Remote Mirror set could not be obtained.


`%s' has already been configured as '%s'. Re-enter command with the latter name.


The specified device is already entered in the dscfg database.


%s has Point-in-Time Copy bitmap magic number, but does not contain correct data.

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation against the current bitmap header has failed. Review current volume information to correct inconsistent volumes specified.


%s host %s is not local

Remote Mirror

For the Remote Mirror set listed, neither the primary or secondary Solaris hostname could be determined.


%s is already configured as a Remote Mirror bitmap

Remote Mirror

The master, shadow, or bitmap volume in the ndr_ii entry is already configured as a remote mirror bitmap volume.


%s is configured, but not in the config storage


The specified device is currently SV enabled, but does not exist in the dscfg database.


%s is not a character device

Point-in-Time Copy

The volume specifications for the bitmap volume must be a character rdsk device.


%s is not a character device

Remote Mirror

The volume specified is not a character device.


%s is not a character device


The specified device is not a Solaris character device rdsk, and therefore cannot be used.


%s is not a character device - ignored


The specified device is not a Solaris character device rdsk, and therefore cannot be used.


%s is not a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation against the current bitmap volume has failed, since the volume specified is not a valid bitmap volume.


%s is not a valid number

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm was expecting a number to be on the command line. This happens when the copy parameters option (-P) is used but the arguments for units and delay are not valid numbers.


%s is not an Point-in-Time Copy shadow.

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation against the current bitmap volume has failed, since the volume specified is not a valid bitmap volume.


%s Neither %s nor %s is local

Remote Mirror

For the Remote Mirror set listed, neither the primary nor secondary Solaris hostname could be determined.


%s received signal %d

Point-in-Time Copy

A Solaris signal(3C), was detected during the processing of an iiadm command.


%s unable to determine IP addresses for hosts %s %s

Remote Mirror

The IP addresses for the host names specified for the primary or secondary hosts could not be determined. Verify that the host names are in the /etc/hosts file.


%s unable to get maxsets value from kernel

Remote Mirror

An attempt to determine the maximum number of Remote Mirror allowed has failed. Check the status of the /dev/rdc pseudo device driver.


%s was not found in the config storage


The specified device does not exist in the dscfg database.


%s: unable to put %s into dsvol cfg


The specified device cannot be entered in the dscfg database.


%s:%s ==> %s:%s already has a disk queue attached

Remote Mirror

A set cannot contain more than one disk queue. To add a new disk queue, remove the old disk queue first. The disk queue replace command can also be used to accomplish this task.


%s:%s ==> %s:%s is already enabled

Remote Mirror

The user attempted to enable a remote mirror set using the same secondary volume and secondary host as a remote mirror set that is already enabled. Specify a different secondary volume or secondary host for the new set.


%s:%s has invalid size (%s)..cannot proceed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to configure a Remote Mirror replica to a secondary volume that is incorrectly sized is not allowed so the operation cannot proceed.


Abort failed

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm could not abort a copy or update operation on a set. Possible errors: EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue. ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory. DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified. DSW_ENOTFOUND: The specified set does not exist.


Add disk queue operation failed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to associate a disk queue with the current Remote Mirror set has failed. Review associated Solaris error messages for a possible cause and resolution.


Allocation of bitmap device %s failed

Remote Mirror

Remote mirror could not use the bitmap requested to enable or resume a remote mirror set. This could happen for one of these reasons:

  • The bitmap is not accessible. Verify that the specified bitmap volume exists and is accessible.
  • The volume requested for use as the bitmap is already in use. Verify that the volume is not already in use as a remote mirror data volume or bitmap volume, or as a Point-in-Time Copy master volume, shadow volume, or bitmap volume.


Allocation of bitmap device %s failed, volume is too small

Remote Mirror

During the allocation of the bitmap volume, its present size is too small based on the sizing of the Remote Mirror primary or secondary volume. Use dsbitmap(2) to determine correct sizing.


Another package would not allow target to be changed at this moment

Point-in-Time Copy

The current Point-in-Time Copy operation could not be completed because the Remote Mirror set is not in a compatible state, often because it is in logging mode.



Arguments inconsistent with current bitmap

Point-in-Time Copy

The current or previously specified bitmap volume contains references to another master, shadow or bitmap volume. Often this means that the bitmap volume is being used in another Point-in-Time Copy set.




Atomic %s %s %s

Point-in-Time Copy

Informational message stating that one or more volumes in an I/O Consistency group was either updated or copied.


Atomic update failed

Point-in-Time Copy

One or more volumes in a group copy or update command failed. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • EINVAL: User is performing a shadow-to-master copy, but two or more shadows are of the same master.
  • DSW_EIO: The kernel had a problem reading or writing one of the volumes in the set.


Atomic update of %s failed

Point-in-Time Copy

Same as update failed meaning, but for a specific volume.


Bad dev_t in config structure


The Solaris dev_t structure is uninitialized. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Bad host specified

Remote Mirror

Bad set specified. A remote mirror command was issued referring to a set in abbreviated format, but a mistake was made. The format did not specify the set in the format: shost:svol.


Bad set specified

Remote Mirror

Bad set specified. A remote mirror command was issued referring to a set in abbreviated format, but a mistake was made. The format did not specify the set in the format: shost:svol.


bitmap %s is already in use by StorEdge Network Data Replicator

Remote Mirror

The volume requested as a bitmap for the remote mirror set is already configured to be used by the Remote Mirror software.


bitmap %s is in use by Point-in-Time Copy

Remote Mirror

The volume requested as a remote mirror bitmap volume is already configured to be a volume used by the Point-in-Time copy software.


bitmap %s is not in disk group %s

Remote Mirror

The user specified bitmap volume is not in the same Sun Cluster disk group as the Remote Mirror primary and secondary volume.


bitmap failed

Remote Mirror

The current state of the Remote Mirror sets bitmap volume is failed.


bitmap filesystems are not allowed in a cluster


Bitmap file systems are no longer supported on any system, cluster, or non-cluster.


Bitmap in use

Point-in-Time Copy

The volume that was specified as the bitmap volume during an enable operation is already being used by another set.


Bitmap magic number is not valid

Point-in-Time Copy

The current or previously specified bitmap volume no longer contains a valid bitmap header. Often this means that the bitmap volume is being used by another Solaris data service.


Bitmap reconfig failed %s:%s

Remote Mirror

A request to reconfigure the bitmap on the local host has failed. This can happen for two reasons:

  • The old bitmap cannot be read from to obtain needed information.
  • The new bitmap cannot be reserved because the volume is not accessible or is already in use. Verify that the new bitmap volume is accessible and is not already in use.


Bitmap too small

Point-in-Time Copy

The currently specified bitmap volume is too small. See dsbitmap(2) for correct sizing options on a per volume and volume type basis.


Bitmap volume is already an overflow volume

Point-in-Time Copy

The volume that was specified as the bitmap volume during an enable operation is already being used by another set as an overflow volume.


Bitmap volume is not a character device

Point-in-Time Copy

The volume that was specified as the bitmap volume during an enable operation is a block device and not a character device.


Bitmap volume not in a disk group

Point-in-Time Copy

The volume that was specified as the bitmap volume during an enable operation is a block device and not a character device.


both %s and %s are local

Remote Mirror

The set specifies the same host as both primary and secondary. The primary and secondary hosts must be different.


Both old and new bitmap file names must begin with a /.

Point-in-Time Copy

The volume specifications for the bitmap volume must begin with a "/" character.


Both old and new shadow file names must begin with a /.

Point-in-Time Copy

The volume specifications for the bitmap volume must begin with a "/" character.


-C (%s) does not match disk group name (%s) for %s


The Sun Cluster device group for the current SV volume, does not match the -C tag specified.


-C (%s) does not match disk groupname (%s) for %s

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm determined that the cluster resource group that contains the volumes does not match the cluster tag given as an argument to the -C option.


-C is not valid when not in a cluster


Usage of the -C option is not valid when not in a Sun Cluster operating environment.


-C specified multiple times

Point-in-Time Copy

iiboot only allows for one instance of the -C option qualifier to be specified.


