Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Chapter 5 Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program

This chapter explains how to use the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program, which you run on the system on which you want to install or upgrade the Solaris software.

Note -

The Solaris 8 Start Here booklet and the Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide or Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide describe how to install Solaris on a single system from a local CD-ROM.

Ways to Upgrade a System

When you install a new version of Solaris software on an existing Solaris system, you can choose one of the following ways to upgrade the Solaris environment:

Upgrade With Disk Space Reallocation

The upgrade option in the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program provides the ability to reallocate disk space if the current file systems don't have enough space for the upgrade. By default, an auto-layout feature attempts to determine how to reallocate the disk space so an upgrade can succeed. If auto-layout can't determine how to reallocate disk space, you must specify the file systems that can be moved or changed and run auto-layout again.

If you're creating an upgrade profile and the current file systems don't contain enough space for the upgrade, you can use the backup_media and layout_constraint keywords to reallocate disk space. "Reallocating Disk Space for an Upgrade" contains an example that shows how to use the backup_media and layout_constraint keywords in a profile.

Frequently Asked Questions About Upgrading

Upgrading From Solaris 8 or a Solaris 8 Update: the Patch Analyzer

If you are running the Solaris 8 operating environment or any Solaris 8 Update to which you have applied individual patches, upgrading to a Solaris 8 Update or a newer Solaris 8 Update will cause:

To see a list of patches that will be removed, downgraded, accumulated, or obsoleted, use the Patch Analyzer as described in the following section.

Analyzing the Patches

The Patch Analyzer performs an analysis on your system to determine which (if any) patches will be removed by upgrading to a Solaris 8 Update. The Patch Analyzer is available as a script to run manually or as part of the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program.

To Run the analyze_patches Script

Note -

To run the analyze_patches script, the installed system and the Solaris 8 Software Update CD (or net image) must be accessible by the script either through NFS or locally mounted media.

  1. Change to the Misc directory:

    • SPARC: If the image is located on locally mounted media, type:

      # cd /cdrom/sol_8_Update_sparc/Solaris_8/Misc

      where Update is the actual Update identifier (399, 599, or maintenance_update_4, for example).

    • IA: If the image is located on locally mounted media, type:

      # cd /cdrom/sol_8_Update_ia/s2/Solaris_8/Misc

      where Update is the actual Update identifier (399, 599, or maintenance_update_4, for example).

    • If the image is available through NFS, type:

      # cd /NFS_mount_directory/Solaris_8/Misc
  2. Run the analyze_patches script:

    # ./analyze_patches

    You can use the options listed in Table 5-1 on the command line.

    Table 5-1 Command-Line Options for analyze_patches



    -R rootdir

    rootdir is the root of the installed system. It defaults to /.

    -N netdir

    netdir is the path to the root of the OS image to be installed. It defaults to /cdrom/cdrom0. It should point to the directory containing the Solaris_8 directory. You must use this option if running the patch_analyzer from an NFS mount point.

    -D databasedir

    If the script is invoked from a directory other than the /Misc directory in the OS image, the program will not find the database it uses for patch analysis. Use the -D option to supply the path to the database. Without this database, which is located in /Solaris_8/Misc/database on the OS image, the script does not work properly.

To Review the Patch Analyzer Output

After performing the analysis, use these steps to review the output.

  1. Review the output of the analyze_patches script.

    • The Patch Analyzer provides a list of patches that will be removed, downgraded, accumulated, or obsoleted by other patches. Patch accumulations are similar to patch upgrades. The accumulated patch is removed and its fixes are delivered by a new patch. Messages such as the following are shown:

      Patch 105644-03 will be removed.
      Patch 105925 will be downgraded from -02 to -01.
      Patch 105776-01 will be accumulated/obsoleted by patch 105181-05.
    • If the Patch Analyzer program does not provide a list, no action is taken against any patches previously installed on your system.

  2. Are the patch replacements and deletions acceptable?

    • If yes, upgrade the system.

      Upgrading a system is described in detail in "SPARC: Upgrading a System" and "IA: Upgrading a System".

    • If no, do not upgrade the system.

      Instead of upgrading, you can use the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update to apply only patches to your system.

      Note -

      The Solaris 8 Maintenance Update is located on the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update CD, which is included with the Solaris 8 Update release. Instructions for applying patches are provided in the Maintenance Update Release Notes.

SPARC: Upgrading a System

If you intend to use the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program to upgrade Solaris software on a SPARC based system, follow the directions in this section. If you intend to install Solaris software only, go to "SPARC: Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program".

SPARC: To Get Started

  1. Check the documentation:

    • Check the Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Release Notes and vendor release notes to ensure that the software you use is still supported in the new release.

    • Check the Solaris 8 Sun Hardware Platform Guide to make sure your hardware is still supported.

    • See the documentation that came with your system to make sure your system and devices are still supported by the new release.

    • Check for all the available patches you might need. The most recent patch list is provided at

    • Check Table 5-2 for known problems. This list is not complete. Always check vendor and third-party software documentation for additional upgrade instructions.

      Table 5-2 SPARC: Software That Requires Changes Before Upgrading


      Problem Summary 


      If you start the upgrade process by shutting down the system using init 0, you can lose data. See the Prestoserve documentation for shutdown instructions.

  2. Determine the language you want to use to upgrade Solaris. You can select:

    • English

    • French

    • German

    • Italian

    • Japanese

    • Korean

    • Spanish

    • Swedish

    • Simplified Chinese

    • Traditional Chinese

  3. Make sure you have at least the following CDs:

    • Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 SPARC Platform Edition and Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 SPARC Platform Edition

    • Solaris 8 Languages SPARC Platform Edition

SPARC: To Back Up the System

Note -

Back up existing file systems before upgrading the Solaris operating environment. Copying them to removable media (such as tape) safeguards against data loss, damage, or corruption.

