System Administration Guide

Chapter 22 Administering Disks (Tasks)

This chapter contains disk administration procedures. Many of the procedures described in this chapter are optional if you are already familiar with how disks are managed on systems running the Solaris 2.x release.

This is a list of step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

For overview information about disk management, see Chapter 21, Disk Management (Overview).

Administering Disks Task Map

Table 22-1 Task Map: Administering Disks





For Instructions, Go To 


Identify the Disks on a System  


If you are not sure of the types of disks on a system, use the format utility to identify the disk types.


"How to Identify the Disks on a System"


Format the Disk 


Determine whether a disk is already formatted by using the format utility.


"How to Determine If a Disk is Formatted"


In most cases, disks are already formatted. Use the format utility if you need to format a disk.


"How to Format a Disk"


Display Slice Information 


Display slice information by using the format utility.


"How to Display Disk Slice Information"


Label the Disk 


Create the disk label by using the format utility.


"How to Label a Disk"


Examine the disk label by using the prtvtoc command.


"How to Examine a Disk Label"


Create a format.dat Entry


Create a format.dat entry to support a third-party disk.


"How to Create a format.dat Entry"


Repair a Defective Disk Sector  


Identify a defective disk sector by using the format utility.


"How to Identify a Defective Sector by Using Surface Analysis"


Fix a defective disk sector by using the format utility.


"How to Repair a Defective Sector"


Identifying Disks on a System

Use the format utility to discover the types of disks that are connected to a system. You can also use the format utility to verify that a disk is known to the system. See Chapter 25, The format Utility (Reference) for information on using the format utility.

How to Identify the Disks on a System

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Identify the disks that are recognized on the system with the format utility.

    # format

    The format utility displays a list of disks that it recognizes under AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS.

Examples--Identifying the Disks on a System

The following format output is from a system with two disks.

# format
Searching for disks...done
       0. c0t1d0 <SUN0535 cyl 1866 alt 2 hd 7 sec 80>
       1. c0t2d0 <SUN1.05 cyl 2036 alt 2 hd 14 sec 72>
Specify disk (enter its number):

The format output associates a disk's physical and local device name to the disk's marketing name which appears in brackets <>. This is an easy way to identify which local device names represent the disks connected to your system. See Chapter 20, Accessing Devices (Overview), for a description of local and physical device names.

The following example uses a wildcard to display the disks connected to a second controller.

# format /dev/rdsk/c2*
   0. /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s0 <SUN2.1G cyl 2733 alt 2 hd 19 sec 80>
   1. /dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s0 <SUN2.1G cyl 2733 alt 2 hd 19 sec 80>
   2. /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s0 <SUN2.1G cyl 2733 alt 2 hd 19 sec 80>
   3. /dev/rdsk/c2t3d0s0 <SUN2.1G cyl 2733 alt 2 hd 19 sec 80>
   4. /dev/rdsk/c2t5d0s0 <SUN2.1G cyl 2733 alt 2 hd 19 sec 80>
Specify disk (enter its number): 

The following example identifies the disks on a SPARC based system.

# format
       0. c0t3d0    <SUN2.1G cyl 2733 alt 2 hd 19 sec 80>
Specify disk (enter its number): 

The format output identifies that disk 0 (target 1) is connected to the first SCSI host adapter (esp@0...), which is connected to the first SBus device (sbus@1...). The output also associates both the physical and logical device name to the disk's marketing name, SUN0535.

The following example identifies the disks on an x86 based system.

# format
Searching for disks...done
       0. c0t0d0 <DEFAULT cyl 507 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>
       1. c0t3d0 <DEFAULT cyl 1852 alt 2 hd 15 sec 74>
Specify disk (enter its number): 

The format output identifies that disk 0, target 0 (cmdk@0,0) is connected to the first DPT host adapter (dpt@5...), which is connected to the EISA device (eisa). The format output on an x86 based system does not identify disks by their marketing names.

Where to Go From Here

Check the following table if the format utility did not recognize the disk.

If the Disk ... 

Then ... 

Is newly added and you didn't perform a reconfiguration boot 

Go to Chapter 23, SPARC: Adding a Disk (Tasks) or Chapter 24, x86: Adding a Disk (Tasks).

Is a third-party disk 

Go to "Creating a format.dat Entry".

Label was corrupted by a system problem, such as a power failure 

Go to "How to Label a Disk".

