ONC+ Developer's Guide


Another place where cookies can be used is with callbacks. A server can specify a (user-defined) callback so that it knows when a context first gets used, by using the rpc_gss_set_callback() function. The callback is invoked the first time a context is used for data exchanges, after the context is established for the specified program and version.

The user-defined callback routine takes the following form:

The second and third arguments, deleg and gss_context, are GSS-API data types and are not currently exposed, so the callback function can ignore them. (Briefly, deleg is the identity of any delegated peer, while gss_context is a pointer to the GSS-API context, in case the program wanted to perform GSS-API operations on the context -- that is, to test for acceptance criteria.) The cookie argument we have already seen.

The lock argument is a pointer to a rpc_gss_lock_t structure:

typedef struct {
		bool_t              locked;
		rpc_gss_rawcred_t   *raw_cred;
} rpc_gss_lock_t;
This parameter enables a server to enforce a particular QOP and service for the session. QOP and service are found in the rpc_gss_rawcred_t structure described in Example 4-33. (A server should not change the values for service and QOP.) When the user-defined callback is invoked, the locked field is set to FALSE. If the server sets locked to TRUE, only requests with QOP and service values that match the QOP and service values in the rpc_gss_rawcred_t structure will be accepted.

For more information, see the rpc_gss_set_callback(3N) man page.