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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.0 Administration 

Chapter 5

This chapter provides information and procedures for performing a range of administrative-level tasks in the Identity Manager system, such as creating and managing Identity Manager administrators and organizations. It also provides an understanding of how you can use roles, capabilities, and administrative roles in Identity Manager.

The information is grouped in the following topics:

Understanding Identity Manager Administration

Identity Manager administrators are users with extended Identity Manager privileges. You establish Identity Manager administrators to manage:

Identity Manager differentiates administrators from users through the direct or indirect assignment of:

Delegated Administration

In most companies, employees with administrative tasks to perform hold specific and varied responsibilities. In many cases, an administrator needs to perform account management tasks that are transparent to other users or administrators, or that are limited in scope.

For example, an administrator might be responsible only for creating Identity Manager user accounts. With that limited scope of responsibility, the administrator likely does not need specific information about the resources on which he creates user accounts, or about the roles or organizations that exist within the system.

Identity Manager supports separation of responsibility and this delegated administration model by allowing administrators to view and manage only those objects within a specific, defined scope.

Identity Manager implements the ability to delegate individual system activities to administrators by:

You can specify delegation for a user from the Create User page when you set up a new user account, or when you edit a user account.

You can also delegate work items, such as requests for approvals, from the Work Items tab. See Delegating Work Items for details.

Creating Administrators

You create an Identity Manager administrator by extending the capabilities of a Identity Manager user. When creating or editing a user, you can give him administrative control by:

To give a user administrative privileges, select Accounts in the menu bar to go to the Identity Manager Accounts area. For a new user, select the Security tab from the Create User page to assign administrator attributes.

To assign administrator attributes to an existing user, select the user in the Accounts list and edit the user’s capabilities by selecting Edit User Capabilities from the User Actions list. The Security form that opens is illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 5-1  User Account Security page: Specifying Administrator privileges

Set up administrator characteristics through the Create User - Security form.

Make one or more selections to establish administrative control:

Filtering Administrator Views

By assigning user forms to organizations and administrators, you establish specific administrator views of user information. Access to user information is set at two levels:

Chapter 4, "Configuration," describes built-in Identity Manager capabilities that you can assign.

Changing Administrator Passwords

Administrator passwords may be changed by an administrator with administrative password change capabilities assigned, or by the administrator-owner.

Administrators can change another administrator’s password through:

An administrator can change his own password from the Passwords area. Select Passwords, and then select Change My Password to access self-service password fields.


The Identity Manager account policy applied to the account determines password limitations, such as password expiration, reset options, and notification selections. Additional password limitations may be set by password policies set on the administrator’s resources.

Challenging Administrator Actions

You can set an option to require that an administrator be challenged for his Identity Manager login password before processing certain account changes. If the password fails, then the account action does not succeed.

Identity Manager pages that support this option are:

Set these options as described in the following sections:

Edit User Challenge Option

Set this option in the account/modify.jsp page as follows:

requestState.setOption(UserViewConstants.OP_REQUIRES_CHALLENGE, "email, fullname, password");

where the value of the option is a comma-delimited list of one or more of these user view attribute names:

Change User Password and Reset User Password Challenge Option

Set this option in the admin/changeUserPassword.jsp and admin/resetUserPassword pages as follows:

requestState.setOption(UserViewConstants.OP_REQUIRES_CHALLENGE, "true");

where the value of the option can be true or false.

Changing Answers to Authentication Questions

Use the Passwords area to change the answers you have set for account authentication questions. From the menu bar, select Passwords, and then select Change My Answers.

For more information about authentication, see User Authentication.

Customizing Administrator Name Display in the Administrator Interface

You can display an Identity Manager administrator by attribute (such as email or fullname) rather than accountId in some Identity Manager Administrator interface pages and areas, such as the following areas:

To configure Identity Manager to use a display name, add to the UserUIConfig object:


For example, to use the email attribute as the display name, add the following attribute name to UserUIconfig:


Understanding Identity Manager Organizations

Organizations allow you to:

By creating organizations and assigning users to various locations in an organizational hierarchy, you set the stage for delegated administration. Organizations that contain one or more other organizations are called parent organizations.

All Identity Manager users (including administrators) are statically assigned to one organization. Users also can be dynamically assigned to additional organizations.

Identity Manager administrators are additionally assigned to control organizations.

Creating Organizations

Create organizations in the Identity Manager Accounts area. To create an organization, use the following steps:

  1. From the menu bar, select Accounts.
  2. Select New Organization from the New Actions list on the Accounts page.


    To create an organization at a specific location in the organizational hierarchy, select an organization in the list, and then select New Organization from the New Actions list.

  3. Figure 5-2 illustrates the Create Organization screen.

    Figure 5-2  Create Organization Screen
    Use the Create Organization page to set up Identity Manager organizations.

Assigning Users to Organizations

Each user is a static member of one organization, and can be a dynamic member of more than one organization. Organizational membership is determined by:

Select a user members rule from the User Members Rule field on the Create Organization page. Figure 5-3 shows an example of a user member rule.

Figure 5-3  Create Organization: User Members Rule Selections

Select user members rules from the field on the Create Organization page.

The following example shows how you might set up a user members rule that can dynamically control an organization’s user membership.


