Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide

Chapter 1 Getting Started

This chapter describes how to plan for and set up the installation of Solaris 8 Intel Platform Edition.

Note -

Solaris software might be preinstalled on your system; see your hardware documentation.

Terms Used in This Book

Before you get started, you must understand these terms.



CHS enabled (cylinder/head/sector enabled)

Addressing of the disk is by cylinder, head, and sector number. Compare with LBA enabled.

custom JumpStart

A type of installation in which the Solaris software is automatically installed on a system based on a user-defined profile. You can create customized profiles for different types of users and systems. 


On a disk drive, the set of tracks with the same nominal distance from the axis about which the disk rotates. See also track, sector.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

An application-layer protocol that enables individual computers, or clients, on a TCP/IP network to extract an IP address and other network configuration information from a designated and centrally maintained DHCP server or servers. DHCP reduces the overhead of maintaining and administering a large IP network. 

fdisk partition

A logical partition of a disk drive dedicated to a particular operating system on IA (Intel Architecture) based systems. When using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program, you must set up at least one Solaris 8 fdisk partition on an IA based system. IA based systems are designed to support up to four different operating systems on each drive; each operating system must be located on a unique fdisk partition.

The fdisk partition on an IA based system that contains the Solaris software is divided into slices, one of which is the swap slice. Compare with slice.

initial installation

The fresh installation of Solaris that overwrites all the information on a system's disk. See also upgrade.


A new version (version 6) of Internet Protocol (IP) designed to be an evolutionary step from the current version, IPv4 (version 4). It is an increment to IPv4. Deploying IPv6, using defined transition mechanisms, does not disrupt current operations. In addition, IPv6 provides a platform for new Internet functionality. 

IPv6 is described in more detail in "Overview of IPv6" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3.


A browser-based environment in which information, such as documentation, web pages, and other content, is displayed as the user installs the Solaris software with Solaris Web Start. 

LBA enabled (logical block address enabled)

Sectors on the disk are mapped and addressed linearly. Compare with CHS enabled.


The smallest possible bootable Solaris root (/) file system. A miniroot contains a kernel and just enough software to install the Solaris environment on a hard disk. The miniroot is the file system that is copied to a machine in the initial installation.


 A collection of software that is grouped into a single entity for modular installation.


A data storage area on a disk, or sections of each disk ring. A sector can usually hold 512 bytes. 


A logical division of a Solaris fdisk partition (for example, the swap or root slice in the fdisk partition). Compare with fdisk partition.

Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program

A graphical user interface (GUI) or character user interface (CUI) based, menu-driven, interactive script that enables you to set up a system and install the Solaris 8 software on it. 

Solaris Web Start

A graphical, wizard based, Java powered software application that installs the Solaris operating environment and other software on a single system from a local or remote CD-ROM drive. You can also run Solaris Web Start through a command-line interface. Compare with custom JumpStart and Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. 


A slice used by Solaris software to temporarily store programs and data that do not fit into a system's memory (the programs and data in swap are removed or overwritten every time the system is rebooted). If the swap space is too small, some programs might not run after installation. If the swap space is too large, other files required for installation might not fit on the disk.

The recommended swap size for the majority of users is 512 Mbytes.  

Note -

If necessary, you can subsequently increase (but not decrease) the swap space on a system on which you install the Solaris software.


A concentric ring on a disk that passes under a single stationary disk head as the disk rotates. 


The merging of a new version of Solaris with an existing version on your disk; upgrading your system with a new version of Solaris saves as many local modifications as possible since the last time Solaris was installed. See also initial installation.

Note -

You cannot use Solaris Web Start to upgrade to Solaris 8 from Solaris 7 or earlier versions of the Solaris operating environment because it uses a different method to install Solaris software (a separate 10-Mbyte IA boot partition).

You must instead use the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program, which is described in more detail in "Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.


A self-contained, graphical user interface-based program that guides you through a specific task. 

Planning and Setting Up for Installation

Ways to Run Solaris Web Start

You can run Solaris Web Start two ways, as a:

The content and sequence of instructions in both the graphical user interface and command-line user interface are generally the same, with slight differences, as shown by these examples:

Example 1-1 Graphical User Interface: Time Zone Dialog Box


Example 1-2 Command-line User Interface: Time Zone Menu and Prompt

Please select how to specify your default time zone.

