System Administration Guide

Part VIII Managing File Systems

This part provides instructions for managing file systems in the Solaris environment. This part contains these chapters.

Chapter 26, File Systems (Overview)

Provides a high-level overview of file system concepts, including descriptions of the types of file systems, commonly used administration commands, and the basics of mounting and unmounting file systems.  

Chapter 27, Creating File Systems (Tasks)

Provides step-by-step procedures to create a UFS file system, create and preserve a temporary file system (TMPFS), and create a loopback file system (LOFS). 

Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks)

Provides step-by-step procedures to determine what file systems are mounted, how to mount files listed in the /etc/vfstab file, and how to mount UFS, NFS, and PCFS (DOS) file systems.

Chapter 29, The Cache File System (Tasks)

Provides overview information and step-by-step instructions for using the Cache File System (CacheFSTM).

Chapter 30, Configuring Additional Swap Space (Tasks)

Provides step-by-step procedures for configuring additional swap space, monitoring swap resources, creating swap files and making them available, and removing extra swap space.  

Chapter 31, Checking File System Integrity

Provides information on how the file system state is recorded, what is checked by the fsck program, how to modify automatic boot checking, and how to use the fsck program.

Chapter 32, File System Reference

Provides file system reference information, including default directories for the root (/) and /usr file systems, default directories contained within the /kernel directory, and specifics for the mkfs and newfs commands.

Chapter 26 File Systems (Overview)

This is a list of the overview information in this chapter.

A file system is a structure of directories used to organize and store files. The term "file system" is used in several different ways:

Usually, you can tell from context which meaning is intended.

The Solaris system software uses the virtual file system (VFS) architecture, which provides a standard interface for different file system types. The VFS architecture enables the kernel to handle basic operations, such as reading, writing, and listing files, without requiring the user or program to know about the underlying file system type.

The file system administrative commands provide a common interface that enables you to maintain file systems of differing types. These commands have two components: a generic component and a component specific to each type of file system. The generic commands apply to most types of file systems, while the specific commands apply to only one type of file system.

Administering file systems is one of your most important system administration tasks. Read this chapter for file system background and planning information. Refer to other chapters in this part or to other parts in the System Administration Guide for instructions about these tasks:

What's New in File Systems?

The Solaris 2.6 release provides a few new file system features. Each of these new features is described in the following sections.

Large Files

A new option to the mount command, -largefiles, is the default mount option for the Solaris 2.6 environment. This option allows you to create file systems containing files larger than 2GB. The -largefiles option means that a filesystem mounted with this option may contain files larger than 2GB, but it is not a requirement. See Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks) for more information on mounting file systems containing large files.

NFS Client Failover

The NFS client failover feature lets you specify additional hosts from which to mount a file system in case the first host selected cannot be reached. You can either set this up in the /etc/vfstab file, or issue your list of hosts from the command line.


The WebNFSTM feature (sometimes called "Public NFS") provides two additional options to the mount command for the Solaris 2.6 release:

-index filename causes a file matching filename to be automatically loaded if it is found in a directory referenced by an NFS URL.

-public resets the public file handle to the current directory. This enables you to have access through an NFS URL even if the file system cannot be mounted by normal means.

Types of File Systems

The Solaris system software supports three types of file systems:

To identify the type for a particular file system, see "Determining a File System's Type".

Disk-based File Systems

Disk-based file systems are stored on physical media such as hard disks, CD-ROMs, and diskettes. Disk-based file systems can be written in different formats. The available formats are:

Each type of disk-based file system is customarily associated with a particular media device:

These associations are not, however, restrictive. For example, CD-ROMs and diskettes can have UFS file systems put on them.

Network-based File Systems

Network-based file systems are file systems accessed over the network. Typically, network-based file systems reside on one system and are accessed by other systems across the network. NFS is the only available network-based file system.

NFS is the default distributed file system for Solaris. You administer distributed file systems by exporting them from a server and mounting them on individual systems. See "Mounting and Unmounting" for more information.

Virtual File Systems

Virtual file systems are memory-based file systems that provide access to special kernel information and facilities. Most virtual file systems do not use file system disk space. However, Cache File Systems use a file system on the disk to contain the cache, and some virtual file systems, such as the Temporary File System, use the swap space on a disk.

The Cache File System

The Cache File System (CacheFSTM) can be used to improve performance of remote file systems or slow devices such as CD-ROM drives. When a file system is cached, the data read from the remote file system or CD-ROM is stored in a cache on the local system. See Chapter 29, The Cache File System (Tasks) for detailed information on setting up and administering Cache File Systems.

The Temporary File System

The Temporary File System (TMPFS) uses local memory for file system reads and writes. Access to files in a TMPFS file system is typically much faster than to files in a UFS file system. Files in the temporary file system are not permanent. They are deleted when the file system is unmounted and when the system is shut down or rebooted.

TMPFS is the default file system type for the /tmp directory in the Solaris system software. You can copy or move files into or out of the /tmp directory, just as you would in a UFS file system.

Using TMPFS file systems can improve system performance by saving the cost of reading and writing temporary files to a local disk or across the network. For example, temporary files are created when you compile a program. The operating system generates a lot of disk or network activity while manipulating these files. Using TMPFS to hold these temporary files may significantly speed up their creation, manipulation, and deletion.

The TMPFS file system uses swap space as a temporary backing store. If a system with a TMPFS file system does not have adequate swap space, two problems can occur:

See Chapter 27, Creating File Systems (Tasks) for information on how to create TMPFS file systems. See Chapter 30, Configuring Additional Swap Space (Tasks) for information about increasing swap space.

The Loopback File System

The Loopback File System (LOFS) lets you create a new virtual file system so you can access files by using an alternative path name. For example, you can create a loopback mount of root / onto /tmp/newroot. The entire file system hierarchy looks like it is duplicated under /tmp/newroot, including any file systems mounted from NFS servers. All files are accessible either with a path name starting from /, or with a path name starting from /tmp/newroot.

See Chapter 27, Creating File Systems (Tasks) for information on how to create LOFS file systems.

The Process File System

The Process File System (PROCFS) resides in memory. It contains a list of active processes, by process number, in the /proc directory. Information in the /proc directory is used by commands like ps. Debuggers and other development tools can also access the address space of the processes by using file system calls. The following example shows a partial listing of the contents of the /proc directory:

$ ls -l /proc
total 144944
-rw-------   1 root     root           0 Dec 19 15:45 00000
-rw-------   1 root     root      196608 Dec 19 15:45 00001
-rw-------   1 root     root           0 Dec 19 15:45 00002
-rw-------   1 root     root     1028096 Dec 19 15:46 00073
-rw-------   1 root     root     1445888 Dec 19 15:46 00091
-rw-------   1 root     root     1142784 Dec 19 15:46 00093
-rw-------   1 root     root     1142784 Dec 19 15:46 00095
-rw-------   1 ignatz   staff    1576960 Dec 19 15:50 00226
-rw-------   1 ignatz   staff     192512 Dec 19 15:51 00236
-rw-------   1 ignatz   staff    1269760 Dec 19 15:52 00240
-rw-------   1 ignatz   staff    6090752 Dec 19 15:52 00241
-rw-------   1 ignatz   staff     188416 Dec 19 15:52 00247
-rw-------   1 ignatz   staff    2744320 Dec 19 15:52 00256

Caution - Caution -

Do not delete the files in the /proc directory. Deleting processes from the /proc directory is not the best way to kill them. Remember, /proc files do not use disk space, so there is little reason to delete files from this directory.

The /proc directory does not require system administration.

Additional Virtual File Systems

These additional types of virtual file systems are listed for your information. They do not require administration.

File System Administration Commands

Most file system administration commands have a generic and a file system-specific component. Use the generic commands, which call the file system-specific component. Table 26-1 lists the generic file system administrative commands, which are located in the /usr/sbin directory.

Table 26-1 Generic File System Administrative Commands




Clears inodes 


Reports the number of free disk blocks and files 


Lists file names and statistics for a file system 


Checks the integrity of a file system and repairs any damage found 


Debugs the file system 


Determines the file system type 


Lists or provides labels for file systems when copied to tape (for use by the volcopy command only)


Makes a new file system 


Mounts file systems and remote resources 


Mounts all file systems specified in a file system table 


Generates a list of path names with their i-numbers 


Unmounts file systems and remote resources 


Unmounts all file systems specified in a file system table 


Makes an image copy of a file system 

Most of these commands also have a file system-specific counterpart.

Note -

If you specify an operation on a file system that does not support it, the generic command displays this error message: command: Operation not applicable for FSType type

Syntax of Generic Commands

Most of these commands use this syntax:

command [-F type] [-V] [generic-options] [-o specific-options] [special|mount-point] [operands] 
Table 26-2 Options and Arguments to Generic Commands



-F type

The type of file system. If you do not use this option, the command looks for an entry which matches special or mount-point in the /etc/vfstab file. Otherwise, the default is taken from the file /etc/default/fs for local file systems and from the file /etc/dfs/fstypes for remote file systems.


An instruction to echo the completed command line. The echoed line may include additional information derived from /etc/vfstab. Use this option to verify and validate the command line. The command is not executed.


Options common to different types of file systems. 

-o specific-options

A list of options specific to the type of file system. The list must have the following format: -o followed by a space, followed by a series of keyword [=value] pairs separated by commas with no intervening spaces.


The file system indentification. This name must be either the mount point or the special device file for the slice holding the file system. For some commands, the special file must be the raw (character) device and for other commands it must be the block device. See "Understanding Disk Device Names" on page 287 for more information about disk device names. In some cases, this argument is used as a key to search the file /etc/vfstab for a matching entry from which to obtain other information. In most cases, this argument is required and must come immediately after specific-options. However, it is not required when you want a command to act on all the file systems (optionally limited by type) listed in the /etc/vfstab file.


Arguments specific to a type of file system. See the specific manual page of the command (for example, mkfs_ufs(1M)) for a detailed description. 

How the File System Commands Determine the File System Type

The generic file system commands determine the file system type by following this sequence:

  1. From the -F option, if supplied.

  2. By matching a special device with an entry in /etc/vfstab (if special is supplied). For example, fsck first looks for a match against the fsck device field; if no match is found, it then checks against the special device field.

  3. By using the default specified in /etc/default/fs for local file systems and in /etc/dfs/fstypes for remote file systems.

Manual Pages for Generic and Specific Commands

Both the generic and specific commands have manual pages in the man Pages(1M): System Administration Commands. The specific manual page is a continuation of the generic manual page. To look at a specific manual page, append an underscore and the file system type abbreviation to the generic command name. For example, to see the specific manual page for mounting an HSFS file system, type man mount_hsfs(1M).

The Default Solaris File Systems

The Solaris file system is hierarchical, starting with the root directory (/) and continuing downwards through a number of directories. The system software installs a default set of directories and uses a set of conventions to group similar types of files together. Table 26-3 provides a summary of the default Solaris file systems, and shows the type of each file system. See Chapter 32, File System Reference for more detailed information on the default directories for the root and /usr file systems.

Table 26-3 The Default Solaris File Systems

File System or Directory 

File System Type 


root (/)


The top of the hierarchical file tree. The root directory contains the directories and files critical for system operation, such as the kernel, the device drivers, and the programs used to boot the system. It also contains the mount point directories where local and remote file systems can be attached to the file tree. 



System files and directories that can be shared with other users. Files that run only on certain types of systems are in the /usr directory (for example, SPARC executables). Files (such as man pages) that can be used on all types of systems are in /usr/share.

/export/home or /home


The mount point for users' home directories, which store users' work files. By default /home is an automounted file system. On standalone systems, /home may be a UFS file system on a local disk slice.



System files and directories that are likely to change or grow over the life of the local system. These include system logs, vi and ex backup files, and uucp files.



Mount point for optional, third-party software. On some systems, /opt may be a UFS file system on a local disk slice.



Temporary files, cleared each time the system is booted or unmounted. 



A list of active processes, by number. 

The root (/) and /usr file systems are both needed to run a system. Some of the most basic commands from the /usr file system (like mount) are included in the root (/) file system so that they are available when the system boots or is in single-user mode and /usr is not mounted. See Chapter 32, File System Reference for a complete list of the default directories.

Swap Space

The Solaris system software uses some disk slices for temporary storage rather than for file systems. These slices are called swap slices. Swap slices are used as virtual memory storage areas when the system does not have enough physical memory to handle current processes.

The Solaris 2.x virtual memory system maps physical copies of files on disk to virtual addresses in memory. Physical memory pages which hold the data for these mappings can be backed by regular files in the file system or by swap space. If the memory is backed by swap space it is referred to as anonymous memory because the user doesn't know the names of the files backing the memory.

For a complete conceptual overview of swap space, instructions for adding more swap space, and information on the differences between Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.x) and Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x) swap requirements, see Chapter 30, Configuring Additional Swap Space (Tasks).

The UFS File System

UFS is the default disk-based file system in Solaris system software. Most of the time, when you administer a disk-based file system, you will be administering UFS. UFS provides the following features:

Note -

Solaris device names use the term slice (and the letter "s" in the device name) to refer to the slice number. Slices used to be called "partitions" in SunOS 4.x.

Figure 26-1 shows how a disk slice can be formatted to contain a UFS file system.

Figure 26-1 How a Disk Slice Is Formatted for a UFS File System


The following sections describe how a disk is divided into slices and cylinder groups, and structured as a UFS file system.

Disk Slices

A slice is composed of a single range of contiguous blocks. It is a physical subset of the disk (except for slice 2, which customarily represents the entire disk). Before you can create a file system on a disk, you must format it and divide it into slices. See Part VII for complete information on installing and formatting disks, and dividing disks into slices.

A slice can be used as a raw device for swap space or to hold one UFS file system. A disk can be divided into as many as eight slices. See Part VII for a list of customary disk slice assignments.

This example shows disk information for /dev/dsk/c0t3d0. Note that the format command does not show slice information as part of the available disk selections. It shows the controller, target, and disk number for each disk.

Example 26-1 Using the format Command

$ su
# format
 0. c0t0d0 at scsibus0 slave 24
 sd0: <SUN0207 cyl 1254 alt 2 hd 9 sec 36>
 1. c0t3d0 at scsibus0 slave 0: veryloud
 sd3: <SUN0207 cyl 1254 alt 2 hd 9 sec 36>
Specify disk (enter its number): 1
 disk - select a disk
 type - select (define) a disk type
 partition - select (define) a partition table
 current - describe the current disk
 format - format and analyze the disk
 repair - repair a defective sector
 label - write label to the disk
 analyze - surface analysis
 defect - defect list management
 backup - search for backup labels
 verify - read and display labels
 save - save new disk/partition definitions
 inquiry - show vendor, product and revision
 volname - set 8-character volume name
format> partition
 0 - change `0' partition
 1 - change `1' partition
 2 - change `2' partition
 3 - change `3' partition
 4 - change `4' partition
 5 - change `5' partition
 6 - change `6' partition
 7 - change `7' partition
 select - select a predefined table
 modify - modify a predefined partition table
 name - name the current table
 print - display the current table
 label - write partition map and label to the disk
partition> print
Volume: veryloud
Current partition table (original sd3):
Part      Tag   Flag     Cylinders        Size       Blocks
  0       root    wm       0 - 39        14.06MB     (40/0/0)
  1       swap    wu       40 - 199      56.25MB    (160/0/0)
  2     backup    wm       0 - 1150     404.65MB   (1151/0/0)
  3 unassigned    wm       0               0          (0/0/0)
  4 unassigned    wm       0               0          (0/0/0)
  5          -    wm       0             10.20MB     (29/0/0)
  6        usr    wm       200 - 228    121.29MB    (345/0/0)
  7       home    wm       574 - 1150   202.85MB    (577/0/0
partition> quit
format> quit

If you know the disk and slice number, you can display information for a disk using the prtvtoc (print volume table of contents) command. You can specify the volume by specifying any non-zero-size slice defined on the disk (for example, /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2 for all of disk 3, or /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 for the eighth slice of disk 3). If you know the target number of the disk, but do not know how it is divided into slices, you can show information for the entire disk by specifying either slice 2 or slice 0.

Cylinder Groups

You create a UFS file system on a disk slice, which is divided into one or more areas called cylinder groups. A cylinder group is composed of one or more consecutive disk cylinders (the set of tracks on a group of platters that have the same radial distance from the center of the platter). See Chapter 21, Disk Management (Overview) for a complete description of disk geometry.

A cylinder group map is created for each cylinder group. The cylinder group map records the block usage and available blocks.

Types of Blocks

Cylinder groups are divided into blocks to control and organize the structure of the files within the cylinder group. Each type of block has a specific function in the file system. A UFS file system has four types of addressable blocks and additional information management disk areas. The four types of blocks are:

See Chapter 32, File System Reference for more detailed information about each type of block.

If you want to customize a file system using arguments to the newfs command or with the mkfs command, see Chapter 32, File System Reference for information about altering these parameters.

Size Restrictions on UFS File Systems

Total Size

The limit on the total size of a file system is 1 Tbyte. A UFS file system can be as big as the slice that holds it.

Maximum File Size

The maximum size for any one file in a UFS file system depends on the way the file system is configured.

Maximum Number of Files

The maximum number of files per UFS file system is determined by the number of inodes allocated for a file system. The number of inodes depends on how much disk space is allocated for each inode and the total size of the file system. By default, one inode is allocated for each 2 Kbyte of data space. You can change the default allocation using the -i option of the newfs command.

Logical Block and Fragment Size

Fragments are small logical blocks that are created to save space by reducing unused portions of logical blocks. The maximum logical block and fragment size is 8192 bytes, although fragments are typically less than or equal to the size of logical blocks.

Planning UFS File Systems

After disks are formatted and divided into slices, you need to make a file system on each slice that will contain UFS files. See Chapter 22, Administering Disks (Tasks) for detailed information on how to format disks and divide them into slices.

When laying out file systems, you need to consider possible conflicting demands. Here are some suggestions:

See Chapter 27, Creating File Systems (Tasks) for information on default file system parameters as well as prerequisites and procedures for creating new file systems.

Mounting and Unmounting

File systems can be attached to the hierarchy of directories available on a system. This process is called mounting. A mounted file system is attached to the system directory tree at the specified mount point (a directory to which the mounted file system is attached), and becomes available to the system. The root (/) file system is always mounted. Any other file system can be connected or disconnected from the root (/) file system.

You need to determine:

To mount a file system you need:

As a general rule, local disk slices should always be included in the /etc/vfstab file. Any software from servers, such as OpenWindows software or man pages, and home directories from a server can be either included in the /etc/vfstab file or automatically mounted with the automount command, depending on the policy at your site.

When you mount a file system, any files or directories in the mount point directory are unavailable as long as the file system is mounted. These files are not permanently affected by the mounting process, and become available again when the file system is unmounted. However, mount directories are usually empty, because you usually do not want to obscure existing files.

Figure 26-2 shows the root (/) file system with subdirectories sbin, etc, and home:

Figure 26-2 A File System


To attach a user's home directory to the empty /export/home directory mount point, first create a directory for the new user. For a user named ignatz, create a directory in /export/home named ignatz, giving it the appropriate permissions and ownership. Then mount the file system. When the ignatz file system is mounted, all of the files and directories in /export/home/ignatz are available, as shown in Figure 26-3. You can also create other user directories in the /export/home directory and use those directories as mount points for other user file systems. See Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks)for information on how to perform these tasks.

Figure 26-3 Mounting a Home Directory File System


Note -

This example illustrates the concept of mounting. Because /home is, by default, an AutoFS mount point directory, home directory files would be mounted by AutoFS rather than the mount command.

Whenever you mount or unmount a file system, the /etc/mnttab (mount table) file is modified with the list of currently mounted file systems. You can display the contents of the mount table using the cat or more commands, but you cannot edit it as you would the /etc/vfstab file. Here is an example of a mount table file:

$ more /etc/mnttab
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0    /       ufs     rw,suid,dev=800018,largefiles 863804345
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6    /usr    ufs     rw,suid,dev=80001e,largefiles 863804345
/proc   /proc   proc    rw,suid,dev=2900000     863804345
fd      /dev/fd fd      rw,suid,dev=29c0000     863804345
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s3   /export ufs     suid,rw,largefiles,dev=80001b  863804347
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7   /export/home ufs suid,rw,largefiles,dev=80001f 863804348
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4   /export/swap ufs suid,rw,largefiles,dev=80001c 863804348
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5   /opt  ufs   suid,rw,largefiles,dev=80001d  863804347
swap    /tmp    tmpfs   dev=2a80000     863804347

Unmounting a file system removes it from the file system mount point, and deletes the entry from the /etc/mnttab file. Some file system administration tasks cannot be performed on mounted file systems. You should unmount a file system when:

It is a good idea to unmount a file system before doing a complete backup of it. See Chapter 33, Backing Up and Restoring File Systems (Overview) for more information about doing backups.

Note -

File systems are automatically unmounted as part of the system shutdown procedure.

The Virtual File System Table

The default file system configuration table (the /etc/vfstab file) depends on the selections you make when installing system software. You should edit the /etc/vfstab file for each system to automatically mount local UFS file systems, essential NFS file systems, and any other appropriate file systems.

The following is an example of the /etc/vfstab file. The file system table is an ASCII file. Comment lines begin with #. This example shows an /etc/vfstab file for a system with two disks and two NFS file systems mounted.

$ more /etc/vfstab
#device         device          mount           FS      fsck   mount  mount
#to mount       to fsck         point           type    pass   at boot options
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 /          ufs     1       no      -
/proc           -               /proc           proc    -       no      -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 -                -            swap    -       no      -
swap            -               /tmp            tmpfs   -       yes     -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 /usr       ufs     2       no      -
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 /files7    ufs     2       no      -
cheers:/export/svr4/man.ja5  -  /usr/man        nfs     -       yes     hard
cheers:/export/svr4/openwinV3.ja4 -     /usr/openwin    nfs     -       yes

Note that, for root (/) and /usr, the mount at boot field value is specified as no because these file systems are mounted as part of the boot sequence before the mountall command is run. If the automount field value is specified as yes, the mountall program redundantly (and unnecessarily) tries to mount these already mounted file systems. See Chapter 5, Shutting Down and Booting a System (Overview) for a description of the booting procedure.

See Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks) for descriptions of each of the /etc/vfstab fields and information on how to edit and use the file.

Automounting Directories

You can mount file systems shared through NFS by using a method called automounting. Running in the background, the AutoFS program mounts and unmounts remote directories as they are needed. Whenever a user on a client system running AutoFS accesses a remote file or directory available through AutoFS, it mounts the file system on the user's system. The remote file system remains mounted as long as the user remains in the directory and is using a file. If the remote file system is not accessed for a certain period of time, it is automatically unmounted. AutoFS mounts and unmounts file systems as required without any intervention on the part of the user other than changing into or out of a directory.

You can mount some file hierarchies with AutoFS, and others using the /etc/vfstab file and the mount command. A diskless machine must have entries for root (/), /usr, and /usr/kvm in the /etc/vfstab file. Because shared file systems should always remain available, do not use AutoFS to mount /usr/share.

AutoFS works with the file systems specified in maps. These maps can be maintained as NIS, NIS+, or local /etc files.

The AutoFS maps can specify several remote locations for a particular file. This way, if one of the servers is down, AutoFS can try to mount from another machine. You can specify which servers are preferred for each resource in the maps by assigning each server a weighting factor.

AutoFS starts automatically when a system enters run level 3. You can also start it from a command line. See the NFS Administration Guide for complete information on how to set up and administer AutoFS.

By default, the Solaris system software automounts /home.

Sharing Files From a Server

NFS is a distributed file system that can be used to "tie together" computers that are running different operating systems. For example, systems running DOS can share files with systems running UNIX.

NFS makes the actual physical location of the file system irrelevant to the user. You can use NFS to allow users to see all the relevant files, regardless of location. Instead of placing copies of commonly used files on every system, NFS allows you to place one copy on one system's disk and let all other systems access it across the network. Under NFS, remote file systems are virtually indistinguishable from local ones.

A system becomes an NFS server if it has file systems to share or export over the network. A server keeps a list of currently exported file systems and their access restrictions (such as read/write or read-only).

You may want to share resources, such as files, directories, or devices from one system on the network (typically, a server) with other systems. For example, you might want to share third-party applications or source files with users on other systems.

When you share a resource, you make it available for mounting by remote systems.

You can share a resource in these ways:

The default /etc/dfs/dfstab file shows you the syntax and an example of entries:

$ more /etc/dfs/dfstab
#   Place share(1M) commands here for automatic execution
#   on entering init state 3.
#   Issue the command '/etc/init.d/nfs.server start' to run the NFS
#   daemon processes and the share commands, after adding the
#   very first entry to this file.
#   share [-F fstype] [ -o options] [-d ""]  [resource]
#   .e.g,
#   share  -F nfs  -o rw=engineering  -d "home dirs"  /export/home2
share -F nfs /var/mail

Add one entry to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file for each resource that you want to have shared automatically. Each entry must be on a separate line, using this syntax:

share [-F nfs] [-o specific-options] [-d "description"] pathname

Table 26-4 describes these variables.

Table 26-4 Variables for /etc/dfstab Entry



-F nfs

Indicates that the file system type is NFS. If you have only one distributed file system package installed, nfs is the default, and you can omit the -F option.

-o specific-options

Regulates how the resource is shared. Specific options, separated by commas, that can follow the -o flag include:

rw - Shares pathname read/write to all clients (by default), except those that are specified under ro=.

ro - Shares pathname read-only to all clients, except those that are specified under rw=.

ro=client[:client] - Shares pathname read-only to the listed client machines or netgroup names (overriding rw).

rw=client[:client] - Shares pathname read/write to the listed client machines or netgroup names (overriding ro).

anon=uid - Lets you specify a different UID for ``anonymous'' users--users whose UID is 0, the UID of root on Solaris systems--when accessing pathname. By default, anonymous users are mapped to user nobody, which has the UID UID_NOBODY. User nobody has ordinary user privileges, not root privileges.

root=host[:host] - Lets a user from host, whose UID is 0, access pathname as root; root users from all other hosts become anon. If this option is not specified, no user from any host is granted access to pathname as root.

secure - Shares a resource with additional user authentication required (See NFS Administration Guide for more information).

kerberos - Shares a resource with Kerberos authentication. (See "Administering Kerberos Version 4 Authentication" for more information.)

-d description

Is a comment that describes the resource to be shared. If you use the -d option, the description is stored in the sharetab file. However, clients do not see the description displayed when they use the dfshares command to list the resources shared on that system.


Is the full name of the resource to be shared, starting at root (/).

You cannot specify both rw and ro without arguments, and you cannot specify the same client in the rw= list and the ro= list. If no read/write option is specified, the default is read/write for all clients.

Caution - Caution -

Granting root access to other hosts has far-reaching security implications; use the root= option with extreme caution.

See Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks) for information on how to share files and file systems. See the NFS Administration Guide for a complete description of NFS.

Note -

Arguments that accept a client or host list (ro=, rw=, and root=) are guaranteed to work over UDP, but may not work over other transport providers.

Under NFS, a server shares resources it owns so clients can mount them. However, a user who becomes root as a client is denied access as root to mounted remote resources. When a user logged in as root on one host requests access to a remote file shared through NFS, the user's ID is changed from 0 to the user ID of the user name nobody. The access rights of user nobody are the same as those given to the public for a particular file. For example, if the public has only execute permission for a file, then user nobody can execute only that file.

Determining a File System's Type

You can determine a file system's type by using the following:

How to Determine the Type of a File System

Use the grep command to find a file system's type in the /etc/vfstab file:

$ grep /tmp /etc/vfstab
swap       -          /tmp     tmpfs   -     yes    -

Information for the mount point is displayed.

If vfstab does not have an entry for a file system, use one of the following procedures to determine the file system's type.

How to Determine a Mounted File System's Type

Search the /etc/mnttab for the mount-point directory.

$ grep /home /etc/mnttab
mars:(pid129)  /home nfs  ro,ignore,map=/etc/auto_home,indirect,
dev=21c0004 693606637
neptune:/export/home/neptune  /tmp_mnt/home/neptune  nfsrw,
dev=21c0005 695409833

Information about the mount point is displayed.


  1. Use the devnm command to display the raw device name of the mounted file system.

    $ devnm /filesystem


    Is the mounted file system whose raw device name you want to identify. 

  2. Become superuser.

  3. Use the fstyp command to display the file system type.

    # fstyp dev/rdsk/device-name


    Is the name of the raw device containing the file system you want to identify. 

Example--Determining a Mounted File System's Type

The following example uses the devnm command to identify the name of the device that contains /usr, a mounted file system. Next, the fstyp command is used to identify what type of file system /usr is.

$ devnm /usr
/dev/dsk/cot3d0s6 /usr
$ su
# fstyp /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s6

How to Find Out Which File Systems are Mounted on What Disk Slices

If you know the disk and slice number, you can display information for a disk using the prtvtoc (print volume table of contents) command. You can specify the volume by specifying any non-zero-size slice defined on the disk (for example, /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2 for all of disk 3, or /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 for the eighth slice of disk 3). If you know the target number of the disk, but do not know how it is divided into slices, you can show information for the entire disk by specifying either slice 2 or slice 0.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Display disk and slice information.

    # prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/devicename


    Is the name of the raw device containing the file system you want to identify.  

Example--Finding Out Which File Systems are Mounted on What Disk Slices

In this example, information is displayed for all of disk 3:

$ su
# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2
* /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2 (volume "") partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
*      36 sectors/track
*       9 tracks/cylinder
*     324 sectors/cylinder
*    1272 cylinders
*    1254 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector    Count     Sector  Mount
       2      5    01          0    406296    406295
       6      4    00          0    242352    242351
       7      0    00     242352    163944    406295   /files7

Chapter 27 Creating File Systems (Tasks)

This chapter describes how to create and preserve UFS, temporary, and loopback file systems on hard disks. This is a list of the step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

Creating a UFS File System

You need to create UFS file systems only occasionally, because the system software automatically creates file systems as part of the installation process. You need to create (or re-create) a UFS file system when you:

The following procedure uses the newfs command to create UFS file systems. The newfs command is a convenient front-end to the mkfs command, which creates the new file system. On Solaris 2.x systems, newfs parameter defaults, such as tracks per cylinder and sectors per track, are read from the disk label that will contain the new file system, and the options you choose are passed to the mkfs command to build the file system.

File System Parameters

To make a new file system on a disk slice, you almost always use the newfs command. Table 27-1 shows the default parameters the newfs command uses.

Table 27-1 Default Parameters Used by the newfs Command


Default Value 

Block size 

8 Kbytes 

Fragment size 

1 Kbyte 

Minimum free space 


Rotational delay 


Optimization type 


Number of inodes 

1 for each 2 Kbytes of disk space 


How to Create a UFS File System

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed on "Prerequisites".

  2. Create the file system.

    # newfs [-N] [-b size] [-i bytes] /dev/rdsk/device-name


    Displays all of the parameters newfs would pass to mkfs. No file system is created.

    -b size

    Sets the file system block size. Default is 8192 blocks. 

    -i bytes

    Sets the number of bytes per inode. Default is 2048 bytes. 


    The device that will contain the new file system. 

    Caution - Caution -

    Be sure you have specified the correct device name for the slice before performing the next step. If you specify the wrong slice, you will erase its contents when the new file system is created.

    The system asks for confirmation.

  3. To verify the creation of UFS file systems, check the new file systems with the fsck command.

    # fsck /dev/rdsk/device-name


    The name of the device containing the new file system. 

    This utility checks the consistency of the new file system, reports problems it finds, and prompts you before repairing the problems. See Chapter 31, Checking File System Integrity for more information on fsck.

Example--Creating a UFS File System

This example creates a file system on /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7.

# newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7
newfs: construct a new file system /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 (y/n)? y
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7:     163944 sectors in 506 cylinders of 9 tracks, 
   36 sectors 83.9MB in 32 cyl groups (16 c/g, 2.65MB/g, 1216 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 5264, 10496, 15728, 20960, 26192, 31424, 36656, 41888,
 47120, 52352, 57584, 62816, 68048, 73280, 78512, 82976, 88208,
 93440, 98672, 103904, 109136, 114368, 119600, 124832, 130064, 
 135296, 140528, 145760, 150992, 156224, 161456,

Where to Go From Here

If You Want to Make the File System Available By ... 

Then ... 

Mounting the file system with the mount command

Go to "How to Mount a UFS File System".

Creating an entry in /etc/vfstab to make the system automatically mount the file system when it boots

Go to "How to Add an Entry in the /etc/vfstab File".

Creating a Temporary File System (TMPFS)

The most common use for a TMPFS is the /tmp directory. By default, the /tmp directory for the Solaris system software is a TMPFS, and an entry is provided for it in the default /etc/vfstab file. Also, files in TMPFS directories do not survive across reboots or unmounts.

If you create multiple temporary file systems, be aware that they all use the same system resources. Files created under one TMPFS directory use up the space available for any other TMPFS, unless you limit TMPFS sizes using the -o option of the mount command.

How to Create a Temporary File System

  1. Become superuser.

  2. If necessary, create the directory where you want to mount the TMPFS and set permissions and ownership as necessary.

  3. Create a temporary file system.

    # mount -F tmpfs swap mount-point

    -F tmpfs swap

    A TMPFS file system. 


    The directory where the TMPFS file system is mounted. 

  4. To verify that a temporary file system called /visitors has been created and mounted in the /usr/tmp directory, use the mount command.

    $ mount
    /visitors on /usr/tmp on Wed May 28 15:27:16 1997
    $ ls /usr/tmp
    NTa0006h    ps_data      visitors

Example--Creating a Temporary File System

This example creates a new directory, /export/reports, and mounts a temporary file system at that point.

# mkdir /export/reports
# chmod 777 /export/reports
# mount -F tmpfs swap /export/reports

See the tmpfs(7FS) man page for more information.

How to Preserve a Temporary File System

You can preserve a TMPFS across reboots or unmounts by adding an entry to the /etc/vfstab file. Edit the file to add an entry like this, separating each field with a tab:

swap - mount-point  tmpfs   -  yes  -


The default mount point directory. 

Caution - Caution -

Files in the TMPFS are not preserved; only the file system itself.

For more information about editing the /etc/vfstab file, see Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks).

Creating a Loopback File System (LOFS)

A LOFS is a virtual file system which provides an alternate path to an existing file system. When other file systems are mounted onto a loopback file system, the original file system does not change.

You can preserve a LOFS across reboots or unmounts by adding an entry to the /etc/vfstab file.

Caution - Caution -

Be careful when creating loopback mounts. Because these are virtual file systems, the potential for confusing both users and applications is enormous.

How to Create a Loopback File System

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Create the directory where you want to mount the loopback file system and give it the appropriate permissions and ownership.

  3. Create a loopback file system.

    # mount -F lofs loopback-directory mount-point


    The file system to be mounted at the loopback mount point. 


    The directory where the LOFS is mounted. 

Example--Creating a Loopback File System

This example shows how to use a new loopback file system with the chroot command to provide a complete virtual file system view of a process or family of processes:

# mount -F lofs / /tmp/newroot
# chroot /tmp/newroot command

See lofs(7FS) or mount(1M) for more information.

How to Preserve a Loopback File System

You can preserve a loopback file system across reboots or unmounts by adding an entry to the /etc/vfstab file. Edit the file to add an entry like this at the end of the file, separating each field with a tab.

/    -   mount-point  lofs   -   yes     -


The default mount point directory (for example, /tmp/newroot).

Caution - Caution -

Make sure the loopback entry is the last entry in the /etc/vfstab file. Otherwise, if the /etc/vfstab entry for the loopback file system precedes the file systems to be included in it, the loopback file system cannot be created.

For more information about the /etc/vfstab file, refer to Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks).

Chapter 28 Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks)

This chapter describes how to mount and unmount file systems individually through the /etc/vfstab file. This is a list of the step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

Mounting File Systems

After you create a file system, you need to make it available. You make file systems available by mounting them. A mounted file system is attached to the system directory tree at the specified mount point, and becomes available to the system. The root (/) file system is always mounted. Any other file system can be connected or disconnected from the root (/) file system.

You can mount a local file system in these ways:

When file systems are shared from a server, a client can mount them as NFS file systems in any of these three ways:

CD-ROMs containing file systems are mounted when the CD-ROM is inserted. Diskettes containing file systems are mounted by running the volcheck(1) command.


The prerequisites to mount file systems are:

Verifying a Mounted File System

To verify that you mounted a file system or a number of file systems, look at the output from the mount command. This is described in "How to See Which File Systems Are Mounted".

Commands Used to Mount and Unmount File Systems

Table 28-1 lists the commands in the /usr/sbin directory that you use to mount and unmount file systems.

Table 28-1 Commands for Mounting and Unmounting File Systems




Mounts file systems and remote resources. 


Mounts all file systems specified in the /etc/vfstab file. The mountall command is run automatically when entering multiuser run states.


Unmounts file systems and remote resources. 


Unmounts all file systems specified in the /etc/vfstab file.

The mount commands will not mount a read/write file system that has inconsistencies. If you receive an error message from the mount or mountall command, you may need to check the file system. See Chapter 31, Checking File System Integrity for information on how to check the file system.

The umount commands will not unmount a file system that is busy. A file system is considered busy if a user is in a directory in the file system, or if a program has a file open in that file system.

General Mount Options

Table 28-2 describes the general mount options that you can specify with the -o option of the mount command. If you specify multiple options, separate them with commas (no spaces). For example, -o ro,nosuid.

Table 28-2 General Mount Options


File System 


-rw | ro


Specifies read/write or read-only. If you do not specify this option, the default is read/write. 



Disallows setuid execution and prevents devices on the file system from being opened. The default is to allow setuid execution and allow devices to be opened.



With rw, remounts a file system with read/write access.



Fakes an entry in /etc/mnttab, but doesn't really mount any file systems.



Mounts the file system without making an entry in /etc/mnttab.

-bg | fg


If the first attempt fails, retries in the background (bg) or in the foreground (fg). The default is fg.

-soft | hard


Specifies the procedure if the server does not respond. soft indicates that an error is returned. hard indicates that the retry request is continued until the server responds. The default is hard.

-intr | nointr


Specifies whether keyboard interrupts are allowed to kill a process hung while waiting for a response on hard-mounted file systems. The default is intr (interrupts allowed).



Retries the mount operation when it fails. n is the number of times to retry.

Field Descriptions of the /etc/vfstab File

An entry in the /etc/vfstab file has seven fields, which are described in Table 28-3.

Table 28-3 Field Descriptions of the /etc/vfstab File

Field Name 


device to mount

The device to mount can be: 

  • The block special device for local UFS file systems (for example, /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0).

  • The resource name for remote file systems (for example, myserver:/export/home for an NFS file system). For more information on remote file systems, see the NFS Administration Guide.

  • The name of the slice on which to swap (for example, /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1).

  • The /proc directory and proc file system type.

device to fsck

The raw (character) special device that corresponds to the file system identified by the device to mount field (for example, /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0). This determines the raw interface that is used by fsck. Use a dash (-) when there is no applicable device, such as for a read-only file system or a remote file system.

mount point

The default mount point directory (for example, /usr for /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6).


FS type

The type of file system identified by the device to mount field.

fsck pass

The pass number used by fsck to decide whether to check a file system. When the field contains a dash (-), the file system is not checked. When the field contains a value greater than zero, the file system is checked; non-UFS file systems with a zero value for fsck pass are checked. For UFS file systems only, when the field contains a zero, the file system is not checked. When fsck is run on multiple UFS file systems that have fsck pass values greater than one and the preen option (-o p) is used, fsck automatically checks the file systems on different disks in parallel to maximize efficiency. When the field contains a value of 1, the file system is checked sequentially. Otherwise, the value of the pass number does not have any effect. In SunOS system software, the fsck pass field does not explicitly specify the order in which file systems are checked.

mount at boot

Set to yes or no for whether the file system should be automatically mounted by mountall when the system is booted. Note that this field has nothing to do with AutoFS.

mount options

A list of comma-separated options (with no spaces) that are used in mounting the file system. Use a dash (-) to show no options. See mount(1M) for a list of the available options.

Note -

You must have an entry in each field in the /etc/vfstab file. If there is no value for the field, be sure to enter a dash (-).

