Loading Code


Command: Maintenance > Code Load

Before loading code to the library, see Setting up Java Policy Permissions to set up the appropriate permissions.


To load code to the library:

1. Type the name of the file containing the code to load.

2. Click Load.


Note: This is the filename you entered in the Targetname field during the Java policy tool configuration. This filename is case sensitive.


Do not interrupt the code load process as it may damage the LLC card, MPC card, or MPB card depending on the library.


A code load to a LLC card for the Lxx libraries or a MPC card for Lxxx libraries, through a network can take about 5 minutes and a combined download to a L700e MPC and L700ePTP MPB card can take up to 45 minutes. The progress bar indicates the progress of the code load.

A library reboot is necessary when the code load is complete. See Rebooting the Library topic.