For information about creating and working with rules in Identity Manager, see Identity Manager Deployment Tools.

Key Definitions and Inclusions

The following is an example of the syntax for a sample user member rule.

Code Example 5-1  Sample User Members Rule

<Rule name='Get Team Players'


   <defvar name='Team players'>


         <defvar name='player names'>



   <dolist name='users'>

      <invoke class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'







            <s>OU=Pro Ball Team,DC=dev-ad,DC=waveset,DC=com</s>









      <append name='player names'>










      <ref>player names</ref>



      <ref>Team players</ref>


Assigning Organization Control

Assign administrative control of one or more organizations from the Create or Edit User page. Select the Security form tab to display the Controlled Organizations field.

You can also assign administrative control of organizations by assigning one or more admin roles, from the Admin Roles field.

Understanding Directory Junctions and Virtual Organizations

A directory junction is a hierarchically related set of organizations that mirrors a directory resource’s actual set of hierarchical containers. A directory resource is one that employs a hierarchical namespace through the use of hierarchical containers. Examples of directory resources include LDAP servers and Windows Active Directory resources.

Each organization in a directory junction is a virtual organization. The top-most virtual organization in a directory junction is a mirror of the container representing the base context defined in the resource. The remaining virtual organizations in a directory junction are direct or indirect children of the top virtual organization, and also mirror one of the directory resource containers that are children of the defined resource’s base context container. This structure is illustrated in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4  Identity Manager Virtual Organization

Identity Manager virtual organization mapping directory-based resources.

Directory junctions can be spliced into the existing Identity Manager organizational structure at any point. However, directory junctions cannot be spliced within or below an existing directory junction.

Once you have added a directory junction to the Identity Manager organizational tree, you can create or delete virtual organizations in the context of that directory junction. In addition, you can refresh the set of virtual organizations comprising a directory junction at any time to ensure they stay synchronized with the directory resource containers. You cannot create a non-virtual organization within a directory junction.

You can make Identity Manager objects (such as users, resource, and roles) members of, and available to, a virtual organization in the same way as an Identity Manager organization.

Setting Up Directory Junctions

You set up directory junctions from the Identity Manager Accounts area:

  1. From the Identity Manager menu bar, select Accounts.
  2. Select an Identity Manager organization in the Accounts list, and then select New Directory Junction from the New Actions list.
  3. The organization you select will be the parent organization of the virtual organization you set up.

    Identity Manager displays the Create Directory Junction page.

  4. Make selections to set up the virtual organization:
    • Parent organization — This field contains the organization you selected from the Accounts list; you can, however, select a different parent organization from the list.
    • Directory resource — Select the directory resource that manages the existing directory whose structure you want to mirror in the virtual organization.
    • User form — Select a user form that will apply to administrators in this organization.
    • Identity Manager account policy — Select a policy, or select the default option (inherited) to inherit the policy from the parent organization.
    • Approvers — Select administrators who can approve requests related to this organization.

Refreshing Virtual Organizations

This process refreshes and re-synchronizes the virtual organization with the associated directory resource, from the selected organization down. Select the virtual organization in the list, and then select Refresh Organization from the Organization Actions list.

Deleting Virtual Organizations

When deleting virtual organizations, you can select from two delete options:

Select an option, and then click Delete.

Understanding and Managing Capabilities

Capabilities are groups of rights in the Identity Manager system. Capabilities represent administrative job responsibilities, such as resetting passwords or administering user accounts. Each Identity Manager administrative user is assigned one or more capabilities, which provide a set of privileges without compromising data protection.

Not all Identity Manager users need capabilities assigned; only those who will perform one or more administrative actions through Identity Manager. For example, an assigned capability is not needed to enable a user to change his password, but an assigned capability is required to change another user’s password.

Your assigned capabilities govern which areas of the Identity Manager Administrator Interface you can access. All Identity Manager administrative users can access certain areas of Identity Manager, including:

Capabilities Categories

Identity Manager defines Capabilities as:

Built-in capabilities (those provided with the Identity Manager system) are protected, meaning that you cannot edit them. You can, however, use them within capabilities that you create.

Protected (built-in) capabilities are indicated in the list with a red key (or red key and folder) icon. Capabilities that you create and can edit are indicated in the capabilities list with a green key (or green key and folder) icon.

Working with Capabilities

  1. From the menu bar, select Security.
  2. Select the Capabilities tab to display the list of Identity Manager capabilities.

Create a Capability

To create a capability, click New. Name the new capability and then select the capabilities, assigners, and organizations to associate with the capability. You must select at least one organization to which the capabilities will be assigned.

Edit a Capability

To edit a non-protected capability, right-click it in the list, and then select Edit.

You cannot edit built-in capabilities; however, you can save them with a different name to create your own capability, or use them in capabilities that you create.

Save and Rename a Capability

To clone a capability (save it with a different name to create a new capability):

You can edit the new capability, even if the copied capability is protected.

Assigning Capabilities

Assign capabilities to a user from the Create and Edit User page. You can also assign capabilities to a user by assigning an administrator role, which you set up through the Security area in the interface. See Understanding and Managing Admin Roles for more information.

Capabilities Hierarchy

Task-based capabilities fall within the following functional capabilities hierarchy:

Account Administrator
Admin Role Administrator
Auditor Administrator
Auditor Report Administrator
Bulk Account Administrator
Bulk Change Account Administrator
Bulk Resource Password Administrator
Capability Administrator
Change Account Administrator
Configure Certificates
Import/Export Administrator
License Administrator
Login Administrator
Meta View Administrator
Organization Administrator
Password Administrator (Verification Required)
Policy Administrator
Reconcile Administrator
Remedy Integration Administrator
Report Administrator
Resource Administrator
Resource Object Administrator
Resource Password Administrator
Role Administrator
Security Administrator
Service Provider Administrator
Service Provider Admin Role Administrator
User Account Administrator
View Organizations
View Resources
Waveset Administrator

Capabilities Definitions

Table 5-1 describes each of the task-based capabilities and highlights the tabs and subtabs accessible with each capability. The capabilities are listed in alphabetical order by name.

All capabilities grant the user or administrator access to the Passwords > Change My Password and Change My Answers tabs.

Table 5-1  Identity Manager Capabilities Descriptions  


Allows the Administrator/User to:

Can Access These Tabs and Subtabs:

Access Review Detail Report Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and execute Access Review Detail Reports

Reports > Run Reports tab, View Reports tab- Access Review Detail Reports only

Reports > View Dashboards

Access Review Summary Report Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and execute Access Review Summary Reports

Reports - Access Review Summary Reports only

Reports > View Dashboards

Account Administrator

Perform all operations on users, including assigning capabilities. Does not include bulk operations.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users, Extract to File, Load from File, Load from Resource tabs

Passwords - All subtabs

Work Items - Approvals subtab

Tasks - All subtabs

Admin Report Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and run administrator reports.

Reports - Manage Reports, Run Reports subtabs (Administrator report only)

Admin Role Administrator

Create, edit, and delete admin roles.

Security - Admin Roles subtab

Approver Administrator

Approve or reject requests initiated by other users.

Default only

Assign Audit Policies

Assign audit policies to user accounts and organizations.

Accounts - Edit User Audit Policy from the User Actions list.

Accounts - Edit Organization Audit Policy from the Organization Actions list.

Assign Organization Audit Policies

Assign audit policies to organizations only.

Accounts - Edit Organization Audit Policy from the Organization Actions list; List Accounts tab

Assign User Audit Policies

Assign audit policies to users only.

Accounts - Edit User Audit Policy from the User Actions list; List Accounts tab; Find Users tab

Assign User Capabilities

Change user capabilities assignments (assign and unassign).

Accounts - List Accounts (Edit only), Find Users subtabs.

Must be assigned with another user administrator capability (for example, Create User or Enable User).

Audit Policy Administrator

Create, modify, and delete audit policies.

Compliance - Manage Policies

Audit Policy Scan Report Administrator

Create, modify, delete, and execute the Audit Policy Scan Report.

Reports - Audit Policy Scan reports only

Audit Report Administrator

Create, modify, delete, and execute audit reports.

Reports - Audit report only

Audited Attribute Report Administrator

Create, modify, delete, and execute the Audited Attribute Report.

Reports - Audited Attribute reports only

AuditLog Report Administrator

Create, modify, delete, and execute the AuditLog Report.

Reports - AuditLog reports only

Auditor Access Scan Administrator

Create, edit, and delete Periodic Access Review scans

Compliance - Manage Access Scans

Auditor Administrator

Set up, manage, and monitor audit policies, audit scans and user compliance.

Compliance - All subtabs

Reports - Run Reports, View Reports, and manage Auditor Reports

Accounts - Edit User Audit Policies and Edit Organization Audit Policies actions.

Auditor Attestor

Required to attest other users’ attestations while organization security is enabled.

Default only

Auditor Periodic Access Review Administrator

Manage Periodic Access Reviews (PAR), manage access scans, manage attestations, manage PAR reports.

Compliance - Manage Access Scans, Access Review subtabs

Auditor Remediator

Remediate, mitigate, and forward audit policy violations.

Remediations - All subtabs

Auditor Report Administrator

Create, modify, delete, and execute any of the Auditor Reports.

Reports - all actions on auditor reports

Auditor View User

View compliance information associated with user.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users tabs

AuditPolicy Violation History Administrator

Create. modify, delete, and execute the AuditPolicy Violation History report.

Reports - AuditPolicy Violation History reports only

Bulk Account Administrator

Perform regular and bulk operations on users, including assigning capabilities.

Accounts - All subtabs

Passwords - All subtabs

Approvals - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Change Account Administrator

Perform regular and bulk operations except delete on existing users, including assigning capabilities.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs. Cannot create or delete users.

Passwords - All subtabs

Approvals - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Change User Account Administrator

Perform regular and bulk operations except delete on existing users.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs. Cannot create, delete, or assign capabilities to users.

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Create User

Assign resources and initiate user create requests (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Create only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Delete User

Delete Identity Manager user accounts; deprovision, unassign, and unlink resource accounts (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Create only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Delete IDM User

Delete existing Identity Manager user accounts (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Delete only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Deprovision User

Delete and unlink existing resource accounts (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Deprovision only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Disable User

Disable existing users and resource accounts (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Disable only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Enable User

Enable existing users and resource accounts (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Enable only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Unassign User

Unassign and unlink existing resource accounts (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Unassign only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Unlink User

Unlink existing resource accounts (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Unlink only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk Update User

Update existing users and resource accounts (on individual users and by using bulk operations).