Specify Time Zone by:

1. Geographic region
2. Offset from GMT
3. Time zone file

   Please enter the number corresponding to how you would like to specify
   the time zone [1]: 

What Determines Which Interface Is Used

If Solaris Web Start detects a video adapter for the system, it uses the graphical user interface, and if it does not, it uses the command-line user interface.

To Plan Your Installation

Note -

The instructions in this book describe how to install Solaris 8 software using a CD. If you choose to install Solaris 8 software over a network, some steps might differ.

  1. Use this decision table to determine what to do first.

    If you intend to install Solaris software from 

    Then go to 

    A CD-ROM drive attached to your system 

    Step 2.

    A remote CD-ROM drive on a network 

    Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide and the steps presented in this and later chapters.

  2. Is Solaris already installed on the system?

  3. Make sure your hardware is supported.

    See the Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Hardware Compatibility List.

  4. If your system is attached to a network, gather the following information about the system on which you intend to install the Solaris operating environment.

    Note -

    If Solaris is not already installed on the system, contact your system administrator or whoever is responsible for maintaining your network to find the following information.



    To find the information (with Solaris installed), use  

    Host name 


    uname -n

    Host IP address

    ypmatch system_name hosts or

    nismatch system_name hosts.org_dir

    Subnet mask

    more /etc/netmasks

    Type of name service (DNS, NIS, or NIS+) 

    passwd:     files nis
    group:      files nis
    hosts:      xfn nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    networks:   nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    protocols:  nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    rpc:        nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    ethers:     nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    netmasks:   nis [NOTFOUND=return] files	
    bootparams: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    publickey:  nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    netgroup:   nis
    automount:  files nis
    aliases:    files nis
    services:   files nis
    sendmailvars:   files

    cat /etc/nsswitch.conf

    Domain name 



    Host name of name server 



    Host IP address of name server

    ypmatch nameserver_name hosts or

    nismatch nameserver_name hosts.org_dir

  5. Determine which of the following software you intend to install and the total disk space the combined software will require.

    • The Solaris software group:

      Software Group 

      Recommended Disk Space 

       Entire Distribution Plus OEM Support 2.4 Gbytes
       Entire Distribution 2.3 Gbytes
       Developer System Support 1.9 Gbytes
       End User System Support 1.6 Gbytes

      Note -

      Swap space is included in the disk space recommendations. A minumum of 320 Mbytes is required for swap space, but more might be needed due to available memory and other factors. By default, Solaris Web Start allocates 512 Mbytes for swap space.

    • Additional software

      See the documentation to determine the disk space you'll need.

    • Vendor or third-party software

      See the vendor or third-party software documentation.

    • Space for home directories

      Home directories might contain user files such as mail, text or data files, or application files.

  6. Determine the language you want to use to install Solaris. If you use the CD labeled:

    • Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition--all prompts, messages, and other installation information are displayed in English only.

    • Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition--you can select one of the following languages in which to display all prompts, messages, and other installation information:

      • Simplified Chinese

      • Traditional Chinese

      • English

      • French

      • German

      • Italian

      • Japanese

      • Korean

      • Spanish

      • Swedish

  7. Make sure you have at least the following CDs:

    • Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition

    • Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition and Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 Intel Platform Edition

    • Solaris 8 Languages Intel Platform Edition (if you use the Multilingual CD)

To Set Up for Installation

Note -

The BIOS on most IA motherboards manufactured since late 1997 supports the "El Torito" standard and thus recognizes CD-ROM drives as boot devices.

  1. Do you intend to install the Solaris software through a tip(1) line?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, make sure your window display is at least 80 columns wide and 24 rows long.

      Note -

      To determine the current dimensions of your tip window, use the stty(1) command.

  2. Is your system capable of booting from a CD?

    • If yes, ensure that the capability is turned on by using your system's BIOS setup tool.

    • If no, insert the diskette labeled Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition into the system's diskette drive.

