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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Architectural Reference

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Document Information

1.  Introduction

2.  The Directory Server Access Control Model

3.  Understanding the Directory Server Schema

Understanding Matching Rules

Matching Rule Description Format

Commonly Used Matching Rules

Relative Time Matching Rules

Partial Date Or Time Matching Rules

Value Normalization

Understanding Attribute Syntaxes

The Attribute Syntax Description Format

Commonly Used Attribute Syntaxes

The Pattern-Matching Syntax Extension

The Enumeration Syntax Extension

Substitution Syntax Extension

Understanding Attribute Types

Attribute Type Description Format

Attribute Type Inheritance

Attribute Type Implementation

Understanding Object Classes

Object Class Description Format

Object Class Kinds

Object Class Inheritance

Directory Server Object Class Implementation

Understanding Name Forms

Name Form Description Format

Understanding DIT Content Rules

DIT Content Rule Description Format

DIT Content Rule Implementation

Understanding DIT Structure Rules

DIT Structure Rule Description Format

DIT Structure Rules and Multiple Schemas

Understanding Matching Rule Uses

4.  Directory Server Index Databases

5.  Understanding Directory Server Plug-Ins

6.  Directory Server Replication

7.  Directory Server Root Users and the Privilege Subsystem

8.  Supported Controls and Operations

Name Form Description Format

The name form description format is described in RFC 4512, section, as shown here:

NameFormDescription = LPAREN WSP
numericoid                 ; object identifier
[ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
[ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
[ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
SP "OC" SP oid             ; structural object class
SP "MUST" SP oids          ; attribute types
[ SP "MAY" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions

The name form description includes these elements:


The numeric OID used to uniquely identify the name form in the directory server. Although the specification requires a numeric OID, the directory server also allows a non-numeric OID for the purpose of convenience. In this case, the non-numeric OID should be the same as the name of the name form followed by the string -oid.


An optional set of human-readable names that can be used to refer to the name form. If there is a single name, then it should be enclosed in single quotes. If there are multiple names, then they should each be enclosed in single quotes separated by spaces, and the entire set of names should be enclosed in parentheses.


An optional human-readable description. If a description is present, then it should be enclosed in single quotation marks.


An optional OBSOLETE flag that can be used to indicate whether the name form is active. If a name form is marked as OBSOLETE, then it should not be in effect within the directory server, nor should it be possible to create any other elements that depend on it.


The name or OID of the structural object class with which the name form is associated.


The names or OIDs of one or more attribute types that must be present in the RDN for any entry with the specified structural class. If there is only a single required attribute type, then only its name or OID needs to be given. If there are multiple required attribute types, then they should be separated by spaces and dollar signs, and the entire set of required attribute types should be enclosed in parentheses.


The names or OIDs of zero or more attribute types that can optionally be present in the RDN for any entry with the specified structural class. If there is only a single optional attribute type, then only its name or OID needs to be given. If there are multiple optional attribute types, then they should be separated by spaces and dollar signs, and the entire set of optional attribute types should be enclosed in parentheses.


An optional set of extensions for the name form. The directory server currently uses the following extensions for name forms:


Provides information about where the name form is defined (for example, whether it came from a particular RFC or Internet Draft or whether it is defined within the project.).


Indicates which schema file contains the name form definition (This extension is generally used for internal purposes only and is exposed to clients.)

For example, the following is the name form description for the uddiBusinessEntityNameForm name form defined in RFC 4403:

( NAME 'uddiBusinessEntityNameForm'
OC uddiBusinessEntity MUST ( uddiBusinessKey ) X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4403' )

In this case, the numeric OID is and the human-readable name is uddiBusinessEntityNameForm. Entries with the uddiBusinessEntity structural object class are required to use uddiBusinessKey as their only RDN attribute type. There is no description, nor are there any other attribute types that can optionally be included in the associated entries. The name form is not marked OBSOLETE.