Accounts - List Accounts (Update only), Find Users, Launch Bulk Actions subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Bulk User Account Administrator

Perform all regular and bulk operations on users.

Accounts - All subtabs

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Capability Administrator

Create, modify, and delete capabilities.

Configure - Capabilities subtab

Change Account Administrator

Perform all operations except delete on existing users, including assigning capabilities. Does not include bulk operations

Accounts - All subtabs. Cannot delete users.

Passwords - All subtabs

Approvals - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Reports - Create admin and user reports, run and edit admin reports, run auditlog reports in scope. Cannot run admin and user reports on out-of-scope organizations.

Change Active Sync Resource Administrator

Change active sync resource parameters.

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks subtabs

Resources - For Active Sync resources: Edit actions menu, Edit Active Sync Parameters

Change Password Administrator

Change user and resource account passwords.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users subtabs (Change Password only)

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs. Export Password Scan task only (from Run Tasks subtab)

Change Password Administrator (Verification Required)

Change user and resource account passwords following successful validation of the user's authentication question answers.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users subtabs (Change Password only; verification required before action)

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs. Export Password Scan task only (from Run Tasks subtab)

Change Resource Password Administrator

Change resource administrator account passwords.

Tasks - All subtabs

Resources - List Resources subtab. Change resource password only (from Manage Connection-->Change Password in the actions menu)

Change User Account Administrator

Perform all operations except delete on existing users. Does not include bulk operations

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users subtabs. Cannot create, delete, or assign capabilities to users.

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Configure Audit

Configure the events and configuration groups audited in the system.

Configure - Audit Events subtab

Configure Certificates

Configure trusted certificates and CRLs.

Security - Certificates subtab

Control Active Sync Resource Administrator

Control Active Sync resource state (such as start, stop, and refresh)

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks

Resources - For Active Sync resources: Active Sync actions menu (all selections)

Create User

Assign resources and initiate user create requests. Does not include bulk operations

Accounts - List Accounts (Create only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Delete User

Delete Identity Manager user accounts; deprovision, unassign, and unlink resource accounts. Does not include bulk operations.

Accounts - List Accounts (Delete only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Delete IDM User

Delete Identity Manager user accounts. Does not include bulk operations.

Accounts - List Accounts (Delete only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Deprovision User

Delete and unlink existing resource accounts. Does not include bulk operations.

Accounts - List Accounts (Deprovision only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Disable User

Disable existing users and resource accounts. Does not include bulk operations

Accounts - List Accounts (Disable only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Enable User

Enable existing users and resource accounts. Does not include bulk operations

Accounts - List Accounts (Enable only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Import User

Import users from defined resources.

Accounts - Extract to File, Load from File, Load from Resource subtabs

Import/Export Administrator

Import and export all types of objects.

Configure - Import Exchange File subtab

License Administrator

Set the Identity system product license

Provides lh license command access. (No Administrator Interface tabs provided by this capability.)

Login Administrator

Edit the set of login modules for a given login interface.

Configure - Login subtab

Meta View Administrator

Modify the Identity Attributes configuration

Meta View - Identity Attributes tab

Organization Administrator

Create, edit, and delete organizations.

Accounts - List Accounts subtab (Edit and create organizations and directory junctions, delete organizations only)

Organization Approver

Approve requests for new organizations.

Work Items - Approvals subtab

Organization Violation History Administrator

Create. modify, delete, and execute the Organization Violation History report.

Reports - Organization Violation History reports only

Password Administrator

Change and reset user and resource account passwords.

Accounts - List Accounts (list, change, and reset passwords only), Find Users subtabs

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Password Administrator (Verification Required)

Change and reset user and resource account passwords following successful validation of the user's authentication question answers.

Accounts - List Accounts (list, change, and reset passwords only; verification required before action succeeds), Find Users subtabs

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Policy Administrator

Create, edit, and delete Policies.

Configure - Policy subtab

Policy Summary Report Administrator

Create, modify, delete, and execute the Policy Summary Report.

Reports - Policy Summary reports only

Reconcile Administrator

Edit reconciliation policies and control reconciliation tasks.

Server Tasks - All subtabs (View reconcile task).

Resources - List Resources subtab

Reconcile Report Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and run reconciliation reports.

Reports - Run Reports (Account Index report only), Manage Reports subtabs

Reconcile Request Administrator

Manage reconciliation requests.

Tasks - All subtabs

Resources - List Resources subtab (list and reconciliation features only)

Remedy Integration Administrator

Modify Remedy integration configuration.

Tasks - All subtabs (view tasks, run role synchronization)

Configure - Remedy Integration subtab

Rename User

Rename existing users and resource accounts.

Accounts - List Accounts subtab (list all accounts in scope, rename users)

Report Administrator

Configure audit settings and run all report types.

