C H A P T E R  1


This chapter provides an overview of the sscs administration command for StorageTek and Sun Storage arrays. It contains the following sections:

Overview of the sscs Command

The sscs command-line interface (CLI) enables you to manage and monitor disk arrays. The CLI can be installed on a local data host or a remote management host.

This is the version used in a CLI-only installation of Sun Storage Common Array Manager, and should be used if you are root user on the local host. This version does not pass commands through the web server and provides better performance by eliminating the need to authenticate the user. There is no guest-only version of the local sscs command.

Directory locations for local CLI:

This version is required if you are not on the Sun Storage Common Array Manager management station or if you must authenticate as a non-root user. This version passes all requests through the web server, and is more secure than the Local CLI since all traffic is encrypted.

Directory locations for remote CLI:

Note - When using the remote CLI with Windows, list parameters in commands must be enclosed in double quotes. For example:

sscs list template "F5100-dual-host,J4500-quad-host"

Understanding Command Syntax

Type the sscs command with its options from a terminal command line. You can use only the indicated option or options for that subcommand.

TABLE 1-1 describes the conventions that apply to the subcommands and variables.

TABLE 1-1 Syntax Conventions for sscs Commands




Text in bold should be typed exactly as shown.


Text in italics is variable and should be replaced with the name or value used at your site. Multiple variables can be separated by a comma, but not with a space.


sscs list volume TestVOL,fvm13311

[ ] (square brackets)

Text in square brackets is optional.

| (vertical bar)

Text separated by a vertical bar is exclusive. Specify only one of the options.

{ } (braces)

Text inside braces is a required argument.

Numbers in braces, e.g. {0} and {1}, represent variables in some error messages.

Short and long names

The sscs command accepts short or long names for each option. Short name options require a single hyphen (-). Long name options require a double hyphen (--).

Special characters in names

Do not use spaces, commas, colons (:), or the special characters ?,*,!,@,%, or & as a character in any name you specify unless you are prepared to escape them in the shell.

Any characters that you enclose within quotation marks are acceptable for names.

TABLE 1-1, Syntax Conventions for sscs Commands, describes the conventions that apply to the subcommands and variables.

Note - Command syntax can vary based upon the array type (e.g., F5100, 6140, etc.) and specific array names as related to installed firmware versions. See TABLE 1-2 for proper usage of the --help command to obtain the correct syntax for an array type or specific array name.


Getting Help with Commands and Their Syntax

Use the --help or -H command to view all available commands, subcommands, and their syntax. TABLE 1-2 describes how to use the --help command:

TABLE 1-2 How to Use the --help Command


Command Syntax

Display a command list non-specific to an array type.

sscs --help

Display a command list specific to an array type or array name.

sscs -H -a <array-type | array-name>


Command example:

sscs --help -a 2510

Sample Command Output:












Display the subcommands available for a command for a specific array type or array name.

sscs <subcommand> -H -a <array-type | array-name>


Command example:

sscs list --help -a jbod1

Sample Command Output:








Display syntax for a command/subcommand pair for a specific array type or array name.

sscs <subcommand> --help -a <array-type | array-name> <resource-type>


Command example:

sscs list --help -a j4400 alarm

Sample Command Output:

list [-s|--severity <0|1|2|3>] [-f|--faultdevtype <2510|2530|2540|j4200|j4400|j4500|F5100|6120|6130|6140|6540|6580|6780|FLX240|FLX280|FLX380|B6000|NEM|...>] [-a|--advisor] [-S|--Summary] alarm [string[,string...]]

TABLE 1-2, How to Use the --help Command, describes the tasks and syntaxes associated with the --help command.

Logging In to the sscs Environment

If you are using the local CLI, no login is required; however, you must have root access in Solaris and Linux or administrator privileges in Windows.

A login is required when you use the remote CLI. To log into the remote CLI, follow these steps:

1. From a terminal window, log in to the management host where sscs resides.

2. Enter the following commands:

# cd CLI_directory

Refer to Overview of the sscs Command for directory information.

# ./sscs login -h localhost -u <user-name> 

3. Enter the password for your sscs user account.

For further details about logging in to the sscs using the remote CLI, see the login command and all of its options, go to login.

