System Administration Guide, Volume 2

How to Open an ftp Connection to a Remote System

  1. Make sure you have ftp authentication.

    You must have ftp authentication, as described in "Authentication for Remote Logins (ftp)".

  2. Open a connection to a remote system by using the ftp command.

    $ ftp remote-system

    If the connection succeeds, a confirmation message and prompt is displayed.

  3. Enter your user name.

    Name (remote-system:user-name): user-name
  4. If prompted, enter your password.

    331 Password required for user-name:
    Password: password

    If the system you are accessing has established an anonymous ftp account, you will not be prompted for a password. If the ftp interface accepts your password, it displays a confirmation message and the (ftp>) prompt.

    You can now use any of the commands supplied by the ftp interface, including help. The principal commands are summarized in Table 10-2.

Example--Opening an ftp Connection to a Remote System

This ftp session was established by the user smith on the remote system pluto:

$ ftp pluto
Connected to pluto.
220 pluto FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
Name (pluto:smith): smith
331 Password required for smith:
Password: password
230 User smith logged in.