Is not properly connected to the system 

Connect the disk to the system using your disk hardware documentation. 

Formatting a Disk

Disks are formatted by the manufacturer or reseller and usually do not need to be reformatted when you install the drive.

A disk must be formatted before:

How to Determine If a Disk is Formatted

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Enter the format utility.

    # format
  3. Enter the number of the disk that you want to check from the list displayed on your screen.

    Specify disk (enter its number): 0
  4. Verify that the disk you chose is formatted by identifying the following message.

    [disk formatted]

Example--Determining If a Disk Is Formatted

The following example shows that disk c0t3d0 is formatted.

# format
Searching for disks...done
       0. c0t3d0 <SUN1.05 cyl 2036 alt 2 hd 14 sec 72>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t3d0
[disk formatted]

How to Format a Disk

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Enter the format utility.

    # format
  3. Enter the number of the disk that you want to format from the list displayed on your screen.

    Specify disk (enter its number): 0

    Caution - Caution -

    Do not select the system disk. Formatting your system disk deletes your operating system and any data that you may have on this disk.

  4. To begin formatting the disk, enter format at the format> prompt. Confirm the command by typing y.

    format> format
    Ready to format. Formatting cannot be interrupted
    and takes 10 minutes (estimated). Continue? y
  5. Verify that the disk format is successful by identifying the following messages.

    Formatting ...
    Verifying media ...
    pass 0 - pattern = 0xc6dec6de
    pass 1 - pattern = 0x6db6db6d
    total of 0 defective blocks repaired.

Example--Formatting a Disk

The following example formats the disk c0t2d0.

# format
Searching for disks...done
       0. c0t1d0 <SUN0535 cyl 1866 alt 2 hd 7 sec 80>
       1. c0t2d0 <SUN1.05 cyl 2036 alt 2 hd 14 sec 72>
Specify disk (enter its number):1
Selecting c0t2d0
[disk unformatted]
format> format
Ready to format. Formatting cannot be interrupted
and takes 23 minutes (estimated). Continue? y
Beginning format. The current time is Tue Nov 12 10:04:33 1996
Formatting ...
Verifying media ...
pass 0 - pattern = 0xc6dec6de
pass 1 - pattern = 0x6db6db6d
total of 0 defective blocks repaired.

Displaying Disk Slices

You can use the format utility to check whether or not a disk has the appropriate disk slices. If you determine that a disk does not contain the slices you want to use, use the format utility to re-create them and label the disk. See "SPARC: How to Create Disk Slices and Label a Disk" or "x86: How to Create Disk Slices and Label a Disk" for information on creating disk slices.

Note -

The format utility uses the term partition in place of slice.

How to Display Disk Slice Information

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Enter the format utility.

    # format
  3. Identify the disk for which you want to display slice information by selecting a disk listed under AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS.

    Specify disk (enter its number):1
  4. Enter the partition menu by typing partition at the format> prompt.

    format> partition 
  5. Display the slice information for the current disk drive by typing print at the partition> prompt.

    partition> print
  6. Exit the format utility by typing q at the partition> prompt and typing q at the format> prompt.

    partition> q
    format> q
  7. Verify displayed slice information by identifying specific slice tags and slices.

    If the screen output shows that no slice sizes are assigned, the disk probably does not have slices.

Examples--Displaying Disk Slice Information

The following example displays slice information for disk /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0.

# format
Searching for disks...done
Specify disk (enter its number):1
Selecting c0t3d0
format> partition
partition> print
Current partition table (original):
Total disk cylinders available: 1866 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part      Tag   Flag   Cylinders    Size      Blocks
  0       root   wm     0 -  292  80.12MB   (293/0/0)   164080
  1       swap   wu   293 -  410  32.27MB   (118/0/0)    66080
  2     backup   wm     0 - 1865  510.23MB  (1866/0/0) 1044960
  3 unassigned   wm     0         0         (0/0/0)          0
  4 unassigned   wm     0         0         (0/0/0)          0
  5       home   wm   411 - 1311  246.37MB  (901/0/0)   504560
  6        usr   wm  1312 - 1718  111.29MB  (407/0/0)   227920
  7 unassigned   wm  1719 - 1865   40.20MB  (147/0/0)    82320
partition> q
format> q

See Chapter 21, Disk Management (Overview) for a detailed description of the slice information displayed in these examples.

The following example displays the slice information on disk /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0.