      Note -

      You can also download the Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant from the Solaris Driver Connection at

  3. Insert the CD labeled Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition into the system's CD-ROM drive:

    CD-ROM Drive - Tray Version 

    CD-ROM Drive - Caddy Version 

    1. Press the eject button on the front panel of the CD-ROM drive. A tray slides out.

    2. Insert the CD labeled Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition (logo facing up) into the tray.

    3. Push the tray into the CD-ROM drive.

    1. To open the caddy, pinch the corners while lifting the lid at the center.

    2. Insert the CD labeled Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition (logo facing up) and close the caddy.

    3. With the arrow on the caddy pointing toward the CD-ROM drive, insert the caddy.


  4. Boot the system by shutting it down and then turning it off and on.

    A memory test and hardware detection are executed. The screen refreshes.

    • If you're using the diskette labeled Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition, the message:

      Solaris Boot Sector                           Version 1

      is displayed at the top of your screen. Then, information similar to this is displayed:

      Solaris for x86 - Generic DCB                 Version 1.234
                             loading /solaris/boot.bin

      The screen refreshes and information similar to this is displayed:

      SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00
                   Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System
      Running Configuration Assistant...
    • If you're using only the CD labeled Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition, the message:

      SunOS - Intel Platform Edition    Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0

      is displayed at the top of the screen. Then, information similar to this is displayed:

      SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00
                   Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System
      Running Configuration Assistant...

  5. When the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant screen is displayed, press F2_Continue.

    The Bus Enumeration screen is displayed with the message:

    Determining bus types and gathering hardware configuration data ...

    The Scanning Devices screen is then displayed. System devices are scanned. When scanning is complete, the Identified Devices screen is displayed.

  6. Press F2_Continue.

    The Loading screen is displayed with messages about drivers that are loaded to boot your system. After a few seconds, the Boot Solaris screen is displayed.

  7. On the Boot Solaris screen, select CD and press F2_Continue.

    • If you're using the CD labeled Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition, and Solaris Web Start cannot find a Solaris fdisk partition, the Running Driver screen is displayed briefly, followed by information similar to this:

                              <<< Current Boot Parameters >>>
      Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a
      Boot args: kernel/unix
                              <<< Starting Installation >>>
      SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
      Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
      Configuring /dev and /devices
      Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
      Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer
      English has been selected as the language in which to perform the install.
      Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer
      Solaris installer is searching the system's hard disks for a 
      location to place the Solaris installer software.
      No suitable Solaris fdisk partition was found. 
      Solaris Installer needs to create a Solaris fdisk partition 
      on your root disk, c0d0, that is at least 395 MB.
      WARNING: All information on the disk will be lost.   
      May the Solaris Installer create a Solaris fdisk [y,n,?] 
    • Otherwise, if you're using the CD labeled Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition, and Solaris Web Start can find a Solaris fdisk partition, the Running Driver screen is displayed briefly, followed by information similar to this:

                              <<< Current Boot Parameters >>>
      Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a
      Boot args: kernel/unix
                              <<< Starting Installation >>>
      SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
      Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
      Configuring /dev and /devices
      Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
      Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer
      English has been selected as the language in which to perform the install.
      Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer
      Solaris installer is searching the system's hard disks for a 
      location to place the Solaris installer software.
      The default root disk is /dev/dsk/c0d0.
      The Solaris installer needs to format
      /dev/dsk/c0d0 to install Solaris.
      Do you want to format /dev/dsk/c0d0?  [y,n,?,q] 
    • If you're using the CD labeled Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition, information similar to this is displayed:

                              <<< Current Boot Parameters >>>
      Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a
      Boot args: kernel/unix
                              <<< Starting Installation >>>
      SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
      Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
      Configuring /dev and /devices
      Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
      Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer
      The Solaris Installer can be run in English, or any of the following languages:
        1) English           6) Japanese
        2) German            7) Korean
        3) Spanish           8) Swedish
        4) French            9) Simplified_Chinese
        5) Italian          10) Traditional_Chinese
      Select the language you want to use to run the installer:

  8. Which installation CD are you using?

    • If the Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition CD, go to the next step.

    • If the Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition CD, type the number to select the language in which to display prompts, messages, and other installation information.

    If Solaris Web Start cannot find a Solaris fdisk partition, information similar to this is displayed (in the language you selected):

    language_you_selected has been selected as the language in which to perform the install.
    Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer
    Solaris installer is searching the system's hard disks for a 
    location to place the Solaris installer software.
    No suitable Solaris fdisk partition was found. 
    Solaris Installer needs to create a Solaris fdisk partition 
    on your root disk, c0d0, that is at least 395 MB.
    WARNING: All information on the disk will be lost.   
    May the Solaris Installer create a Solaris fdisk [y,n,?] 

    If Solaris Web Start can find a Solaris fdisk partition, information similar to this is displayed (in the language you selected):

    language_you_selected has been selected as the language in which to perform the install.
    Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer
    Solaris installer is searching the system's hard disks for a 
    location to place the Solaris installer software.
    The default root disk is /dev/dsk/c0d0.
    The Solaris installer needs to format
    /dev/dsk/c0d0 to install Solaris.
    Do you want to format /dev/dsk/c0d0?  [y,n,?,q] 
  9. Was Solaris Web Start able to find a Solaris fdisk partition?

    • If yes, go to Step 21.

    • If no, at the prompt, type y and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

                 Total disk size is 972 cylinders
                 Cylinder size is 4032 (512 byte) blocks
          Partition   Status    Type          Start   End   Length    %
          =========   ======    ============  =====   ===   ======   ===
              1                 DOS12             0     7        8     1
       1. Create a partition
       2. Specify the active partition
       3. Delete a partition
       4. Exit (update disk configuration and exit)
       5. Cancel (exit without updating disk configuration)
    Enter Selection: 
  10. Type 1 and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Select the partition type to create:
       1=SOLARIS   2=UNIX        3=PCIXOS     4=Other
       5=DOS12     6=DOS16       7=DOSEXT     8=DOSBIG
       A=x86 Boot  B=Diagnostic  0=Exit? 
  11. Type A and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Specify the percentage of disk to use for this partition
    (or type "c" to specify the size in cylinders). 
  12. Type the percentage you want and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Should this become the active partition? If yes, it will be activated
    each time the computer is reset or turned on.
    Please type "y" or "n". 
  13. Type y and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Partition 2 is now the active partition.
       1. Create a partition
       2. Specify the active partition
       3. Delete a partition
       4. Exit (update disk configuration and exit)
       5. Cancel (exit without updating disk configuration) 
  14. Type 1 and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Select the partition type to create:
       1=SOLARIS   2=UNIX        3=PCIXOS     4=Other
       5=DOS12     6=DOS16       7=DOSEXT     8=DOSBIG
       A=x86 Boot  B=Diagnostic  0=Exit? 
  15. Type 1 and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Specify the percentage of disk to use for this partition
    (or type "c" to specify the size in cylinders). 
  16. Type the percentage you want and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Should this become the active partition? If yes, it will be activated
    each time the computer is reset or turned on.
    Please type "y" or "n". 
  17. Type n and press Enter.

    An IA boot partition and a Solaris partition are created. Information similar to this is displayed:

                 Total disk size is 972 cylinders
                 Cylinder size is 4032 (512 byte) blocks
          Partition   Status    Type          Start   End   Length    %
          =========   ======    ============  =====   ===   ======   ===
              1                 DOS12             0     7        8     1
              2       Active    x86 Boot          8    16        9     1
              3                 Solaris          17   969      953    98
       1. Create a partition
       2. Specify the active partition
       3. Delete a partition
       4. Exit (update disk configuration and exit)
       5. Cancel (exit without updating disk configuration)
    Enter Selection: 
  18. Type 4 and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    No suitable Solaris fdisk partition was found. 
    Solaris Installer needs to create a Solaris fdisk partition 
    on your root disk, c0d0, that is at least 395 MB.
    WARNING: All information on the disk will be lost.   
    May the Solaris Installer create a Solaris fdisk [y,n,?] 
  19. Type n and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Please choose another installation option, see the 
    Solaris Install Documentation for more details.
    To restart the installation, run /sbin/cd0_install.
  20. At the system prompt, type /sbin/cd0_install and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    The default root disk is /dev/dsk/c0d0.
    The Solaris installer needs to format
    /dev/dsk/c0d0 to install Solaris.
    Do you want to format /dev/dsk/c0d0?  [y,n,?,q] 
  21. At the prompt, type y and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    NOTE: The swap size cannot be changed during filesystem layout.
    Enter a swap partition size between 384MB and 1865MB, default = 512MB [?] 
  22. At the prompt, press Enter to accept the default swap partition size, or type the swap partition size you want and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    The Installer prefers that the swap slice is at the beginning of the
    disk. This will allow the most flexible filesystem partitioning later in the installation.
    Can the swap slice start at the beginning of the disk  [y,n,?,q] 
  23. Do you want to place the swap space at the beginning of the disk (and thus improve the flexibility of partitioning the file system and the efficiency with which the disk is accessed)?