-C specified multiple times


Specifying more the one -C option is not allowed.


-C specified multiple times


Specifying more the one -C option is not allowed.


Cache deconfig failed. Not initialized


An attempt to deconfigure the cache when it has already been deconfigured.


cache disable failed


See error message.


cache enable failed


See error message. This may be due to insufficient memory on the system.


Cache enable failed.


Cache failed to configure. This may be due to insufficient memory resources on the system.


Cache enable failed. Already initialized.


An attempt to issue this command while the cache is already configured.


Cache memory initialization error.


Insufficient system memory was available. Please ensure that sufficient memory resources are available on the system.


Cache not deconfigured


Cache failed to deconfigure.




cannot check volume against mount table

Point-in-Time Copy

The iiadm operation attempted to determine whether a volume on the command line belongs to a mounted filesystem . The test for this has failed.


cannot determine status of Remote Mirror set %s:%s

Remote Mirror

An attempt to determine the status of the specified Remote Mirror set has failed.


cannot start reverse sync as a file system is mounted on %s

Remote Mirror

The primary volume has a file system mounted on it. Unmount the file system on the primary volume and then issue the reverse sync command.


cannot start sync as set %s:%s is not logging

Remote Mirror

A Remote Mirror set must currently be in logging mode before a Remote Mirror synchronization operation is allowed.


cannot start synch Remote Mirror set %s:%s is not logging

Remote Mirror

An attempt to start synchronization on the specified Remote Mirror set has failed, since the Remote Mirror set is not in logging mode.


cannot use current config for bitmap reconfiguration

Remote Mirror

A single set must be specified for bitmap operations. The default configuration cannot be used for these operations.


cannot use current config for disk queue operations

Remote Mirror

An individual set or group must be specified when issuing disk queue operations. A single disk queue operation cannot operate on all sets configured or all sets in a file.


cannot use current config for enable command

Remote Mirror

A set must be specified when issuing an enable command. An enable command cannot operate on the default configuration.


Cannot add %s:%s ==> %s:%s to group %s

Remote Mirror

The set being added to a group cannot be added. Typically, this happens because the set being added is of a different type (sync or async) than the sets already in the group.


Cannot allocate cache block structures


Insufficient system memory was available. Please ensure that sufficient memory resources are available on the system.


Cannot allocate cctl sync structures


Insufficient system memory was available. Please ensure that sufficient memory resources are available on the system.




Cannot change disk queue %s, all associated sets must be in logging mode

Remote Mirror

A disk queue cannot be added to or removed from a set if it is not in logging mode. Place the set into logging mode and then attempt to add or remove the disk queue.


Cannot create hash table


Insufficient system memory was available. Please ensure that sufficient memory resources are available on the system.


Cannot enable %s:%s ==> %s:%s, secondary in use in another set

Remote Mirror

A set being enabled or resumed has a secondary volume that is already in use as a secondary volume for another Remote Mirror set. A volume cannot be enabled as a secondary volume if it is already in use as a secondary volume by another Remote Mirror set.


Cannot enable master volume

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm attempted to put the master volume under SV control during an enable operation, but failed.


cannot find Remote Mirror set %s:%s in config

Remote Mirror

Remote mirror set cannot be found in the configuration database. The set is not configured. Check the entry for errors.


cannot read config file %s


The dscfg database cannot be read. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Cannot reconfig %s:%s to %s:%s, Must be in logging mode

Remote Mirror

An operation has been requested that requires the Remote Mirror set to be in logging mode. Put the Rremote Mirror set into logging mode and then request the reconfiguration.


Cannot reconfigure sync/async on members of a group

Remote Mirror

The user attempted to reconfigure the mode of a set that is in a group. The set must be removed from the group before its mode can be reconfigured.


cannot reconfigure sync/async, Remote Mirror set not logging

Remote Mirror

An attempt to reconfigure the specified Remote Mirror set to sync/async mode has failed, as the Remote Mirror set is not in logging mode.


cannot replace disk queue %s with %s

Remote Mirror

Look at check_diskqueue(cfg, qvol, group_arg).





Cannot reverse sync %s:%s <== %s:%s, set is in queuing mode

Remote Mirror

A reverse sync has been requested on a set that is in queuing mode. Put the set into logging mode and then the issue the reverse sync command for the set.


Cannot use direct I/O on first leg of multi hop config

Remote Mirror

When configuring a multi-hop configuration, the first Remote Mirror set configured cannot be configured as a multi-hop node. Only the second or subsequent nodes are allowed.


Can't export a mounted volume

Point-in-Time Copy

A volume cannot belong to a mounted file system before it is exported.


Can't get memory for list inquiry

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm ran out of memory.


Can't get overflow list length

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm failed to get list of overflow volumes.


Can't import volume on same node

Point-in-Time Copy

An exported shadow volume cannot be imported on the same Solaris host as its original Point-in-Time Copy set.


Can't open bitmap file

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the bitmap specified cannot be opened.


Can't open imported bitmap volume

Point-in-Time Copy

User-specified bitmap volume cannot be found to complete import operation.


Can't open new bitmap file

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the bitmap specified cannot be opened.


Can't open new shadow file

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the new shadow volume cannot be opened.


Can't open old bitmap file

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the old bitmap specified cannot be opened.


Can't open old shadow file

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the old shadow specified cannot be opened.



Can't open sort program

Point-in-Time Copy

The iiadm operation is attempting to sort output before displaying it but cannot find the sort utility. The utility is typically found in /usr/bin/sort.


Can't read bitmap file

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the bitmap specified cannot be read.


Can't read old bitmap file

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the old bitmap specified cannot be read.


Can't write new bitmap header

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the new bitmap specified cannot be written.


Can't write new bitmap header

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the new bitmap specified cannot be written.


cfg input error

Remote Mirror

The dscfg database is in error. Refer to the associated Solaris error message for additional information as to the reason for this error.


cfg_lock: lock failed


Unable to lock the configuration database.


Change request denied, don't understand request version

Remote Mirror

A request was sent from one Remote Mirror host to the other, and the version of the software was not understood by the receiving host. Verify that both hosts are running compatible versions of the Remote Mirror software.


Change request denied, volume mirror is up

Remote Mirror

The user asked to sync a remote mirror set, and the secondary host has refused the sync event.


changing queue parameters may only be done on a primary Remote Mirror host

Remote Mirror

The queue parameters for the async I/O queue, both memory-based and disk-based, can be changed only on the primary host.





Changing the primary Remote Mirror device %s:%s to become secondary and the secondary Remote Mirror device %s:%s to become primary is not allowed in advanced configs

Remote Mirror

In a one-to-many or multi-hop configuration, chaining the primary Remote Mirror device via role-reversal is not allowed.


Chunks in map: %d used: %d

Point-in-Time Copy

Current amount of overflow volume chunks and chunks in use.


Clean shutdown of volume sets associated with overflow volume did not occur. Overflow counters will be inconsistent until new point-in-time(s) are taken.

Point-in-Time Copy

A clean shutdown of one or more Point-in-Time Copy sets associated with a single overflow volume failed. New Point-in-Time Copy sets will be required.


Cluster list access failure

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm was unable to retrieve a list of cluster groups from the kernel. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.


cluster name is longer than %d characters

Remote Mirror

The cluster resource tag is too long for the remote mirror software to accept.


Cluster resource group not found

Point-in-Time Copy

The Sun Cluster resource group specified is not currently associated with any Point-in-Time Copy set


commit failed on disk queue operation

Remote Mirror

An attempt to commit one or more configuration changes to the dscfg database has failed. Refer to the associated Solaris error message for additional information as to the reason for this error.


commit on force disable failed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to commit a disk queue operation change to the dscfg database has failed. Refer to the associated Solaris error message for additional information as to the reason for this error.


commit on role reversal failed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to commit a force disable change to the dscfg database has failed. Refer to the associated Solaris error message for additional information as to the reason for this error.




commit replace disk queue %s with %s failed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to commit a replace disk queue change to the dscfg database has failed. Refer to the associated Solaris error message for additional information as to the reason for this error.


Config contains no dual copy sets

Remote Mirror

The current dscfg database contains no configured Remote Mirror sets.