# format
Searching for disks...done
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t0d0
[disk formatted]
format> partition
partition> print
Current partition table (original):
Total disk cylinders available: 1479 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part   Tag    Flag     Cylinders    Size          Blocks
  0      root   wm      1 -  400   108.01MB  (400/0/0)  221200
  1      swap   wu    401 -  556    42.12MB  (156/0/0)   86268
  2    backup   wu      0 - 1479   399.63MB  (1480/0/0) 818440
  3 unassigned  wm      0           0        (0/0/0)         0
  4 unassigned  wm      0           0        (0/0/0)         0
  5 unassigned  wm    557 -  734    48.06MB  (178/0/0)   98434
  6        usr  wm    735 - 1401   180.10MB  (667/0/0)  368851
  7       home  wm   1402 - 1476    20.25MB   (75/0/0)   41475
  8       boot  wu      0 -    0     0.27MB   (1/0/0)      553
  9 unassigned  wm      0           0         (0/0/0)        0
partition> q
format> q

Creating and Examining a Disk Label

Labeling a disk is usually done during system installation or when you are creating new disk slices. You may need to relabel a disk if the disk label is corrupted (for example, from a power failure).

The format utility will attempt to automatically configure any unlabeled SCSI disk. If format is able to automatically configure an unlabeled disk, it will display a message like the following:

	c1t0d0: configured with capacity of 404.65MB

How to Label a Disk

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Enter the format utility.

    # format
  3. Enter the number of the disk that you want to label from the list displayed on your screen.

    Specify disk (enter its number):1
  4. Use the table below to determine how to label the disk.

    If the Disk Is Unlabeled and Was Successfully Configured ... 

    If the Disk Was Labeled and You Want to Change the Type, or Format Was Not Able to Automatically Configure the Disk ... 

    Format will ask if you want to label the disk. Go to step 5 to label the disk. 

    You must specify the disk type. Go to steps 6-7 to set the disk type and label the disk. 

  5. Label the disk by typing y at the Label it now? prompt.

    Disk not labeled. Label it now? y

    The disk is now labeled. Go to step 10 to exit the format utility.

  6. Enter type at the format> prompt.

    format> type

    Format displays the Available Drive Types menu.

  7. Select a disk type from the list of possible disk types.

    Specify disk type (enter its number)[8]: 8
  8. Label the disk. If the disk is not labeled, the following message is displayed.

    Disk not labeled. Label it now? y

    Otherwise you are prompted with this message:

    Ready to label disk, continue? y
  9. Use the verify command from the format main menu to verify the disk label.

    format> verify 
  10. Exit the format utility by typing q at the format> prompt.

    partition> q
    format> q

Example--Labeling a Disk

The following example automatically configures and labels a 424-Mbyte disk.

# format
	c1t0d0: configured with capacity of 404.65MB
		   0. c0t3d0 <SUN0424 cyl 1151 alt 2 hd 9 sec 80>
		   1. c1t0d0 <SUN0424 cyl 1151 alt 2 hd 9 sec 80>
Specify disk (enter its number): 1
Disk not labeled.  Label it now?  yes
format> verify

How to Examine a Disk Label

Examine disk label information by using the prtvtoc(1M) command. See Chapter 21, Disk Management (Overview), for a detailed description of the disk label and the information displayed by the prtvtoc command.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Display the disk label information by using the prtvtoc command.

    # prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/device-name


    Raw disk device you want to examine.  

Example--Examining a Disk Label

The following example shows the disk label information for disk /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0.

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0
* c0t0d0s0 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
*      36 sectors/track
*       9 tracks/cylinder
*     324 sectors/cylinder
*    1272 cylinders
*    1254 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
*                       First   Sector    Last	
* Partition Tag Flags  Sector   Count    Sector  Mount Directory
      0      2   00         0    37260    37259   /
      1      3   01     37260    77760   115019
      2      5   00         0   406296   406295
      6      4   00    115020   283824   398843   /usr
      7      6   00    398844     7452   406295   /export/home

Recovering a Corrupted Disk Label

Sometimes a power or system failure will cause a disk's label to become unrecognizable. This doesn't always mean that the slice information or the disk's data will have to be recreated or restored.

The first step to recovering a corrupted disk label is to label the disk with the correct geometry and disk type information. This can be done through the normal disk labeling method, either automatic configuration or manual disk type specification.

If format recognizes the disk type, the next step is to search for a backup label to label the disk. Labeling the disk with the backup label will label the disk with the correct partitioning information, the disk type, and disk geometry.

How to Recover a Corrupted Disk Label

  1. Boot the system to single-user mode. If necessary, boot the system from a local CD-ROM or the network in single-user mode to access the disk.

    See Chapter 8, Booting a SPARC System (Tasks) or Chapter 9, Intel: Booting a System (Tasks) for information on booting the system.

  2. Use the format utility to relabel the disk.

    # format

    At this point, format attempts to automatically configure any unlabeled SCSI disk. If format is able to configure the unlabeled and corrupted disk, it will display:

    cwtxdy: configured with capacity of abcMB

    The format utility then displays the list of disks on the system.

  3. Enter the number of the disk that you need to recover from the list displayed on your screen.

    Specify disk (enter its number): 1
  4. Use the table below to determine how to label the disk.

    If the Disk was Successfully Configured ... 

    If the Disk was not Successfully Configured ... 

    Follow steps 5 and 6. Then go to step 12. 

    Follow steps 7-11. Then go to step 12. 

  5. Search for the backup label by using the verify command.

    format> verify
    Warning: Could not read primary label.
    Warning: Check the current partitioning and 'label' the disk or 
    use the 'backup' command.
    Backup label contents:
    Volume name = <        >
    ascii name  = <SUN0424 cyl 1151 alt 2 hd 9 sec 80>
    pcyl        = 2500
    ncyl        = 1151
    acyl        =    2
    nhead       =    9
    nsect       =   80
    Part     Tag    Flag    Cylinders      Size      Blocks
      0       root   wm      0 -   91   32.34MB   (92/0/0)   66240
      1       swap   wu     92 -  183   32.34MB   (92/0/0)   66240
      2     backup   wu      0 - 1150  404.65MB  (1151/0/0) 828720
      3 unassigned   wm      0              0      (0/0/0)       0
      4 unassigned   wm      0              0      (0/0/0)       0
      5 unassigned   wm      0              0      (0/0/0)       0
      6        usr   wm    184 - 1150   339.96MB  (967/0/0) 696240
      7 unassigned   wm      0              0      (0/0/0)       0
  6. If format was able to find a backup label and the backup label contents appear satisfactory, use the backup command to label the disk with the backup label.

    format> backup
    Disk has a primary label, still continue? y
    Searching for backup labels...found.
    Restoring primary label

    The disk label has been recovered. Go to step 12.

  7. If format was not able to automatically configure the disk, specify the disk type using the type command.

    format> type

    The format utility displays the Available Drives Type menu.

  8. Select 0 to automatically configure the disk, or select a disk type from the list of possible disk types.

    Specify disk type (enter its number)[8]: 8
  9. If the disk was successfully configured, reply with no when format asks if you want to label the disk.

    Disk not labeled.  Label it now?  no
  10. Use the verify command to search for backup labels.

    format> verify
    Warning: Could not read primary label.
    Warning: Check the current partitioning and 'label' the disk
    or use the 'backup' command.
  11. If format was able to find a backup label and the backup label contents appear satisfactory, use the backup command to label the disk with the backup label.

    format> backup
    Disk has a primary label, still continue? y
    Searching for backup labels...found.
    Restoring primary label

    The disk label has been recovered.

  12. Exit the format utility by typing q.

    format> q
  13. Verify the file systems on the recovered disk by using the fsck command.

    See Chapter 31, Checking File System Integrity, for information about using the fsck command.

Adding a Third-Party Disk

The Solaris environment supports many third-party disks. However, you may need to supply either a device driver, a formt.dat entry, or both of these.

If the third-party disk was designed to work with standard SunOS operating system-compatible device drivers, creating an appropriate format.dat entry should be enough to allow the disk to be recognized by the format utility. In other cases, you'll need to load a third-party device driver to support the disk.

Note -

Sun cannot guarantee that its format utility will work properly with all third-party disk drivers. If the disk driver is not compatible with the Solaris format utility, the disk drive vendor should supply you with a custom format program.

This section discusses what to do if some of this software support is missing. Typically, this occurs when you invoke the format utility and find that the disk type is not recognized.

Supply the missing software as described in this section, and then refer to the appropriate configuration procedure for adding system disks or secondary disks in Chapter 23, SPARC: Adding a Disk (Tasks) or Chapter 24, x86: Adding a Disk (Tasks).