    • If yes, type y, press Enter, and go to Step 25.

    • If no, type n and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    WARNING: Placing the swap slice at a cylinder location other than cylinder 0
    requires expert knowledge about disk layout. This choice may affect 
    disk layout choices later in the installation.
    Enter a starting cylinder between 3 and 590, default = 3 [?] 
  24. Press Enter to accept the default starting cylinder (3), or type the starting cylinder you want and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    You have selected the following to be used by the Solaris installer:
            Disk Slice  : /dev/dsk/c0d0
            Size        : 512 MB
            Start Cyl.  : 3
    Is this OK  [y,n,?,q] 
  25. At the prompt, type y and press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    The Solaris installer will use disk slice, /dev/dsk/c0d0s1.
    After files are copied, the system will automatically reboot, and
    installation will continue.
    Please Wait...
    Copying mini-root to local disk....done.
    Copying platform specific files....done.
    Preparing to reboot and continue installation.
    Need to reboot to continue the installation
    Please remove the boot media (floppy or cdrom) and press Enter
    Note: If the boot media is cdrom, you must wait for the system
    to reset in order to eject.
  26. Did you insert the diskette labeled Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition into the system's diskette drive in Step 2?

    • If yes, eject the diskette from the system's diskette drive and press Enter.

    • If no, press Enter.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Syncing file systems... 49 done

    The system resets, and a memory test and hardware detection are executed.

  27. Quickly, eject the Solaris 8 Installation English Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Installation Multilingual Intel Platform Edition CD from the CD-ROM drive before the system completes the memory test and hardware detection.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    SunOS - Intel Platform Edition                   Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0
                            Current Disk Partition Information
                     Part#   Status    Type      Start       Length
                       1              DOS12          63       32193
                       2     Active   X86 BOOT    32256       36288
                       3              SOLARIS     68544     3842496
                       4              <unused>
                   Please select the partition you wish to boot:  

    After a few seconds, the screen refreshes and information similar to this is displayed:

    SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00
                 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System
    Running Configuration Assistant...
    Autobooting from bootpath /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ata@1/cmdk@0,0:b
    If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different
    device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC.
    Initializing system
    Please wait...
                          <<< Current Boot Parameters >>>
    Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ata@1/cmdk@0,0:b
    Boot args: 
    Type    b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER>      to boot with options
    or      i <ENTER>                               to enter boot interpreter
    or      <ENTER>                                 to boot with defaults
                      <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>>
    Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: 
    SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
    Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Configuring /dev and /devices
    Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.

    The Solaris Installation Program screen is then displayed.

  28. Press F2_Continue.

    The kdmconfig - Introduction screen is displayed.

  29. Press F2_Continue.

    The kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration screen is displayed.

  30. Examine the configuration information on the kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration screen and make any changes you need.

  31. When you're done, select No changes needed - Test/Save and Exit, and press F2_Continue.

    The kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test screen is displayed.

  32. Press F2_Continue.

  33. On the screen that is displayed, try to move the pointer and examine the colors shown on the palette to ensure that they're displayed accurately.

  34. Are the colors displayed accurately and can you move the pointer?

    • If no, either click No (if possible), press any key on the keyboard, or wait until kdmconfig exits the kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test screen automatically, and then repeat Step 30 through Step 34 until the colors are displayed accurately and you can move the pointer as expected.

    • If yes, click Yes.

      After a few seconds, the Welcome screen is displayed:Graphic

  35. Go to Chapter 2, Using Solaris Web Start.