ONC+ Developer's Guide

/etc/gss/qop and /etc/gss/mech

For convenience, RPCSEC_GSS uses string literals for representing mechanisms and Quality of Protection (QOP) parameters. The underlying mechanisms themselves, however, require mechanisms to be represented as object identifiers and QOPs as 32-bit integers. Additionally, for each mechanism, the shared library that implements the services for that mechanism needs to be specified.

The /etc/gss/mech file stores the following information on all installed mechanisms on a system: the mechanism name, in ASCII; the mechanism's OID; the shared library implementing the services provided by this mechanism; and, optionally, the kernel module implementing the service. A sample line might look like this:

kerberos_v5   1.2.840.113554.1.2.2    gl/mech_krb5.so gl_kmech_krb5

The /etc/gss/qop file stores, for all mechanisms installed, all the QOPs supported by each mechanism, both as an ASCII string as its corresponding 32-bit integer.

Both /etc/gss/mech and /etc/gss/qop are created when security mechanisms are first installed on a given system.

Because many of the in-kernel RPC routines use non-string values to represent mechanism and QOP, applications can use the rpc_gss_mech_to_oid() and rpc_gss_qop_to_num() functions to get the non-string equivalents for these parameters, should they need to take advantage of those in-kernel routines.