Creating a format.dat Entry

Unrecognized disks cannot be formatted without precise information about the disk's geometry and operating parameters. This information is supplied in the /etc/format.dat file.

Note -

SCSI-2 drives do not require a format.dat entry. Starting with Solaris 2.3 release, the format utility automatically configures the SCSI-2 drivers if the drives are powered on during a reconfiguration boot. See "How to Automatically Configure a SCSI Drive" for step-by-step instructions on configuring a SCSI disk drive automatically.

If your disk was not recognized, use a text editor to create an entry in format.dat for the disk. You'll need to gather all the pertinent technical specifications about the disk and its controller before you start. This information should have been provided with the disk. If not, contact the disk manufacturer or your supplier. See Chapter 25, The format Utility (Reference) for more information on adding an entry to the /etc/format.dat file.

How to Create a format.dat Entry

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Make a copy of the /etc/format.dat file.

    # cp /etc/format.dat /etc/format.dat.gen
  3. Modify the /etc/format.dat file to include an entry for the third-party disk using the format.dat information described in Chapter 25, The format Utility (Reference).

    Use the disk's hardware product documentation to gather the required information.

Automatically Configuring SCSI Disk Drivers

In Solaris 2.3 and subsequent releases, the format utility automatically configures SCSI disk drives even if that specific type of drive is not listed in the /etc/format.dat file. This feature enables you to format, slice, and label any disk driver compliant with SCSI-2 specification for disk device mode sense pages.

The following steps are involved in configuring a SCSI drive using autoconfiguration:

After the reconfiguration boot, invoke the format utility. The format utility will attempt to configure the disk and, if successful, alert the user that the disk was configured. See "How to Automatically Configure a SCSI Drive" for step-by-step instructions on configuring a SCSI disk drive automatically.

Here are the default slice rules that format uses to create the partition table.

Table 22-2 SCSI Disk Slice Rules

Disk Size 

Root File System 

Swap Slice 

0 - 180 Mbytes 

16 Mbytes 

16 Mbytes 

180 Mbytes - 280 Mbytes 

16 Mbytes 

32 Mbytes 

280 Mbytes - 380 Mbytes 

24 Mbytes 

32 Mbytes 

380 Mbytes - 600 Mbytes 

32 Mbytes 

32 Mbytes 

600 Mbytes - 1.0 Gbytes 

32 Mbytes 

64 Mbytes 

1.0 Gbytes - 2.0 Gbytes 

64 Mbytes 

128 Mbytes 

More than 2.0 Gbytes 

128 Mbytes 

128 Mbytes 

In all cases, slice 6 (for the /usr file system) gets the remainder of the space on the disk.

Here's an example of a format-generated partition table for a 1.3-Gbyte SCSI disk drive.

Part    Tag    Flag     Cylinders     Size        Blocks
   0     root    wm       0 -   96    64.41MB      (97/0/0)
   1     swap    wu      97 -  289   128.16MB     (193/0/0)
   2   backup    wu       0 - 1964     1.27GB    (1965/0/0)
   6      usr    wm     290 - 1964     1.09GB    (1675/0/0)

See Chapter 25, The format Utility (Reference) for more information about using SCSI automatic configuration.

How to Automatically Configure a SCSI Drive

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Create the /reconfigure file that will be read when the system is booted.

    # touch /reconfigure
  3. Shut down the system.

    # shutdown -i0 -g30 -y


    Brings the system down to init state 0 (zero), the power-down state. 


    Notifies logged-in users that they have n seconds before the system begins to shut down.


    Specifies the command should run without user intervention. 

    The ok or > prompt is displayed after the operating environment is shut down.

  4. Turn off power to the system and all external peripheral devices.

  5. Make sure the disk you are adding has a different target number than the other devices on the system.

    You will often find a small switch located at the back of the disk for this purpose.

  6. Connect the disk to the system and check the physical connections.

    Refer to the disk's hardware installation guide for installation details.

  7. Turn on the power to all external peripherals.

  8. Turn on the power to the system.

    The system will boot and display the login prompt.

  9. Login as superuser, invoke the format utility, and select the disk to be configured automatically.

    # format
    Searching for disks...done
    c1t0d0: configured with capacity of 404.65MB
           0. c0t3d0 <SUN0424 cyl 1151 alt 2 hd 9 sec 80>
           1. c1t0d0 <SUN0424 cyl 1151 alt 2 hd 9 sec 80>
    Specify disk (enter its number): 1
  10. Reply yes to the prompt to label the disk.

