System Administration Guide

Chapter 29 The Cache File System (Tasks)

The Cache File System (CacheFS) is a general purpose file system caching mechanism that improves NFS server performance and scalability by reducing server and network load. Designed as a layered file system, CacheFS provides the ability to cache one file system on another. In an NFS environment, CacheFS increases the client per server ratio, reduces server and network loads and improves performance for clients on slow links, such as Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).

The following is a list of the step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

How CacheFS Works

You create a cache, using the cfsadmin(1M) command, on the client so that file systems you specify to be mounted in the cache can be accessed by the user locally instead of across the network. Figure 29-1 shows the relationship of the components involved in using CacheFS. The back file system is the file system that you specify to be mounted in the cache. Typically, this is an NFS or HSFS (High Sierra File System) file system. When the user attempts to access files that are part of the back file system, those files are placed in the cache. To the user, the initial request to access a file may seem slow, but subsequent uses of the same file will be faster.

Note -

You can mount only file systems that are shared. See the share(1M) command.

Figure 29-1 How CacheFS Works


Setting Up a Cached File System Task Map

Table 29-1 Task Map: Setting Up a Cached File System





For Instructions, Go To 


Create a Cache  


Use the cfsadmin command to create a cache


"How to Create a Cache"


Mount File Systems in the Cache  


Mount a file system in a cache by using the mount command


"How to Specify a File System to Be Mounted in a Cache With mount"




Cache a file system by editing the /etc/vfstab file


"How to Mount a File System in a Cache by Editing the /etc/vfstab File"




Cache a file system by using AutoFS  


"How to Mount a File System in a Cache With AutoFS"


How to Create a Cache

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Create a cache using the -c option of the cfsadmin(1M) command.

    # cfsadmin -c cache-directory


    Indicates the name of the directory where the cache resides. For more information, see the cfsadmin man page.

    Note -

    After you have created the cache, do not perform any operations within the cache directory itself. This causes conflicts within the CacheFS software.

Example--Creating a Cache

The following example creates a cache in the /local/mycache directory by using the default cache parameter values.

# cfsadmin -c /local/mycache

Specifying a File System to Be Mounted in the Cache

You specify file systems to be mounted in the cache so that users can locally access files in the file system you've specified. The files do not actually get placed in the cache until the user accesses the files.

There are three ways to specify file systems to be cached:

How to Specify a File System to Be Mounted in a Cache With mount

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Create a mount point.

    The mount point allows user access to the file system specified under that mount point. You can create the mount point from anywhere. The CacheFS options used with the mount command, as shown in the next step, will determine that the mount point you created will be cached in the cache directory you specified.

  3. Mount a file system in a cache with the mount command.

    # mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=fstype,cachedir=cache-directory[,
    options] back-filesystem mount-point


    Indicates the file system type of the back file system, for example nfs.


    Indicates the name of the directory where the cache resides. This is the same name you specified when you created the cache in "How to Create a Cache".


    Specifies other mount options that you can include when mounting a file system in a cache. See mount_cachefs(1M) for a list of CacheFS mount options.


    The mount point of the back file system to cache. If the back file system is an NFS file system,you must specify the host name of the server from which you are mounting the file system and the name of the file system to cache (separated by a colon), for example, merlin: /usr/openwin


    Indicates the directory where the file system is mounted. 

  4. Verify that the cache you created was actually mounted by using he cachefsstat(1M) command, as follows:

    # cachefsstat mount-point 

    For example:

    # cachefsstat /docs
    	         cache hit rate:   100% (0 hits, 0 misses)
    	     consistency checks:      1 (1 pass, 0 fail)
    	               modifies:      0
    	     garbage collection:      0

    The mount point is the cached file system you created. For more information about the cachefsstat command, see "CacheFS Statistics".

    If the file system was not mounted in the cache, you will receive an error message similar to the following:

    # cachefsstat mount-point
    cachefsstat: mount-point: not a cachefs mountpoint

Examples--Specifying a File System to be Mounted in a Cache With mount

The following example creates the mount point /docs, and mounts the NFS file system merlin:/docs as a cached file system named /docs in the cache named /local/mycache.

# mkdir /docs
# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/local/mycache 
merlin:/docs /docs

The following example makes a CD-ROM (HSFS file system) available as a cached file system named /docs. Because you cannot write to the CD-ROM, the ro argument is specified to make the cached file system read-only. You must specify the backpath argument because Volume Management automatically mounts the CD-ROM when it is inserted. The mount point is in the /cdrom directory and is determined by the name of the CD-ROM. The special device to mount is the same as the value for the backpath argument.

# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=hsfs,cachedir=/local/mycache,ro,
backpath=/cdrom/cdrom_name /cdrom/cdrom_name /docs

The following example uses the demandconst option to specify consistency checking on demand for the NFS cached file system /docs, whose back file system is merlin:/docs. See "Consistency Checking of Cached File Systems With the Back File System" for more information.

# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/local/mycache,
demandconst merlin:/docs /docs

How to Mount a File System in a Cache by Editing the /etc/vfstab File

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Using an editor, specify the file systems to be mounted in the /etc/vfstab file:

    #device     device             mount  FS    fsck  mount   mount
    #to mount         to fsck            point  type  pass  at boot options
    /dev/dsk/devicename /dev/rdsk/devicename /mount-point cachefs  2    yes  -

    This line represents the new entry.

  3. Mount the cached file system using the mount command, as follows:

    # mount /mount-point

    or reboot.

Example--Mounting a File System in a Cache by Editing the /etc/vfstab File

The following example shows the /etc/vfstab entry for the cache file system.

#device     device             mount  FS    fsck  mount   mount
#to mount         to fsck            point  type  pass  at boot options
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0 /cache ufs    2       yes     -

The /usr/local directory is mounted in the cache directory.

# mount /usr/local

How to Mount a File System in a Cache With AutoFS

You can mount a file system in a cache with AutoFS by specifying the -fstype=cachefs mount option in your automount map. Note that CacheFS mount options (for example, backfstype and cachedir) are also specified in the automount map. See automount(1M) for details on automount maps. Also see the NFS Administration Guide.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Using an editor, add the following line to the auto_direct map:

    /mount-point -fstype=cachefs,cachedir=/directory,backfstype=nfs 
  3. Using an editor, add the following line to the auto_master map:


    The /- entry is a pointer to check the auto_direct map.

  4. Reboot the system.

  5. Verify that the entry was made correctly by changing to the file system you mounted in the cache, and then list the contents, as follows:

    # cd filesystem
    # ls filesystem

For more information about AutoFS and how to edit the maps, refer to the AutoFS chapter of the NFS Administration Guide.

Example--Mounting a File System in a Cache With AutoFS

The following auto_master entry automatically mounts the cache file system in the /docs directory.

/docs	 -fstype=cachefs,cachedir=/local/mycache,backfstype=nfs 

Maintaining a Cached File System Task Map

Table 29-2 Task Map: Maintaining a Cached File System





For Instructions, Go To 


Modify the Cache  


Modify the cache behavior.  


"How to Modify File Systems in a Cache"


Display Cache Information  


Display information about cached file systems by using the cfsadmin command.


"How to Display Information About Cached File Systems"


Perform Consistency Checking  


Perform consistency checking on demand by using the cfsadmin command.


"How to Specify Consistency Checking on Demand"


Delete a Cache  


Delete cached file systems by using the umount command and the cfsadmin command.


"How to Delete a Cached File System"


Check File System Integrity 


Check the integrity of cached file systems by using the fsck_cachefs command.


"How to Check the Integrity of Cached File Systems"


Maintaining the Cache

After you set up the cache, you can perform the following maintenance tasks on it:

How to Modify File Systems in a Cache

For information on how to modify specific options of a file system, refer to Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks). When you modify a file system in the cache, you need to delete the cache and then recreate it. You may also need to reboot your machine in single user mode, depending on how your file systems are shared and accessed.

The following example shows some of the steps involved in this procedure.

Example--Modifying File Systems in a Cache

In the following example, the cache is deleted, then re-created, and then mounted again with the demandconst option specified for the file system /docs. This example shows the steps including rebooting to single user mode. You may have other commands you prefer to use to accomplish some of the tasks shown in this example.

$ su
# init 0
ok boot -s
Type Cntrl-d to proceed with normal startup,
(or give root password for system maintenance):
# enter password:
Here is where you may be prompted from system to run fsck
on the file system where the cache is located.
# fsck /local
# mount /local
# cfsadmin -d all /local/mycache
# cfsadmin -c /local/mycache
# init 6
console login:
# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/local/cache1,
demandconst  merlin:/docs /docs

If you did not successfully remount the file system in the cache, the system displays an error message similar to the following:

cachefsstat: /doc: not a cachefs mount point

How to Display Information About Cached File Systems

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Display information about all file systems cached under a specified cache.

    # cfsadmin -l cache-directory

    cache-directory is the name of the directory where the cache resides.

Example--Displaying Information About Cached File Systems

The following example shows information about the cache directory named /local/mycache. In this example, the file system /docs is cached in /local/mycache. The last line displays the name of the cached file system.

# cfsadmin -l /local/mycache
cfsadmin: list cache FS information
   maxblocks     90%
   minblocks      0%
   threshblocks  85%
   maxfiles      90%
   minfiles       0%
   threshfiles   85%
   maxfilesize    3MB

How to Specify Consistency Checking on Demand

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Mount the file system in the cache specifying the demandconst option of the mount(1M) command, as follows:

    # mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/directory,
    demandconst server:/file-system /mount-point

  3. To initiate consistency checking on a specific cached file system, use the cfsadmin(1M) command with the -s option as follows:

    # cfsadmin -s  /mount-point

    For more information about consistency checking, see "Consistency Checking of Cached File Systems With the Back File System".

How to Delete a Cached File System

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Unmount all the file systems in the cache.

    # umount mount-point

    mount-point specifies the directory where a file system or file systems are mounted.

  3. Determine the cache ID from the cfsadmin -l output, as follows:

    # cfsadmin -l cache-directory
    cfsadmin: list cache FS information
       maxblocks     90%
       minblocks      0%
       threshblocks  85%
       maxfiles      90%
       minfiles       0%
       threshfiles   85%
       maxfilesize    3MB
  4. Delete a cached file system from a specified cache.

    # cfsadmin -d cache-id cache-directory


    Indicates the name of the cached file system, which is the last line of the cfsadmin -l output. See "How to Display Information About Cached File Systems" for more information. You can delete all the cached file systems in a particular cache by specifying all for cache-id.


    Specifies the directory where the cache resides. 

  5. Verify that the file system has been deleted.

    The cache ID of the file system you just deleted should be missing from the output of the following command. Refer to the cfsadmin(1M) manpage for more information about the fields specified in the command output.

    # cfsadmin -l cache-directory
    cfsadmin: list cache FS information
       maxblocks     90%
       minblocks      0%
       threshblocks  85%
       maxfiles      90%
       minfiles       0%
       threshfiles   85%
       maxfilesize    3MB

Examples--Deleting a Cached File System

The following example unmounts a cached file system and deletes the cached file system from the cache.

# umount /usr/openwin
# cfsadmin -d merlin:docs /docs /local/mycache

The following example deletes all the cached file systems in the /local/mycache cache. This also deletes the cache.

# cfsadmin -d all /local/mycache

How to Check the Integrity of Cached File Systems

Use the fsck(1M) command to check the integrity of cached file systems. The CacheFS version of fsck automatically corrects problems without requiring user interaction. You should not need to run fsck manually for cached file systems; fsck is run automatically at boot time or when the file system is mounted. If you want to manually check the integrity, you can use the following procedure.

See fsck_cachefs(1M) for more information.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Check the cached file systems under a specified cache.

    # fsck -F cachefs [-m] [-o noclean] cache-directory


    Causes fsck to check the cached file systems without making any repairs.

    -o noclean

    Forces a check on the cached file systems only. Does not make any repairs. 


    Indicates the name of the directory where the cache resides. 

See fsck_cachefs(1M) for more information.

Example--Checking the Integrity of Cached File Systems

The following example checks the cached file systems that are part of the /local/mycache cache.

# fsck -F cachefs /local/mycache

Managing Your Cache File Systems With cachefspack

For general use, CacheFS operates automatically, without requiring any action from the user. Files are cached on a most recently used basis. With the packing feature, you can take a more active role in managing your cache by ensuring that certain files or directories are always updated in the cache.

Packing enables you to specify files and directories to be loaded in the cache. It ensures that current copies of these files are available in the cache.

The packing list contains the names of specific files and directories. It can also contain other packing lists. This saves you having to specify individual files and directories in case you have many items to pack in your cache.

The cachefspack command provides you with added control of your CacheFS file systems, employing the packing functionality.

How to Pack Files in the Cache

Pack files in the cache using the cachefspack command.

$ cachefspack -p filename


Specifies that you want the file or files packed. This is also the default. 


Specifies the name of the file or directory you want packed in the cache. When you specify a directory, all of its subdirectories are also packed. For more information about the cachefspack command, see the cachefspack man page.

Examples--Packing Files in the Cache

The following example shows the file projects specified to be packed in the cache.

$ cachefspack -p projects

The following example shows several files specified to be packed in the cache.

$ cachefspack -p projects updates master_plan 

The following example shows a directory specified to be packed in the cache.

$ cachefspack -p /usr/openwin/bin

Packing Lists

One of the features of the cachefspack command is the ability to pack packing lists. This saves the time of having to specify each individual file that you want packed in the cache.

A packing list contains files or directories to be packed in the cache. If a directory is in the packing list, all of its subdirectories and files will also be packed.

How to Create a Packing List

To create a packing list, open a file by using vi or the editor of your choice. The packing list file format uses the same format as the filesync command. For more information about the filesync command, see filesync(4).

Example--Creating a Packing List

The following example shows the contents of a packing list file.

BASE /home/ignatz
LIST plans
LIST docs

How to Pack Files in the Cache as Specified in a Packing List

To pack files using the packing list, use the -f option of the cachefspack command, as follows:

$ cachefspack -f packing-list

This means you want the software to read the packing list and pack files based on the information specified in the packing list.


Specifies that you want to pack files based on the information specified in the packing list. 


Specifies the name of the packing list. 

This means you want the software to read the packing list and pack files based on the information specified in the packing list.

Example--Packing Files in the Cache as Specified in a Packing List

This examples uses the list.pkg file as the packing list for the cachefspack command.

$ cachefspack -f list.pkg

How to Specify Files in the Packing List to be Treated as Regular Expressions

To specify that one or more files in the packing list should be treated as regular expressions (not as literal file names), use the -r option with the -f option of the cachefspack command. The -r option cannot be used alone.

$ cachefspack -rf packing_list

where packing_list contains a LIST command defined as follows:

LIST *.doc


Specifies that you want the file or files defined in the LIST command treated as regular expressions, and not as literal file names.


Specifies that you want the packing list packed in the cache. 


Indicates the name of the packing list that contains the LIST command with the file or files you want treated as regular expressions.

Example--Specifying Files in the Packing List to be Treated as Regular Expressions

The following example shows the packing list list.pkg specified to be packed in the cache. list.pkg contains a LIST command that defines a regular expression.

$ cachefspack -rf list.pkg

The software will pack the file list.pkg into the cache and treat the file names defined in the LIST command as regular expressions, and not as literal file names.

How to Pack Files From a Shared Directory

  1. To pack files from a shared directory, and to ensure that you pack only those files that you own, define the LIST command within the packing list file as follows:

    LIST !find . -user your_user_name -print
  2. Pack the packing list in the cache using the -s option with the -f option of the cachefspack command.

    $ cachefspack -sf packing_list


    Adjusts the output of the find command to be suitable for the packing list. 


    Specifies a packing list to read. 


    Specifies the name of the packing list to read. 

    Note -

    The -s option must be used with the -f option. The -s option cannot be used alone.

Example--Packing Files From a Shared Directory

The following example shows how to define a LIST command in the packing list to pack only the files from the base directory that you own:

LIST !find . -user jones -print

The following example shows how you would then specify packing the packing list.

$ cachefspack -sf /projects/proj_1

Unpacking Files

You may need to remove, or unpack, a file from the cache. Perhaps you have some files or directories that are a higher priority than others, so you need to unpack the less critical files. For example, you finished up a project and have archived the files associated with that project. You are now working on a new project, and therefore, a new set of files.

How to Unpack Files or Packing Lists From the Cache

Unpack files or packing lists from the cache using the -u or -U option of the cachefspack command.

$ cachefspack -u filename | -U cache-directory


Specifies that you want the file or files unpacked. You must specify a filename with this option. 


Specifies the name of the file or packing list you want unpacked in the cache. For more information about the cachefspack command, see the man page.


Specifies that you want to unpack all files in the cache. 

Examples--Unpacking Files or Packing Lists From the Cache

The following example shows the file /usr/openwin/bin/xlogo specified to be unpacked from the cache.

$ cachefspack -u /usr/openwin/bin/xlogo

The following example shows several files specified to be unpacked from the cache.

$ cd /usr/openwin/bin
$ cachefspack -u xlogo xview xcolor

You can also unpack a packing list, which is a file that contains the path to a directory of files, as follows:

$ cachefspack -uf list.pkg

The following example uses the -U option to specify all files in a cache directory to be unpacked.

$ cachefspack -U /local/mycache

You cannot unpack a cache that does not have at least one file system mounted. With the -U option, if you specify a cache that does not contain mounted filesystems, you will see output similar to the following:

$ cachefspack -U /local/mycache
cachefspack: Could not unpack cache /local/mycache, no mounted
filesystems in the cache.

Displaying Packed Files Information

You may want to view information about the files that you've specified to be packed, and what their packing status is.

How to Display Packed Files Information

To display packed files information, use the -i option of the cachefspack command.

$ cachefspack -i[v] cached-filename-or-directory


Specifies you want to view information about your packed files. 


The verbose option. 


Specifies the name of the file or directory for which to display information. 

Example--Displaying Packed Files Information

The following example shows that a file called doc_file is successfully packed.

$ cachefspack -i doc_file
cachefspack: file doc_file marked packed YES, packed YES

The following example shows a directory called /usr/openwin, which contains a subdirectory bin. The subdirectory bin has three files: xterm, textedit, and resize. Although the files xterm and resize are specified to be packed, they are not. The file textedit is successfully packed.

$ cd /usr/openwin
$ cachefspack -i bin
cachefspack: file /bin/xterm marked packed YES, packed NO
cachefspack: file /bin/textedit marked packed YES,
packed YES
cachefspack: file /bin/resize marked packed YES,
packed NO

If you use the -v option in combination with the -i option, you will get additional information as to whether or not the file or directory specified has been flushed from the cache. For example:

$ cd /usr/openwin
$ cachefspack -iv bin
cachefspack: file /bin/xterm marked packed YES, packed NO,
nocache YES
cachefspack: file /bin/textedit marked packed YES,
packed YES, nocache NO
cachefspack: file /bin/resize marked packed YES,
packed NO
nocache NO

The last line of the example above shows that the directory contents have not been flushed from the cache.

Viewing Help on the cachefspack Command

You can print out a brief help summary of all the cachefspack options and what they mean by using the -h option as follows:

$ cachefspack -h
Must select 1 and only 1 of the following 5 options
-d Display selected filenames
-i Display selected filenames packing status
-p Pack selected filenames
-u Unpack selected filenames
-U Unpack all files in directory 'dir'
-f Specify input file containing rules
-h Print usage information
-r Interpret strings in LIST rules as regular expressions
-s Strip './' from the beginning of a pattern name
-v Verbose option
files - a list of filenames to be packed/unpacked

cachefspack Errors

You may see the following error messages when you use the cachefspack command.

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: permission denied

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct permissions to access the file or directory. 

Obtain the proper permissions. 

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: no such file or

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct file or directory. 

Check for a possible typo. 

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: stale NFS file handle

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

The file or directory may have been moved or deleted from the server at the time you attempted to access it. 

Check with your system administrator. 

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: interrupted system

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may have issued Control-c during the process of using the command. 

Reissue the command. 

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: I/O error

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

A hardware problem. 

Check your hardware connections. 

cachefspack: error opening dir

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct file or directory. 

Check for a possible typo. 

The path identified after the BASE command in the file format could be a file and not a directory. The path specified must be a directory.

Check the path identified after the BASE command in your file format. Make sure it is a directory, and not a file.

cachefspack: unable to get shared objects

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

The executable may be corrupt or it's a format that is not recognizable. 

No corrective action can be taken. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: permission denied

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct permissions to access the file or directory. 

 Obtain the proper permissions.

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: no such file or directory

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct file or directory. 

Check for a possible typo. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: stale NFS file handle

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

The file or directory may have been moved or deleted from the server at the time you attempted to access it. 

Check with your system administrator. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: interrupted system call

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may have issued Control-c during the process of using the command. 

Reissue the command. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: I/O error

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

A hardware problem. 

Check your hardware connections. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: no space left on device.

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You are out of disk space. 

You need to increase disk space. 

The cache is at maximum capacity. 

Increase the size of the cache. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file: permission denied

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct permissions to access the file or directory. 

Obtain the proper permissions. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file: no such file or directory

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct file or directory. 

Check for a possible typo. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file: stale NFS file handle

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

The file or directory may have been moved or deleted from the server at the time you attempted to access it. 

Check with your system administrator. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file: interrupted system call

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may have issued Control-c during the process of using the command. 

Reissue the command. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file I/O error

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

A hardware problem. 

Check your hardware connections. 

cachefspack: only one `d', `i', `p', or `u' option allowed

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You entered more than one of the above options in a command session. 

Select one option for the command session. 

cachefspack: can't find environment variable.

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You forgot to set a corresponding environment variable to match the $ in your configuration file.

Define the environment variable in the proper location. 

cachefspack: skipping LIST command - no active base

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

A LIST command is present in your configuration file that has no corresponding BASE command.

Define the BASE command.

CacheFS Statistics

CacheFS statistics enable you to:

These two pieces of information will help you determine the trade-off between your cache size and the desired performance of the cache.

The CacheFS statistics consist of three commands:


Specifies the location of the log file. This command also displays where the statistics are currently being logged, and enables you to halt logging. See cachefslog(1M) for more information.


Interprets the log file to give a recommended cache size. See cachefswssize(1M) for more information.


Displays statistical information about a specific file system or all cached file systems. The information provided in the output of this command is taken directly from the cache. See cachefsstat(1M) for more information.

Note -

The CacheFS statistics commands can be issued from any directory. You must be superuser to issue the cachefswssize(1M) command.

The statistics begin accumulating when you create the log file. When the work session length of time is up, stop the logging by using the cachefslog -h command, as described in "How to Stop the Logging Process".

Prerequisites for Setting Up and Viewing the CacheFS Statistics

Before using the CacheFS statistics commands, you must:

Note -

The following procedures are presented in a recommended order. The order is not required.

Setting Up CacheFS Statistics

Table 29-3 shows the steps involved in setting up CacheFS statistics.

Table 29-3 Setting Up CacheFS Statistics Task Map





For Instructions, Go To 


Set Up Logging 


Set up logging on a cached file system using the cachefslog command.


"How to Set Up the Logging Process"


Locate the Log File  


Locate the log file with the cachefslog command.


"How to Locate the Log File"


Stop the Logging Process 


Stop the logging process with the cachefslog command.


"How to Stop the Logging Process"


View the Cache Size 


View the cache size using the cachefswssize command.


"How to View the Working Set (Cache) Size"


View the Cache Statistics  


View the statistics using the cachefsstat command.


"How to View Cache Statistics"


CacheFS Logging

This section describes how to set up and view CacheFS logging.

How to Set Up the Logging Process

  1. Set up the logging process with the cachefslog command.

    $ cachefslog -f  log-file-path mount-point 


    Sets up the logging process. 


    Specifies the location of the log file. The log file is a standard file you create with an editor, such as vi. 


    Designates the mount point (cached file system) for which statistics are being collected.  

  2. Verify that you set up the log file correctly by using the cachefslog command, as follows:

    $ cachefslog mount-point

Example--Setting Up the Logging Process

The following example sets up the log file samlog to collect statistics about /home/sam. The location of samlog is /var/tmp/samlog.

$ cachefslog -f /var/tmp/samlog /home/sam
  /var/tmp/samlog: /home/sam
$ cachefslog /home/sam
/var/tmp/samlog: home/sam

How to Locate the Log File

You can also use the cachefslog(1M) command with no options to locate a log file for a particular mount point.

$ cachefslog mount-point 


Specifies the cached file system for which you want to view the statistics. 

Examples--Locating the Log File

The following example shows what you would see if a log file has been set up. The location of the log file is /var/tmp/stufflog.

$ cachefslog /home/stuff
	 /var/tmp/stufflog: /home/stuff

The following example shows that no log file has been set up for the specified file system.

$ cachefslog /home/zap
	not logged: /home/zap 

How to Stop the Logging Process

Use the -h option of the cachefslog(1M) command to stop the logging process.

$ cachefslog -h mount-point

Example--Stopping the Logging Process

The following example halts logging on /home/stuff.

$ cachefslog -h /home/stuff
not logged: /home/stuff

If you get a system response other than the one specified in the above example, you did not successfully stop the logging process. Check to see if you are using the correct log file name and mount point.

Viewing the Cache Size

You may want to check if you need to increase the size of the cache or determine what the ideal cache size is based on your activity since you last used the cachefslog(1M) command for a particular mount point.

How to View the Working Set (Cache) Size

  1. Become superuser.

  2. View the current and highest logged cache size with the cachefswssize(1M) command.

    # cachefswssize     log-file-path

Example--Viewing the Working Set (Cache) Size

In the following example, the end size is the size of the cache at the time you issued the cachefswssize command. The high water size is the largest size of the cache during the time frame in which logging has occurred.

# cachefswssize /var/tmp/samlog
	       end size:  10688k
	high water size:  10704k
	       end size:   1736k
	high water size:   1736k
	       end size:    128k
	high water size:    128k
	       end size:   1472k
	high water size:   1472k
	       end size:   7168k
	high water size:   7168k
	       end size:   4688k
	high water size:   5000k
	       end size:   4992k
	high water size:   4992k
    total for cache
	   initial size: 110960k
	       end size:  30872k
	high water size:  30872k

Viewing the Statistics

You may want to view certain information about a specific cached file system. The following table explains the terminology displayed in the statistics output.

Table 29-4 Statistics Output Terminology

Output Term 


hit rate

The rate of cache hits versus cache misses, followed by the actual number of hits and misses. A cache hit occurs when the user wants to perform an operation on a file or files, and the file or files are actually in the cache. A cache miss occurs when the file was not in the cache. The load on the server is the sum of cache misses, consistency checks, and modifications (modifies). 


The number of consistency checks performed, followed by the number that passed, and the number that failed. 


The number of modify operations; for example, writes or creates. 

How to View Cache Statistics

View the statistics with the cachefsstat(1M) command. You can do this at any time. For example, you do not have to set up logging in order to view the statistics.

$ cachefsstat mount-point


Specifies the cached file system for which you want to view the statistics. 

If you do not specify the mount point, statistics for all mounted CacheFS file systems will be displayed.

Example--Viewing Cache Statistics

$ cachefsstat /home/sam
	cache hit rate: 73% (1234 hits, 450 misses)
	consistency checks: 700 (650 pass, 50 fail)
	modifies: 321

The Cache Structure and Behavior

Each cache has a set of parameters that determines how it behaves and its structure. The parameters are set to default values which are listed in Table 29-5. The default values specify that the entire front file system is used for caching, which is the recommended method of caching file systems.

Table 29-5 Cache Parameters and Their Default Values

Cache Parameter 

Default Value 




Sets the maximum number of blocks that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. 



Sets the minimum number of blocks that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. 



Sets the number of blocks that must be available in the front file system before CacheFS can claim more than the blocks specified by minblocks. 



Sets the maximum number of available inodes (number of files) that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. 



Sets the minimum number of available inodes (number of files) that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. 



Sets the number of inodes (number of files) that must be available in the front file system before CacheFS can claim more than the files specified in minfiles. 

Typically, you should not change any of these parameter values. They are set to default values to achieve optimal cache behavior. However, you may want to modify the maxblocks and maxfiles settings if you have some room in the front file system that is not used by the cache, and you wish to use it for some other file system. You do this using the cfsadmin(1M) command. For example:

$ cfsadmin -o maxblocks=60

Consistency Checking of Cached File Systems With the Back File System

To ensure that the cached directories and files are kept up to date, CacheFS periodically checks consistency of files stored in the cache. To check consistency, CacheFS compares the current modification time to the previous modification time. If the modification times are different, all data and attributes for the directory or file are purged from the cache and new data and attributes are retrieved from the back file system.

When a user requests an operation on a directory or file, CacheFS checks if it is time to verify consistency. If it is, CacheFS obtains the modification time from the back file system and performs the comparison.

Consistency Checking on Demand

By specifying the demandconst option of the mount(1M) command, consistency checks can be performed only when you explicitly request them for file systems mounted with this option. After specifying the demandconst option when you mount a file system in a cache, you use the cfsadmin command with the -s option to request a consistency check. By default, consistency checking is performed file by file as the files are accessed. If no files are accessed, no checks are performed. Use of the demandconst option will avoid the situation where the network is flooded with consistency checks. For more information about consistency checking on demand, refer to the cfsadmin command.