Tasks - All subtabs (view tasks, run role synchronization)

Reports - All subtabs

Reset Password Administrator

Reset user and resource account passwords.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users subtabs (Reset Password only)

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs. Export Password Scan task only (from Run Tasks subtab)

Reset Password Administrator (Verification Required)

Reset user and resource account passwords following successful validation of the user's authentication question answers.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users subtabs (Reset Password only; verification required before action succeeds)

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs. Export Password Scan task only (from Run Tasks subtab)

Reset Resource Password Administrator

Reset resource administrator account passwords.

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks subtabs

Resources - List Resources subtab. Reset resource password only (from Manage Connection
-->Reset Password
in the actions menu)

Resource Administrator

Create, modify, and delete resources.

Reports - Resource user report, resource group report returns error on out-of-scope resources.

Resources - List Resources subtab (edit global policy, edit parameters, resource groups. Cannot manage connection or resource objects).

Resource Group Administrator

Create, edit, and delete resource groups.

Resources - List Resource Groups subtab

Resource Object Administrator

Create, modify, and delete resource objects.

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks subtabs (view tasks involving resource objects).

Resources - List Resources subtab (list and manage resource objects only)

Resource Password Administrator

Change and reset resource proxy account passwords.

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks subtabs

Resources - List Resources subtab. Change resource password only (from Manage Connection-->Change Password in the actions menu)

Resource Report Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and run resource reports.

Reports - All subtabs (resource reports only)

Resource Violation History Administrator

Create. modify, delete, and execute the Resource Violation History report.

Reports - Resource Violation History reports only

Risk Analysis Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and run risk analysis.

Risk Analysis - All subtabs

Role Administrator

Create, modify, and delete roles.

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks subtabs (synchronize roles)

Roles - All subtabs

Role Report Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and run resource reports.

Reports - Role reports only

Run Access Review Detail Report

Run the Access Review Detail Report

Reports - Access Review Detail Report only

Run Access Review Summary Report

Run the Access Review Summary Report

Reports - Access Review Summary Report only

Run Admin Report

Run administrator reports.

Reports - Admin reports only

Run Audit Policy Scan Administrator

Run and manage the Audit Policy Scan Report

Reports - Audit Policy Scan report only

Run Audit Policy Scan Report

Run the Audit Policy Scan Report.

Reports - Audit Policy Scan reports only

Run Audit Report

Run audit reports.

Reports - AuditLog and Usage reports only

Run Audited Attribute Report

Execute the Audited Attribute Report.

Reports - Audited Attribute reports only

Reports > View Dashboards

Run Auditor Report

Run any Auditor Report.

Reports - any auditor report

Reports > View Dashboards

Run AuditLog Report

Execute the AuditLog Report.

Reports - AuditLog reports only

Run AuditPolicy Violation History

Execute the Organization Violation History report.

Reports - AuditPolicy Violation History reports only

Reports > View Dashboards

Run Policy Summary Report

Execute the Policy Summary Report.

Reports - Policy Summary reports only

Run Organization Violation History

Execute the Organization Violation History report.

Reports - Organization Violation History reports only

Reports > View Dashboards

Run Reconcile Report

Run reconciliation reports.

Reports - AuditLog and Usage reports only

Run Resource Report

Run resource reports.

Reports - AuditLog and Usage reports only

Run Resource Violation History

Execute the Resource Violation History report.

Reports - Resource Violation History reports only

Run Risk Analysis

Run risk analysis.

Reports - Run Risk Analysis, View Risk Analysis subtabs

Run Role Report

Run role reports.

Reports - Role reports only

Run Task Report

Run task reports.

Reports - Task reports only

Run User Access Report

Execute the Detailed User Report.

Reports - User Access reports only

Reports > View Dashboards

Run User Report

Run user reports.

Reports - User reports only

Run Violation Summary Report

Execute the Violation Summary report.

Reports - Violation Summary reports only

Reports > View Dashboards

Security Administrator

Create users with capabilities; manage encryption keys, login configuration, and policies.

Accounts - List Accounts (delete, create, update, edit, change and edit passwords), Find Users subtabs (audit report)

Passwords - All subtabs

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks subtabs

Reports - All subtabs

Resources - List Resources (list and control resource objects)

Security - Policies, Login subtabs

Separation of Duties Report Administrator

Create, edit, run, and delete a Separation of Duties Report.

Reports - all actions for Separation of Duties Report only

Run Separation of Duties Report

Run a Separation of Duties Report

Reports - Separation of Duties Report only

Reports > View Dashboards

Service Provider Admin Role

Manage Service Provider Admin Roles and the associated rules.

Security - Admin Roles tab

Service Provider Administrator

Create, edit, and manage service provider users and transactions; configure the transaction database and tracked events.

Accounts - Manage Service Provider Users subtab

Server Tasks > Service Provider Transactions tab

Reports > View Dashboards tab

Reports > Dashboard Configuration tab

Service Provider - all subtabs

Service Provider Create User

Create user accounts for service provider (extranet) users.

Accounts - Manage Service Provider Users subtab

Service Provider Delete User

Delete a service provider user account.

Accounts - Manage Service Provider Users subtab

Service Provider Update User

Update a service provider user account.

Accounts - Manage Service Provider Users subtab

Service Provider User Administrator

Manage service provider (extranet) users.