    Replying y will cause the disk label to be generated and written to the disk by the autoconfiguration feature.

    Disk not labeled. Label it now? y
  11. Verify the disk label with the verify command.

    format> verify
  12. Exit the format utility.

    format> q

Repairing a Defective Sector

If a disk on your system has a defective sector, you can repair it by using the instructions in the following procedures. You may become aware of defective sectors when you:

The above console message indicates that block 179 may be bad. Relocate the bad block by using the format utility's repair command or use the analyze command with the repair option enabled.

How to Identify a Defective Sector by Using Surface Analysis

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Unmount the file system in the slice that contains the defective sector.

    See mount(1M) for more information.

    # umount /dev/dsk/device-name
  3. Enter the format utility by typing format.

    # format
  4. Select the affected disk.

    Specify disk (enter its number):1
    selecting c0t2d0:
    [disk formatted]
    Warning: Current Disk has mounted partitions.
  5. Enter the analyze menu by typing analyze at the format> prompt.

    format> analyze
  6. Set up the analysis parameters by typing setup at the analyze> prompt. Use the parameters shown here:

    analyze> setup
    Analyze entire disk [no]? n
    Enter starting block number [0, 0/0/0]: 12330
    Enter ending block number [584159, 1216/9/47]: 12360
    Loop continuously [no]? y
    Repair defective blocks [yes]? n
    Stop after first error [no]? n
    Use random bit patterns [no]? n
    Enter number of blocks per transfer [31, 0/0/31]: 1
    Verify media after formatting [yes]? y
    Enable extended messages [no]? n
    Restore defect list [yes]? y
    Create defect label [yes]? y
  7. Use the read command to find the defect.

    analyze> read
    Ready to analyze (won't harm SunOS). This takes a long time,
    but is interruptible with Control-C. Continue? y
            pass 0
            pass 1
    Block 12354  (18/4/18), Corrected media error (hard data ecc)
    Total of 1 defective blocks repaired.

How to Repair a Defective Sector

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Enter the format utility and select the disk that contains the defective sector.

    # format
    Searching for disks...done
        0. c0t2d0 <SUN1.05 cyl 2036 alt 2 hd 14 sec 72>
        1. c0t3d0 <SUN0535 cyl 1866 alt 2 hd 7 sec 80>
    Specify disk (enter its number): 1
    selecting c0t3d0
    [disk formatted]
  3. Enter the repair command at the format> prompt.

    format> repair
  4. Enter the defective block number.

     Enter absolute block number of defect: 12354
       Ready to repair defect, continue? y
       Repairing block 12354 (18/4/18)...ok.

    If you are unsure of the format used to identify the defective sector, see "How to Identify a Defective Sector by Using Surface Analysis" for more information.

Tips and Tricks

Use the following tips to help you manage disks more efficiently.

Debugging format Sessions

Invoke format -M to enable extended and diagnostic messages for using the format utility with SCSI devices only.

In this example, the series of numbers below Inquiry: represent the hexadecimal value of the inquiry data displayed to the right of the numbers.

# format -M
Searching for disks...done
       0. c0t3d0 <SUN0535 cyl 1866 alt 2 hd 7 sec 80>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t3d0
[disk formatted]
format> inquiry
00 00 02 02 27 00 00 12 43 4f 4e 4e 45 52 20 20   ....'...CONNER 
43 50 33 30 35 34 30 20 20 53 55 4e 30 35 33 35   CP30540  SUN0535
42 30 42 42 39 33 30 38 46 39 30                  B0BB9308F90
Vendor:   CONNER 
Product:  CP30540  SUN0535
Revision: B0BB

Label Multiple Disks by Using the prtvtoc and fmthard Commands

Use the prtvtoc and fmthard commands to label multiple disks with the same disk geometry.

Use this for loop in a script to copy a disk label from one disk and replicate it on multiple disks.

# for i in x y z
> do
> prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/cwtxdysz | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/cwt${i}d0s2
> done

Example--Labeling Multiple Disks

In this example, the disk label from c2t0d0s0 is copied to four other disks.

# for i in 1 2 3 5
> do
> prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s0 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c2t${i}d0s2
> done
fmthard:  New volume table of contents now in place.
fmthard:  New volume table of contents now in place.
fmthard:  New volume table of contents now in place.
fmthard:  New volume table of contents now in place.