Config contains no Point-in-Time Copy sets

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to suspend or resume one or more Point-in-Time Copy sets has shown that no sets exist.


config error: neither %s nor %s is localhost

Remote Mirror

The current host is neither the primary nor secondary host for the Remote Mirror set. Verify that the hostname of the system has not been changed since the Remote Mirror set was enabled.


Copy already in progress

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to issue a new Point-in-Time Copy copy or update operation failed because a copy operation is already in progress.


Copy operation aborted

Point-in-Time Copy

An active update or copy operation was aborted, often by the issuing of an abort command (iiadm -a <shadow-volume>)


Could not create rdc_config process

Remote Mirror

The user has issued a sync for a Remote Mmirror set and the process could not be started for the set. The system is probably low on resources. Check the amount of memory and threads available.


Could not open file %s:%s on remote node

Remote Mirror

The user issued a sync command and the primary host could not reach the secondary host. Verify that the link from the primary to the secondary host is operating and that none of the ports used by the Remote Mirror are blocked by a firewall or in use by another application.


Create overflow failed %s

Point-in-Time Copy

An overflow volume couldn' t be initialized. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: No overflow volume was specified.
  • DSW_EINUSE: The volume that was specified is already being used by the Point-in-Time Copy software in another capacity.
  • DSW_EIO: The kernel was unable to write to the volume.
  • DSW_ERSRVFAIL: The kernel was unable to access the volume.


ctag %s does not match disk group name %s of bitmap %s

Remote Mirror

The Sun Cluster resource tag given for a set is different from the configured Sun Cluster resource tag.


ctags %s and %s do not match, proceeding with operation based on existing set information

Remote Mirror

The specified tags versus Sun Cluster derived ctags (device groups) do not match.


Currently configured resource groups

Point-in-Time Copy

An informational header shown prior to listing all Point-in-Time Copy sets that are currently configured in a resource group.


desired cache size (%d) set to system max (%d)


Due to an attempt to configure the cache size larger than the system maximum, the cache size has been lowered to the system maximum.


Detach of overflow %s failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An overflow volume couldn' t be detached from the current Point-in-Time Copy set, often because the overflow volume contains Point-in-Time Copy data. Taking a new Point-in-Time Copy copy or update will clear this condition.


Device already enabled


The specified SV volume is already configured in the Solaris kernel. Review potential misuse of all devices configured in Remote Mirror, Point-in-Time Copy, and SV.


Device already present in kernel


The specified SV volume is already configured in the Solaris kernel. Review potential misuse of all devices configured in Remote Mirror, Point-in-Time Copy, and SV.


device name is longer than %d characters

Remote Mirror

The user-specified device name is longer than the current length supported.


Device not enabled


A previously configured Remote Mirror, Point-in-Time Copy, or SV device is no longer enabled. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific the reasons.


Device not present in kernel configuration


The specified SV volume is not configured in the Solaris kernel. Review potential misuse of all devices configured in Remote Mirror, Point-in-Time Copy, and SV.


device or cd %s not found


The device or cache descriptor specified was not found enabled in the sdbc kernel module.


did not find matching ndr_ii entry for %s %s %s

Remote Mirror

An attempt to locate a previously configured ndr_ii set has failed.


Disable pending on diskq %s, try again later

Remote Mirror

A request to disable the disk queue is already in progress. Verify that the previous request has completed successfully. If it has, this request is no longer valid. If it has not, wait for it to complete unsuccessfully before attempting to disable the disk queue.


disk queue %s does not match %s skipping set

Remote Mirror

The user tried to enable a set into a group that has a disk queue, but the user specified a disk queue that does not match the group's disk queue.


Disk queue %s is already in use

Remote Mirror

The volume for the disk queue being added to the set or group is already in use as a data volume, bitmap volume, or disk queue. Use a different volume for the disk queue.


disk queue %s is incompatible with existing queue

Remote Mirror

The user tried to enable a set into a group that has a disk queue, but the user specified a disk queue that does not match the group s disk queue.


disk queue %s is not in disk group %s

Remote Mirror

The user tried to enable a disk queue that does not reside in the same cluster resource group in which the volume and bitmap reside.


Disk queue %s operation not possible, set is in replicating mode

Remote Mirror

The user attempted to perform disk queue maintenance on a set while the set is replicating.


Disk queue does not exist for set %s:%s ==> %s:%s

Remote Mirror

The user attempted to perform disk queue maintenance on a set that does not have a disk queue.


disk queue failed

Remote Mirror

The current processing state of the list disk queue is failed.




Disk queue operations on synchronous sets not allowed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to enable a sync set with a disk queue, or to add a disk queue to a sync set, has been made. Sync sets cannot have disk queues attached to them.



disk queue volume %s must not match any primary Remote Mirror volume or bitmap

Remote Mirror

The disk queue volume specified for the reconfiguration operation is already in use by the remote mirror software as a data volume or bitmap volume.


disk service, %s, is active on node %s Please re-issue the command on that node

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy operation against a set not on the current Sun Cluster node is not possible. Reissue the operation on the specified Sun Cluster node.


disk service, %s, is active on node %s Please re-issue the command on that node

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror set being operated on is not active on the current node in the cluster.


disk service, %s, is active on node \"%s\"\nPlease re-issue the command on that node


The iiadm command must be issued on the other node of the cluster. The disk group that the user is attempting to operate on is not active on the node where the iiadm command was issued.


diskq name is longer than %d characters

Remote Mirror

The device specified for the disk queue volume is too long for Remote Mirror to accept.


diskqueue %s is incompatible

Remote Mirror

The user tried to enable a set into a group that has a disk queue, but the user specified a disk queue that does not match the group's disk queue.


diskqueue set to blocking for %s:%s and any members of its group

Remote Mirror

See message.


diskqueue set to non blocking for %s:%s and any members of its group

Remote Mirror

See message.


don't understand shadow type

Point-in-Time Copy

The iiadm -e command expected dep or ind.



dscfg -s is only allowed in Sun Cluster OE


See error message.


dscfg: %d is not a valid response


See error message.


dscfg: cannot load parser configuration file


See error message.


dscfg: cluster config not set: %s


The Sun Cluster configuration location must be set when using the -C option.


dscfg: failure to access %s configuration database: %s


See error message.


dscfg: -p option must be used in conjunction with -i


See error message.


dscfg: seek error


Unable to skip over the VTOC.


dscfg: unable to create new config


See error message.


dscfg: unable to open parser configuration (%s): %s


Unable to open the parser configuration file. The standard location for this file is /etc/dscfg_format.


dscfg: unable to read vtoc on (%s)


See error message.


dscfg: upgrade failed


Unable to upgrade the lock on the configuration database from a read lock to a write lock.


Dual copy failed, offset:%s

Remote Mirror

A sync or reverse sync was started but could not complete, for one of the following reasons:.

  • The user issued a logging request manually, causing the sync or reverse sync to abort.
  • The network link between the primary and the secondary host failed, causing the sync or reverse sync to stop.
  • The primary or secondary volume encountered an error and the remote mirror software was unable to read or write to the volume.
  • In a Sun Cluster environment, a failover of the resource group might have been issued, causing the sync ot reverse sync to be stopped.


Duplicate volume specified

Point-in-Time Copy

A command that can take multiple shadow volume names (like update or copy) detected that a shadow volume was specified more than once.


either %s:%s or %s:%s is not local

Remote Mirror

The command was issued on a system that is not the primary or secondary host for the specified set. Verify the command is being issued on the proper system.


Empty string

Point-in-Time Copy

An enable or resume request for a Remote Mirror set was issued but a required field was not filled in when the request was received in the kernel. This is not something the user can control.


Empty string

Remote Mirror

One or more configuration parameters are either missing or are empty ("") strings.


Enable failed

Point-in-Time Copy

Could not enable volume. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • DSW_ESHUTDOWN: The kernel module is in the process of shutting down the Point-in-Time copy software. No new sets can be enabled.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: One of the volumes' names (master, shadow, bitmap) is blank. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • DSW_EINUSE: One of the volumes (master, shadow, bitmap) is already being used by another set.
  • DSW_EOPEN: Failed to open one of the volumes (master, shadow, or bitmap).
  • DSW_EHDRBMP: Could not read bitmap header. Bitmap volume might be inaccessible or bad.
  • DSW_EOFFLINE: One of the volumes (master, shadow, bitmap) is offline and cannot be made part of a set.
  • DSW_ERSRVFAIL: Could not get access to the underlying volume (master, shadow, bitmap).


Enable failed %s %s %s (%s)

Point-in-Time Copy

Error message stating that a Point-in-Time Copy enable operation failed. The message is associated with one or more Solaris error messages, depicting the reason the operation failed.


Enable failed, can't tidy up cfg

Point-in-Time Copy

Could not enable volume and could not remove new entry from configuration file.


enabling a disk queue on a Remote Mirror secondary is not allowed.

Remote Mirror

See message.


enabling disk queue on a Remote Mirror secondary is not allowed (%s)

Remote Mirror

A disk queue can be added only to a set on the primary site.


Error from nsc_open()


The previously configured Remote Mirror, Point-in-Time Copy, or SV device is no longer available.


Error getting scrgadm output

Remote Mirror

An attempt to query the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager for a stor-rg resource type has failed.


Error locking config

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to lock the dscfg database has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Error locking config

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to lock the dscfg configuration database has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific details.


error locking config

Remote Mirror

An attempt to lock the dscfg database has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Error locking config: %s


Unable to lock the dscfg database for exclusive access.


Error opening config

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to open the dscfg database has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


error opening config

Remote Mirror

An attempt to open the dscfg data has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Error opening config: %s


Unable to open the dscfg database. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Export failed

Point-in-Time Copy

Could not export the shadow of the specified set. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified for an export.
  • DSW_ENOTFOUND: The specified set does not exist in the kernel.
  • DSW_EDEPENDENCY: The set is not independent.
  • DSW_ERSRVFAIL: Could not access the bitmap header to record the export operation.


Fail reset %s

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a reset operation against the specified master, shadow, or bitmap volume of a Point-in-Time Copy set failed.


Failed to add new disk queue

Remote Mirror

An attempt to associate a disk queue with the current Remote Mirror set has failed. Review associated Solaris error messages for a possible cause and resolution.


Failed to allocate memory

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm ran out of memory.


Failed to allocate memory

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to allocate memory for the current iiboot operation has failed.


Failed to delete Imported shadow %s

Point-in-Time Copy

As part of implicit join processing in a Sun Cluster, the deletion of the import shadow volume has failed.


Failed to detach overflow volume

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm had a problem detaching the overflow volume from a set. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified to detach from.
  • DSW_ENOTFOUND: The set to detach from does not exist.
  • DSW_EODEPENDENCY: The overflow volume is still in use by the set that the user attempted to detach it from.
  • DSW_ERSRVFAIL: Could not access the bitmap header to record the overflow detach.
  • DSW_EHDRBMP: Could write the bitmap header to record the overflow detach.


Failed to device group for shadow %s

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to determine the disk group name of a Sun Cluster controlled volume has failed for unspecified reasons.


Failed to get LIST of Point-in-Time sets

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to get the current list of configured Point-in-Time Copy sets has failed.


Failed to move group in kernel

Point-in-Time Copy

Could not move the set from one group to another. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: iiadm failed to fill in the group name. This is a bug.


Failed to open dscfg

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to access the dscfg configuration database has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific details.


Failed to open Point-in-Time Copy control device

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to access the /dev/ii pseudo device driver has failed.


Failed to remove bitmap [%s] from configuration

Remote Mirror

See error message.



Failed to remove data volume [%s] from configuration

Remote Mirror

See error message.


Failed to remove disk queue [%s] from configuration

Remote Mirror

See error message.


failed to update autosync for Remote Mirror set %s:%s

Remote Mirror

Autosync could not be activated for the set when going from logging mode to replicating mode.


Failed to update dscfg

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to update the dscfg configuration database has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific details.


fcal failed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to use FCAL verses TCP/IP has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Flush threads create failure.


Insufficient system memory was available. Please ensure that sufficient memory resources are available on the system.


found matching ndr_ii entry for %s

Remote Mirror

There is already an ndr_ii entry for this Remote Mirror set.


get cd(%d) hint failed


This suggests that the fundamental communication between scmadm and the sdbc module does not function properly. The sdbc module may not be loaded.


Get cluster data operation failed. Cache not initialized


An attempt to issue this command while the cache is deconfigured.


Get cluster size operation failed. Cache not initialized


An attempt to issue this command while the cache is deconfigured.


Get global info operation failed. Cache not initialized


An attempt to issue this command while the cache is deconfigured.


Get global size operation failed. Cache not initialized


An attempt to issue this command while the cache is deconfigured.


get maxfiles failed


This usually indicates that the configuration database is not accessible.



get system options failed


This suggests that the fundamental communication between scmadm and the sdbc module is not functioning properly. The sdbc module may not be loaded.


Group config does not match kernel

Point-in-Time Copy

The groups in dscfg are different from the groups in the kernel.


Group contains sets not in the same cluster resource

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to add the current Point-in-Time Copy set to the I/O consistency group specified failed, because constituent volumes from other cluster resource groups are not the same.


Group does not exist or has no members

Point-in-Time Copy

An invalid group was specified for a group-based command. For example: copy, update, and abort.


Group list access failure

Point-in-Time Copy

Could not retrieve the list of sets belonging to a group from the kernel. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.


group name cannot contain a space

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm I/O consistency group names cannot contain a space.


group name cannot contain a space

Remote Mirror

Remote Mirror I/O consistency group names cannot contain a space.


group name cannot start with a -

Remote Mirror

Remote Mirror I/O consistency group names cannot contain a dash.


group name cannot start with a '-

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm I/O consistency group names cannot contain a dash.


group name is longer than %d characters

Remote Mirror

The group name specified is too long for the Remote Mirror software to accept.


Host %s is not local

Remote Mirror

For the Remote Mirror set listed, neither the primary nor secondary Solaris host name could be determined.


hostname is longer than %d characters

Remote Mirror

The host name specified is too long for the Remote Mirror software.



I/O error copying data

Point-in-Time Copy

During an update or copy operation, the associated master or shadow volume returned an I/O error.


Illegal access mode


An attempt to configure a Remote Mirror, Point-in-Time Copy, or SV device is not allowed due to access issues. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Imported shadow not disabled

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to disable a Point-in-Time Copy set while the shadow volume is exported not allowed.


Improper Remote Mirror resource group state

Remote Mirror

The current Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager's state for one or more Remote Mirror sets is inconsistent.


Improper resource group status for Remote Mirror

Remote Mirror

The current Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager's status for one or more Remote Mirror sets is inconsistent.


Incorrect number of arguments

Point-in-Time Copy

Based on the iiadm option specified, an incorrect number of arguments is given.


incorrect Solaris release (requires %s)

Remote Mirror

The Solaris version that the software is trying to run on is not supported.


incorrect Solaris release (requires %s)

Remote Mirror

See error message.


Initialization of disk queue %s failed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to initialize a disk queue associated with the current Remote Mirror set has failed. Review the associated Solaris error messages for a possible reason.


Insufficient memory for cache.


Insufficient system memory was available. Please ensure that sufficient memory resources are available on the system.


Invalid count specified.


The count specified was invalid. The count must be an integer greater than 0.


Invalid display-flags for CACHE


Invalid flags specified to -d option. Valid flags are: rwdspf.




Invalid display-flags for Point-in-Time Copy


Invalid flags specified to -d option. Valid flags are: rwtspf.


Invalid display-flags for RemoteMirror


Invalid flags specified to -d option. Valid flags are: rwtspfq.


Invalid display-flags set


See error message.


Invalid flag %s

Remote Mirror

The set that the software trying to enable has not passed the proper options to the kernel. The sync or async value, primary or secondary value, or enable map set or clear map set value is not valid. This is not something the user can control.


Invalid interval specified.


The interval specified was invalid. The interval must be an integer greater than 0.


Invalid kstat format detected.


One or more kstat fields is missing from the kstat structure.