Accounts > Manage Service Provider Users - all subtabs

Service Provider View User

View service provider (extranet) user account information.

Accounts - Manage Service Provider Users subtab

SPML Access

Allows access to the Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) features in Identity Manager.

Security - Capabilities subtab

Task Report Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and run task reports.

Reports - Task Report only.

Unassign User

Unassign and unlink existing resource accounts. Does not include bulk operations.

Accounts - List Accounts (Unassign only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Unlink User

Unlink existing resource accounts. Does not include bulk operations.

Accounts - List Accounts (Unlink only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - All subtabs

Unlock User

Unlock existing user’s resource accounts that support unlock. Does not include bulk operations.

Accounts - List Accounts (Unlock only), Find Users subtabs

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks subtabs

Update User

Edit existing users and initiate user update requests.

Accounts - Edit and update users

Tasks - Manage existing tasks (from the All Tasks subtab)

User Access Report Administrator

Create, run, edit, and delete a User Access Report

Reports - User Access Report only

Reports > View Dashboards

User Account Administrator

All operations on users.

Accounts - List Accounts, Find Users, Extract to File, Load from File, Load from Resource subtabs. Cannot assign user capabilities (Security form tab on List Accounts subtab).

Tasks - Find Tasks, All Tasks, Run Tasks subtabs

User Report Administrator

Create, edit, delete, and run user reports.

Reports - Run user reports.

View User

View individual user details.

Accounts - Select users from the list to view individual user account information. No change actions allowed.

Violation Summary Report Administrator

Create. modify, delete, and execute the Violation Summary report.

Reports - Violation Summary reports only

Reports > View Dashboards

Waveset Administrator

Perform system-wide tasks, such as modification of system configuration objects.

Server Tasks - All subtabs. Synchronize roles, edit source adapter template, and schedule reports

Reports - All subtabs

Resources - List Resources (list only; no change actions allowed)

Configure - Audit, Email Templates, Form and Process Mappings, and Servers subtabs

Understanding and Managing Admin Roles

Admin Roles enable the assignment of a unique set of capabilities and scope of control, or managed organizations, to one or more administrators. A single administrator can be assigned more than one admin role. This enables an administrator to have one set of capabilities in one scope of control and a different set of capabilities in another scope of control.

For example, one admin role might grant the administrator assigned that admin role the right to create and edit users that are members of the controlled organizations specified in the admin role. Whereas, another admin role assigned to the same administrator might only grant the right to change users’ passwords in the controlled organizations specified by that admin role.

It is recommended that admin roles be used to grant administrator privileges instead of directly assigning capabilities and controlled organizations to users. Admin roles enable reuse of capabilities and scope or control pairings as well as simplify the management of administrator privileges across a large number of users.

The assignment of capabilities or organizations (or both) to an admin role can be either direct of indirect (dynamic):

See Admin Role Rules for key information about setting up these rules.

Assigning admin roles to administrators can be either direct or indirect (dynamic):

Admin Role Rules

Identity Manager provides sample rules that you can use to create the rules for Admin Roles. These rules are available in the Identity Manager installation directory in sample/adminRoleRules.xml. Table 5-2 provides the rule names and the authType you must specify for the rule.

Table 5-2  Admin Role Sample Rules

Rule Name


Controlled Organizations Rule


Capabilities Rule


User Is Assigned Admin Role Rule



For information about the sample rules provided for service provider users admin roles, see Delegated Administration in the Service Provider Administration chapter.

The User Admin Role

Identity Manager includes a built-in admin role, named User Admin Role. By default, it has no assigned capabilities or controlled organization assignments. It cannot be deleted. This admin role is implicitly assigned to all users (end-users and administrators) at login time, regardless of the interface they log in to (for example, user, administrator, console or IDE).


For information about creating an admin role for service provider users, see Delegated Administration in the Service Provider Administration chapter.

You can edit the User Admin Role through the Administrator interface (select Security, and then select Admin Roles).

Because any capabilities or controlled organizations that are statically assigned through this admin role are assigned to all users, it is recommended that the assignment of capabilities and controlled organizations be done through rules. This will enable different users to have different (or no) capabilities, and assignments will be scoped depending on factors such as who they are, which department they are in, or whether they are managers, which can be queried for within the context of the rules.

The User Admin Role does not deprecate or replace the use of the authorized=true flag used in workflows. This flag is still appropriate in cases where the user should not have access to objects accessed by the workflow, except when the workflow is executing. Essentially, this lets the user enter a run as superuser mode.

However, in cases where a user should have specific access to one or more objects outside of and potentially inside of workflows, then dynamic assignment of capabilities and controlled organizations via the User Admin Role enables dynamic, fine-grain authorization to those objects.

Creating and Editing Admin Roles

To create or edit an admin role, you must be assigned the Admin Role Administrator capability. To access admin roles in the Administrator interface, click Security, and then click the Admin Roles tab. The Admin Roles list page allows you to create, edit, and delete admin roles for Identity Manager users and for service provider users.

To edit an existing admin role, click a name in the list. Click New to create an admin role. Identity Manager displays the Create Admin Role options (illustrated in Figure 5-5). The Create Admin Role view presents four tabs that you use to specify the general attributes, capabilities, and scope of the new admin role, as well as assignments of the role to users.

