Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide

To Create an fdisk Partition for Solaris: Installation

  1. On the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box, click Continue or Initial.

    • If you clicked Initial, additional information is displayed on the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box:

    • If you clicked Continue, the Select Geographic Regions dialog box is displayed:


  2. In the previous step, did you select Continue or Initial?

    • If Continue, go to the next step.

    • If Initial, click Continue.

  3. On the Select Geographic Regions dialog box, select the geographic region or regions for which you want to install support and click Continue.

    The Select Software dialog box is displayed:

  4. Select the software group you want to install.

  5. Do you want to add or remove software clusters or packages to or from the software group you selected in the previous step?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, click Customize and use the Customize Software dialog box to add or remove the software clusters or packages you want.

  6. Click Continue.

    • If an IA boot partition is found on the system's disk, the Use x86boot partition? dialog box is displayed:

      Note -

      You cannot use Solaris Web Start to upgrade to Solaris 8 from Solaris 7 or earlier versions of the Solaris operating environment because it uses a different method to install Solaris software (a separate 10-Mbyte IA boot partition).

      You must instead use the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program, which is described in more detail in "Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.

    • Otherwise, the Select Disks dialog box is displayed:


  7. Was a boot partition detected on the disk in the preceding step?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, select the boot disk you want to reuse or "None of the above" and click Continue.

      The Select Disks dialog box is displayed.

  8. If the disk you want isn't already shown in the Selected Disks window, highlight the disk you want in the Available Disks window, click the > button, and highlight the disk in the Selected Disks window.

    The Edit fdisk button is activated.

  9. Click Edit fdisk.

    The Customize fdisk Partitions dialog box is displayed:

  10. Click and hold the button under Partition for the partition you want, and select Solaris from the pull down menu.

    The following warning message is displayed:

    Changes to this partition will destroy existing data on the partition
  11. Click OK.

    The Customize fdisk Partitions dialog box is dismissed, and the Select Disks dialog box is displayed.

  12. Click Continue.

    • If the partition you selected already contains data, the Preserve Data? dialog box is displayed.

    • If the partition does not contain data, the Automatically Layout File Systems? dialog box is displayed:


  13. Is the Preserve Data? dialog box displayed?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, do you want to preserve the data in the partition?

      • If no, go to the next step.

      • If yes, click Preserve and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

  14. Do you want the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program to lay out file systems for you automatically?

    • If yes, click Auto Layout.

      The Automatically Layout File Systems dialog box is displayed:

    • If no, click Manual Layout.

      The File System and Disk Layout dialog box is displayed:


  15. Did you select Auto Layout or Manual Layout?

    • If Manual Layout, go to the next step.

    • If Auto Layout, select the file systems you want to create, if any, and click Continue.

    The File System and Disk Layout dialog box is displayed.

  16. Do you want to customize the file system and disk layout?

    • If yes, click Customize and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

    • If no, click Continue.

    The Mount Remote File Systems dialog box is displayed:

  17. Do you want to mount software from a remote file server?

    • If yes, click Remote Mounts and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

    • If no, click Continue.

    The Profile dialog box is displayed:

  18. Click Begin Installation.

    A Warning dialog box is displayed that reminds you to change the default boot device specified in the system's BIOS from the CD-ROM or diskette drive to the hard drive after you install the Solaris software:

  19. Click OK.

    A dialog box with two buttons on it is displayed: Auto Reboot and Manual Reboot:

  20. Click on Auto Reboot or Manual Reboot.

    An Information dialog box is displayed that reminds you to eject the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 Intel Platform Edition CD and/or the diskette that contains the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant:

  21. Did you insert the Device Configuration Assistant diskette into the diskette drive in Step 6?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, eject it.

  22. Eject the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 Intel Platform Edition CD from the CD-ROM drive.

  23. On the Information dialog box, click OK.

    The Installing Solaris Software - Progress dialog box is displayed:


    When the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program is finished installing the Solaris software, the system reboots automatically or prompts you to reboot manually.

  24. After the system reboots or after you reboot the system, make sure that the active partition is set to the Solaris operating environment.