Invalid mode specified


The mode specified was invalid. The only valid modes are ii, sndr, and cache.


Invalid report-flags for CACHE


The -r option is not applicable in cache mode.


Invalid report-flags for Point-in-Time Copy


Invalid flags specified to -r option. Valid flags are: msbo.


Invalid report-flags for Remote Mirror


Invalid flags specified to -r option. Valid flags are: bn.


Invalid report-flags set


See error message.


ip specification missing

Remote Mirror

The current Remote Mirror configuration entry is missing the TCP/IP replication type (async or sync)


ip/fcal specification missing

Remote Mirror

The current Remote Mirror configuration entry is missing the TCP/IP or FCAL replication type (async or sync)


line %d: invalid format


The sv: records in the dscfg database are incorrectly formatted.


line %d: line too long -- should be less than %d characters


The sv: records in the dscfg database are too long.


line %d: raw device name (%s) longer than %d characters


The sv: devices in the dscfg database are too long.


malloc bitmap

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to allocate memory for the current iiadm bitmap operation has failed.


Master and bitmap are the same device

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the master volume and the bitmap volume are the same.


Master and shadow are the same device

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the master volume and the shadow volume are the same.


Master volume is already an overflow volume

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the volume specified as the master is already in use as an overflow volume.


Master volume is not a character device

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the master volume is a block device and not a character or raw device.


Memory allocation failure

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm ran out of memory.


Mismatched versions of scmadm and sdbc module.


The versions of scmadm and sdbc are not consistent. Ensure that the SUNWscmu and SUNWscmr packages are completely and successfully installed. You may have to reinstall these packages.


Missing Enabled HAStoragePlus in resource group <$rgname> for Remote Mirror

Remote Mirror

See error message.


Missing Enabled Logical Host in resource group <$rgname> for Remote Mirror

Remote Mirror

See error message.


Must be super-user to execute

Remote Mirror

The user issued a Remote Mirror command but does not have superuser privileges. All remote mirror commands require superuser privileges.



must specify full set details for enable command

Remote Mirror

The user attempted to enable a set using the shost:svol format. All parameters for a set must be specified.


ndr_ii set %s %s %s has been deconfigured

Remote Mirror

Informational message stating the a preconfigured ndr_ii entry is no longer being used.


ndr_ii set %s %s %s not deconfigured

Remote Mirror

Warning message stating the a pre-configured ndr_ii entry cannot be deconfigured.


need reverse sync

Remote Mirror

An active reverse update failed to complete correctly, requiring that the Remote Mirror set needs a reverse sync operation before being used.


need sync

Remote Mirror

An active update failed to complete correctly, requiring that the Remote Mirror set needs a sync operation before being used.


New bitmap name is to long.

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the new bitmap name is too long.


New shadow name is to long.

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the new shadow name is too long.


No memory for buffer handles.


Insufficient system memory was available. Please ensure that sufficient memory resources are available on the system.


No memory for iobuf hooks.


Insufficient system memory was available. Please ensure that sufficient memory resources are available on the system.


No more SVs available


The maximum number of SV devices as specified in /usr/kernel/drv/
, using the parameter nsc_max_devices, has been exceeded.


No resources in Remote Mirror resource group <$rgname>

Remote Mirror

See error message.





No statistics available for the specified mode(s).


This message suggests either that the specified mode is not enabled or present on the system, or that no volumes are configured in that mode on the system. To see the status of each mode, use dscfgadm -i.


No such group defined

Point-in-Time Copy

The I/O consistency group specified is not currently associated with any Point-in-Time Copy set.


Not a compact dependent shadow

Point-in-Time Copy

The user attempted to attach an overflow volume to a set that is not a compact dependent set. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: No volume name was specified.
  • DSW_ENOTFOUND: The set could not be found in the kernel.


Not all Point-in-Time Copy volumes are in a disk group

Point-in-Time Copy

All volumes (master, shadow, and bitmap) must be in the same cluster device group.


Not primary, cannot sync %s:%s and %s:%s

Remote Mirror

An update, full sync, or reverse sync command was issued on the secondary host. These commands can be issued only on the primary host. Log in to the primary host and issue the request.


Not running on either host %s or host %s

Remote Mirror

Remote Mirror is unable to ascertain if it is running on either the primary or secondary node of a configured replicated set.


nsc_open failed

Point-in-Time Copy

A current or previously specified Availability Suite volume is no longer available.


nsc_partsize failed

Point-in-Time Copy

A current or previously specified Availability Suite volume size cannot be determined.


nsc_reserve failed

Point-in-Time Copy

A current or previously specified Availability Suite volume size cannot be exclusively accessed. Often the volume in question is in use by another Solaris data service.


NULL struct knetconfig passed down from user program

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror software could not get network information for the Remote Mirror set.



NULL struct netbuf passed down from user program for %s

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror software could not get network information for the Remote Mirror set.


number of Remote Mirror sets exceeds %d

Remote Mirror

The current number of configured Remote Mirror sets exceeds the value specified in the configuration file /usr/kernel/drv/rdc.conf.


Obsolete sdbc ioctl used


See error message.


Old bitmap not in existing cfg

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to read the dscfg configuration database for the bitmap volume specified has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific details.


Old shadow not in existing cfg

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to read the dscfg configuration database for the shadow volume specified has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific details.


One of the sets is not enabled

Remote Mirror

An attempt to resume Remote Mirror operations has found that one of the sets is not enabled.


One of the sets is not logging

Remote Mirror

An attempt to resume Remote Mirror operations has found that one of the sets is not logging.


One or more sets failed to be disabled

Point-in-Time Copy

The disable of one or more Point-in-Time Copy sets in a single I/O consistency group failed to be set to disable.


Operation already successfully performed

Point-in-Time Copy

The current Point-in-Time Copy set already has an associated overflow volume.


Operation not possible, disk queue %s is not empty.

Remote Mirror

Disk queue was not empty when the current operation was attempted. This usually occurs when the user attempts to disable.


Operation not possible. Disk queue %s is flushing, try again later

Remote Mirror

While a Remote Mirror shared disk queue is flushing, it is not possible to reinitialize the disk queue for the current Remote Mirror set.




Out of memory creating lookup table

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm ran out of memory.


Overflow list access failure

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm could not get a list of overflow volumes from the kernel. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-ofbound. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.


Overflow volume magic number or name does not match

Point-in-Time Copy

The current or previously specified overflow volume no longer contains a valid overflow header. Often this means that the overflow volume is being used by another Solaris data service.


Overflow volume not in a disk group

Point-in-Time Copy

The user attempted to attach a volume to a set, but the set's volumes are part of a cluster device group and the overflow volume is not.


parser config file (%s) not found


Unable to find the parser configuration file. The standard location for this file is /etc/dscfg_format.


Percent of bitmap set: %u

Point-in-Time Copy

Informational message showing the percentage of bits set in the associated bitmap volume, a value which is the amount of change between the master and shadow volume.


Point-in-Time Copy set %s %s %s is not already configured. Remote Mirror will attempt to configure this set when a sync is issued to it. The results of that operation will be in /var/adm/ds.log

Remote Mirror

An ndr_ii pair has been associated with the current Remote Mirror set, yet it will not be put into use or validate that it is correctly configure until such a time as it is needed.


Point-in-Time Copy volumes, that are not in a device group which has been registered with SunCluster require usage of -C

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to use a non-Sun Cluster device without specifying the -C local tag, is not allowed.


raw device name (%s) longer than %d characters


The specified device name is too long.


rdc config alloc failed %s

Remote Mirror

An attempt to create a new Remote Mirror configuration has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Recovery bitmaps not allocated

Remote Mirror

A full copy, update, sync, or reverse sync operation has been requested but the bitmap on the primary host cannot be accessed. Verify that the bitmap volume is a valid volume and is not in an error state.


Recursive strategy functions


An attempt to interpose the SV pseudo device driver on the specified device, has shown that this device is already SV enabled.


Remote Mirror async. queue statistics cannot be displayed with multiple modes.


See error message.


