System Administration Guide

Adding Packages in a Homogeneous Client/Server Environment

For the purposes of this discussion, a homogeneous client/server means the clients and servers are running the same version of the Solaris operating environment and are the same hardware platform (either all SPARC or all x86 platforms).

This section describes how to install packages that place files in a client's root file system. If you are installing a package for clients, and that package does not place files on the client's root file system, the package can be installed directly on the server and shared. (This assumes that the package is installed to a file system such as /usr on the server.)

Use the pkgadd command with the -R option to specify the location of the client's root file system for the client installation. (There's a common misconception that you can use the -R option to specify an alternate base directory for a package installation. That is not the case. The -R option is specifically for defining the client's root file system. To specify an alternate base directory, use pkgadd with the -a option and provide an administration file that has the basedir keyword set to the new installation directory.)

Note -

Packages installed on the server for diskless and AutoClient systems are read-only to the client and are shared with other clients.

Although there are several ways to install and maintain packages in a client/server environment, this section provides instructions on how to do this from a server. This is a centralized software administration model. Note, however, that you can log in to clients and install software directly on them.

Adding Sun Packages on Clients

In general, when installing Sun packages on clients in a homogeneous environment, follow the guidelines in Table 17-2.

Table 17-2 Installing Sun Packages on Clients in a Homogeneous Environment

If the Package's Files Are Installed in The ... 

Then ... 

root (/) file system

Add the package using the procedure in "How to Add a Package to a Diskless or AutoClient System's root (/) File System".


Add the package using the procedure in "How to Add Packages to a Standalone System".

You can determine where a Sun package's files are installed by using the procedure "How to Determine Where a Package's Files Will Be Installed".

Adding Third-Party Packages on Clients

When installing third-party packages on clients, follow these guidelines:

  1. Install the package on the server using the procedure "How to Add Packages to a Standalone System".

  2. Install the package on the client using the procedure "How to Add a Package to a Diskless or AutoClient System's root (/) File System".