Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide

The bak2am Command Line Executable

Access Manager contains an bak2am utility under AccessManager-base/SUNWam/bin. This utility performs a restore of the Access Manager components that were backed-up by the am2back utility.

The bak2am Syntax

The generic syntax for using the bak2am tool for the Solaris operating system is:

./bak2am [ -v | --verbose ] -z | --gzip tar.gz-file
./bak2am [ -v | --verbose ] -t | --tar tar-file
./bak2am -h | --help
./bak2am -n | --version

The generic syntax for using the bak2am tool for the Windows 2000 operating system is:

bak2am [ -v | --verbose ] -d | --directory directory-name

bak2am -h | --help
bak2am -n | --version

Note –

Two hyphens must be entered exactly as shown in the syntax.

bak2am Options

--gzip backup-name

--gzip specifies the full path and filename of the backup file in tar.gz format. By default, the path is AccessManager-base/backup . This option is for Solaris only.

--tar backup-name

--tar specifies the full path and filename of the backup file in tar format. By default, the path is AccessManager-base/backup . This option is for Solaris only.


--verbose is used to run the backup utility in verbose mode.


--directory specifies the backup directory. By default, the path is AccessManager-base/backup. This option is for Windows 2000 only.


--help is an argument that displays the syntax for the bak2am command.


--version is an argument that displays the utility name, product name, product version and legal notice.