Remote Mirror set already has a disk queue

Remote Mirror

An attempt to add a disk queue to the current Remote Mirror set has failed, since there is already a disk queue associated with the set.


Remote Mirror set does not have a disk queue

Remote Mirror

Set does not have a disk queue attached when attempting either a queue remove operation or a queue replace operation.


Remote Mirror: %s and %s refer to the same device

Remote Mirror

A physical device cannot be used for more than one volume in the Remote Mmirror set.


Remote Mirror: %s: already configured as %s

Remote Mirror

An attempt to configure a Remote Mirror replica failed because the specified set is already configured.


Remote Mirror: can't stat %s

Remote Mirror

The volume specified cannot be accessed by the system.


Remote Mirror: forcibly removed diskqueue from set %s:%s and its group

Remote Mirror

A forced delete of a Remote Mirror node and its group has completed even though this node is neither the Remote Mirror primary or Remote Mirror secondary.


Remote Mirror: The volume '%s' has been configured previously as %s. Re-enter command with the latter name.

Remote Mirror

The user attempted to enable a set in which the volume was already enabled, but with a different name. Re-enter the command with the latter name.


Remote Mirror: unable to parse config file

Remote Mirror

Failed to find specified Remote Mirror sets in configuration file.



Replace disk queue operation failed

Remote Mirror

An attempt to replace a Remote Mirror disk queue has failed. Please refer to the associated Solaris error messages for additional information as to the reason for this failure.


Request not serviced, %s is currently being synced.

Remote Mirror

The user attempted to sync the Remote Mirror set, or put the Remote Mirror set into logging mode, while a previous sync request was being set up.

  • If the user issued a second sync request, the user must first put the Remote Mirror set into logging mode and then issue the sync.
  • If the user issued a logging request, the user must first wait for the sync request to finish setting up and then issue the logging request. This stops the sync and places the Remote Mirror set into logging mode.


Reset shadow failed

Point-in-Time Copy

Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may want to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified to reset.
  • DSW_ENOTFOUND: The specified set could not be found in the kernel.
  • EINVAL: Bitmap volume is invalid.
  • DSW_ERSRVFAIL: The kernel could not access one of the volumes.
  • DSW_EHDRBMP: Could not set up bitmap header.


Resume realloc failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to reallocate memory for the current iiboot operation has failed.


Reverse sync needed, cannot sync %s:%s ==> %s:%s

Remote Mirror

The user requested a forward sync operation for a Remote Mirror set which needs a reverse sync. This occurs when a previous reverse sync does not complete successfully or because the primary volume was damaged and had to be replaced. Issue a reverse sync for the set.


set %s:%s neither sync nor async

Remote Mirror

The mode of the set specified in the configuration file is incorrect. This occurs when the user inserts a set into the configuration manually, using dscfg with an incorrect mode tag.


Set %s:%s neither sync nor async

Remote Mirror

The current Remote Mirror configuration entry is missing the TCP/IP or FCAL replication type (async or sync).




set %s:%s not enabled in kernel

Remote Mirror

The specified Remote Mirror set is not currently configured in the Solaris kernel. Check the validity of user supplied arguments for correctness.


set %s:%s not found in config

Remote Mirror

The specified set is not in the current configuration. Use sndradm -i to verify that the set is in the current configuration.


Set Copy Parameters failed

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm could not modify the copy units and delay values for the specified set. Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may wish to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified for the parameters
  • DSW_ENOTFOUND: The specified set was not found in the kernel.
  • EINVAL: The delay or units value is out of range.


Set not offline, will not reset

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to reset a Point-in-Time Copy set volume that is not currently offline is not allowed.


Set not pid-locked

Point-in-Time Copy

The current Point-in-Time Copy set is not currently PID locked.


set option failed


This suggests that the fundamental communication between scmadm and the sdbc module does not function properly. The sdbc module may not be loaded.


set system option failed: %s


This suggests that the fundamental communication between scmadm and the sdbc module does not function properly. The sdbc module may not be loaded.


set_autosync called with improper value

Remote Mirror

An attempt to alter the Remote Mirror autosync value has failed, as the option was passed an incorrect value (should be Yes or No).


Sets in cluster resource group %s:

Point-in-Time Copy

Informational message showing the current Sun Cluster resource group that contains this Point-in-Time Copy set.


Setting bitmap ioctl failed for set %s:%s

Remote Mirror

An attempt to manipulate one or more specified Remote Mirror bitmaps has failed. Please refer to the associated Solaris error messages for additional information as to the reason for this failure.


Shadow and bitmap are the same device

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the shadow volume and the bitmap volume are the same.


Shadow group %s is suspended

Point-in-Time Copy

The user attempted to perform a copy or update operation on a group with one or more suspended sets. The %s parameter identifies the first set found in the group that is suspended.


Shadow group suspended

Point-in-Time Copy

The user attempted to perform a copy or update operation on a suspended set.


Shadow shutting down

Point-in-Time Copy

Error message stating that a Point-in-Time Copy set operation is being performed while one or more shadow sets are being suspended.


Shadow too small

Point-in-Time Copy

For an independent Point-in-Time Copy set, the shadow volume size must be equal to, or greater than, the master volume size.


Shadow volume is already an overflow volume

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the volume specified as the shadow volume is already in use as an attached overflow volume.


Shadow volume is already configured

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the volume specified as the shadow volume is already in use as a shadow for a different master volume.


Shadow Volume is currently mounted

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to update or copy a Point-in-Time Copy set is not allowed if the shadow volume is currently mounted.


Shadow volume is mounted, unmount it first

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the volume specified as the shadow volume is currently mounted.


Shadow volume is not a character device

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the shadow volume is a block device and not a character or a raw device.


Shadow volume is not exported

Point-in-Time Copy

Invocation of the Point-in-Time Copy Join option requires the shadow volume to be currently exported.




Shadow volume not in a disk group

Point-in-Time Copy

During an attach operation, iiadm determined that the set to which the user is attaching an overflow volume is neither in a cluster device group nor in a local (l.hostname) group.


SHUTDOWN ioctl error

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to suspend one or more Point-in-Time Copy sets has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific details.


Size of Primary %s:%s(%s) must be less than or equal to size of Secondary %s:%s(%s)

Remote Mirror

The user set up a Remote Mirror set in which the secondary volume is smaller than the primary volume. The secondary volume must be equal to or larger than the primary volume, but the size is not checked until a sync is issued for the Remote Mirror set. The user must either disable the remote mirror set on the primary host and decrease the size of the primary volume so that it is equal to or smaller than the secondary volume, or disable the remote mirror set on the secondary host and increase the size of the secondary volume so that it is equal to or larger than the primary volume.


sndrboot: Failed to commit logical host name

Remote Mirror

An attempt to change the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager LogicalHostname for one or most Remote Mirror sets has failed.


sndrboot: Failed to commit setids

Remote Mirror

An attempt to change one or more Remote Mirror setids has failed.


sndrboot: Unable to store logical host name in configuration database

Remote Mirror

An attempt to change the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager LogicalHostname for one or most Remote Mirror sets has failed.


sndrboot: Unable to store new setid

Remote Mirror

An attempt to change one or more Remote Mirror setids has failed.


sndrboot: Unable to store unique setid

Remote Mirror

An attempt to set a unique Remote Mirror setid has failed.


Some sets in the group failed to disable

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a disable of all Point-in-Time Copy sets in a single I/O consistency group has failed. See associated Solaris error message.


Source shadow volume is not complete due to earlier overflow

Point-in-Time Copy

Prior problems with associated overflow volume, often overflow full, prevent the current Point-in-Time Copy operation from being completed.



Start reset %s

Point-in-Time Copy

Informational messages indicating that a Point-in-Time Copy set reset operation has started.


Stat failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to get Point-in-Time Copy set status failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for additional information.


statistics error

Remote Mirror

An attempt to retrieve a Remote Mirror set's status value has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


stats ioctl failed


This suggests that the fundamental communication between scmadm and the sdbc module does not function properly. The sdbc module may not be loaded.


still has active devices or threads


One or more of the configured SV volumes is still active or has I/O threads in progress.


Suspend realloc failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to reallocate memory for the current iiboot operation has failed.