If you do not have a backup procedure in place, follow these directions to perform a full backup of file systems. Backing up a system and setting up scheduled backups are described in more detail in System Administration Guide, Volume I.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Shut down the system:

    # init 0
  3. Boot the system in single-user mode:

    ok boot -s
  4. Do you want to check the file systems for consistency?

    Note -

    Checking the file systems for consistency ensures you back up uncorrupted data. A power failure, for example, can leave files in an inconsistent state.

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, use the fsck command with the -m option:

      # fsck -m /dev/rdsk/device-name
  5. Do you intend to back up the file systems onto a remote tape drive?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes:

    1. Add the following entry to the ./rhosts file of the system that is initiating the backup:

      host root
    2. Where host is the name of the host you want to back up. Verify that the host name added to the /.rhosts file above is accessible via the local /etc/inet/hosts file or available through an NIS or NIS+ name server.

  6. Identify the device name of the tape drive.

    The default tape drive is /dev/rmt/0.

  7. Insert a tape that is not write-protected into the tape drive.

  8. Back up file systems using one of the ufsdump commands listed in Table 5-3.

    Table 5-3 SPARC: Full Backup Commands

    To make a full backup on a 

    Use this command 

    Local cartridge tape drive 

    ufsdump9ucf /dev/rmt files_to_backup

    Remote cartridge tape drive 

    ufsdump0ucf remote_host:/ files_to_backup

  9. When prompted, remove the media and replace it with the next volume.

  10. Label the media with the volume number, level, date, system name, and file system.

  11. Press Control-D.

    The system is returned to run level 3.

  12. Verify that you successfully backed up the system:

    # ufsrestore -t

SPARC: To Plan for Upgrading

  1. If you intend to upgrade through the network and you have not preconfigured your system configuration information, gather the following information about the system on which you intend to upgrade the Solaris operating environment.



    To find the information (with Solaris installed), use  

    Host name 


    uname -n

    Host IP address

    ypmatch system_name hosts or

    nismatch system_name hosts.org_dir

    Subnet mask

    more /etc/netmasks

    Type of name service (DNS, NIS, or NIS+) 

    passwd:     files nis
    group:      files nis
    hosts:      xfn nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    networks:   nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    protocols:  nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    rpc:        nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    ethers:     nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    netmasks:   nis [NOTFOUND=return] files	
    bootparams: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    publickey:  nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    netgroup:   nis
    automount:  files nis
    aliases:    files nis
    services:   files nis
    sendmailvars:   files

    cat /etc/nsswitch.conf

    Domain name 



    Host name of name server 



    Host IP address of name server

    ypmatch nameserver_name hosts or

    nismatch nameserver_name hosts.org_dir

SPARC: Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program

SPARC: To Get Started

  1. Check Table 5-4 to make sure the system on which you intend to install Solaris 8 is prepared for an interactive installation.

    Table 5-4 SPARC: Task Map: Setting Up a System for an Interactive Installation





    For instructions, go to 



    Back up existing Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.x) files


    If a previous Solaris 1.x release (SunOS 4.x) is installed on the system, you can convert or merge some Solaris 1.x files into Solaris 8 files. You can use begin and finish scripts to convert or merge the files.


    Solaris Transition Guide


    Check if the system is supported 


    Check the hardware documentation to see if the system is supported in Solaris 8. 


    Solaris 8 Sun Hardware Platform Guide


    Decide how to upgrade the system if a previous version of Solaris is installed on it 


    If the system has a previous release of Solaris installed, you need to determine how to upgrade the system. Make sure you know what to do before and after you upgrade a system. 


    "SPARC: Upgrading a System" in this chapter




    Check if the system has enough disk space for the Solaris 8 software 


    Optional. There are many considerations when planning disk space, such as deciding which software group you want to install.


    Chapter 2, Disk Space Planning




    Preconfigure system configuration information 


    Optional. You can use the sysidcfg file or the name service to preconfigure installation information (for example, locale) for a system so you won't be prompted to supply the information during the installation.


    Chapter 4, Preconfiguring System Configuration Information




    Set up the system to install over the network 


    For network installations only

    To install a system from a remote Solaris 8 Software SPARC Platform Edition CD image, you need to set up the system to boot and install from an install or boot server. 


    Chapter 9, Preparing to Install Solaris Software Over the Network









  2. If the system is part of a network, make sure an Ethernet connector or similar network adapter is plugged into your system.

  3. Do you intend to install the Solaris software on a system through a tip(1) line?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, make sure your window display is at least 80 columns wide and 24 rows long.

      Note -

      To determine the current dimensions of your tip window, use the stty(1) command.

  4. Do you intend to use the system's CD-ROM drive to install the Solaris 8 software on the system?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, insert the CD labeled Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 SPARC Platform Edition into that system's CD-ROM drive.

  5. Boot the system:

    If your system is 


    New, out-of-the-box 

    Turn on the system. 


    Display the ok prompt (by typing halt as superuser or by pressing both the Stop and A keys at the same time), and type:

    ok boot cdrom

    to boot from the local CD, or type: 

    ok boot net

    to boot from an install server on a network. 

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    Boot device: /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@6,0:f  File and args:
    SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
    Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Configuring /dev and /devices
    Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
    le0: No carrier - cable disconnected or hub link test disabled?

    After a few seconds, a menu of languages is displayed.

  6. Type the number that corresponds to the language in which to display prompts, messages, and other installation information.

    A menu of locales is displayed.

  7. Type the number that corresponds to the locale you want to use for the installation.

    The OpenWindowsTM desktop starts. An empty desktop and the Solaris Install Console window are displayed with the message:

    The system is coming up.  Please wait.

    The Solaris Installation Program dialog box is displayed:

  8. Click Continue.

    The Identify This System dialog box is displayed:


SPARC: To Identify the System

  1. On the Identify This System dialog box, click Continue.

    The Configure Security Policy dialog box is displayed:

  2. Do you want to configure Kerberos security for the system?

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

      The Configure Kerberos Security dialog box is displayed:

    • If no, select No and click Continue.

      The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  3. Did you choose to configure Kerberos security in the preceding step?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, fill in the Configure Kerberos Security dialog box and click Continue.

      The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  4. On the Confirm Information dialog box, click Continue.

    • If your system is already networked or you have preconfigured the system configuration (as described in Chapter 4, Preconfiguring System Configuration Information) and the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program is able to identify your system completely, the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box is displayed.

    • If your system is not currently networked or it cannot identify your system completely, the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program displays the dialog boxes that enable you to provide the information, starting with the Network Connectivity dialog box:


  5. Was the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program able to identify your system completely?

    • If yes, go to Step 1.

    • If no, go to the next step.

  6. Is the system networked?

    • If no, on the Network Connectivity dialog box, select No, click Continue, and go to Step 9.

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

    The DHCP dialog box is displayed:

  7. Do you want to use DHCP for the network interface configuration?

    • If no, select No, click Continue, and go to Step 9.

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

    The IPv6 dialog box is displayed:

  8. Do you want to enable IPv6?

    • If no, select No, click Continue, and go to Step 12.

    • If yes, select Yes, click Continue, and go to Step 12.

  9. On the Host Name dialog box, type the host name you want and click Continue.

    If your system is networked (that is, you selected Yes on the Network Connectivity dialog box in Step 6), the IP Address dialog box is displayed:


    If your system is not networked, the Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  10. Is your system networked?

    • If no, go to Step 19.

    • If yes, did you specify that you want DHCP used for the network interface configuration (that is, did you select Yes on the DHCP dialog box in Step 7)?

      • If yes, go to Step 12.

      • If no, on the IP Address dialog box, type the IP address of your networked system and click Continue.

    The IPv6 dialog box is displayed.

  11. Do you want to enable IPv6?

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

    • If no, select No and click Continue.

    The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  12. Is the information shown on the Confirm Information dialog box correct?

    • If no, click Change and repeat the preceding steps starting from Step 6 until the information is correct.

    • If yes, click Continue.

    The Name Service dialog box is displayed:

  13. On the Name Service dialog box, select the name service the system will use or None, and click Continue.

    If you selected NIS, NIS+, or DNS, the Domain Name dialog box is displayed:


    If you selected None, the Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  14. Did you select None in Step 13?

    • If yes, go to Step 19.

    • If no, on the Domain Name dialog box, type the name of the domain in which the system is located and click Continue.

      If you selected NIS+ or NIS, the Name Server dialog box is displayed:


      If you selected DNS, the DNS Server Addresses dialog box is displayed:


  15. Are you using NIS+/NIS or DNS?

    • If NIS+ or NIS, select "Find one" or "Specify one" and click Continue.

      • If you selected "Find one," the Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

      • If you selected "Specify one," the Name Server Information dialog box is displayed:


    • If DNS, type the IP address of the DNS server or servers you want and click Continue.

      The DNS Search List dialog box is displayed:


  16. Are you using NIS+/NIS or DNS?

    • If NIS+ or NIS, did you select "Specify one" or "Find one" in the previous step?

      • If "Find one," go to Step 19.

      • If "Specify one," type the server's host name and IP address, and click Continue.

      The Subnets dialog box is displayed:

    • If DNS, type the name of the domain or domains you want searched when a DNS query is made, if any, click Continue, and go to Step 19.

  17. Is the name server you specified part of a subnet?

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

      The Netmask dialog box is displayed:

    • If no, click Continue and go to Step 19.

  18. Type the netmask you want and click Continue.

    The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  19. Is the information shown on the Confirm Information dialog box correct?

    • If no, is the system networked?

      • If no, click Change and repeat the preceding steps starting from Step 6 until the information is correct.

      • If yes, click Change and repeat the preceding steps starting from Step 13 until the information is correct.

    • If yes, click Continue.

    The Time Zone dialog box is displayed:

  20. On the Time Zone dialog box, select how you want to set your default time zone and click Set.

    The Geographic Region, Offset From GMT, or Time Zone File dialog box is displayed, depending on the method you chose.

  21. Use this decision table to determine what to do next:

    If you chose 


    Geographic Region 

    Select the region you want in the left window and the time zone in the right, and click Continue. 

    Offset From GMT 

    Drag the slider toward the left (for west of Greenwich, England) or right (for east of Greenwich, England), and click Continue. 

    Time Zone File 

    Specify the name of a file in /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo, or click Select to choose a file in this directory, and click Continue.

    The Date and Time dialog box is displayed.

  22. If necessary, correct the date and time and click Continue.

    The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  23. Is the information shown on the Confirm Information dialog box correct?

    • If no, click Change and repeat the steps starting from Step 20 until the information is correct.

    • If yes, click Continue.

    If the Solaris operating environment is not installed on the system, this version of the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box is displayed:


    If the Solaris operating environment is already installed on the system, this version of the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box is displayed (if not, see Chapter 12, Troubleshooting):


SPARC: To Install the Solaris 8 Software

  1. On the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box, click Initial, Continue, or Upgrade.

    If you selected Initial, additional information is displayed on the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box:


    If you selected Continue or you selected Upgrade and you are not installing a Solaris 8 Update, the Select Geographic Regions dialog box is displayed:


    If you selected Upgrade and you are installing a Solaris 8 Update, the Patch Analysis dialog box is displayed:

  2. In the previous step, did you select Initial, Continue, or Upgrade?

    • If Initial, click Continue and go to Step 9.

    • If Continue, go to Step 9.

    • If Upgrade, go to the next step.

  3. Are you installing a Solaris 8 Update?

    • If no, go to Step 9.

    • If yes, do you want to perform a patch analysis?

      • If no, click Continue and go to Step 9.

      • If yes, click Analyze.

        The Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program analyzes your system to determine which patches (if any) will be removed. When it is finished, the Patch Analysis - Summary dialog box is displayed:


  4. Click Continue.

    The Patch Analysis - Removals dialog box is displayed:

  5. Click Continue until you're finished listing all the patches that will be downgraded, accumulated, or obsoleted.

    When you're finished, the Patch Analysis dialog box is displayed with new information:

  6. Do you want to continue the upgrade or exit either to manage the patches currently on your system or to apply patches only (and consequently stop the upgrade)?

    • If continue, click Continue and go to Step 9.

    • If exit, click Exit.

      A warning dialog box that states you can restart the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program from the console window is displayed.

  7. On the Warning dialog box, click Exit.

  8. Do you want to manage the patches currently on your system or apply updated patches only (and consequently stop the upgrade)?

    • If manage patches currently on your system, do what you need to do with the patches, and when you're finished, select Restart Install on the Install Workspace menu and resume or restart the installation.

    • If apply updated patches only, use the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update to apply the Maintenance Update patches to your system.

      Note -

      The Solaris 8 Maintenance Update is located on the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update CD, which is included with the Solaris 8 Update release. Instructions for applying patches are provided in the Maintenance Update Release Notes.

  9. On the Select Geographic Region dialog box, select the geographic region or regions you want to use in the Solaris 8 user interface and click Continue.

    Note -

    English (United States, en_US) is installed by default.

    The Select Software dialog box is displayed:

  10. Select the software group you want to install.

  11. Do you want to modify the composition of the software group you selected in the previous step by adding or removing software clusters or packages?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, click Customize and use the Customize Software dialog box to add or remove the software clusters or packages you want.

  12. Click Continue.

    The Select Disks dialog box is displayed:

  13. If the disk you want isn't already shown in the Selected Disks window, highlight the disk you want in the Available Disks window and click the > button.

    The disk you highlighted is moved to the Selected Disks window.

  14. Click Continue.

    If the disk does not contain data, the Automatically Layout File Systems? dialog box is displayed:


    If the disk you selected already contains data, the Preserve Data? dialog box is displayed:

  15. Is the Preserve Data? dialog box displayed?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, do you want to preserve the data in the disk?

      • If no, go to the next step.

      • If yes, click Preserve and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

  16. Do you want the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program to lay out file systems for you automatically?

    • If yes, click Auto Layout.

      The Automatically Layout File Systems dialog box is displayed:

    • If no, click Manual Layout.

      The File System and Disk Layout dialog box is displayed:


  17. Did you select Auto Layout or Manual Layout?

    • If Manual Layout, go to the next step.

    • If Auto Layout, select the file systems you want to create, if any, and click Continue.

    The File System and Disk Layout dialog box is displayed.

  18. Do you want to customize the file system and disk layout?

    • If yes, click Customize and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

    • If no, click Continue.

    The Mount Remote File System dialog box is displayed:

  19. Do you want to mount software from a remote file server?

    • If yes, click Remote Mounts and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

    • If no, click Continue.

    The Profile dialog box is displayed:

  20. Click Begin Installation.

    A dialog box with two buttons on it is displayed: Auto Reboot and Manual Reboot:

  21. Click Auto Reboot or Manual Reboot.

    The Installing Solaris Software - Progress dialog box is displayed:


    When the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program is finished installing the Solaris software, the system reboots automatically or prompts you to reboot manually.

    After installation is finished, a log of how the Solaris 8 software was installed on the system is saved in a file.

    Table 5-5 SPARC: Installation Log Locations

    If the system was installed using the 

    The location of the log file is 

    Initial installation option 

    • Before the system reboots: /a/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log

    • After the system reboots: /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log

    Upgrade option 

    • Before the system reboots: /a/var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log

    • After the system reboots: /var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log

SPARC: To Add a Software Package With pkgadd

  1. Do you want to add individual software packages to the Solaris 8 software you already installed?

    • If no, stop, you're done.

    • If yes, go to the next step.

  2. Log in to the system on which you installed the Solaris software and become superuser.

  3. Insert the CD that contains the packages you want to add into the system's CD-ROM drive.

    Solaris Volume Manager automatically mounts the CD.

  4. Use the pkgadd(1M) command to add the package or packages you want:

    # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d device_name pkgid

    where device_name is the path to the CD that contains the software you want to add to the installed system and pkgid is the name of the software package you want to add to the installed system (SUNWaudio, for example).

  5. Verify that the package was installed correctly:

    # /usr/sbin/pkgchk -v pkgid

    If the package was installed correctly, a list of installed files is displayed. If not, an error message is displayed.

SPARC: Example

This example shows how to add and check the installation of the SUNWaudio package:

# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_8_sparc/Solaris_8/Product SUNWaudio.
Installation of <SUNWaudio> was successful.
# pkgchk -v SUNWaudio

SPARC: To Clean Up After Upgrading

After you finish upgrading a system, you might need to clean it up. When you upgrade, the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program merges local software modifications of the existing system with the new Solaris software; however, in some cases, merging is not possible.

  1. See the contents of the following file to determine whether you need to fix local modifications that the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program could not preserve:


    Caution - Caution -

    Check all the contents of upgrade_cleanup carefully. Your system might not boot if you don't fix the unpreserved local modifications.

  2. If necessary, fix any unpreserved local modifications.

  3. Reboot the system:

    # reboot

Note -

If you've upgraded a heterogeneous operating system server, clients of that server are automatically upgraded only if their platform (SPARC or IA) and platform group (for example, sun4m or i86pc) are supported by the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 and Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 CDs.

For example, if you upgrade a SPARC platform server using the CDs labeled Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 SPARC Platform Edition and Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 SPARC Platform Edition, only SPARC clients that share the platform group on the CDs are upgraded as well.

To upgrade clients of different platforms and platform groups, you must use the server_upgrade(1M) command.

IA: Upgrading a System

If you intend to use the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program to upgrade Solaris software on an Intel 32-bit processor architecture (IA) based system, follow the directions in this section. If you intend to install Solaris software only, go to "IA: Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program".

IA: To Get Started

  1. Check the documentation:

    • Check the Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Release Notes and vendor release notes to ensure that the software you use is still supported in the new release.

    • Check the Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Hardware Compatibility List to make sure your hardware is still supported.

    • See the documentation that came with your system to make sure your system and devices are still supported by the new release.

    • Check for all the available patches you might need. The most recent patch list is provided at

    • Check Table 5-6 for known problems. This list is not complete. Always check vendor and third-party software documentation for additional upgrade instructions.

      Table 5-6 IA: Software That Requires Changes Before Upgrading


      Problem Summary 


      If you start the upgrade process by shutting down the system using init 0, you can lose data. See the Prestoserve documentation for shutdown instructions.

  2. Determine the language you want to use to upgrade Solaris. You can select:

    • English

    • French

    • German

    • Italian

    • Japanese

    • Korean

    • Spanish

    • Swedish

    • Simplified Chinese

    • Traditional Chinese

  3. Make sure you have at least the following CDs:

    • Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition and Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 Intel Platform Edition

    • Solaris 8 Languages Intel Platform Edition

IA: To Plan for Upgrading

  1. If you intend to upgrade through the network and you have not preconfigured your system configuration information, gather the following information about the system on which you intend to upgrade the Solaris operating environment.



    To find the information (with Solaris installed), use  

    Host name 


    uname -n

    Host IP address

    ypmatch system_name hosts or

    nismatch system_name hosts.org_dir

    Subnet mask

    more /etc/netmasks

    Type of name service (DNS, NIS, or NIS+) 

    passwd:     files nis
    group:      files nis
    hosts:      xfn nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    networks:   nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    protocols:  nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    rpc:        nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    ethers:     nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    netmasks:   nis [NOTFOUND=return] files	
    bootparams: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    publickey:  nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
    netgroup:   nis
    automount:  files nis
    aliases:    files nis
    services:   files nis
    sendmailvars:   files

    cat /etc/nsswitch.conf

    Domain name 



    Host name of name server 



    Host IP address of name server

    ypmatch nameserver_name hosts or

    nismatch nameserver_name hosts.org_dir

IA: Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program

IA: To Get Started

  1. Check Table 5-7 to make sure the system on which you intend to install Solaris 8 is prepared for an interactive installation.

    Table 5-7 IA: Task Map: Setting Up a System for an Interactive Installation





    For instructions, go to 



    Determine if you need to preserve an existing operating system and user data 


    If the system has an existing operating system that uses the entire disk, you must preserve the existing operating system so it can coexist with the Solaris 8 software. 


    "Preserving Existing Operating Systems and User Data" in Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide


    Check if the system is supported 


    Check the hardware documentation to see if the system is supported in Solaris 8. 


    Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Hardware Compatibility List


    Decide how to upgrade the system if a previous version of Solaris is installed on it 


    If the system has a previous release of Solaris installed, you need to determine how to upgrade the system. Make sure you know what to do before and after you upgrade a system. 


    "IA: Upgrading a System" in this chapter




    Check if the system has enough disk space for the Solaris 8 software 


    Optional. There are many considerations when planning disk space, such as deciding which software group you want to install.


    Chapter 2, Disk Space Planning




    Preconfigure system configuration information 


    Optional. You can use the sysidcfg file or the name service to preconfigure installation information (for example, locale) for a system so you won't be prompted to supply the information during the installation.


    Chapter 4, Preconfiguring System Configuration Information




    Set up the system to install over the network 


    For network installations only

    To install a system from a remote Solaris 8 Software Intel Platform Edition CD image, you need to set up the system to boot and install from an install or boot server. 


    Chapter 9, Preparing to Install Solaris Software Over the Network









  2. If the system is part of a network, make sure an Ethernet connector or similar network adapter is plugged into your system.

  3. Are you using the Linux operating system?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, the Solaris fdisk partition and the Linux swap partition use the same identifier (0x83); to resolve this problem, you can:

      • Choose not to use a swap partition at all (provided you have enough memory)

      • Put the Linux swap partition on another drive

      • Back up the Linux data you want to keep onto storage media, install the Solaris operating environment, and then re-install Linux

        Caution - Caution -

        If you decide to install Linux after the Solaris operating environment, when the Linux installation program asks if you want to format the Linux swap partition (actually the Solaris fdisk partition) as a swap file, reply no.

  4. Do you intend to install the Solaris software on the system through a tip(1) line?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, make sure your window display is at least 80 columns wide and 24 rows long.

      Note -

      To determine the current dimensions of your tip window, use the stty(1) command.

  5. Do you intend to use the system's CD-ROM drive to install the Solaris 8 software on the system?

    • If no, go to Step 8.

    • If yes, go to the next step.

  6. Is your system capable of booting from a CD?

    • If yes, ensure that the capability is turned on by using your system's BIOS setup tool.

    • If no, insert the diskette labeled Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition into the system's diskette drive.

      IA only -

      You can download the Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant from the Solaris Driver Connection at

      IA only -

      The BIOS on most IA motherboards manufactured since late 1997 supports the "El Torito" standard and thus recognizes CD-ROM drives as boot devices.

  7. Insert the CD labeled Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition into the system's CD-ROM drive.

  8. Boot the system by shutting it down and then turning it off and on.

    A memory test and hardware detection are executed. The screen refreshes.

    • If you're using the diskette labeled Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition, the message:

      Solaris Boot Sector                          Version 1
      is displayed at the top of your screen. Then, information similar to this is displayed:

      Solaris for x86 - FCS DCB                     Version 1.242
                             loading /solaris/boot.bin
      The screen refreshes and information similar to this is displayed:

      SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00
                   Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System
      Running Configuration Assistant...

    • If you're using only the CDs labeled Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition and Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 Intel Platform Edition, the message:

      SunOS - Intel Platform Edition   Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0
      is displayed at the top of the screen. Then, information similar to this is displayed:

      SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00
                   Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System
      Running Configuration Assistant...

  9. When the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant screen is displayed, press F2_Continue.

    The Bus Enumeration screen is displayed with the message:

    Determining bus types and gathering hardware configuration data ...

    The Scanning Devices screen is displayed. System devices are scanned. When scanning is complete, the Identified Devices screen is displayed.

  10. Press F2_Continue.

    The Loading screen is displayed with messages about drivers that are loaded to boot your system. After a few seconds, the Boot Solaris screen is displayed.

  11. On the Boot Solaris screen, select CD and press F2_Continue.

    The Running Driver screen is displayed briefly, followed by information similar to this:

                            <<< Current Boot Parameters >>>
    Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ata@1/sd@0,0:a
    Boot args: kernel/unix
    Select the type of installation you want to perform:
            1 Solaris Interactive
            2 Custom JumpStart
    Enter the number of your choice followed by the <ENTER> key.
    If you enter anything else, or if you wait for 30 seconds,
    an interactive installation will be started.
    Select type of installation: 
  12. Type 1 and press Enter, or wait 30 seconds.

    Information similar to this is displayed:

    <<< starting interactive installation >>>
    Booting kernel/unix...
    SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit
    Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Configuring /dev and /devices
    Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
    Stand by...

    After a few seconds, a menu of languages is displayed.

  13. Type the number that corresponds to the language in which to display prompts, messages, and other installation information.

    A menu of locales is displayed.

  14. Type the number that corresponds to the locale you want to use for the installation.

    After a few seconds, the Solaris Installation Program screen is displayed.

  15. Press F2_Continue.

    The kdmconfig - Introduction screen is displayed.

  16. Press F2_Continue.

    The kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration screen is displayed.

  17. Examine the configuration information on the kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration screen and make any changes you need.

  18. When you're done, select No changes needed - Test/Save and Exit, and press F2_Continue.

    The kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test screen is displayed.

  19. Press F2_Continue.

    The screen refreshes and the kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test palette and pattern screen is displayed.

  20. Try to move the pointer and examine the colors shown on the palette to ensure that they're displayed accurately.

  21. Can you move the pointer and are the colors displayed accurately?

    • If no, either click No (if possible), press any key on the keyboard, or wait until kdmconfig exits the kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test screen automatically, and then repeat Step 17 through Step 21 until the colors are displayed accurately and you can move the pointer as expected.

    • If yes, click Yes.

    OpenWindows starts. An empty desktop and the Solaris Install Console window are displayed with the message:

    The system is coming up.  Please wait.

    After a few seconds, the Identify This System dialog box is displayed:


IA: To Identify the System

  1. On the Identify This System dialog box, click Continue.

    The Configure Security Policy dialog box is displayed:

  2. Do you want to configure Kerberos security for the system?

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

      The Configure Kerberos Security dialog box is displayed:

    • If no, select No and click Continue.

      The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  3. Did you choose to configure Kerberos security in the preceding step?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, fill in the Configure Kerberos Security dialog box and click Continue.

      The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  4. On the Confirm Information dialog box, click Continue.

    • If your system is already networked or you have preconfigured the system configuration (as described in Chapter 4, Preconfiguring System Configuration Information) and the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program is able to identify your system completely, the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box is displayed.

    • If your system is not currently networked or it cannot identify your system completely, the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program displays the dialog boxes that enable you to provide the information, starting with the Network Connectivity dialog box:


  5. Was the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program able to identify your system completely?

    • If yes, go to Step 1.

    • If no, go to the next step.

  6. Is the system networked?

    • If no, on the Network Connectivity dialog box, select No, click Continue, and go to Step 9.

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

    The DHCP dialog box is displayed:

  7. Do you want to use DHCP for the network interface configuration?

    • If no, select No, click Continue, and go to Step 9.

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

    The IPv6 dialog box is displayed:

  8. Do you want to enable IPv6?

    • If no, select No, click Continue, and go to Step 12.

    • If yes, select Yes, click Continue, and go to Step 12.

  9. On the Host Name dialog box, type the host name you want and click Continue.

    If your system is networked (that is, you selected Yes on the Network Connectivity dialog box in Step 6), the IP Address dialog box is displayed:


    If your system is not networked, the Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  10. Is your system networked?

    • If no, go to Step 19.

    • If yes, did you specify that you want DHCP used for the network interface configuration (that is, did you select Yes on the DHCP dialog box in Step 7)?

      • If yes, go to Step 12.

      • If no, on IP Address dialog box, type the IP address of your networked system and click Continue.

    The IPv6 dialog box is displayed.

  11. Do you want to enable IPv6?

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

    • If no, select No and click Continue.

    The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  12. Is the information shown on the Confirm Information dialog box correct?

    • If no, click Change and repeat the preceding steps starting from Step 6 until the information is correct.

    • If yes, click Continue.

    The Name Service dialog box is displayed:

  13. On the Name Service dialog box, select the name service the system will use or None, and click Continue.

    If you selected NIS, NIS+, or DNS, the Domain Name dialog box is displayed:


    If you selected None, the Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  14. Did you select None in Step 13?

    • If yes, go to Step 19.

    • If no, on the Domain Name dialog box, type the name of the domain in which the system is located and click Continue.

      If you selected NIS+ or NIS, the Name Server dialog box is displayed:


      If you selected DNS, the DNS Server Addresses dialog box is displayed:


  15. Are you using NIS+/NIS or DNS?

    • If NIS+ or NIS, select "Find one" or "Specify one" and click Continue.

      • If you selected "Find one," the Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

      • If you selected "Specify one," the Name Server Information dialog box is displayed:


    • If DNS, type the IP address of the DNS server or servers you want and click Continue.

      The DNS Search List dialog box is displayed:


  16. Are you using NIS+/NIS or DNS?

    • If NIS+ or NIS, did you select "Specify one" or "Find one" in the previous step?

      • If "Find one," go to Step 19.

      • If "Specify one," type the server's host name and IP address, and click Continue.

      The Subnets dialog box is displayed:

    • If DNS, type the name of the domain or domains you want searched when a DNS query is made, if any, click Continue, and go to Step 19.

  17. Is the name server you specified part of a subnet?

    • If yes, select Yes and click Continue.

      The Netmask dialog box is displayed:

    • If no, click Continue and go to Step 19.

  18. Type the netmask you want and click Continue.

    The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  19. Is the information shown on the Confirm Information dialog box correct?

    • If no, is the system networked?

      • If no, click Change and repeat the preceding steps starting from Step 6 until the information is correct.

      • If yes, click Change and repeat the preceding steps starting from Step 13 until the information is correct.

    • If yes, click Continue.

    The Time Zone dialog box is displayed.

  20. On the Time Zone dialog box, select how you want to set your default time zone and click Set.

    The Geographic Region, Offset From GMT, or Time Zone File dialog box is displayed, depending on the method you chose.

  21. Use this decision table to determine what to do next:

    If you chose 


    Geographic Region 

    Select the region you want in the left window and the time zone in the right, and click Continue. 

    Offset From GMT 

    Drag the slider toward the left (for west of Greenwich, England) or right (for east of Greenwich, England), and click Continue. 

    Time Zone File 

    Specify the name of a file in /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo, or click Select to choose a file in this directory, and click Continue.

    The Date and Time dialog box is displayed.

  22. If necessary, correct the date and time and click Continue.

    The Confirm Information dialog box is displayed.

  23. Is the information shown on the Confirm Information dialog box correct?

    • If no, click Change and repeat the steps starting from Step 20 until the information is correct.

    • If yes, click Continue.

    If the Solaris operating environment is not installed on the system, this version of the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box is displayed:


    If the Solaris operating environment is already installed on the system, this version of the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box is displayed (if not, see Chapter 12, Troubleshooting):


IA: To Install the Solaris 8 Software

  1. On the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box, click Initial, Continue, or Upgrade.

    If you selected Initial, additional information is displayed on the Solaris Interactive Installation dialog box:


    If you selected Continue or you selected Upgrade and you are not installing a Solaris 8 Update, the Select Geographic Regions dialog box is displayed:


    If you selected Upgrade and you are installing a Solaris 8 Update, the Patch Analysis dialog box is displayed:

  2. In the previous step, did you select Initial, Continue, or Upgrade?

    • If Initial, click Continue and go to Step 9.

    • If Continue, go to Step 9.

    • If Upgrade, go to the next step.

  3. Are you installing a Solaris 8 Update?

    • If no, go to Step 9.

    • If yes, do you want to perform a patch analysis?

      • If no, click Continue and go to Step 9.

      • If yes, click Analyze.

        The Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program analyzes your system to determine which patches (if any) will be removed. When it is finished, the Patch Analysis - Summary dialog box is displayed:


  4. Click Continue.

    The Patch Analysis - Removals dialog box is displayed:

  5. Click Continue until you're finished listing all the patches that will be downgraded, accumulated, or obsoleted.

    When you're finished, the Patch Analysis dialog box is displayed with new information:

  6. Do you want to continue the upgrade or exit either to manage the patches currently on your system or to apply patches only (and consequently stop the upgrade)?

    • If continue, click Continue and go to Step 9.

    • If exit, click Exit.

      A warning dialog box that states you can restart the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program from the console window is displayed.

  7. On the Warning dialog box, click Exit.

  8. Do you want to manage the patches currently on your system or apply updated patches only (and consequently stop the upgrade)?

    • If manage patches currently on your system, do what you need to do with the patches, and when you're finished, select Restart Install on the Install Workspace menu and resume or restart the installation.

    • If apply updated patches only, use the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update to apply the Maintenance Update patches to your system.

      Note -

      The Solaris 8 Maintenance Update is located on the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update CD, which is included with the Solaris 8 Update release. Instructions for applying patches are provided in the Maintenance Update Release Notes.

  9. On the Select Geographic Region dialog box, select the geographic region or regions you want to use in the Solaris 8 user interface and click Continue.

    Note -

    English (United States, en_US) is installed by default.

    The Select Software dialog box is displayed:

  10. Select the software group you want to install.

  11. Do you want to modify the composition of the software group you selected in the previous step by adding or removing software clusters or packages?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, click Customize and use the Customize Software dialog box to add or remove the software clusters or packages you want.

  12. Click Continue.

    If a boot partition is found on the system's disk, the Use x86boot partition? dialog box is displayed:


    Otherwise, the Select Disks dialog box is displayed:

  13. Was a boot partition detected on the disk in the preceding step?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, select the boot disk you want to reuse or "None of the above" and click Continue.

      The Select Disks dialog box is displayed.

  14. If the disk you want isn't already shown in the Selected Disks window, highlight the disk you want in the Available Disks window and click the > button.

    The disk you highlighted is moved to the Selected Disks window.

  15. Do you want to create an fdisk partition on the selected disk in which to install the Solaris software?

  16. Click Continue.

    If the disk does not contain data, the Automatically Layout File Systems? dialog box is displayed:


    If the disk you selected already contains data, the Preserve Data? dialog box is displayed:

  17. Is the Preserve Data? dialog box displayed?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, do you want to preserve the data in the disk?

      • If no, go to the next step.

      • If yes, click Preserve and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

  18. Do you want the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program to lay out file systems for you automatically?

    • If yes, click Auto Layout.

      The Automatically Layout File Systems dialog box is displayed:

    • If no, click Manual Layout.

      The File System and Disk Layout dialog box is displayed:


  19. Did you select Auto Layout or Manual Layout?

    • If Manual Layout, go to the next step.

    • If Auto Layout, select the file systems you want to create, if any, and click Continue.

    The File System and Disk Layout dialog box is displayed.

  20. Do you want to customize the file system and disk layout?

    • If yes, click Customize and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

    • If no, click Continue.

    The Mount Remote File System dialog box is displayed:

  21. Do you want to mount software from a remote file server?

    • If yes, click Remote Mounts and follow the directions on the dialog boxes that follow.

    • If no, click Continue.

    The Profile dialog box is displayed:

  22. Click Begin Installation.

    A Warning dialog box is displayed that reminds you to change the default boot device specified in the system's BIOS from the CD-ROM or diskette drive to the hard drive after you install the Solaris software:

  23. Click OK.

    A dialog box with two buttons on it is displayed: Auto Reboot and Manual Reboot:

  24. Click Auto Reboot or Manual Reboot.

    An Information dialog box is displayed that reminds you to eject the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 Intel Platform Edition CD (if it was required) and/or the diskette that contains the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant:

  25. Did you insert the diskette labeled Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition into the diskette drive in Step 6?

    • If no, go to the next step.

    • If yes, eject it.

  26. Eject the CD labeled Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 Intel Platform Edition from the CD-ROM drive.

  27. On the Information dialog box, click OK.

    The Installing Solaris Software - Progress dialog box is displayed:


    When the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program is finished installing the Solaris software, the system reboots automatically or prompts you to reboot manually.

    After installation is finished, a log of how the Solaris 8 software was installed on the system is saved in a file.

    Table 5-8 IA: Installation Log Locations

    If the system was installed using the 

    The location of the log file is 

    Initial installation option 

    • Before the system reboots: /a/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log

    • After the system reboots: /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log

    Upgrade option 

    • Before the system reboots: /a/var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log

    • After the system reboots: /var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log

  28. After the system reboots or after you reboot the system, make sure the active partition is set to the Solaris operating environment.

IA: To Add a Software Package With pkgadd

  1. Do you want to add individual packages to the Solaris 8 software you already installed?

    • If no, stop, you're done.

    • If yes, go to the next step.

  2. Log in to the system on which you installed the Solaris software and become superuser.

  3. Insert the CD that contains the packages you want to add into the system's CD-ROM drive.

    Solaris Volume Manager automatically mounts the CD.

  4. Use the pkgadd(1M) command to add the package or packages you want:

    # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d device_name pkgid

    where device_name is the path to the CD that contains the software you want to add to the installed system and pkgid is the name of the software package you want to add to the installed system (SUNWaudio, for example).

  5. Verify that the package was installed correctly:

    # /usr/sbin/pkgchk -v pkgid

    If the package was installed correctly, a list of installed files is displayed. If not, an error message is displayed.

IA: Example

This example shows how to add and check the installation of the SUNWaudio package:

# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_8_ia/s2/Solaris_8/Product SUNWaudio.
Installation of <SUNWaudio> was successful.
# pkgchk -v SUNWaudio

IA: To Clean Up After Upgrading

After you finish upgrading a system, you might need to clean it up. When you upgrade, the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program merges local software modifications of the existing system with the new Solaris software; however, in some cases, merging is not possible.

  1. See the contents of the following file to determine whether you need to fix local modifications that the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program could not preserve:


    Caution - Caution -

    Check all the contents of upgrade_cleanup carefully. Your system might not boot if you don't fix the unpreserved local modifications.

  2. If necessary, fix any unpreserved local modifications.

  3. Reboot the system:

    # reboot

Note -

If you've upgraded a heterogeneous operating system server, clients of that server are automatically upgraded only if their platform (SPARC or IA) and platform group (for example, sun4m or i86pc) are supported by the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 and Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 CDs.

For example, if you upgrade an IA platform server using the CDs labeled Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition and Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 Intel Platform Edition, only IA clients that share the platform group on the CDs are upgraded as well.

To upgrade clients of different platforms and platform groups, you must use the server_upgrade(1M) command.