Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide

Ways to Run Solaris Web Start

You can run Solaris Web Start two ways, as a:

The content and sequence of instructions in both the graphical user interface and command-line user interface are generally the same, with slight differences, as shown by these examples:

Example 1-1 Graphical User Interface: Time Zone Dialog Box


Example 1-2 Command-line User Interface: Time Zone Menu and Prompt

Please select how to specify your default time zone.

Specify Time Zone by:

1. Geographic region
2. Offset from GMT
3. Time zone file

   Please enter the number corresponding to how you would like to specify
   the time zone [1]: 

What Determines Which Interface Is Used

If Solaris Web Start detects a video adapter for the system, it uses the graphical user interface, and if it does not, it uses the command-line user interface.