Suspend the Point-in-Time Copy set first

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the set is still in use.


Suspend the Point-in-Time Copy set first

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the set is still in use.


Suspended on this node, active on %s

Point-in-Time Copy

Informational messages stating that the current Point-in-Time Copy set is suspended on this Sun Cluster node and active on another Sun Cluster node.


Suspended on this node, not active elsewhere

Point-in-Time Copy

Informational messages stating that the current Point-in-Time Copy set is suspended on this Sun Cluster node and not active elsewhere.


SV disable of master failed

Point-in-Time Copy

Auto-SV disable of a Point-in-Time Copy master volume failed. See related Solaris error message.




SV disable of master failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to SV disable the master volume has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific details.


SV disable of shadow failed

Point-in-Time Copy

Auto-SV disable of a Point-in-Time Copy shadow volume failed. See related Solaris error message.


SV disable of shadow failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to SV disable the shadow volume has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific details.


SV-disable failed

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm tried to perform svadm -d on a volume. See the ds.log file for more information.


sync/async specification missing

Remote Mirror

The current Remote Mirror configuration entry is missing the TCP/IP or FCAL replication type (async or sync).


Target of copy/update is mounted, unmount it first

Point-in-Time Copy

If the shadow in a master-to-shadow copy or update operation or the master in a shadow-to-master copy or update operation is mounted, it cannot be copied to.


The bitmap %s is already in use

Remote Mirror

The bitmap requested for the Remote Mirror set being enabled is already in use as a bitmap for another set. Enable the set and specify a different volume for the bitmap.


The cache size of %ld is larger than the system maximum of %ld. Use "scmadm -C <size>" to set the size to a proper value.


An attempt to configure the cache to be larger than the system maximum value.


The remote state of %s:%s ==> %s:%s prevents this operation

Remote Mirror

The user attempted to do a sync or reverse sync while the secondary volume is mounted. First unmount the secondary volume and then issue the sync or reverse sync request.


The state of %s:%s ==> %s:%s prevents this operation

Remote Mirror

The set the user is attempting to sync is part of an advanced configuration. The state of one of the other sets in the configuration prevents this sync from occurring for one of the following reasons:

  • Another set in a one-to-many configuration is currently doing a reverse sync.
  • A reverse sync is being requested for a set in a one-to- many configuration and at least one of the other sets is not in logging mode.
  • A set is already syncing.


the value specified for the %s field is not the same as that contained within the configuration storage file for this set. You specified %s Expected %s

Remote Mirror

See error message.


The volume %s is already in use

Remote Mirror

The data volume in the Remote Mirror set is already in use as a bitmap volume or a disk queue volume. Use a different data volume.


Too Many Enabled HAStoragePlus in resource group <$rgname> for Remote Mirror

Remote Mirror

See error message.


Too Many Enabled Logical Host in resource group <$rgname> for Remote Mirror

Remote Mirror

See error message.


Too many parameters specified.


See error message.


Too many volumes given for update

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm ran out of memory.


unable to access %s: %s


Unable to access the Solaris device specified. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Unable to access bitmap

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm tried to validate the bitmap device but could not get access to it.


unable to access configuration: %s


The configuration file is not accessible.


Unable to access master volume

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm tried to validate the master device, but could not get access to it.


Unable to access shadow volume

Point-in-Time Copy

During an enable operation, iiadm tried to validate the shadow device, but could not get access to it.


unable to access the configuration


The dscfg database cannot be accessed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


unable to add %s to configuration storage: %s

Remote Mirror

An error has occurred preventing Remote Mirror from accessing the configuration storage while trying to update the options field.


unable to add %s to configuration storage: %s


An error has occurred that prevents the Remote Mmirror software from accessing the configuration storage database when trying to enable set.


unable to add entry to hash table


The ability to generate a unique hash table entry for the most recent SV entry has failed.


Unable to add interface %s to %s

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror software was unable to add host information to its configuration. Verify that the system is not running low on memory.


Unable to allocate %d bytes for bitmap file %s

Remote Mirror

An attempt to allocate memory for the current iiadm bitmap operation has failed.


unable to allocate %ld bytes

Remote Mirror

An attempt to allocate memory for the current Remote Mirror set operation has failed.


unable to allocate memory for cluster tag


System is running low on available memory.


unable to allocate pair_list array for %d sets

Remote Mirror

An attempt to allocate memory for the current Remote Mirror set operation has failed.


unable to ascertain environment

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to determine if the current Solaris node is a Sun Cluster node has failed for unspecified reasons.


unable to ascertain environment

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror software was not able to determine if the system is part of a Sun Cluster configuration.


unable to ascertain environment


The system is unable to determine whether or not it is part of a Sun Cluster.


unable to ascertain environment


iiadm tried to determine whether the host is part of a Sun Cluster, but was unable to do so.



unable to change cluster tag for %s


An attempt to change the Sun Cluster device group name ctag for the specified device has failed.


unable to clear autosync value in config for Remote Mirror set %s:%s

Remote Mirror

Autosync could not be turned off for the Remote Mirror set in the configuration file because of an error writing to the configuration database.


Unable to connect to %s: local disable complete, remote disable aborted

Remote Mirror

An attempt to disable a Remote Mirror replica failed to connect to the secondary host, leaving the secondary side of the replica in an inconsistent state.


unable to create hash table


The ability to generate a hash table entry for the most recent SV entry has failed.


unable to determine ctag for Remote Mirror set %s:%s

Remote Mirror

The Sun Cluster device group for the current Remote Mirror set cannot be determined.


unable to determine disk group name for %s

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to determine the disk group name of a Sun Cluster controlled volume has failed for unspecified reasons.


unable to determine disk group name for %s


Tried to find out to which cluster device group a volume belonged, but was unable to do so.


unable to determine IP addresses for either host %s or host %s

Remote Mirror

The IP address for either the primary host or the secondary host could not be determined.


unable to determine IP addresses for hosts %s, %s

Remote Mirror

The TCP/IP address of the specified Remote Mirror set could not be obtained.


unable to determine network information for %s

Remote Mirror

Network information for the secondary host could not be determined. Verify the settings in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.


unable to determine the current Solaris release: %s

Remote Mirror

Use rdc_check_release() to determine the current Solaris release.


Unable to determine whether current node is primary or secondary

Remote Mirror

An attempt to determine if the current Solaris node is a Remote Mirror primary or Remote Mirror secondary has failed.


unable to disable %s


An attempt to disable the specified SV volume has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Unable to disable device - device in use


The previously configured Remote Mirror, Point-in-Time Copy, or SV device is currently in use and therefore cannot be disabled.


unable to enable %s


An attempt to enable the specified SV volume has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Unable to enable disk queue %s

Remote Mirror

An attempt to associate a pre-existing disk queue with the current Remote Mirror set has failed. Review the associated Solaris error messages for a possible reason.


unable to fetch data for key %s

Remote Mirror

Unable to obtain the specified key from the dscfg database.


Unable to find %s in config

Remote Mirror

The specified set is not in the current configuration. Use sndradm -i to verify that the set is in the current configuration.


Unable to find %s:%s in "configuration storage

Remote Mirror

The specified set is not in the current configuration. Use sndradm -i to verify that the set is in the current configuration.


unable to find disk service, %s: %s

Remote Mirror

Sun Cluster could not find the specified disk service.


unable to find disk service, %s: %s


svadm could not determine whether a cluster device group is active on the current host.


Unable to find disk service:%s

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm could not determine whether a cluster device group is active on the current host.


Unable to find group %s in configuration storage

Remote Mirror

Could not find Remote Mirror group in configuration database while trying to do a diskq operation.


unable to find Remote Mirror set %s:%s: in config

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror set is not configured while trying to set autosync for one of the following reasons:

  • The set could not be found in the configuration.
  • The set is not configured in the configuration database. Verify that the set is entered properly and matches a set returned by the sndradm -i command.


unable to find set %s:%s

Remote Mirror

The user-specified Remote Mirror set cannot be found in the current set of all configured sets.


unable to get controller info from partition, %s: %s


See error message.


unable to get list


Unable to obtain the list of all SV enabled devices from the dscfg database.


