System Administration Guide

Tools For Managing Patches

There are two utilities for managing patches:

Detailed information about how to install and back out a patch is provided in the file with each patch. Each patch also contains a README file that contains specific information about the patch.

Before installing patches, you might want to know more about patches that have previously been installed. Table 18-1 shows commands that provide useful information about patches already installed on a system.

Table 18-1 Helpful Commands for Patch Administration



showrev -p

Shows all patches applied to a system. 

pkgparam pkgid PATCHLIST

Shows all patches applied to the package identified by pkgid.

pkgparam pkgidPATCH_INFO_patch-number

Shows the installation date and name of the host from which the patch was applied. pkgid is the name of the package: for example, SUNWadmap.

patchadd -R client_root_path -p

Shows all patches applied to a client, from the server's console. 

patchadd -p

Shows all patches applied to a system.