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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Architectural Reference

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Document Information

1.  Introduction

2.  The Directory Server Access Control Model

3.  Understanding the Directory Server Schema

Understanding Matching Rules

Matching Rule Description Format

Commonly Used Matching Rules

Relative Time Matching Rules

Partial Date Or Time Matching Rules

Value Normalization

Understanding Attribute Syntaxes

The Attribute Syntax Description Format

Commonly Used Attribute Syntaxes

The Pattern-Matching Syntax Extension

The Enumeration Syntax Extension

Substitution Syntax Extension

Understanding Attribute Types

Attribute Type Description Format

Attribute Type Inheritance

Attribute Type Implementation

Understanding Object Classes

Object Class Description Format

Object Class Kinds

Object Class Inheritance

Directory Server Object Class Implementation

Understanding Name Forms

Name Form Description Format

Understanding DIT Content Rules

DIT Content Rule Description Format

DIT Content Rule Implementation

Understanding DIT Structure Rules

DIT Structure Rule Description Format

DIT Structure Rules and Multiple Schemas

Understanding Matching Rule Uses

4.  Directory Server Index Databases

5.  Understanding Directory Server Plug-Ins

6.  Directory Server Replication

7.  Directory Server Root Users and the Privilege Subsystem

8.  Supported Controls and Operations

Relative Time Matching Rules

OpenDS provides two matching rules for performing a match on relative dates in GeneralizedTime attributes, relativeTimeLTOrderingMatch and relativeTimeGTOrderingMatch, as defined here:

NAME ( 'relativeTimeLTOrderingMatch''relativeTimeOrderingMatch.lt' )
NAME ( 'relativeTimeGTOrderingMatch' 'relativeTimeOrderingMatch.gt' )

The syntax applies to attributes with a GeneralizedTime syntax, but it does not take a generalized time string. Instead it takes an offset in the format of [+|-]number[unit] where:


Specifies a time in the past or future. A positive offset (+) computes a time in the future compared to the current time, and a negative offset (-) computes a time in the past compared to the current time. The default value is positive (+).


Specifies the number of time units as a positive integer


Specifies the time unit as a single letter, s, m, h, d, or w, for seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks

When processing the filter, the server computes the current GMT time, adds the offset and compares the attribute value with the new computed value.

The following example represents pwdExpirationTime >= (Now + 5 days).


Similarly, the following example represents pwdExpirationTime <= (Now + 5 days).