Figure 5-5  Admin Role Create Page: General Tab

Use the Create Admin Role page to set up admin roles.

General Tab

Use the General tab of the create admin role or edit admin role view to specify the following basic characteristics of the admin role:

Scope of Control

Use this tab (shown in Figure 5-6) to specify organizations that members of this organization can manage, or to specify the rule that determines the organizations to be managed by users of the admin role, and to select the user form for the admin role.

Figure 5-6  Create Admin Role: Scope of Control

You can include and exclude one or more objects from an admin role.

Assigning Capabilities

Capabilities assigned to the admin role determine what administrative rights users assigned the admin role have. For example, this admin role might be restricted to creating users only for the controlled organizations of the admin role. In that case, you assign the Create User capability.

On the Capabilities tab, select the following options:

Assigning User Forms to an Admin Role

You can specify a user form to for the members of an admin role. Use the Assign To Users tab on the create admin role or edit admin role view to specify the assignments.

The administrator assigned the admin role will use this user form when he creates or edits users in the organizations controlled by that admin role. A user form assigned through an admin role overrides any user form that is inherited from the organization of which the admin is a member. It does not override a user form that is directly assigned to the admin.

The user form that will be used when editing a user is determined in this order of precedence:

If an admin is assigned more than one admin role that controls the same organization but specifies different user forms, then an error is displayed when he attempts to create or edit a user in that organization. If an admin attempts to assign two or more admin roles that control the same organization but specify different user forms, then an error is displayed. Changes cannot be saved until the conflict is resolved.

Managing Work Items

Some workflow processes generated by tasks in Identity Manager create action items or work items. These work items might be a request for approval or some other action request assigned to an Identity Manager account.

Identity Manager groups all work items in the Work Items area of the interface, enabling you to view and respond to all pending requests from one location.

Work Item Types

A work item might be one of the following types:

To view pending work items for each work item type, click the Work Items tab in the menu bar. You can access your work items to manage requests from this tab or you can select one of the work item types to list requests for that type.


If you are a work item owner with pending work items (or delegated work items), then your Work Items list is displayed when you log into the Identity Manager User interface.

Working With Work Item Requests

To respond to a work item request, click one of the work item types in the Work Items area of the interface. Select items from the list of requests and then click one of the buttons available to indicate the action you want to take. The work item options vary depending on the work item type.

For more information about responding to requests, see the following topics:

Viewing Work Item History

Use the History tab in the Work Items area to view the results of previous work item actions. Figure 5-7 displays a sample view of Work Item history.

Figure 5-7  Work Items History View

View of user's work items history.

Delegating Work Items

Work item owners can manage work loads by delegating work items to other users for a specified period of time. The following items are available for delegating work items:

To stop delegating work items, select None on the Delegate Work Items page.

Account Approvals

When a user is added to the Identity Manager system, administrators who are assigned as approvers for new accounts must validate account creation. Identity Manager supports three categories of approvals, applied to these Identity Manager objects:

Setting Up Approvers

Setting up approvers for each of these categories is optional, but recommended. For each category in which approvers are set up, at least one approval is required for account creation. If one approver rejects a request for approval, the account is not created.

You can assign more than one approver to each category. Because only one approval within a category is needed, you can set up multiple approvers to help ensure workflow is not delayed or halted. If one approver is unavailable, others are available to handle requests. Approval applies only to account creation. By default, account updates and deletions do not require approval; however, you can customize this process to require it.

Identity Manager illustrates the approval process and the status of an account creation request as a workflow diagram. You can customize the workflow by using the Identity Manager IDE to change the flow of approvals, capture account deletions, and capture updates.

For more information about the IDE, workflows, and an illustrated example of altering the approval workflow, see Identity Manager Workflows, Forms, and Views.

Figure 5-8 illustrates the Account Creation Workflow and where approvals fit into the workflow process.

Figure 5-8  Account Creation Workflow

Workflow displays graphical steps in account creation process.

Identity Manager Approvers can either approve or reject an approval request. To approve an account using a digital signature, you must first set up the digital signature as described in Configuring Digitally Signed Approvals.

You can view pending approvals and manage your approvals from the Work Items area of the Identity Manager interface. From the Work Items page, click My Work Items to view pending approvals. Click the Approvals tab to manage approvals.

Signing Approvals

Follow these steps to sign an approval.

  1. From the Identity Manager Administrator interface, select Work Items.
  2. Click the Approvals tab.
  3. Select one or more approvals from the list.
  4. Enter comments for the approval, and then click Approve.
  5. Identity Manager prompts you and asks whether to trust the applet.

  6. Click Always.
  7. Identity Manager displays a dated summary of the approval.

  8. Enter or click Browse to locate the keystore location (this location is set during the signed-approval configuration, as described in Step 10m in the procedure Client-Side Configuration for Signed Approvals.).
  9. Enter the keystore password (this password is set during the signed-approval configuration, as described in Step 10l of the procedure Client-Side Configuration for Signed Approvals).
  10. Click Sign to approve the request.

Signing Subsequent Approvals

After signing an approval, subsequent approval actions require only that you enter the keystore password and then click Sign. (Identity Manager should remember the keystore location from the previous approval.)

