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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.0 Deployment Tools 

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Selecting the Module Location
Figure 1-2 Specifying the Module to Install
Figure 1-3 Select the Module to View Its Certificate
Figure 1-4 Identity Manager IDE User Interface
Figure 1-5 Explorer Window with Projects Window Displayed
Figure 1-6 Example Design View
Figure 1-7 Example Source Editor View
Figure 1-8 Palette Window for Create User
Figure 1-9 Example Properties Window
Figure 1-10 Example Output Window
Figure 1-11 New Project Wizard: Specify a Category
Figure 1-12 New Project Wizard: Specifying Where to Store the Project
Figure 1-13 New Project Wizard: Specifying Location of Existing XML Objects
Figure 1-14 New Project Wizard: Specifying Connection Settings
Figure 1-15 Successful Connection
Figure 1-16 Open Project Dialog
Figure 1-17 Testing Connection to Project Environment
Figure 1-18 Example Properties Window
Figure 1-19 Example Properties Editor Window
Figure 1-20 Error Icon
Figure 1-21 Breakpoints Window
Figure 1-22 Rule Tester Inputs Window
Figure 1-23 Using the Rule Selector Menu
Figure 1-24 Open debugger-tutorial-workflow1.xml Source
Figure 1-25 Selecting the Module to Uninstall
Figure 4-1 Resource Attributes for Windows NT Resource
Figure 8-1 OpenSPML 2.0 Toolkit Architecture
Figure A-1 BPE Workspace Location Dialog
Figure A-2 BPE Connection Information Dialog
Figure A-3 Editor Options Dialog
Figure A-4 BPE Tree View
Figure A-5 Diagram View (Workflow)
Figure A-6 Property View (Form)
Figure A-7 Select objects to edit dialog (with Library options expanded)
Figure A-8 Editor Options Dialog
Figure A-9 Menu for Inserting XPRESS Functions into XML
Figure A-10 Inserting XPRESS Function
Figure A-11 Opening a Javadoc
Figure A-12 Selecting the getUser Method
Figure A-13 BPE Tree Display of the Configuration Object
Figure A-14 User Extended Attributes Object Dialog
Figure A-15 BPE XML Display of Reconcile Configuration Object
Figure A-16 BPE Attribute Display of Generic Object (System Configuration)
Figure A-17 BPE New Generic Object Display
Figure A-18 BPE New Configuration Object Display
Figure A-19 New Attribute of BPE Generic Object Display
Figure A-20 Rule Display in Tree View
Figure A-21 Rule Source Pane
Figure A-22 Input Tab Pane
Figure A-23 Result Tab Pane
Figure A-24 Trace Tab Pane
Figure A-25 Rule Dialog (Main Tab View)
Figure A-26 Rule Argument Dialog
Figure A-27 XML Display
Figure A-28 Graphical Display
Figure A-29 Property Sheet Display
Figure A-30 Configuration Display
Figure A-31 Select Rule Dialog
Figure A-32 Main Tab Display
Figure A-33 Repository Tab Display
Figure A-34 XML Tab Display
Figure A-35 New Rule Dialog
Figure A-36 Argument Dialog
Figure A-37 Double-Click an Argument Node
Figure A-38 Argument Popup Dialog (Method)
Figure A-39 Select Type Dialog
Figure A-40 Element Popup for the address Variable
Figure A-41 concat Dialog
Figure A-42 new Dialog
Figure A-43 ref Dialog
Figure A-44 Rule Library (XML View)
Figure A-45 Selecting an Email Template
Figure A-46 Renaming the New Template
Figure A-47 Customizing the User Creation Notification Email Template
Figure A-48 Loading the Workflow Process
Figure A-49 Creating and Naming an Activity
Figure A-50 Creating and Modifying Transitions
Figure A-51 Creating an Action
Figure A-52 Creating an Action
Figure A-53 BPE Debugger: Main Window
Figure A-54 BPE Debugger Main Window Source Panel
Figure A-55 BPE Debugger Main Window Execution Stack Panel
Figure A-56 BPE Main Window Variables Panel
Figure A-57 BPE Debugger Main Window Last result Panel
Figure A-58 BPE Debugger Breakpoints Panel: Global Tab
Figure A-59 BPE Debugger Breakpoints Panel: View Cycle Tab
Figure A-60 BPE Debugger Breakpoints Panel: Form Cycle Tab
Figure A-61 Example 1: Debugging Suspended on Before Refresh View Breakpoint
Figure A-62 Example 1: Debugging Suspended on After Refresh View Breakpoint
Figure A-63 Example 1: Debugging Suspended Before First Expansion Pass
Figure A-64 Example 1: Stepping-into the Start of Tabbed User Form
Figure A-65 Example 1: Completed Debugging of Tabbed User Form
Figure A-66 Setting the First Breakpoint
Figure A-67 Debugging Halted at Breakpoint
Figure A-68 Stepping-into the Execution of the First Virtual Thread
Figure A-69 Example 2: Stepping-into the Execution of getFirstName
Figure A-70 Debugger Transitioning from getFirstName to computeFullName
Figure A-71 Stepping Into computeFullName Processing
Figure A-72 Example 2: Completion of Check-in View Operation
Figure A-73 Stepping Into a Manual Action
Figure A-74 Stepping Into Manual Action Dialog
Figure A-75 Breakpoint Marking Start of Form
Figure A-76 Debugger Displaying Manual Action Processing
Figure A-77 Form Processing Confirmation Phase
Figure A-78 Stepping Into Rule Processing
Figure A-79 Debugger Displaying Completed Execution of variable.fullName
Figure A-80 Debugger Displaying the Result of Expansion Processing

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Part No: 819-6127-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.