System Administration Guide, Volume 2

Setting Up Printer Fault Recovery

If you choose not to send any fault notification, you can find out about printing faults so you can correct the problem. The LP print service will not continue to use a printer that has a fault. In addition to alerts for printer faults, you can also provide alerts that tell the system administrator to mount print wheels, font cartridges, and forms when print requests require them.

You can define the fault recovery options for a printer only by using the lpadmin -F command. This task is not available in Solaris Print Manager.

Printer faults can be as simple as running out of paper or needing to replace a toner cartridge. Other more serious problems can include complete printer failure or power failure. After you fix a printer fault, the print request that was active when the fault occurred begins printing in one of three ways:

A print filter is required to continue printing from the top of a page where the printing stopped. A print filter records the control sequences used by the printer to track page boundaries, which the default filters used by the print service cannot do. You will be notified by the print service if recovery cannot proceed with the specified print filter. For information about writing filters, see "How to Create a New Print Filter".

If you want printing to resume immediately after a printer fault is fixed, enable the printer by using the enable command.

The table below lists the fault recovery values you can set for a printer with the lpadmin -F command.

Table 5-4 Values for Printer Fault Recovery

Value for -F recover-options



After a fault recovery, printing restarts from the beginning of the file. 


After a fault recovery, printing starts at the top of the page where the printing stopped. This recovery option requires a print filter.


After a fault recovery, printing stops until you enable the printer. After you enable the printer (enable command), printing starts at the top of the page where printing stopped. This recovery option requires a print filter.