Simplified Chinese Solaris User's Guide

Intelligent Pinyin Conversion Mode

Intelligent Pinyin mode is based on phrases. It uses the same keyboard mapping as Pinyin mode. However, Intelligent Pinyin mode uses three keystrokes for every character rather than Pinyin mode's one, two, or three keystrokes. And Intelligent Pinyin handles phrases by accepting many keystrokes in its preedit area. It then performs intelligent searches of its phrase dictionary to convert these Pinyin keystrokes to character phrases.

Intelligent Pinyin mode uses the same map as Pinyin mode to map multiple Pinyin phonetics to the 26 lowercase Roman keyboard characters.

Typing Intelligent Pinyin Text

See the following example and description of Intelligent Pinyin mode.

Turn on Intelligent Pinyin Mode

    With conversion mode on, press F7 or Control-S.

The status area shows Intelligent Pinyin mode:


Keystroke Use for Phrase Input

You can type phrases of many Pinyin keystrokes using three strokes per character. Type each character that requires fewer than three Pinyin-mode keystrokes by using the [ character as padding.

    Type the phrase "dian zi gong ye bu zhong guo bei jing shi," which requires the keystrokes dijzi[gs[ye[bu[as[guobeijy[ui[ in accord with the Pinyin-mode keystroke map.

This entire phrase is reverse-video highlighted in the preedit area as you type:


Converting Pinyin to Phrase Input

    To convert Pinyin keystrokes to Simplified Chinese characters, press Control-N.

When you press Control-N, the conversion process matches Simplified Chinese phrases in the dictionary with the Pinyin input in the preedit area as explained in the following sections.

Using Focus Areas for Phrase Input

After Control-N is pressed, the conversion process works from left to right through the preedit area choosing its longest phrases. Given input of more than one phrase, this intelligent behavior segments the preedit area into focus areas corresponding to the identified phrases. The leftmost phrase is initially the current focus area and reverse-video highlighted. The other phrases are only underlined.

At this point the only part of the preedit area that is reverse-video highlighted is the current focus area, as shown by the example:


Controlling the Current Focus Area

Some Pinyin input can represent more than one Simplified Chinese character phrase, although only one such phrase is displayed in the current focus area. You can look at the other choices as follows:

    Move the current focus area forward to the phrase to the right by pressing Control-F.

The window would then appear like this:


Committing the Phrases in the Preedit Area

Press Control-K when the preedit area contains the appropriate characters (converted from Pinyin input), which commits them. Otherwise commit them by resuming typing lowercase letters for Pinyin input. Either action commits the preedit area's contents.

    Press Control-K:

The example appears as follows:


Intelligent Pinyin Shortcuts

The following table contains the keyboard shortcuts pertaining to Intelligent Pinyin.

Table 4-8 Keyboard Shortcuts for Intelligent Pinyin

Default Key

Function Description  


Turn on Intelligent Pinyin mode; the following control sequences apply: 


Commit and display Intelligent Pinyin conversion choice  


Display the next Intelligent Pinyin choice  


Display the previous Intelligent Pinyin choice  


Display the next group of Intelligent Pinyin choices  


Display the previous group of Intelligent Pinyin choices  


Display Intelligent Pinyin lookup choices