Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 Reference Guide

UFS Logging or Trans Metadevices

UFS Logging

UFS logging is the process of writing file system "metadata" updates to a log before applying the updates to a UFS file system.

UFS logging records UFS transactions in a log. Once a transaction is recorded in the log, the transaction information can be applied to the file system later.

At reboot, the system discards incomplete transactions, but applies the transactions for completed operations. The file system remains consistent because only completed transactions are ever applied. Because the file system is never inconsistent, it does not need checking by fsck(1M).

A system crash can interrupt current system calls and introduce inconsistencies into a UFS. If you mount a UFS without running fsck(1M), these inconsistencies can cause panics or corrupt data.

Checking large file systems takes a long time, because it requires reading and verifying the file system data. With UFS logging, UFS file systems do not have to be checked at boot time because the changes from unfinished system calls are discarded.

DiskSuite manages UFS logging through trans metadevices.

UFS Logging Conventions

Trans Metadevices

A trans metadevice is a metadevice that manages UFS logging. A trans metadevice consists of two devices: a master device and a logging device.

A master device is a slice or metadevice that contains the file system that is being logged. Logging begins automatically when the trans metadevice is mounted, provided the trans metadevice has a logging device. The master device can contain an existing UFS file system (because creating a trans metadevice does not alter the master device), or you can create a file system on the trans metadevice later. Likewise, clearing a trans metadevice leaves the UFS file system on the master device intact.

A logging device is a slice or metadevice that contains the log. A logging device can be shared by several trans metadevices. The log is a sequence of records, each of which describes a change to a file system.

A trans metadevice has the same naming conventions as other metadevices: /dev/md/dsk/d0, d1 ...,d2, and so forth. (For more information on metadevice naming conventions, see Table 1-4.)

Trans Metadevice Conventions

Caution - Caution -

A logging device or a master device can be a physical slice or a metadevice. For reliability and availability, however, use mirrors for logging devices. A device error on a physical logging device could cause data loss. You can also use mirrors or RAID5 metadevices as master devices.

Caution - Caution -

You must disable logging for /usr, /var, /opt, or any other file systems used by the system during a Solaris upgrade or installation when installing or upgrading software on a Solaris system.

Example -- Trans Metadevice

Figure 2-8 shows a trans metadevice, d1,consisting of a mirrored master device, d3, and a mirrored logging device, d30

Figure 2-8 Trans Metadevice Example


Example -- Shared Logging Device

Figure 2-9 shows two trans metadevices, d1 and d2, sharing a mirrored logging device, d30. Each master device is also a mirrored metadevice, as is the shared logging device.

Figure 2-9 Shared Log Trans Metadevice Example