Unable to get logical host

Remote Mirror

An attempt to query the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager for an associated LogicalHostname has failed.


unable to get max devs


Failed to obtain the maximum number of SV devices as specified in /usr/kernel/drv/nsctl.config.


unable to get maxsets value from kernel

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror software failed to read the sndr_max_sets value from the /usr/kernel/drv/rdc.conf file.


unable to get options field for Remote Mirror set %s:%s

Remote Mirror

The dscfg database does not contain the options field for the Remote Mirror set specified.


Unable to get set info from config

Remote Mirror

The current dscfg database contains no configured Remote Mirror sets.


unable to get set status before reconfig operation

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror software could not get the kernel configuration.


Unable to initialize the kernel thread set

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror software could not initialize a kernel thread. Verify that the system is not running low on memory.


Unable to load/hold underlying disk driver


The layering of one or more pseudo device drivers has failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


unable to lock configuration: %s


Unable to obtain a lock on the configuration file. This suggests another process may be currently accessing the configuration.


unable to lock the configuration


Unable to lock the dscfg database for exclusive access.


unable to move set

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to move the current local Point-in-Time Copy set into the I/O consistency group failed.


Unable to obtain subsystem ID: %s


Unable to obtain the system ID on this machine.


unable to obtain unique set id for %s:%s: %s

Remote Mirror

Lookup of the set ID in the configuration database for this set has failed.


unable to open %s: %s


The data volume for the set on the local host cannot be opened by the Remote Mirror software for one of the following reasons:

  • The volume requested does not exist or is inaccessible.
  • The volume is already in use as a Remote Mirror or Point-in-Time Ccopy bitmap.


unable to open %s: %s


Unable to open the Solaris device specified. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Unable to open %s:%s

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror primary or secondary host:dev pair cannot be opened.


Unable to open bitmap file %s

Remote Mirror

The volume specified for the bitmap could not be opened. The volume might not exist or is already in use by another program.


unable to open config file %s: %s


Unable to open the dscfg database. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Unable to open kstat device for reading.


The /dev/kstat device could not be opened for reading.


unable to open partition, %s: %s


Please ensure that the partition is readable.



Unable to open text config %s


Unable to open the parser configuration file. The standard location for this file is /etc/dscfg_format.


Unable to parse config file

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm attempted to access the configuration file dscfg, but could not do so. This indicates a problem with the configuration and might require either restoring the configuration file or reinstalling the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite software.


Unable to parse config file


The dscfg database cannot be accessed. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Unable to put set into -C local and specified group

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to move the current local Point-in-Time Copy set into the I/O consistency group failed, often due to the inability to mix local and Sun Cluster device groups.


unable to read configuration:


The configuration file is accessible, but an error was found when attempting to read from it.


unable to read EFI label from partition, %s: %s


See error message.


Unable to read or write bitmap header

Point-in-Time Copy

The current or previously specified bitmap volume is no longer accessible for read or write operations. Associated errors are often in /var/adm/messages.


Unable to read the bitmap file, read returned %d instead of %d

Remote Mirror

Bitmap could not be read correctly.


unable to read the vtoc from partition, %s: %s


Please ensure that the partition is readable and has a valid VTOC.


Unable to register %s

Remote Mirror

The Remote Mirror software could not use the volume requested. Verify that the volume exists, is accessible, and is not in an error state.


unable to relock configuration: %s


Unable to obtain a lock on the configuration file. This suggests another process may be currently accessing the configuration.


unable to remove %s from config storage: %s


The specified SV device cannot be removed from the dscfg database.



unable to remove %s from configuration storage: %s

Remote Mirror

An error has occurred that prevents the Remote Mirror software from removing the set from the configuration database.


unable to remove %s from dsvol


The specified SV device cannot be removed from the auto-SV section (dsvol) of the dscfg database.


unable to resume %s


Unable to resume the specified SV device. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


unable to retrieve set from configuration database

Remote Mirror

The dscfg database does not contain the Remote Mirror set specified.


Unable to set locking on the configuration

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm needs to lock the configuration file for reading or writing, but was unable to do so.


unable to store unique set id for %s:%s: %s

Remote Mirror

The set ID for the set being enabled could not be added to the configuration database.


unable to suspend %s


Unable to suspend the specified SV device. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


unable to unload


Unable to unload the Solaris device specified. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


unable to update autosync value in config for Remote Mirror set %s:%s

Remote Mirror

Autosync could not be turned on for the Remote Mirror set in the configuration database because of an error writing to the configuration database.


unable to write configuration: %s


The configuration file is accessible, but an error was found when attempting to write to it.


Unexpected return from check_cluster()

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to determine if this Solaris node is also a Sun Cluster node has returned inconsistent information.




Update of %s failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to update or copy a Point-in-Time Copy set failed. Review the associated Solaris error message for possible reasons why.


update parser config rc %d key %s


Error parsing the parser configuration file. Ensure that a dscfg -i command is executed before dscfg -i -p.


update text config failed rc %d key %s


Unable to add an entry to the configuration file. This message suggests that the configuration file is full. Ensure that dscfg -i and dscfg -i -p are executed before dscfg -a. The dscfg -a command does not check if the entries it is importing are duplicates of entries already present in the configuration.


Version failed

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm queried the kernel for the version of the code it was running, but failed. Possible errors: EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may want to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.


volume %s is not part of a disk group, please specify resource ctag

Remote Mirror

The volume vol is not being managed by SunCluster.


Volume copy in progress

Point-in-Time Copy

A prior update or copy operation is currently in progress.


volume failed

Remote Mirror

The previously configured Remote Mirror set has one or more associated volumes in error. Review the associated Solaris error message for specific reasons.


Volume in use

Point-in-Time Copy

A current or previously specified Availability Suite volume is in use elsewhere.


Volume is not in a Point-in-Time Copy group

Point-in-Time Copy

A volume specified on the command line does not belong to a Point-in-Time copy set.


Volume is not in configuration file

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform the current Point-in-Time Copy operation has failed because the currently specified shadow volume is not in the dscfg configuration database.


Volume not enabled

Point-in-Time Copy

The current or previously specified bitmap volume is not currently enabled.




Volume offline

Point-in-Time Copy

One or more volumes in a Point-in-Time Copy set went offline. Associated errors are often in /var/adm/messages.


volumes and bitmaps must not match

Remote Mirror

The same volume has been specified for both the data volume and the bitmap volume.


Volumes are currently dependent on overflow volume

Point-in-Time Copy

The current Point-in-Time Copy set is dependent on the contents of the associated overflow volume.


Volumes are not currently independent

Point-in-Time Copy

An operation (export or disable) of an independent Point-in-Time Copy set failed because the set is not fully independent. See iiadm -w shadow_volume.


Volumes are not in same disk group

Point-in-Time Copy

iiadm detected that the master, shadow, and bitmap volumes are not all in the same Sun Cluster device group, as required by the Point-in-Time copy software.


Wait failed

Point-in-Time Copy

Possible errors:

  • EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-bounds. You may want to alert Sun support personnel of this issue.
  • ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
  • EINTR: The user interrupted the wait process.
  • DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified to wait for.
  • DSW_ENOTFOUND: The specified set could not be found in the kernel.
  • DSW_ENOTLOCKED: User tried to remove the PIDlock, but the set is not locked.
  • DSW_EINUSE: The user tried to remove the PIDlock, but the set is locked by someone else.


Warning: multiple cluster resource groups defined within a single I/O group

Point-in-Time Copy

During Solaris or Sun Cluster startup of one or more Point-in-Time Copy sets on the current node, it has been determined that multiple cluster resource groups are defined within a single I/O consistency group. Please review the current configuration and make sure that a single I/O consistency group only contains volumes from a single Sun Cluster resource group.


Write new bitmap failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the new bitmap specified cannot be written.




Write new shadow failed

Point-in-Time Copy

An attempt to perform a Point-in-Time Copy bitmap operation failed because the new bitmap specified cannot be written.


Wrong type of shadow group

Point-in-Time Copy

Only compact dependent shadow sets can have an associated overflow volume.