luxadm remove_device コマンドを使用して、ディスクを削除します。
luxadm remove_device コマンドは、対話形式で実行されます。1 つまたは複数の新規デバイスの削除手順が指示されます。
# luxadm remove_device /dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s5 WARNING!!! Please ensure that no filesystems are mounted on these device(s). All data on these devices should have been backed up. The list of devices which will be removed is: 1: Box Name "macs1" front slot 1 Please enter 'q' to Quit or <Return> to Continue: stopping: Drive in "macs1" front slot 1....Done offlining: Drive in "macs1" front slot 1....Done Hit <Return> after removing the device(s). #
対象のディスクドライブの黄色の LED が点滅していることを確認してください。
Drive in Box Name "macs1" front slot 1 Removing Logical Nodes: Removing c2t1d0s0 Removing c2t1d0s1 Removing c2t1d0s2 Removing c2t1d0s3 Removing c2t1d0s4 Removing c2t1d0s5 Removing c2t1d0s6 Removing c2t1d0s7 #