System Administration Guide, Volume 2

How to View the Status of a TTY Port Service

Use the pmadm command as shown to list the status of a TTY port, or all the ports associated with a port monitor.

Listing One Service

To list one service of a port monitor, type:

# pmadm -l -p mbmon -s a


Lists service information 


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag


Specifies the svctag a as the port monitor service tag

Listing All Services of All Port Monitors

To list all services of all port monitors, type:

# pmadm -l


Lists service information 

Listing All Services of a Port Monitor

To list all services of a port monitor, type:

# pmadm -l -p mbmon


Lists service information 


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag