System Administration Guide, Volume 2

How to Add a Service

To add a standard terminal service to the mbmon port monitor, type:

# pmadm -a -p mbmon -s a -i root -v `ttyadm -V` -m "`ttyadm -i 'Terminal disabled'
 -l contty -m ldterm,ttcompat -S y -d /dev/term/a -s /usr/bin/login`"

Note -

In this example, the input wraps to the next line. Do not put a Return or line feed after contty.


The add port monitor status flag


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag


Specifies the svctag a as the port monitor service tag


Specifies the identity to be assigned to svctag when it runs


Specifies the version number of the port monitor


Specifies the ttymon-specific configuration data formatted by ttyadm

The above pmadm command contains an embedded ttyadm command. The options in this embedded command are as follows:


The bidirectional port flag


Specifies the inactive (disabled) response message


Specifies which TTY label in /etc/ttydefs to use


Specifies the STREAMS modules to push before invoking this service


Specifies the full path name to the device to use for the TTY port


Specifies the full path name of the service to invoke when a connection request is received; if arguments are required, enclose the command and its arguments in quotation marks (")