Solaris WBEM Services Administrator's Guide

Solaris WBEM Services

Solaris WBEM Services software provides Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) services on the Solaris operating environment. These services make it easier for software developers to create management applications that run in the Solaris operating environment, and makes the Solaris operating environment easier to manage.

Solaris WBEM Services software provides secure access and manipulation of management data. The product includes a built-in Solaris provider that allows management applications to access information about managed resources (devices and software) in the Solaris operating environment.

The CIM Object Manager accepts connections from management applications using either RMI or XML/HTTP protocols, and provides the following services to connected clients:

Once connected to a WBEM-enabled system, WBEM clients can request WBEM operations, such as, creating, viewing, and deleting CIM classes and instances, querying for properties that have a specified value, enumerating (getting a list of) instances or classes in a specified class hierarchy.

Software Components

Solaris WBEM Services software consists of software components that function at three layers: Application, Management, and Provider. These components interact with the operating system and hardware layers. Figure 1-1 shows the software components and their interaction at each layer.

Figure 1-1 Solaris WBEM Services Architecture



One or more schemas can be stored in directory-like structures called namespaces. A CIM namespace is a directory-like structure that can contain other namespaces, classes, instances, and qualifier types. The names of objects within a namespace must be unique.

In Solaris WBEM Services, when WBEM client application connects to a particular namespace, all subsequent operations occur within that namespace. When connected to a namespace, the client can access the classes and instances in that namespace (if they exist) and in any namespaces contained in that namespace. For example, if you create a namespace called child in the root\cimv2 namespace, you could connect to root\cimv2 and access the classes and instances in the root\cimv2 and root\cimv2\child namespaces.

An application can connect to a namespace within a namespace. This is similar to changing to a subdirectory within a directory. Once the application connects to the new namespace, all subsequent operations occur within that namespace. If you open a new connection to root\cimv2\child, you can access any classes and instances in that namespace but cannot access the classes and instances in the parent namespace, root\cimv2.

Three namespaces are created by default during installation:


When a WBEM client application accesses CIM data, the WBEM system validates the user's login information on the current host. By default, a user is granted read access to the CIM and Solaris Schema. The CIM Schema describes managed objects on your system in a standard format that all WBEM-enabled systems and applications can interpret.

Providers are classes that communicate with managed objects to access data. Providers forward this information to the CIM Object Manager for integration and interpretation. When the CIM Object Manager receives a request from a management application for data that is not available from the CIM Object Manager Repository, it forwards the request to a provider.

The CIM Object Manager uses object provider APIs to communicate with providers. When an application requests dynamic data from the CIM Object Manager, the CIM Object Manager uses the provider interfaces to pass the request to the provider.

Providers perform the following functions in response to a request from the CIM Object Manager:

Interoperability with Other WBEM Systems

A WBEM client and WBEM system can run on the same system or on different systems. Multiple WBEM clients can establish connections to the same WBEM system. A typical WBEM system can serve four or five WBEM clients.

Solaris WBEM Services supports the Version 1.0 Specification for CIM Operations over HTTP. This specification uses XML to model CIM objects and messages. XML is a standard markup language for describing data on the Web. This standard extends XML markup to define CIM objects and operations. Because XML provides a standard way of describing data that can be sent across the Web, any WBEM client can access CIM data on any WBEM system that can parse XML data.