Exit Status Codes

Upon command completion, the sscs CLI reports the following exit status codes:

TABLE 1-3 Exit Status Codes

Exit Status Code



Successful completion


Object not found error


Command parsing failure


Command validation error


Application error


System error


Nonspecific error

TABLE 1-3, Exit Status Codes, lists the exit status codes and their descriptions.

Command Quick Reference

There are three categories of CLI commands:

These commands are supported on all arrays supported by Sun Storage Common Array Manager, with only a few noted exceptions.

These commands are supported only on those arrays that have one or more RAID controllers.

These commands are supported only on Sun just-a-bunch-of-disks (JBOD) arrays and are specific to Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) domain access configuration.

For a complete listing of arrays supported by Sun Storage Common Array Manager, refer to the release notes for the version you are using.

Monitoring and General Administration Commands

The following table lists the commands used to monitor the array and perform general administration tasks. These commands are for all Sun arrays, including Sun Storage J4200, J4400, and J4500 arrays, Sun Storage F5100 Flash Array, Sun StorEdge 6130 array, StorageTek 6140 and 6540 arrays, Sun Storage 6180 array, Sun Storage 6580 and 6780 arrays, StorageTek 2500 Series arrays, FlexLine 240, 280, and 380 Systems, and Sun Blade 6000 disk module.

TABLE 1-4 Monitoring and General Administration Commands



add notification

Set up email or SNMP trap notification.

add registeredarray

Discovers an array or all arrays on the same subnet as the management host and registers them.

add userrole

Adds a user name to the user access list and defines the user privileges.

list alarm

Provides detailed information on a specified alarm or summary information on all alarms.

list array

Lists detailed information about specified arrays or all array names.

list date

Lists the current date and time for the array in hours, minutes, and seconds. (Not supported by J4500 and B6000 JBODs.)

list device

List the details of a device or the devices being monitored.

list devices

List an overview of a device or the devices being monitored.

list disk

List the disk information on an array.


list erc

Lists the error return code of the immediately preceeding sscs command.

list event

Lists the Fault Management Service (FMS) event log information.

list firmware

Lists the firmware versions of the field-replaceable units (FRU) in this device.

list fru

Lists the field-replaceable units (FRUs) in this device.

list jobs

Lists job IDs and status associated with the specified array and optionally specified job ID.

list log

Lists the user-initiated actions performed for all registered arrays.

list mgmt-sw

Lists the management software application that you are logged into.

list notification

Lists the remote notification provider and its status.

list registeredarray

Lists registered array information.

list storage-system

Lists detailed information about one or more arrays.


list site

Lists pertinent information on the site.

list userrole

Lists the user name and role defining the user’s array privileges.


Log in to the sscs command-line interface (CLI).


Logs out of the remote sscs command-line interface session.

modify agent

Modify the fault management agent parameters.

modify array

Modifies the name assigned to the array.

modify firmware

Modifies the firmware versions of the specified field-replaceable units (FRUs) of the specified array.

modify mgmt-sw

Stores the specified storage system name for the session. This command is useful for repeated operations with an array.

modify site

Modifies the site properties for this instance of Sun Storage Common Array Manager.

modify storage-system

Modifies the array information.

modify userrole

Change the user role or the IP address from which the user can log in.

register storage-system

Registers a storage system with the host.

register sun-connection

Registers Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays with Auto Service Request (ASR).

remove alarm

Removes the current alarms.

remove notification

Removes a local or remote notification.

remove registeredarray

Removes one or more arrays from the list of registered arrays.

remove userrole

Removes a user role assigned to a user name.

service contact

Tests connectivity to a specified array (inband communication test).

service disable

Disables a target drive in a specified array.

service enable

Enables a target drive in a specified array.

service locate

Turns on the locator LED for an array, drive, or tray.

service print

Prints physical information available for a specified array.

service set

Changes the name of a specified array.

unregister storage-system

Unregisters an array from the list of registered storage systems.

unregister sun-connection

Stops notifications of system health and performance to Sun using the Auto Service Request (ASR) feature.


Shows the version of the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software that you are running on the management host, as well as the version of the sscs client.

TABLE 1-4 lists the monitoring and general administration commands available in the Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI. These commands are for all Sun arrays.

Array Configuration Commands

This section identifies the commands used to configure an array. These commands are supported only on those arrays that have one or more RAID controllers, including the Sun StorEdge 6130 array, StorageTek 6140 and 6540 arrays, Sun Storage 6180 array, Sun Storage 6580 and 6780 arrays, StorageTek 2500 Series arrays, and FlexLine 240, 280, and 380 Systems.

TABLE 1-5 Array Configuration Commands



add hostgroup

Adds hosts to a host group.

add license

Adds a license to the specified array.

create host

Creates a storage host.

create hostgroup

Creates a storage host group.

create initiator

Creates an initiator.

create iscsi initiator

Creates an iSCSI initiator on a host.

create pool

Creates an empty storage pool on the array.

create profile

Creates a storage profile on the array.

create repset

Creates a storage replication set using a peer World Wide Name or remote array name (not applicable to 2500 Series).

create snapshot

Creates a snapshot for the specified volume.

create vdisk

Creates a virtual disk.

create volume

Creates a volume within a specified pool.

create volume-copy

Creates a copy of the volume (not applicable to 2500 Series).

delete host

Deletes one or more hosts.

delete hostgroup

Deletes one or more host groups.

delete initiator

Deletes one or more initiators.

delete iscsi-session

Deletes an iscsi-session.

delete pool

Deletes one or more pools.

delete profile

Deletes one or more profiles.

delete repset

Deletes one or more replication sets (not applicable to 2500 Series).

delete snapshot

Deletes one or more snapshots.

delete vdisk

Deletes one or more named virtual disks.

delete volume

Deletes one or more named volumes.

delete volume-copy

Deletes a volume-copy (not applicable to 2500 Series).

disable snapshot

Disables one or more snapshots.

export array

Renders an extensible markup language (XML) representation of the array.

export profile

Exports one or more profiles into an XML representation.

fail disk

Sets a disk to the failed state.


import array

Applies an array configuration file to the specified array.


import profile

Imports one or more profiles from a specified XML file.


initialize disk

Initializes a disk.

list controller

Lists configuration information for the specified controller.

list fcport

Lists Fibre Channel port information for the controller of the specified array.

list host

Lists the host names and details for an individual host.

list hostgroup

Lists host group name and hosts for an individual host group.

list initiator

Lists the initiators and provides a description of each.

list iperformance

Displays iSCSI performance statistics for the 2510 array and enables you to define the type of iSCSI performance statistics to monitor.

list iscsi-port

Lists iSCSI ports.

list iscsi-session

Lists iSCSI sessions.

list iscsi-target

Lists iSCSI target name configured for the specified array.

list license

Shows all licenses that are associated with the array, along with related licensing details (serial number, controller serial number, and further details).

list mapping

Lists mappings for the array. You can filter the output by specifying the name of a storage domain, a host, or a host group.

list os-type

Shows all of the operating systems that are supported by the array. The values returned can be used in subsequent requests to create or modify initiators, or to modify the default host type of the array.

list performance

Shows detailed performance statistics. You can use the following options only if a single array is specified.

list pool

Lists storage pool information.

list profile

Lists the named storage profiles.

list repset

Lists replication set information (not applicable to 2500 Series).

list sasport

Lists SAS port information.

list snapshot

Lists the specified snapshot or snapshots associated with this array.

list tray

Lists information about one or more storage trays in the array.

list vdisk

Lists virtual disk (vdisk) or virtual disks information associated with this array.

list volume

Lists volume information.

list volume-copy

Lists volume copy information. If neither the source volume nor the target volume is specified, a summary of all volume copies is listed. If the source volume or the target volume is specified, a detailed listing of each is generated.

map host

Maps one or more volumes and snapshots to a host. Any previous mappings for the given volumes and snapshots are removed.

map hostgroup

Maps one or more volumes and snapshots to a host group. Any previous mappings for the given volumes or snapshots are removed.

map initiator

Maps one or more initiators to a volume or snapshot.

map snapshot

Maps one or more snapshots to a host or host group. If no host or host group is specified, the snapshot or snapshots are mapped into the Default partition.

map volume

Maps one or more volumes to a host or host group. Any previous mappings for the given volume or volumes are removed.

modify array

Modifies the configuration of the specified array.

modify controller

Modifies the controller settings.

modify date

Modifies the date on the array, allowing you to set the time on the array, or to synchronize the time with the management host (that is, setting the array's time to the management host's time.)

modify disk

Specifies the disk role.

modify fcport

Modifies the Fibre Channel port settings on the specified array.

modify host

Modifies the host name.

modify hostgroup

Modifies the host group name.

modify initiator

Modifies an initiator.

modify iperformance

Modifies the settings for iSCSI performance data.

modify iscsi-port

Modifies an iSCSI port.

modify iscsi-target

Modifies an iSCSI target.

modify jobs

Cancels or prioritizes a running or outstanding job.

modify license

Activates replication set licenses (applicable to 2500 Series only when running firmware version 07.35.nn.nn or higher).

modify notification

Modifies notification options.

modify performance

Modifies settings for performance monitoring.

modify pool

Modifies the name or description of the storage pool or the profile with which this pool is associated.

modify profile

Modifies a storage profile on the array.

modify registeredarray

Change the locally stored password for a registered array.

modify repset

Modifies the mode, consistency group, or replication priority of the specified replication set (not applicable to 2500 Series).

modify snapshot

Modifies the specified snapshot.

modify tray

Modifies information about one or more storage trays in the array.

modify vdisk

Specifies modifications to a virtual disk.

modify volume

Modifies any of a volume’s attributes.

modify volume-copy

Modifies a volume copy (not applicable to 2500 Series).

offline vdisk

Sets a virtual disk offline.

online vdisk

Sets a virtual disk online.

reconstruct disk

Initiates a disk reconstruction.

remove hostgroup

Removes one or more hosts from a host group.

remove license

Removes the replication set feature license from the specified array (not applicable to 2500 Series).

remove notification

Removes a local or remote notification provider.

reset array

Resets the specified array.

reset controller

Resets the specified controller.

resnap snapshot

Resnaps one or more existing snapshots.

revive disk

Attempts to bring a disk to the optimal state.

revive vdisk

Revives a virtual disk.

service fail

Places a field-replaceable unit of an array into a failed state.

service redistribute

Redistributes volumes back to their preferred owners.

service revive

Attempts to place the array controller or disk drive into the optimal state. This can create complications. Do not initiate this command without first consulting Sun Customer Service personnel.

snapshoot volume

Creates and manages snapshots.

unmap host

Unmaps one or more snapshots or volumes from a host.

unmap hostgroup

Unmaps one or more snapshots or volumes from a host group.

unmap initiator

Removes the mapping from one or more initiators to a volume or snapshot.

unmap snapshot

Removes the mapping from one or more snapshots to a host or hostgroup.

unmap volume

Unmaps one or more volumes from a host or host group.

TABLE 1-5 lists the array configuration commands available in the Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI. These commands are supported only on those arrays that have one or more RAID controllers.

SAS Domain Access Configuration Commands

This section identifies commands used in SAS domain access configuration. These commands are supported only on Sun JBOD arrays, including Sun Storage J4200, J4400, and J4500 arrays, Sun Storage F5100 Flash Array, and the Sun Blade 6000 disk module.

TABLE 1-6 SAS Domain Access Configuration Commands



disable sas-domain

Disables access configuration for a specified SAS domain.

enable sas-domain

Enables access configuration for a specified SAS domain.

export sas-domain

Copies the configuration of the specified SAS domain to a specified template file.

import sas-domain

Restores configuration information for a specified SAS domain from a specified template file.

list host-agent

Lists the host-agents in a specified SAS domain or the details for specified host-agents in a specified SAS domain.

list sas-domain

Lists SAS domains or the details of specified SAS domains.

list sas-zone

Provides a list of all SAS access configuration groups and details of those groups.

list template

Lists a summary of all SAS domain templates known by the current management station, or lists the details of specified templates.

modify sas-domain

Modifies the specified properties of a SAS domain.

reset sas-domain

Returns the specified SAS domain to the default settings.

TABLE 1-6 lists the SAS domain access configuration commands available in the Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI. These commands are supported only on Sun JBOD arrays.