Configuring Digitally Signed Approvals

Use the following information and procedures to set up digitally signed approvals. The topics discussed in this section explain the server-side and client-side configuration required to add the certificate and CRL to Identity Manager for signed approvals.

Server-Side Configuration for Signed Approvals

To enable server-side configuration, follow these steps:

  1. In the system configuration, set security.nonrepudiation.signedApprovals=true
  2. Add your certificate authority (CA)’s certificates as trusted certificates. To do this, you must first obtain a copy of the certificates.
  3. For example, if you are using a Microsoft CA, follow steps similar to these:

    1. Go to http://IPAddress/certsrv and log in with administrative privileges.
    2. Select Retrieve the CA certificate or certificate revocation list, and then click Next.
    3. Download and save the CA certificate.
  4. Add the certificate to Identity Manager as a trusted certificate:
    1. From the Administrator interface, select Configure, and then select Certificates. Identity Manager displays the Certificates page.
    2. Figure 5-9  Certificates
      Use the Certificates area to establish trusted CA certificates and CRLs.

    3. In the Trusted CA Certificates area, click Add. Identity Manager displays the Import Certificate page.
    4. Browse to and then select the trusted certificate, and then click Import.
    5. The certificate now displays in the list of trusted certificates.

  5. Add your CA's certificate revocation list (CRL):
    1. In the CRLs area of the Certificates page, click Add.
    2. Enter the URL for the CA's CRL.

    3. Note

      • The certificate revocation list (CRL) is a list of certificate serial numbers that have been revoked or are not valid.
      • The URL for the CA’s CRL may be http or LDAP.
      • Each CA has a different URL where CRLs are distributed; you can determine this by browsing the CA certificate’s CRL Distribution Points extension.

  6. Click Test Connection to verify the URL.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Sign applets/ts1.jar using jarsigner.


    Refer to for more information. The ts1.jar file provided with Identity Manager is signed using a self-signed certificate, and should not be used for production systems. In production, this file should be re-signed using a code-signing certificate issued by your trusted CA.

Client-Side Configuration for Signed Approvals

To enable the client-side configuration, follow these steps:


Your client system must be running a Web browser with JRE 1.4 or higher.


Obtain a certificate and private key, and then export them to a PKCS#12 keystore.

For example, if using a Microsoft CA, you would follow steps similar to these:

  1. Using Internet Explorer, browse to http://IPAddress/certsrv, and then log in with administrative privileges.
  2. Select Request a certificate, and then click Next.
  3. Select Advanced request, and then click Next.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select User for Certificate Template.
  6. Select these options:
    1. Mark keys as exportable
    2. Enable strong key protection
    3. Use local machine store
  7. Click Submit, and then click OK.
  8. Click Install this certificate.
  9. Select Run —> mmc to launch mmc.
  10. Add the Certificate snap-in:
    1. Select Console—>Add/Remove Snap-in.
    2. Click Add...
    3. Select Computer account.
    4. Click Next, and then click Finish.
    5. Click Close.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Go to Certificates—>Personal—>Certificates.
    8. Right-click Administrator All Tasks—>Export.
    9. Click Next.
    10. Click Next to confirm exporting the private key.
    11. Click Next.
    12. Provide a password, and then click Next.
    13. File CertificateLocation.
    14. Click Next, and then click Finish. Click OK to confirm.

    15. Note

      Note the information that you use in step 10l (password) and 10m (certificate location) of the client-side configuration. You will need this information to sign approvals.

Viewing the Transaction Signature

Follow these steps to view the transaction signature in an Identity Manager AuditLog report.

  1. From the Identity Manager Administrator interface, select Reports.
  2. On the Run Reports page, select AuditLog Report from the New... list of options.
  3. In the Report Title field, enter a title (for example, “Approvals”).
  4. In the Organizations selection area, select all organizations.
  5. Select the Actions option, and then select Approve.
  6. Click Save to save the report and return to the Run Reports page.
  7. Click Run to run the Approvals report.
  8. Click the details link to see transaction signature information, including:
    • issuer
    • subject
    • certificate serial number
    • message signed
    • signature
    • signature algorithm

Delegating Approvals

If you have approver capabilities, then you can delegate your future approval requests to one or more users (delegates) for a specified period of time. Users do not need approver capabilities to be delegates.

The delegation feature applies only to future approval requests. Existing requests (those listed under the Awaiting Approval tab) are forwarded through the forwarding feature.

To set up delegation, select the Delegate My Approvals tab in the Approvals area.

Access to the delegation feature is available if you are assigned any capability that grants you the Delegate right to either WorkItem or any authType extension of WorkItem, including Approval, OrganizationApproval, ResourceApproval, and RoleApproval; or any custom subtype that extends WorkItem or one of its authTypes.

You also can delegate approvals from the Security form tab of the Create/Edit/View User pages, and from the User interface main menu.

Delegates can approve any requests during the effective delegation period on your behalf. Delegated approval requests include the name of the delegate.

Audit Log Entries for Requests

Audit log entries for approved and rejected approval requests include your (the delegator’s) name if the request was delegated. Changes to a user's delegate approver information will be logged in the detailed changes section of the audit log entry when a user is created or modified.

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Part No: 819-6123-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.