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Sun Server CLI Tools and IPMItool 2.0 User's Guide

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Change History

Sun Server CLI Tools Overview

Installing Components

Getting Started


Getting the Software

Sun SSM Component Manager Overview

Upgrading from Previous Versions

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager in Interactive Mode

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Windows) Using Component Manager

(Windows) Using the Component Manager Graphic Interface

(Windows) Using Component Manager Command-line Interface

CLI Tools Command Syntax and Conventions

CLI Tools Command Syntax

CLI Tools Device-Naming Convention

Using thebiosconfig Tool

biosconfig Dependencies

biosconfig Terminology

Using biosconfig

biosconfig for Solaris OS

biosconfig for Windows

biosconfig Command Overview

What Changes the Boot List

Important Notes on Devices

Configuring the Device Boot Order

BIOS CMOS Configuration

Configuring Individual CMOS Settings

Commands That Produce Unrelated, Innocuous, Extra Output

Using the fwupdate Tool

fwupdate Command-Line Interface

list Subcommand

reset Subcommand

update Subcommand

Device-Naming Convention

Execution Summary

Using the raidconfig Tool

raidconfig Overview

raidconfig Command Overview

list Subcommand

list Options

How To Show a Brief Listing

How To Show a Detailed Listing

How To Show a Brief Listing of a Disk

create raid Subcommand

How To Create a RAID Volume

delete raid Subcommand

How To Delete a RAID Volume

add spare Subcommand

add spare Options

How to Add a Spare

remove spare Subcommand and Options

How to Remove a Spare Disk or a RAID Volume

modify Subcommand

modify Options

How to Modify a RAID Volume Name

export Subcommand

raidconfig export Options

How to Export an Inventory to a File

import Subcommand

How to Configure RAID Volumes from a File

Using the ilomconfig Tool

ilomconfig Overview

ilomconfig Command Usage

Using ipmitool for Windows

ipmitool Overview

Sun IPMI System Management Driver 2.1

How to Install Sun IPMI System Management Driver 2.1 Manually

How to Perform an Unattended Installation of the Sun IPMI System Management Driver 2.1

How to Verify ipmitool Installation

How to Configure for PXE to Boot First

How to Configure for the Hard Drive to Boot First

How to Configure for Any CD/DVD to Boot First

How to Configure for Any Floppy or Removable Media to Boot First

CLI Tools Error Codes

Common Error Codes

biosconfig Error Messages

raidconfig Error Codes

ilomconfig Error Codes

fwupdate Error Codes


create raid Subcommand

The create raid subcommand can be used to create RAID volumes. This subcommand must take at least one of the following required options:

Short Option
Long Option
List of disks — A list of disks with a comma separating the disk ID numbers.
The controller ID number — When specific disks are not supplied, this option indicates which controller to use.
Number of disks — The number of disks in the array. The tool chooses from the available disks. If there are not enough disks available to match the number, the command fails.
Level — The RAID level supported by the controller. For example, 0, 1, 1E, 5, 10, 50, 60, etc. The levels supported for a particular controller can be seen in the raid levels supported field of the show command. Not all controllers support all RAID levels. For example, Adaptec supports 0, 1, 5, 10, and 50. Since any RAID level can be set, it is possible that the command results in an error if the RAID level is not supported. If no RAID level is supplied, level 0 is assumed.
Stripe size — In kilobytes, the stripe size of the RAID volume to be created. If this option is not supplied, a stripe size of 128 K is used.
Leg size in number of disks — For nested RAID levels (10, 50), specifies the size of the RAID components in number of physical disks.
Name — The user-defined name that identifies the RAID volume. This name can be set to an empty string ("").

The maximum capacity of the RAID volume is not configurable. The storage library does not currently support configuring RAID from partial disks. You can only create RAID volumes from full disks not partial and the disks must all be of the same size.

See also: