System Administration Guide, Volume 2

How to Set Fault Alerts for a Printer

  1. Log in as superuser or lp on the print server.

  2. Set fault alerts for a printer with the lpadmin command.

    # lpadmin -p printer-name -A alert [-W minutes]

    -p printer-name

    Name of the printer for which you are specifying an alert for printer faults. 

    -A alert

    Specifies what kind of alert will occur when the printer faults. See Table 5-3 for detailed information about the valid values for alert. Some valid values are mail, write, and quiet.

    -W minutes

    Specifies how often (in minutes) the fault alert will occur. If you don't specify this option, the alert is sent once. 

    The fault alert setting is entered in the print server's /etc/lp/printers/printer-name/ file.

  3. Check the information following the On fault heading from the output of the following command.

    $ lpstat -p printer-name -l

Examples--Setting Fault Alerts for a Printer

In the following example, the command sets up the printer mars to send fault alerts by email to a user named joe, with reminders every 5 minutes.

# lpadmin -p mars -A 'mail joe' -W 5

In the following example, the command sets up the printer venus to send fault alerts to the console window, with reminders every 10 minutes.

# lpadmin -p venus -A write -W 10

In the following example, the command stops fault alerts for the printer mercury.

# lpadmin -p mercury -A none

In the following example, the command stops fault alerts until the printer venus has been fixed.

# lpadmin -p venus -A quiet