How to See Which File Systems Are Mounted

To see which file systems are mounted:

$ mount

Example--Seeing Which File Systems Are Mounted

$ mount
/ on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 read/write/setuid/largefiles on ...
/usr on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 read/write/setuid/largefiles on ...
/proc on /proc read/write/setuid on Fri May 16 11:39:05 1997
/dev/fd on fd read/write/setuid on Fri May 16 11:39:05 1997
/export on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s3 setuid/read/write/largefiles on ...
/export/home on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 setuid/read/write/largefiles on ...
/export/swap on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4 setuid/read/write/largefiles on ...
/opt on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 setuid/read/write/largefiles on ...
/tmp on swap read/write on Fri May 16 11:39:07 1997

How to Add an Entry in the /etc/vfstab File

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed on "Prerequisites".

  2. Edit the /etc/vfstab file and add an entry.

    See Table 28-3for detailed information about the /etc/vfstab field entries. Make sure you:

    • Separate each field with white space (a space or a tab).

    • Enter a dash (-) if a field has no contents.

  3. Save the changes.

Examples--Adding an Entry in the /etc/vfstab File

#device           device             mount    FS      fsck   mount    mount
#to mount         to fsck            point    type    pass   at boot  options
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 /files1  ufs     2      yes       -
pluto:/export/man   -                /usr/man nfs     -      yes     ro,soft
/                   -                /tmp/newroot lofs -     yes     -                   

This example mounts the disk slice /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 as a UFS file system attached to the mount point directory /files1 with the default mount options (read/write). It specifies the raw character device /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 as the device to fsck. The fsck pass value of 2 means that the file system will be checked, but not sequentially.

This example mounts the directory /export/man from the system pluto as an NFS file system on mount point /usr/man. It does not specify a device to fsck or a fsck pass because it's an NFS file system. In this example, mount options are ro (read-only) and soft. For greater reliability, specify the hard mount option for read/write NFS file systems.

This example mounts the root (/) file system on a loopback mount point named /tmp/newroot. It specifies yes for mount at boot, no device to fsck, and no fsck pass number. Loopback file systems must always be mounted after the file systems used to make up the loopback file system. Be sure that the loopback entry is the last entry in the /etc/vfstab file so that it follows the entries that it depends on.

How to Mount Multiple File Systems Listed in the /etc/vfstab File

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed on "Prerequisites".

  2. Mount the file systems listed in the /etc/vfstab file.

    # mountall [-l | -r] [-F fstype]

    If no options are specified, all file systems listed in the /etc/vfstab file with yes in the mount at boot field are mounted.


    Mounts all the local file systems listed in the /etc/vfstab file with yes in the mount at boot field.


    Mounts all the remote file systems listed in the /etc/vfstab file with yes in the mount at boot field.

    -F fstype

    Mounts all file systems of the type fstype listed in the /etc/vfstab file with yes in the mount at boot field.

    All the file systems with a device to fsck entry are checked and fixed, if necessary, before mounting.

Examples--Mounting Multiple File Systems Listed in the /etc/vfstab File

This example shows the messages displayed if file systems are already mounted when you use the mountall command.

# mountall
mount: /tmp already mounted
nfs mount: mount: /usr/openwin: Device busy
nfs mount: mount: /usr/man: Device busy

This example mounts all the local systems listed in the /etc/vfstab file.

# mountall -l
# mount
/ on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 read/write/setuid/largefiles on ...
/usr on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 read/write/setuid/largefiles on ...
/proc on /proc read/write/setuid on Fri May 16 11:39:05 1997
/dev/fd on fd read/write/setuid on Fri May 16 11:39:05 1997
/tmp on swap read/write on Fri May 16 11:39:07 1997

This example mounts all the remote file systems listed in the /etc/vfstab file.

# mountall -r
# mount
/ on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 read/write/setuid/largefiles on ...
/usr on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 read/write/setuid/largefiles on ...
/proc on /proc read/write/setuid on Fri May 16 11:39:05 1997
/dev/fd on fd read/write/setuid on Fri May 16 11:39:05 1997
/tmp on swap read/write on Fri May 16 11:39:07 1997
/nfs/mars.dist on mars:/usr/dist intr/remote on ...
/nfs/mars.mail on mars:/var/mail intr/noac/remote on ...

How to Mount a File System Listed in the /etc/vfstab File

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed in "Prerequisites".

  2. Mount a file system listed in the /etc/vfstab file.

    # mount mount-point


    An entry in the mount point or device to mount field in the /etc/vfstab file. It is usually easier to specify the mount point.

Example--Mounting a File System Listed in the /etc/vfstab File

This example mounts the /usr/openwin file system listed in the /etc/vfstab file.

# mount /usr/openwin

How to Mount a UFS File System

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed in "Prerequisites".

  2. Mount the UFS file system.

    # mount [-o mount-options] /dev/dsk/device-namemount-point

    -o mount-options

    Specifies mount options that you can use to mount a UFS file system. See Table 28-2 for the list of general mount options or mount_ufs(1M) for a complete list of options.


    The special block device file for the disk slice holding the file system (for example, /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7). See Chapter 26, File Systems (Overview) for information about how to find out disk device names.


    The directory where the file system is mounted. 

Example--Mounting a UFS File System

In this example, /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 is mounted on the /files1 directory.

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 /files1

How to Mount a File System With Large Files

The new largefiles mount option, the default state for the Solaris 2.6 environment, allows users to mount a file system containing files larger than 2Gbytes.

The procedure for mounting file systems with large files is identical to the one described previously in "How to Mount a UFS File System".

The largefiles option means that a file system mounted with this option may contain one or more files larger than 2 Gbytes. It is not required that a file system mounted with this option contain files larger that 2Gbytes, but the option allows such files within the file system.

You must explicitly use the nolargefiles mount option to disable this behavior. The nolargefiles option provides total compatibility with previous file system behavior, enforcing the 2 Gbytes maximum file size limit.

How to Remount a File System Without Large Files

After you mount a file system with the default largefiles mount option and large files have been created, you cannot remount the file system with the nolargefiles option until you remove any large files and run fsck to reset the state to nolargefiles.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Make sure there are no large files in the file system.

    # cd /file-system
    # find . xdev -size +2000000 -exec ls -l {} \;


    The file system you want to check for large files. 

    If large files exist within this file system, they must be removed or moved to another file system.

  3. Unmount the file system.

    # umount /file-system
  4. Reset the file system state.

    # fsck /dev/rdsk/device-name
  5. Remount the file system with the nolargefiles option.

    # mount -o nolargefiles /dev/rdsk/device-name

Example -- Mounting a File System Without Large Files

In this example, /datab is checked for large files and /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 is then mounted on the /datab directory.

# cd /datab
# find . xdev -size +2000000 -exec ls -l {} \;
# find . xdev -size +2000000 -exec ls -l {} \;
# umount /datab 
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 /files1
# mount -o nolargefiles /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 /files1

How to Mount an NFS File System

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed in "Prerequisites".

  2. Make sure the file system is available from a server.

    To mount an NFS file system, it must be made available from the server system. The share(1M) command creates a list of file systems on a server that can be shared across the network. See NFS Administration Guide for information on how to share file systems.

  3. Mount the NFS file system.

    # mount -F nfs [-o mount-options] server:/directory mount-point

    -o mount-options

    Specifies mount options that you can use to mount a NFS file system. See Table 28-2 for the list of general mount options or mount_nfs(1M) for a complete list of options.


    The server's host name on which the file system is mounted, and the name of the file system to mount. 


    The directory where the file system is mounted. 

Example--Mounting an NFS File System

In this example, packages from the server pluto in the directory /export/packages are mounted on /mnt.

# mount -F nfs pluto:/export/packages /mnt

x86: How to Mount a System V (S5FS) File System

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed in "Prerequisites".

  2. Mount the S5FS file system.

    # mount -F s5fs [-o mount-options] /dev/dsk/device_name mount-point

    -o mount-options

    Specifies mount options that you can use to mount a S5FS file system. See Table 28-2 for the list of common mount options or mount_s5fs(1M) for a complete list of options.


    The device name of the disk slice holding the file system (for example, /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7). See Chapter 20, Accessing Devices (Overview) for information about finding out disk device names.


    The directory where the file system is mounted. 

Example--Mounting an S5FS File System

In this example, /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 is mounted on the /files1 directory.

# mount -F s5fs /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 /files1

x86: How to Mount a PCFS (DOS) File System From a Hard Disk

Use the following procedure to mount a PCFS (DOS) file system from a hard disk.

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed oin "Prerequisites".

  2. Mount the PCFS file system.

    # mount -F pcfs [-o rw | ro] /dev/dsk/device-name:logical-drive mount-point

    -o rw | ro

    Specifies that you can mount a PCFS file system read/write or read-only. If you do not specify this option, the default is read/write. 


    The device name of the whole disk (for example, /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p0).


    Specifies either the DOS logical drive letter (c through z) or a drive number 1 through 24. Drive c is equivalent to drive 1 and represents the Primary DOS slice on the drive; all other letters or numbers represent DOS logical drives within the Extended DOS slice. 


    The directory where the file system is mounted. 

    Note that the device-name and logical-drive must be separated by a colon.

Examples--Mounting a PCFS (DOS) File System From a Hard Disk

In this example, the logical drive in the Primary DOS slice is mounted on the /pcfs/c directory.

# mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p0:c /pcfs/c

In this example, the first logical drive in the Extended DOS slice on the disk is mounted read-only on /pcfs/d.

# mount -F pcfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p0:2 /pcfs/d

Unmounting File Systems

Unmounting a file system removes it from the file system mount point, and deletes the entry from the /etc/mnttab file. Some file system administration tasks cannot be performed on mounted file systems. You should unmount a file system when:


The prerequisites to unmount file systems are:

Verifying an Unmounted File System

To verify that you unmounted a file system or a number of file systems, look at the output from the mount command. This is described in "How to See Which File Systems Are Mounted".

How to Stop All Processes for a File System

  1. Become superuser.

  2. List all the processes that are using the file system, so you know which processes you are going to stop.

    # fuser -c [ -u ] mount-point


    Reports on files that are mount points for file systems and any files within those mounted file systems. 


    Displays the user login name for each process ID. 


    The name of the file system for which you want to stop processes. 

  3. Stop all processes for the file system.

    Note -

    You should not stop a user's processes without warning.

    # fuser -c -k mount-point

    A SIGKILL is sent to each process using the file system.

  4. Verify that there are no processes using the file system.

    # fuser -c mount-point

Example--Stopping All Processes for a File System

In this example, process 4006c that is using the /export/home file system is stopped.

# fuser -c /export/home
/export/home:     4006c
# fuser -c -k /export/home
/export/home:     4006c
# fuser -c /export/home

How to Unmount a File System

Use the following procedure to unmount a file system (except / or /usr):

Note -

The root (/) and /usr file systems are special cases. The root (/) file system can be unmounted only during a shutdown, since the system needs the root (/) file system to function.

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed on "Prerequisites".

  2. Unmount the file system.

    # umount mount-point


    The name of the file system that you want to unmount. This can either be the directory name where the file system is mounted, the device name path of the file system, the resource for an NFS file system, or the loopback directory for LOFS file systems. 

Examples--Unmounting a File System

In this example, a local home file system is unmounted.

# umount /export/home

In this example, the file system on slice 7 is unmounted.

# umount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7

How to Unmount File Systems Listed in the /etc/vfstab File

Use the following procedure to unmount all the file systems listed in the /etc/vfstab file, except for the /, /proc, /var, and /usr file systems.

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites listed on "Prerequisites".

  2. Unmount all the file systems listed in the /etc/vfstab file.

    # umountall

    All systems that can be unmounted are unmounted. File systems that are busy are not unmounted.

  3. For the file systems that were busy and not unmounted, make them available to be unmounted as described in "How to Stop All Processes for a File System".

  4. Repeat Step 2 as needed until all file systems are unmounted.

Chapter 29 The Cache File System (Tasks)

The Cache File System (CacheFS) is a general purpose file system caching mechanism that improves NFS server performance and scalability by reducing server and network load. Designed as a layered file system, CacheFS provides the ability to cache one file system on another. In an NFS environment, CacheFS increases the client per server ratio, reduces server and network loads and improves performance for clients on slow links, such as Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).

The following is a list of the step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

How CacheFS Works

You create a cache, using the cfsadmin(1M) command, on the client so that file systems you specify to be mounted in the cache can be accessed by the user locally instead of across the network. Figure 29-1 shows the relationship of the components involved in using CacheFS. The back file system is the file system that you specify to be mounted in the cache. Typically, this is an NFS or HSFS (High Sierra File System) file system. When the user attempts to access files that are part of the back file system, those files are placed in the cache. To the user, the initial request to access a file may seem slow, but subsequent uses of the same file will be faster.

Note -

You can mount only file systems that are shared. See the share(1M) command.

Figure 29-1 How CacheFS Works


Setting Up a Cached File System Task Map

Table 29-1 Task Map: Setting Up a Cached File System





For Instructions, Go To 


Create a Cache  


Use the cfsadmin command to create a cache


"How to Create a Cache"


Mount File Systems in the Cache  


Mount a file system in a cache by using the mount command


"How to Specify a File System to Be Mounted in a Cache With mount"




Cache a file system by editing the /etc/vfstab file


"How to Mount a File System in a Cache by Editing the /etc/vfstab File"




Cache a file system by using AutoFS  


"How to Mount a File System in a Cache With AutoFS"


How to Create a Cache

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Create a cache using the -c option of the cfsadmin(1M) command.

    # cfsadmin -c cache-directory


    Indicates the name of the directory where the cache resides. For more information, see the cfsadmin man page.

    Note -

    After you have created the cache, do not perform any operations within the cache directory itself. This causes conflicts within the CacheFS software.

Example--Creating a Cache

The following example creates a cache in the /local/mycache directory by using the default cache parameter values.

# cfsadmin -c /local/mycache

Specifying a File System to Be Mounted in the Cache

You specify file systems to be mounted in the cache so that users can locally access files in the file system you've specified. The files do not actually get placed in the cache until the user accesses the files.

There are three ways to specify file systems to be cached:

How to Specify a File System to Be Mounted in a Cache With mount

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Create a mount point.

    The mount point allows user access to the file system specified under that mount point. You can create the mount point from anywhere. The CacheFS options used with the mount command, as shown in the next step, will determine that the mount point you created will be cached in the cache directory you specified.

  3. Mount a file system in a cache with the mount command.

    # mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=fstype,cachedir=cache-directory[,
    options] back-filesystem mount-point


    Indicates the file system type of the back file system, for example nfs.


    Indicates the name of the directory where the cache resides. This is the same name you specified when you created the cache in "How to Create a Cache".


    Specifies other mount options that you can include when mounting a file system in a cache. See mount_cachefs(1M) for a list of CacheFS mount options.


    The mount point of the back file system to cache. If the back file system is an NFS file system,you must specify the host name of the server from which you are mounting the file system and the name of the file system to cache (separated by a colon), for example, merlin: /usr/openwin


    Indicates the directory where the file system is mounted. 

  4. Verify that the cache you created was actually mounted by using he cachefsstat(1M) command, as follows:

    # cachefsstat mount-point 

    For example:

    # cachefsstat /docs
    	         cache hit rate:   100% (0 hits, 0 misses)
    	     consistency checks:      1 (1 pass, 0 fail)
    	               modifies:      0
    	     garbage collection:      0

    The mount point is the cached file system you created. For more information about the cachefsstat command, see "CacheFS Statistics".

    If the file system was not mounted in the cache, you will receive an error message similar to the following:

    # cachefsstat mount-point
    cachefsstat: mount-point: not a cachefs mountpoint

Examples--Specifying a File System to be Mounted in a Cache With mount

The following example creates the mount point /docs, and mounts the NFS file system merlin:/docs as a cached file system named /docs in the cache named /local/mycache.

# mkdir /docs
# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/local/mycache 
merlin:/docs /docs

The following example makes a CD-ROM (HSFS file system) available as a cached file system named /docs. Because you cannot write to the CD-ROM, the ro argument is specified to make the cached file system read-only. You must specify the backpath argument because Volume Management automatically mounts the CD-ROM when it is inserted. The mount point is in the /cdrom directory and is determined by the name of the CD-ROM. The special device to mount is the same as the value for the backpath argument.

# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=hsfs,cachedir=/local/mycache,ro,
backpath=/cdrom/cdrom_name /cdrom/cdrom_name /docs

The following example uses the demandconst option to specify consistency checking on demand for the NFS cached file system /docs, whose back file system is merlin:/docs. See "Consistency Checking of Cached File Systems With the Back File System" for more information.

# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/local/mycache,
demandconst merlin:/docs /docs

How to Mount a File System in a Cache by Editing the /etc/vfstab File

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Using an editor, specify the file systems to be mounted in the /etc/vfstab file:

    #device     device             mount  FS    fsck  mount   mount
    #to mount         to fsck            point  type  pass  at boot options
    /dev/dsk/devicename /dev/rdsk/devicename /mount-point cachefs  2    yes  -

    This line represents the new entry.

  3. Mount the cached file system using the mount command, as follows:

    # mount /mount-point

    or reboot.

Example--Mounting a File System in a Cache by Editing the /etc/vfstab File

The following example shows the /etc/vfstab entry for the cache file system.

#device     device             mount  FS    fsck  mount   mount
#to mount         to fsck            point  type  pass  at boot options
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0 /cache ufs    2       yes     -

The /usr/local directory is mounted in the cache directory.

# mount /usr/local

How to Mount a File System in a Cache With AutoFS

You can mount a file system in a cache with AutoFS by specifying the -fstype=cachefs mount option in your automount map. Note that CacheFS mount options (for example, backfstype and cachedir) are also specified in the automount map. See automount(1M) for details on automount maps. Also see the NFS Administration Guide.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Using an editor, add the following line to the auto_direct map:

    /mount-point -fstype=cachefs,cachedir=/directory,backfstype=nfs 
  3. Using an editor, add the following line to the auto_master map:


    The /- entry is a pointer to check the auto_direct map.

  4. Reboot the system.

  5. Verify that the entry was made correctly by changing to the file system you mounted in the cache, and then list the contents, as follows:

    # cd filesystem
    # ls filesystem

For more information about AutoFS and how to edit the maps, refer to the AutoFS chapter of the NFS Administration Guide.

Example--Mounting a File System in a Cache With AutoFS

The following auto_master entry automatically mounts the cache file system in the /docs directory.

/docs	 -fstype=cachefs,cachedir=/local/mycache,backfstype=nfs 

Maintaining a Cached File System Task Map

Table 29-2 Task Map: Maintaining a Cached File System





For Instructions, Go To 


Modify the Cache  


Modify the cache behavior.  


"How to Modify File Systems in a Cache"


Display Cache Information  


Display information about cached file systems by using the cfsadmin command.


"How to Display Information About Cached File Systems"


Perform Consistency Checking  


Perform consistency checking on demand by using the cfsadmin command.


"How to Specify Consistency Checking on Demand"


Delete a Cache  


Delete cached file systems by using the umount command and the cfsadmin command.


"How to Delete a Cached File System"


Check File System Integrity 


Check the integrity of cached file systems by using the fsck_cachefs command.


"How to Check the Integrity of Cached File Systems"


Maintaining the Cache

After you set up the cache, you can perform the following maintenance tasks on it:

How to Modify File Systems in a Cache

For information on how to modify specific options of a file system, refer to Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks). When you modify a file system in the cache, you need to delete the cache and then recreate it. You may also need to reboot your machine in single user mode, depending on how your file systems are shared and accessed.

The following example shows some of the steps involved in this procedure.

Example--Modifying File Systems in a Cache

In the following example, the cache is deleted, then re-created, and then mounted again with the demandconst option specified for the file system /docs. This example shows the steps including rebooting to single user mode. You may have other commands you prefer to use to accomplish some of the tasks shown in this example.

$ su
# init 0
ok boot -s
Type Cntrl-d to proceed with normal startup,
(or give root password for system maintenance):
# enter password:
Here is where you may be prompted from system to run fsck
on the file system where the cache is located.
# fsck /local
# mount /local
# cfsadmin -d all /local/mycache
# cfsadmin -c /local/mycache
# init 6
console login:
# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/local/cache1,
demandconst  merlin:/docs /docs

If you did not successfully remount the file system in the cache, the system displays an error message similar to the following:

cachefsstat: /doc: not a cachefs mount point

How to Display Information About Cached File Systems

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Display information about all file systems cached under a specified cache.

    # cfsadmin -l cache-directory

    cache-directory is the name of the directory where the cache resides.

Example--Displaying Information About Cached File Systems

The following example shows information about the cache directory named /local/mycache. In this example, the file system /docs is cached in /local/mycache. The last line displays the name of the cached file system.

# cfsadmin -l /local/mycache
cfsadmin: list cache FS information
   maxblocks     90%
   minblocks      0%
   threshblocks  85%
   maxfiles      90%
   minfiles       0%
   threshfiles   85%
   maxfilesize    3MB

How to Specify Consistency Checking on Demand

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Mount the file system in the cache specifying the demandconst option of the mount(1M) command, as follows:

    # mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/directory,
    demandconst server:/file-system /mount-point

  3. To initiate consistency checking on a specific cached file system, use the cfsadmin(1M) command with the -s option as follows:

    # cfsadmin -s  /mount-point

    For more information about consistency checking, see "Consistency Checking of Cached File Systems With the Back File System".

How to Delete a Cached File System

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Unmount all the file systems in the cache.

    # umount mount-point

    mount-point specifies the directory where a file system or file systems are mounted.

  3. Determine the cache ID from the cfsadmin -l output, as follows:

    # cfsadmin -l cache-directory
    cfsadmin: list cache FS information
       maxblocks     90%
       minblocks      0%
       threshblocks  85%
       maxfiles      90%
       minfiles       0%
       threshfiles   85%
       maxfilesize    3MB
  4. Delete a cached file system from a specified cache.

    # cfsadmin -d cache-id cache-directory


    Indicates the name of the cached file system, which is the last line of the cfsadmin -l output. See "How to Display Information About Cached File Systems" for more information. You can delete all the cached file systems in a particular cache by specifying all for cache-id.


    Specifies the directory where the cache resides. 

  5. Verify that the file system has been deleted.

    The cache ID of the file system you just deleted should be missing from the output of the following command. Refer to the cfsadmin(1M) manpage for more information about the fields specified in the command output.

    # cfsadmin -l cache-directory
    cfsadmin: list cache FS information
       maxblocks     90%
       minblocks      0%
       threshblocks  85%
       maxfiles      90%
       minfiles       0%
       threshfiles   85%
       maxfilesize    3MB

Examples--Deleting a Cached File System

The following example unmounts a cached file system and deletes the cached file system from the cache.

# umount /usr/openwin
# cfsadmin -d merlin:docs /docs /local/mycache

The following example deletes all the cached file systems in the /local/mycache cache. This also deletes the cache.

# cfsadmin -d all /local/mycache

How to Check the Integrity of Cached File Systems

Use the fsck(1M) command to check the integrity of cached file systems. The CacheFS version of fsck automatically corrects problems without requiring user interaction. You should not need to run fsck manually for cached file systems; fsck is run automatically at boot time or when the file system is mounted. If you want to manually check the integrity, you can use the following procedure.

See fsck_cachefs(1M) for more information.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Check the cached file systems under a specified cache.

    # fsck -F cachefs [-m] [-o noclean] cache-directory


    Causes fsck to check the cached file systems without making any repairs.

    -o noclean

    Forces a check on the cached file systems only. Does not make any repairs. 


    Indicates the name of the directory where the cache resides. 

See fsck_cachefs(1M) for more information.

Example--Checking the Integrity of Cached File Systems

The following example checks the cached file systems that are part of the /local/mycache cache.

# fsck -F cachefs /local/mycache

Managing Your Cache File Systems With cachefspack

For general use, CacheFS operates automatically, without requiring any action from the user. Files are cached on a most recently used basis. With the packing feature, you can take a more active role in managing your cache by ensuring that certain files or directories are always updated in the cache.

Packing enables you to specify files and directories to be loaded in the cache. It ensures that current copies of these files are available in the cache.

The packing list contains the names of specific files and directories. It can also contain other packing lists. This saves you having to specify individual files and directories in case you have many items to pack in your cache.

The cachefspack command provides you with added control of your CacheFS file systems, employing the packing functionality.

How to Pack Files in the Cache

Pack files in the cache using the cachefspack command.

$ cachefspack -p filename


Specifies that you want the file or files packed. This is also the default. 


Specifies the name of the file or directory you want packed in the cache. When you specify a directory, all of its subdirectories are also packed. For more information about the cachefspack command, see the cachefspack man page.

Examples--Packing Files in the Cache

The following example shows the file projects specified to be packed in the cache.

$ cachefspack -p projects

The following example shows several files specified to be packed in the cache.

$ cachefspack -p projects updates master_plan 

The following example shows a directory specified to be packed in the cache.

$ cachefspack -p /usr/openwin/bin

Packing Lists

One of the features of the cachefspack command is the ability to pack packing lists. This saves the time of having to specify each individual file that you want packed in the cache.

A packing list contains files or directories to be packed in the cache. If a directory is in the packing list, all of its subdirectories and files will also be packed.

How to Create a Packing List

To create a packing list, open a file by using vi or the editor of your choice. The packing list file format uses the same format as the filesync command. For more information about the filesync command, see filesync(4).

Example--Creating a Packing List

The following example shows the contents of a packing list file.

BASE /home/ignatz
LIST plans
LIST docs

How to Pack Files in the Cache as Specified in a Packing List

To pack files using the packing list, use the -f option of the cachefspack command, as follows:

$ cachefspack -f packing-list

This means you want the software to read the packing list and pack files based on the information specified in the packing list.


Specifies that you want to pack files based on the information specified in the packing list. 


Specifies the name of the packing list. 

This means you want the software to read the packing list and pack files based on the information specified in the packing list.

Example--Packing Files in the Cache as Specified in a Packing List

This examples uses the list.pkg file as the packing list for the cachefspack command.

$ cachefspack -f list.pkg

How to Specify Files in the Packing List to be Treated as Regular Expressions

To specify that one or more files in the packing list should be treated as regular expressions (not as literal file names), use the -r option with the -f option of the cachefspack command. The -r option cannot be used alone.

$ cachefspack -rf packing_list

where packing_list contains a LIST command defined as follows:

LIST *.doc


Specifies that you want the file or files defined in the LIST command treated as regular expressions, and not as literal file names.


Specifies that you want the packing list packed in the cache. 


Indicates the name of the packing list that contains the LIST command with the file or files you want treated as regular expressions.

Example--Specifying Files in the Packing List to be Treated as Regular Expressions

The following example shows the packing list list.pkg specified to be packed in the cache. list.pkg contains a LIST command that defines a regular expression.

$ cachefspack -rf list.pkg

The software will pack the file list.pkg into the cache and treat the file names defined in the LIST command as regular expressions, and not as literal file names.

How to Pack Files From a Shared Directory

  1. To pack files from a shared directory, and to ensure that you pack only those files that you own, define the LIST command within the packing list file as follows:

    LIST !find . -user your_user_name -print
  2. Pack the packing list in the cache using the -s option with the -f option of the cachefspack command.

    $ cachefspack -sf packing_list


    Adjusts the output of the find command to be suitable for the packing list. 


    Specifies a packing list to read. 


    Specifies the name of the packing list to read. 

    Note -

    The -s option must be used with the -f option. The -s option cannot be used alone.

Example--Packing Files From a Shared Directory

The following example shows how to define a LIST command in the packing list to pack only the files from the base directory that you own:

LIST !find . -user jones -print

The following example shows how you would then specify packing the packing list.

$ cachefspack -sf /projects/proj_1

Unpacking Files

You may need to remove, or unpack, a file from the cache. Perhaps you have some files or directories that are a higher priority than others, so you need to unpack the less critical files. For example, you finished up a project and have archived the files associated with that project. You are now working on a new project, and therefore, a new set of files.

How to Unpack Files or Packing Lists From the Cache

Unpack files or packing lists from the cache using the -u or -U option of the cachefspack command.

$ cachefspack -u filename | -U cache-directory


Specifies that you want the file or files unpacked. You must specify a filename with this option. 


Specifies the name of the file or packing list you want unpacked in the cache. For more information about the cachefspack command, see the man page.


Specifies that you want to unpack all files in the cache. 

Examples--Unpacking Files or Packing Lists From the Cache

The following example shows the file /usr/openwin/bin/xlogo specified to be unpacked from the cache.

$ cachefspack -u /usr/openwin/bin/xlogo

The following example shows several files specified to be unpacked from the cache.

$ cd /usr/openwin/bin
$ cachefspack -u xlogo xview xcolor

You can also unpack a packing list, which is a file that contains the path to a directory of files, as follows:

$ cachefspack -uf list.pkg

The following example uses the -U option to specify all files in a cache directory to be unpacked.

$ cachefspack -U /local/mycache

You cannot unpack a cache that does not have at least one file system mounted. With the -U option, if you specify a cache that does not contain mounted filesystems, you will see output similar to the following:

$ cachefspack -U /local/mycache
cachefspack: Could not unpack cache /local/mycache, no mounted
filesystems in the cache.

Displaying Packed Files Information

You may want to view information about the files that you've specified to be packed, and what their packing status is.

How to Display Packed Files Information

To display packed files information, use the -i option of the cachefspack command.

$ cachefspack -i[v] cached-filename-or-directory


Specifies you want to view information about your packed files. 


The verbose option. 


Specifies the name of the file or directory for which to display information. 

Example--Displaying Packed Files Information

The following example shows that a file called doc_file is successfully packed.

$ cachefspack -i doc_file
cachefspack: file doc_file marked packed YES, packed YES

The following example shows a directory called /usr/openwin, which contains a subdirectory bin. The subdirectory bin has three files: xterm, textedit, and resize. Although the files xterm and resize are specified to be packed, they are not. The file textedit is successfully packed.

$ cd /usr/openwin
$ cachefspack -i bin
cachefspack: file /bin/xterm marked packed YES, packed NO
cachefspack: file /bin/textedit marked packed YES,
packed YES
cachefspack: file /bin/resize marked packed YES,
packed NO

If you use the -v option in combination with the -i option, you will get additional information as to whether or not the file or directory specified has been flushed from the cache. For example:

$ cd /usr/openwin
$ cachefspack -iv bin
cachefspack: file /bin/xterm marked packed YES, packed NO,
nocache YES
cachefspack: file /bin/textedit marked packed YES,
packed YES, nocache NO
cachefspack: file /bin/resize marked packed YES,
packed NO
nocache NO

The last line of the example above shows that the directory contents have not been flushed from the cache.

Viewing Help on the cachefspack Command

You can print out a brief help summary of all the cachefspack options and what they mean by using the -h option as follows:

$ cachefspack -h
Must select 1 and only 1 of the following 5 options
-d Display selected filenames
-i Display selected filenames packing status
-p Pack selected filenames
-u Unpack selected filenames
-U Unpack all files in directory 'dir'
-f Specify input file containing rules
-h Print usage information
-r Interpret strings in LIST rules as regular expressions
-s Strip './' from the beginning of a pattern name
-v Verbose option
files - a list of filenames to be packed/unpacked

cachefspack Errors

You may see the following error messages when you use the cachefspack command.

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: permission denied

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct permissions to access the file or directory. 

Obtain the proper permissions. 

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: no such file or

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct file or directory. 

Check for a possible typo. 

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: stale NFS file handle

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

The file or directory may have been moved or deleted from the server at the time you attempted to access it. 

Check with your system administrator. 

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: interrupted system

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may have issued Control-c during the process of using the command. 

Reissue the command. 

cachefspack: pathname - can't open directory: I/O error

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

A hardware problem. 

Check your hardware connections. 

cachefspack: error opening dir

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct file or directory. 

Check for a possible typo. 

The path identified after the BASE command in the file format could be a file and not a directory. The path specified must be a directory.

Check the path identified after the BASE command in your file format. Make sure it is a directory, and not a file.

cachefspack: unable to get shared objects

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

The executable may be corrupt or it's a format that is not recognizable. 

No corrective action can be taken. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: permission denied

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct permissions to access the file or directory. 

 Obtain the proper permissions.

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: no such file or directory

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct file or directory. 

Check for a possible typo. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: stale NFS file handle

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

The file or directory may have been moved or deleted from the server at the time you attempted to access it. 

Check with your system administrator. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: interrupted system call

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may have issued Control-c during the process of using the command. 

Reissue the command. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: I/O error

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

A hardware problem. 

Check your hardware connections. 

cachefspack: filename - can't pack file: no space left on device.

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You are out of disk space. 

You need to increase disk space. 

The cache is at maximum capacity. 

Increase the size of the cache. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file: permission denied

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct permissions to access the file or directory. 

Obtain the proper permissions. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file: no such file or directory

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may not have the correct file or directory. 

Check for a possible typo. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file: stale NFS file handle

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

The file or directory may have been moved or deleted from the server at the time you attempted to access it. 

Check with your system administrator. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file: interrupted system call

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You may have issued Control-c during the process of using the command. 

Reissue the command. 

cachefspack: filename - can't unpack file I/O error

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

A hardware problem. 

Check your hardware connections. 

cachefspack: only one `d', `i', `p', or `u' option allowed

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You entered more than one of the above options in a command session. 

Select one option for the command session. 

cachefspack: can't find environment variable.

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

You forgot to set a corresponding environment variable to match the $ in your configuration file.

Define the environment variable in the proper location. 

cachefspack: skipping LIST command - no active base

Reason Error Occurred 

How to Fix the Problem 

A LIST command is present in your configuration file that has no corresponding BASE command.

Define the BASE command.

CacheFS Statistics

CacheFS statistics enable you to:

These two pieces of information will help you determine the trade-off between your cache size and the desired performance of the cache.

The CacheFS statistics consist of three commands:


Specifies the location of the log file. This command also displays where the statistics are currently being logged, and enables you to halt logging. See cachefslog(1M) for more information.


Interprets the log file to give a recommended cache size. See cachefswssize(1M) for more information.


Displays statistical information about a specific file system or all cached file systems. The information provided in the output of this command is taken directly from the cache. See cachefsstat(1M) for more information.

Note -

The CacheFS statistics commands can be issued from any directory. You must be superuser to issue the cachefswssize(1M) command.

The statistics begin accumulating when you create the log file. When the work session length of time is up, stop the logging by using the cachefslog -h command, as described in "How to Stop the Logging Process".

Prerequisites for Setting Up and Viewing the CacheFS Statistics

Before using the CacheFS statistics commands, you must:

Note -

The following procedures are presented in a recommended order. The order is not required.

Setting Up CacheFS Statistics

Table 29-3 shows the steps involved in setting up CacheFS statistics.

Table 29-3 Setting Up CacheFS Statistics Task Map





For Instructions, Go To 


Set Up Logging 


Set up logging on a cached file system using the cachefslog command.


"How to Set Up the Logging Process"


Locate the Log File  


Locate the log file with the cachefslog command.


"How to Locate the Log File"


Stop the Logging Process 


Stop the logging process with the cachefslog command.


"How to Stop the Logging Process"


View the Cache Size 


View the cache size using the cachefswssize command.


"How to View the Working Set (Cache) Size"


View the Cache Statistics  


View the statistics using the cachefsstat command.


"How to View Cache Statistics"


CacheFS Logging

This section describes how to set up and view CacheFS logging.

How to Set Up the Logging Process

  1. Set up the logging process with the cachefslog command.

    $ cachefslog -f  log-file-path mount-point 


    Sets up the logging process. 


    Specifies the location of the log file. The log file is a standard file you create with an editor, such as vi. 


    Designates the mount point (cached file system) for which statistics are being collected.  

  2. Verify that you set up the log file correctly by using the cachefslog command, as follows:

    $ cachefslog mount-point

Example--Setting Up the Logging Process

The following example sets up the log file samlog to collect statistics about /home/sam. The location of samlog is /var/tmp/samlog.

$ cachefslog -f /var/tmp/samlog /home/sam
  /var/tmp/samlog: /home/sam
$ cachefslog /home/sam
/var/tmp/samlog: home/sam

How to Locate the Log File

You can also use the cachefslog(1M) command with no options to locate a log file for a particular mount point.

$ cachefslog mount-point 


Specifies the cached file system for which you want to view the statistics. 

Examples--Locating the Log File

The following example shows what you would see if a log file has been set up. The location of the log file is /var/tmp/stufflog.

$ cachefslog /home/stuff
	 /var/tmp/stufflog: /home/stuff

The following example shows that no log file has been set up for the specified file system.

$ cachefslog /home/zap
	not logged: /home/zap 

How to Stop the Logging Process

Use the -h option of the cachefslog(1M) command to stop the logging process.

$ cachefslog -h mount-point

Example--Stopping the Logging Process

The following example halts logging on /home/stuff.

$ cachefslog -h /home/stuff
not logged: /home/stuff

If you get a system response other than the one specified in the above example, you did not successfully stop the logging process. Check to see if you are using the correct log file name and mount point.

Viewing the Cache Size

You may want to check if you need to increase the size of the cache or determine what the ideal cache size is based on your activity since you last used the cachefslog(1M) command for a particular mount point.

How to View the Working Set (Cache) Size

  1. Become superuser.

  2. View the current and highest logged cache size with the cachefswssize(1M) command.

    # cachefswssize     log-file-path

Example--Viewing the Working Set (Cache) Size

In the following example, the end size is the size of the cache at the time you issued the cachefswssize command. The high water size is the largest size of the cache during the time frame in which logging has occurred.

# cachefswssize /var/tmp/samlog
	       end size:  10688k
	high water size:  10704k
	       end size:   1736k
	high water size:   1736k
	       end size:    128k
	high water size:    128k
	       end size:   1472k
	high water size:   1472k
	       end size:   7168k
	high water size:   7168k
	       end size:   4688k
	high water size:   5000k
	       end size:   4992k
	high water size:   4992k
    total for cache
	   initial size: 110960k
	       end size:  30872k
	high water size:  30872k

Viewing the Statistics

You may want to view certain information about a specific cached file system. The following table explains the terminology displayed in the statistics output.

Table 29-4 Statistics Output Terminology

Output Term 


hit rate

The rate of cache hits versus cache misses, followed by the actual number of hits and misses. A cache hit occurs when the user wants to perform an operation on a file or files, and the file or files are actually in the cache. A cache miss occurs when the file was not in the cache. The load on the server is the sum of cache misses, consistency checks, and modifications (modifies). 


The number of consistency checks performed, followed by the number that passed, and the number that failed. 


The number of modify operations; for example, writes or creates. 

How to View Cache Statistics

View the statistics with the cachefsstat(1M) command. You can do this at any time. For example, you do not have to set up logging in order to view the statistics.

$ cachefsstat mount-point


Specifies the cached file system for which you want to view the statistics. 

If you do not specify the mount point, statistics for all mounted CacheFS file systems will be displayed.

Example--Viewing Cache Statistics

$ cachefsstat /home/sam
	cache hit rate: 73% (1234 hits, 450 misses)
	consistency checks: 700 (650 pass, 50 fail)
	modifies: 321

The Cache Structure and Behavior

Each cache has a set of parameters that determines how it behaves and its structure. The parameters are set to default values which are listed in Table 29-5. The default values specify that the entire front file system is used for caching, which is the recommended method of caching file systems.

Table 29-5 Cache Parameters and Their Default Values

Cache Parameter 

Default Value 




Sets the maximum number of blocks that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. 



Sets the minimum number of blocks that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. 



Sets the number of blocks that must be available in the front file system before CacheFS can claim more than the blocks specified by minblocks. 



Sets the maximum number of available inodes (number of files) that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. 



Sets the minimum number of available inodes (number of files) that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. 



Sets the number of inodes (number of files) that must be available in the front file system before CacheFS can claim more than the files specified in minfiles. 

Typically, you should not change any of these parameter values. They are set to default values to achieve optimal cache behavior. However, you may want to modify the maxblocks and maxfiles settings if you have some room in the front file system that is not used by the cache, and you wish to use it for some other file system. You do this using the cfsadmin(1M) command. For example:

$ cfsadmin -o maxblocks=60

Consistency Checking of Cached File Systems With the Back File System

To ensure that the cached directories and files are kept up to date, CacheFS periodically checks consistency of files stored in the cache. To check consistency, CacheFS compares the current modification time to the previous modification time. If the modification times are different, all data and attributes for the directory or file are purged from the cache and new data and attributes are retrieved from the back file system.

When a user requests an operation on a directory or file, CacheFS checks if it is time to verify consistency. If it is, CacheFS obtains the modification time from the back file system and performs the comparison.

Consistency Checking on Demand

By specifying the demandconst option of the mount(1M) command, consistency checks can be performed only when you explicitly request them for file systems mounted with this option. After specifying the demandconst option when you mount a file system in a cache, you use the cfsadmin command with the -s option to request a consistency check. By default, consistency checking is performed file by file as the files are accessed. If no files are accessed, no checks are performed. Use of the demandconst option will avoid the situation where the network is flooded with consistency checks. For more information about consistency checking on demand, refer to the cfsadmin command.

Chapter 30 Configuring Additional Swap Space (Tasks)

This is a list of the overview conceptual information and step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

About Swap Space

This section provides a conceptual overview of swap space and briefly discusses the differences between Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.x) and Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x) swap requirements. If you are already familiar with the Solaris 2.x swap mechanism, proceed to the section called "Planning for Swap Space".

It is important for administrators to understand the features of the Solaris 2.x swap mechanism in determining:

Swap Space and Virtual Memory

The Solaris 2.x system software uses some disk slices for temporary storage rather than for file systems. These slices are called swap slices. Swap slices are used as virtual memory storage areas when the system does not have enough physical memory to handle current processes.

The Solaris 2.x virtual memory system maps physical copies of files on disk to virtual addresses in memory. Physical memory pages which contain the data for these mappings can be backed by regular files in the file system, or by swap space. If the memory is backed by swap space it is referred to as anonymous memory because the user doesn't know the names of the files backing the memory.

Solaris 1.x anonymous memory pages are mapped using randomly assigned names from the system's swap space pool. These memory pages are used for:

The limitations of the Solaris 1.x anonymous memory implementation are:

The Solaris 2.x software environment introduces the concept of virtual swap space, a layer between anonymous memory pages and the physical storage (or disk-backed swap space) that actually back these pages. A system's virtual swap space is equal to the sum of all its physical (disk-backed) swap space plus a portion of the currently available physical memory.

Virtual swap space has these advantages:

Swap Space and the TMPFS File System

The TMPFS file system is activated automatically in the Solaris 2.x environment by an entry in the /etc/vfstab file. The TMPFS file system stores files and their associated information in memory (in the /tmp directory) rather than on disk, which speeds access to those files. This results in a major performance enhancement for applications such as compilers and DBMS products that use /tmp heavily.

The TMPFS file system allocates space in the /tmp directory from the system's swap resources. This means that as you use up space in /tmp, you are also using up swap space. So if your applications use /tmp heavily and you do not monitor swap space usage, your system could run out of swap space.

Use the following if you want to use TMPFS but your swap resources are limited:

How Do I Know If I Need More Swap Space?

This section lists several possible error messages displayed when you run out of swap space.

Swap-Related Error Messages

These messages indicate that an application was trying to get more anonymous memory and there was no swap space left to back it.

application is out of memory
malloc error O
WARNING: Sorry, no swap space to grow stack for pid

TMPFS-Related Error Messages

directory: File system full, swap space limit exceeded

This message is displayed if a page could not be allocated when writing a file. This can occur when TMPFS tries to write more than it is allowed or if currently executed programs are using a lot of memory.

directory: File system full, memory allocation failed

This messages means TMPFS ran out of physical memory while attempting to create a new file or directory.

See TMPFS(7FS) for information on recovering from the TMPFS-related error messages.

How Swap Space Is Allocated

Initially, swap space is allocated as part of the Solaris installation process. If you use the installation program's automatic layout of disk slices and do not manually change the size of the swap slice, the Solaris installation program allocates default swap slices as shown in Table 30-1.

Table 30-1 Default Swap Space Allocations

If Your System Has n Mbytes of Physical Memory ...

Then the Default Swap Space Allocated Is ... 


32 Mbytes 


64 Mbytes 


128 Mbytes 

greater than 512 

256 Mbytes 

The /etc/vfstab File

After the system is installed, swap slices and files are listed in the /etc/vfstab file and are activated by the /sbin/swapadd script when the system is booted.

An entry for a swap device in the /etc/vfstab file contains:

Because the file system containing a swap file must be mounted before the swap file is activated, make sure that the entry that mounts the file system comes before the entry that activates the swap file in the /etc/vfstab file.

Planning for Swap Space

The most important factors in determining swap space size are the requirements of the system's software applications. For example, large applications such as computer-aided-design simulators, database-management products, transaction monitors, and geologic analysis systems can consume as much as 200-1000 Mbytes of swap space in very large memory systems.

Consult your application vendor for swap space requirements for any application whose data files typically exceed 10-20 Mbytes in size.

If you are unable to determine swap space requirements from the application vendor, use the following guidelines to allocate swap space:

Monitoring Swap Resources

The /usr/sbin/swap command is used to manage swap areas. Two options, -l and -s, are used to display information about swap resources.

Use the swap -l command to identify a system's swap areas. Activated swap devices or files are listed under the swapfile column.

# swap -l
swapfile           dev  swaplo blocks   free
/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s1 32,17      8 205624 192704

Use the swap -s command to monitor swap resources.

# swap -s
total: 10492k bytes allocated + 7840k reserved = 18332k used, \
21568k available

The used plus available figures equals total swap space on the system, which includes a portion of physical memory and swap devices (or files).

You can use the amount of swap space available and used (in the swap -s output) as a way to monitor swap space usage over time. If a system's performance is good, use swap -s to see how much swap space is available. When the performance of a system slows down, check the amount of swap space available to see if it has decreased. Then you can identify what changes to the system might have caused swap space usage to increase.

Keep in mind when using this command that the amount of physical memory available for swap usage changes dynamically as the kernel and user processes lock down and release physical memory.

Note -

The swap -l command displays swap space in 512-byte blocks and the swap -s command displays swap space in 1024-byte blocks. If you add up the blocks from swap -l and convert them to Kbytes, it will be less than used + available (in the swap -s output) because swap -l does not include physical memory in its calculation of swap space.

The output from the swap -s command is summarized in Table 30-2.

Table 30-2 Output of the swap -s Command



bytes allocated

The total amount of swap space in 1024-byte blocks that is currently allocated as backing store (disk-backed swap space). 


The total amount of swap space in 1024-byte blocks not currently allocated, but claimed by memory for possible future use. 


The total amount of swap space in 1024-byte blocks that is either allocated or reserved. 


The total amount of swap space in 1024-byte blocks that is currently available for future reservation and allocation. 

Adding More Swap Space

As system configurations change and new software packages are installed, you might need to add more swap space. The preferred way to add more swap space is to use the mkfile and swap commands to designate a part of an existing UFS or NFS file system as a supplementary swap area. These commands, described below, enable you to add more swap space without repartitioning a disk.

An alternative way to add more swap space is to repartition a disk. See Chapter 21, Disk Management (Overview) for information on how to repartition a disk.

Creating a Swap File

The following general steps are involved in creating a swap file:

The mkfile Command

The mkfile command creates a file that is suitable for use either as an NFS-mounted or local swap area. The sticky bit is set, and the file is padded with zeros. You can specify the size of the swap file in bytes (the default) or in kilobytes, blocks, or megabytes using the k, b, or m suffixes, respectively.

Table 30-3 shows the options to the mkfile command.

Table 30-3 Options to the mkfile Command




Creates an empty file. The size is noted, but the disk blocks are not allocated until data is written to them. 


Verbose. Reports the names and sizes of created files. 

Caution - Caution -

Use the -n option only when creating an NFS swap file.

How to Create a Swap File and Make It Available

  1. Become superuser.

    You can create a swap file without root permissions, but it is a good idea for root to be the owner of the swap file to avoid accidental overwriting.

  2. Create the swap file.

    # mkfile nnn[k|b|m] filename

    The swap file of the size nnn (in Kbytes, bytes, or Mbytes) and name you specify is created.

  3. Activate the swap file.

    # /usr/sbin/swap -a /path/filename

    You must use the absolute path name to specify the swap file. The swap file is added and available until the file system is unmounted or the system is rebooted.

  4. Add an entry for the swap file to the /etc/vfstab file that specifies the full path name of the file, and designates swap as the file system type, like this:

    /path/filename   -      -       swap     -     no     -
  5. Verify that the swap file is added.

    /usr/sbin/swap -l

Example--Creating a Swap File and Making It Available

The following examples shows how to create a 24 Mbyte swap file called /files/swapfiles.

# mkfile 24m /files/swapfile
swap -a /files/swapfile
# vi /etc/vfstab
(An entry is added for the swap file):
/files/swapfile   -      -       swap     -     no     -
# swap -l
swapfile             dev  swaplo blocks   free
/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s1   32,17      8 205624 192704
/files/swapfile       -        8  40952  40952

Removing a Swap File From Use

If the user no longer needs the extra swap space, you can remove it.

How to Remove Extra Swap Space

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Use the swap -d command to remove swap space.

    # /usr/sbin/swap -d /path/filename

    The swap file name is removed from the list so that it is no longer available for swapping. The file itself is not deleted.

  3. Edit the /etc/vfstab file and delete the entry for the swap file.

  4. Recover the disk space so that you can use it for something else.

    # rm swap-filename

    If the swap space is a file, remove it. Or, if the swap space is on a separate slice and you are sure you will not need it again, make a new file system and mount the file system.

    See Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks) for more information.

Example--Removing Extra Swap Space

The following examples shows how to delete the /files/swapfile swap file.

# swap -d /files/swapfile
# swap -l
swapfile             dev  swaplo  blocks   free
/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s1   32,17      8  205624  192720

Chapter 31 Checking File System Integrity

This is a list of the conceptual information and step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

See Chapter 73, Troubleshooting File System Problems for information about fsck error messages.

The UFS file system relies on an internal set of tables to keep track of inodes used and available blocks. When these internal tables are not properly synchronized with data on a disk, inconsistencies result and file systems need to be repaired.

File systems can be damaged or become inconsistent because of abrupt termination of the operating system in these ways:

File system corruption, while serious, is not common. When a system is booted, a file system consistency check is automatically performed (with the fsck program). Most of the time, this file system check repairs problems it encounters.

This chapter describes what the fsck program checks, and repairs and the fsck options. It also describes the following tasks:

The fsck error messages are covered in Chapter 73, Troubleshooting File System Problems.

The fsck program places files and directories that are allocated but unreferenced in the lost+found directory. The inode number of each file is assigned as the name. If the lost+found directory does not exist, fsck creates it. If there is not enough space in the lost+found directory, fsck increases its size.

Understanding How the File System State Is Recorded

The fsck command uses a state flag, which is stored in the superblock, to record the condition of the file system. This flag is used by the fsck command to determine whether or not a file system needs to be checked for consistency. The flag is used by the /sbin/rcS script during booting and by the fsck command when run from a command line using the -m option. If you ignore the result from the -m option to fsck, all file systems can be checked regardless of the setting of the state flag.

The possible state flag values are described in Table 31-1.

Table 31-1 State Flag Values

State Flag Value 



If the file system was unmounted properly, the state flag is set to FSCLEAN. Any file system with an FSCLEAN state flag is not checked when the system is booted.



The file system is (or was) mounted but has not changed since the last checkpoint (sync or fsflush) which normally occurs every 30 seconds. For example, the kernel periodically checks if a file system is idle and, if so, flushes the information in the superblock back to the disk and marks it FSSTABLE. If the system crashes, the file system structure is stable, but users may lose a small amount of data. File systems that are marked FSSTABLE can skip the checking before mounting. The mount(2) system call will not mount a file system for read/write if the file system state is not FSCLEAN or FSSTABLE.


When a file system is mounted and then modified, the state flag is set to FSACTIVE. The file system may contain inconsistencies. A file system will be marked as FSACTIVE before any modified metadata is written to the disk. When a file system is unmounted gracefully, the state flag is set to FSCLEAN. A file system with the FSACTIVE flag must be checked by fsck because it may be inconsistent.


If the root (/) file system is mounted when its state is not FSCLEAN or FSSTABLE, the state flag is set to FSBAD. The kernel will not change this file system state to FSCLEAN or FSSTABLE. If a root (/) file system is flagged FSBAD as part of the boot process, it will be mounted read-only. You can run fsck on the raw root device. Then remount the root (/) file system as read/write.

Table 31-2 shows when the state flag is modified.

Table 31-2 When the State Flag is Modified

Before fsck

After fsck




Initial State 


No Errors 

New State- All Errors Corrected 


Uncorrected Errors 





















What fsck Checks and Tries to Repair

This section describes what happens in the normal operation of a file system, what can go wrong, what problems fsck (the checking and repair utility) looks for, and how it corrects the inconsistencies it finds.

Why Inconsistencies May Occur

Every working day hundreds of files may be created, modified, and removed. Each time a file is modified, the operating system performs a series of file system updates. These updates, when written to the disk reliably, yield a consistent file system.

When a user program does an operation to change the file system, such as a write, the data to be written is first copied into an internal in-core buffer in the kernel. Normally, the disk update is handled asynchronously; the user process is allowed to proceed even though the data write may not happen until long after the write system call has returned. Thus at any given time, the file system, as it resides on the disk, lags behind the state of the file system represented by the in-core information.

The disk information is updated to reflect the in-core information when the buffer is required for another use or when the kernel automatically runs the fsflush daemon (at 30-second intervals). If the system is halted without writing out the in-core information, the file system on the disk will be in an inconsistent state.

A file system can develop inconsistencies in several ways. The most common causes are operator error and hardware failures.

Problems may result from an unclean halt, if a system is shut down improperly, or when a mounted file system is taken offline improperly. To prevent unclean halts, the current state of the file systems must be written to disk (that is, "synchronized") before halting the CPU, physically taking a disk pack out of a drive, or taking a disk offline.

Inconsistencies can also result from defective hardware. Blocks can become damaged on a disk drive at any time, or a disk controller can stop functioning correctly.

The UFS Components That Are Checked for Consistency

This section describes the kinds of consistency checks the fsck applies to these UFS file system components: superblock, cylinder group blocks, inodes, indirect blocks, and data blocks.


The superblock stores summary information, which is the most commonly corrupted item in a UFS file system. Each change to the file system inodes or data blocks also modifies the superblock. If the CPU is halted and the last command is not a sync command, the superblock will almost certainly be corrupted.

The superblock is checked for inconsistencies in:

File System and Inode List Size

The file system size must be larger than the number of blocks used by the superblock and the number of blocks used by the list of inodes. The number of inodes must be less than the maximum number allowed for the file system. The file system size and layout information are the most critical pieces of information for fsck. Although there is no way to actually check these sizes, because they are statically determined when the file system is created, fsck can check that the sizes are within reasonable bounds. All other file system checks require that these sizes be correct. If fsck detects corruption in the static parameters of the primary superblock, it requests the operator to specify the location of an alternate superblock.

Free Blocks

Free blocks are stored in the cylinder group block maps. fsck checks that all the blocks marked as free are not claimed by any files. When all the blocks have been accounted for, fsck checks to see if the number of free blocks plus the number of blocks claimed by the inodes equal the total number of blocks in the file system. If anything is wrong with the block allocation maps, fsck rebuilds them, leaving out blocks already allocated.

The summary information in the superblock contains a count of the total number of free blocks within the file system. The fsck program compares this count to the number of free blocks it finds within the file system. If the counts do not agree, fsck replaces the count in the superblock with the actual free-block count.

Free Inodes

The summary information in the superblock contains a count of the free inodes within the file system. The fsck program compares this count to the number of free inodes it finds within the file system. If the counts do not agree, fsck replaces the count in the superblock with the actual free inode count.


The list of inodes is checked sequentially starting with inode 2 (inode 0 and inode 1 are reserved). Each inode is checked for inconsistencies in:

Format and Type of Inodes

Each inode contains a mode word, which describes the type and state of the inode. Inodes may be one of six types:

Inodes may be in one of three states:

When the file system is created, a fixed number of inodes are set aside, but they are not allocated until they are needed. An allocated inode is one that points to a file. An unallocated inode does not point to a file and, therefore, should be empty. The partially allocated state means that the inode is incorrectly formatted. An inode can get into this state if, for example, bad data is written into the inode list because of a hardware failure. The only corrective action fsck can take is to clear the inode.

Link Count

Each inode contains a count of the number of directory entries linked to it. The fsck program verifies the link count of each inode by examining the entire directory structure, starting from the root directory, and calculating an actual link count for each inode.

Discrepancies between the link count stored in the inode and the actual link count as determined by fsck may be of three types:

Duplicate Blocks

Each inode contains a list, or pointers to lists (indirect blocks), of all the blocks claimed by the inode. Because indirect blocks are owned by an inode, inconsistencies in indirect blocks directly affect the inode that owns the indirect block.

The fsck program compares each block number claimed by an inode to a list of allocated blocks. If another inode already claims a block number, the block number is put on a list of duplicate blocks. Otherwise, the list of allocated blocks is updated to include the block number.

If there are any duplicate blocks, fsck makes a second pass of the inode list to find the other inode that claims each duplicate block. (A large number of duplicate blocks in an inode may be caused by an indirect block not being written to the file system.) It is not possible to determine with certainty which inode is in error. The fsck program prompts you to choose which inode should be kept and which should be cleared.

Bad Block Numbers

The fsck program checks each block number claimed by an inode to see that its value is higher than that of the first data block and lower than that of the last data block in the file system. If the block number is outside this range, it is considered a bad block number.

Bad block numbers in an inode may be caused by an indirect block not being written to the file system. The fsck program prompts you to clear the inode.

Inode Size

Each inode contains a count of the number of data blocks that it references. The number of actual data blocks is the sum of the allocated data blocks and the indirect blocks. fsck computes the number of data blocks and compares that block count against the number of blocks the inode claims. If an inode contains an incorrect count, fsck prompts you to fix it.

Each inode contains a 64-bit size field. This field shows the number of characters (data bytes) in the file associated with the inode. A rough check of the consistency of the size field of an inode is done by using the number of characters shown in the size field to calculate how many blocks should be associated with the inode, and then comparing that to the actual number of blocks claimed by the inode.

Indirect Blocks

Indirect blocks are owned by an inode. Therefore, inconsistencies in an indirect block affect the inode that owns it. Inconsistencies that can be checked are:

The consistency checks are also performed for indirect blocks.

Data Blocks

An inode can directly or indirectly reference three kinds of data blocks. All referenced blocks must be of the same kind. The three types of data blocks are:

Plain data blocks contain the information stored in a file. Symbolic-link data blocks contain the path name stored in a symbolic link. Directory data blocks contain directory entries. fsck can check the validity only of directory data blocks.

Directories are distinguished from regular files by an entry in the mode field of the inode. Data blocks associated with a directory contain the directory entries. Directory data blocks are checked for inconsistencies involving:

Directory Unallocated

If the inode number in a directory data block points to an unallocated inode, fsck removes the directory entry. This condition can occur if the data blocks containing the directory entries are modified and written out but the inode does not get written out. This condition can occur if the CPU is halted without warning.

Bad Inode Number

If a directory entry inode number points beyond the end of the inode list, fsck removes the directory entry. This condition can occur when bad data is written into a directory data block.

Incorrect "." and ".." Entries

The directory inode number entry for "." must be the first entry in the directory data block. It must reference itself; that is, its value must be equal to the inode number for the directory data block.

The directory inode number entry for ".." must be the second entry in the directory data block. Its value must be equal to the inode number of the parent directory (or the inode number of itself if the directory is the root directory).

If the directory inode numbers for "." and ".." are incorrect, fsck replaces them with the correct values. If there are multiple hard links to a directory, the first one found is considered the real parent to which ".." should point. In this case, fsck recommends you have it delete the other names.

Disconnected Directories

The fsck program checks the general connectivity of the file system. If a directory is found that is not linked to the file system, fsck links the directory to the lost+found directory of the file system. (This condition can occur when inodes are written to the file system but the corresponding directory data blocks are not.)

Regular Data Blocks

Data blocks associated with a regular file hold the contents of the file. fsck does not attempt to check the validity of the contents of a regular file's data blocks.

Modifying Automatic Boot Checking

During boot up, a preliminary check on each file system to be mounted from a hard disk is run using the boot script /sbin/rcS, which checks the root (/) and /usr file systems. The other rc shell scripts then use the fsck command to check each additional file system sequentially. They do not check file systems in parallel. File systems are checked sequentially during booting even if the fsck pass numbers are greater than one.

The /etc/vfstab File

When you run the commands for checking and mounting file systems without specifying a file system directly, the commands step through the file system table (/etc/vfstab) using the information specified in the various fields. The fsck pass field specifies information for file system checking. The mount at boot field specifies information for mounting the file system at boot time.

When you create new file systems, add entries to /etc/vfstab indicating whether they are to be checked and mounted at boot time. See Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks) for more information about adding entries to the /etc/vfstab file.

Information in the /etc/vfstab file is specific for the slices and file systems for each system. Here is an example of an /etc/vfstab file:

$ more /etc/vfstab
#device         device          mount           FS      fsck    mount    mount
#to mount       to fsck         point           type    pass    at boot  options
#/dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c1d0s2 /usr          ufs     1       yes     -
/proc           -               /proc           proc    -       no      -
fd              -               /dev/fd         fd      -       no      -
swap            -               /tmp            tmpfs   -       yes     -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 /          ufs     1       no      -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 -                  -          swap    -       no      -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 /usr       ufs     2       no      -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 /opt       ufs     3       yes     -
pluto:/export/svr4/man -    /usr/man        nfs     no      yes     -

Table 31-3 describes the function of the fsck pass field.

Table 31-3 fsck pass Field

If the fsck pass Field is Set To ...

Then ... 


- (hyphen)

The generic fsck command will not check the file system regardless of the state of the file system.

Use a hyphen for read-only file systems, remote file systems, or pseudo file systems, such as /proc, to which checking does not apply.

0 or greater

The file system specific fsck command is called.

When the value is greater for UFS file systems, the file system is not checked. 

1 or greater and fsck -o p is used

The file system specific fsck automatically checks UFS file systems in parallel.

The value can be any number greater than 1.  

In preen mode, fsck allows only one active file system check per disk, starting a new check only after the previous one is completed. fsck automatically uses the major and minor numbers of the devices on which the file systems reside to determine how to check file systems on different disks at the same time.

When the fsck pass number is 1, file systems are checked sequentially, in the order they appear in the /etc/vfstab file. Usually, the root (/) file system has the fsck pass set to 1.

Note -

fsck does not use the fsck pass number to determine the sequence of file system checking.

How to Modify Automatic Checking Done During Booting

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Edit /etc/vfstab entries in the fsck pass field, and save the changes.

    The next time the system is booted, the new values are used.

Interactively Checking and Repairing a UFS File System

You may need to interactively check file systems:

When an in-use file system develops inconsistencies, error messages may be displayed in the console window or the system may crash.

Before using fsck, you may want to refer to "Syntax and Options for the fsck Command" and Chapter 73, Troubleshooting File System Problems for more information.

How to See If a File System Needs Checking

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Check the file system.

    # fsck -m /dev/rdsk/device-name

    In this command, the state flag in the superblock of the file system you specify is checked to see whether the file system is clean or requires checking.

    If you omit the device argument, all the UFS file systems listed in /etc/vfstab with a fsck pass value greater than 0 are checked.

Example--Seeing If a File System Needs Checking

In this example, the first file system needs checking; the second file system does not:

# fsck -m /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6
** /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6
ufs fsck: sanity check: /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 needs checking
# fsck -m /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7
** /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7
ufs fsck: sanity check: /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 okay

How to Check File Systems Interactively

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Unmount the local file system except root (/) and /usr.

    # umountall -l
  3. Check the file system.

    # fsck

    All file systems in the /etc/vfstab file with entries in the fsck pass field greater than zero are checked. You can also specify the mount point directory or /dev/rdsk/device-name as arguments to fsck. Any inconsistency messages are displayed. See Chapter 73, Troubleshooting File System Problems for information about how to respond to the error message prompts to interactively check one or more UFS file systems.

  4. If you corrected any errors, type fsck and press Return.

    fsck may not be able to fix all errors in one execution. If you see the message FILE SYSTEM STATE NOT SET TO OKAY, run the command again. If that does not work, see "How to Fix a UFS File System fsck Cannot Repair".

  5. Rename and move any files put in the lost+found directory.

    Individual files put in the lost+found directory by fsck are renamed with their inode numbers. If possible, rename the files and move them where they belong. You may be able to use the grep command to match phrases with individual files and the file command to identify file types. When whole directories are dumped into lost+found, it is easier to figure out where they belong and move them back.

Example--Checking File Systems Interactively

In this example, /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 is checked and the incorrect block count is corrected:

# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6
checkfilesys: /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6
** Phase 1 - Check Block and Sizes
INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=2529 (6 should be 2)
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Cylinder Groups
929 files, 8928 used, 2851 free (75 frags, 347 blocks, 0.6%
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 FILE SYSTEM STATE SET TO OKAY

Preening UFS File Systems

The preen option to fsck (fsck -o p) checks UFS file systems and automatically fixes the simple problems that normally result from an unexpected system halt. It exits immediately if it encounters a problem that requires operator intervention. The preen option also permits parallel checking of file systems.

You can run fsck with the -o p option to preen the file systems after an unclean halt. In this mode, fsck does not look at the clean flag and does a full check. These actions are a subset of the actions that fsck takes when it runs interactively.

How to Preen a File System

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Unmount the file system.

    # umount mount-point
  3. Check a UFS file system with the preen option.

    # fsck -o p /dev/rdsk/device-name

    You can preen individual file systems by using mount-point or /dev/rdsk/device-name as arguments to fsck.

Example--Preening a File System

The /usr file system is preened in this example.

# fsck -o p /usr

Restoring a Bad Superblock

When the superblock of a file system becomes damaged, you must restore it. fsck tells you when a superblock is bad. Fortunately, redundant copies of the superblock are stored within a file system. You can use fsck -o b to replace the superblock with one of the copies.

How to Restore a Bad Superblock

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Change to a directory outside the damaged file system.

  3. Unmount the file system.

    # umount mount-point

    Caution - Caution -

    Be sure to use the -N option with newfs in the next step. If you omit the -N option, you will create a new, empty file system.

  4. Display the superblock values with the newfs -N command.

    # newfs -N /dev/rdsk/device-name

    The output of this command displays the block numbers that were used for the superblock copies when newfs created the file system.

  5. Provide an alternative superblock with the fsck command.

    # fsck -F ufs -o b=block-number /dev/rdsk/device-name

    fsck uses the alternative superblock you specify to restore the primary superblock. You can always try 32 as an alternative block, or use any of the alternative blocks shown by newfs -N.

Example--Restoring a Bad Superblock

In this example, superblock copy 5264 is restored for the /files7 file system:

# cd /
# umount /files7
# newfs -N /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7: 163944 sectors in 506 cylinders of 9 tracks, 36 sectors
 83.9MB in 32 cyl groups (16 c/g, 2.65MB/g, 1216 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 5264, 10496, 15728, 20960, 26192, 31424, 36656, 41888,
 47120, 52352, 57584, 62816, 68048, 73280, 78512, 82976, 88208,
 93440, 98672, 103904, 109136, 114368, 119600, 124832, 130064, 135296,
 140528, 145760, 150992, 156224, 161456,
# fsck -F ufs -o b=5264 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7
Alternate superblock location: 5264.
** /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7
** Last Mounted on
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
36 files, 867 used, 75712 free (16 frags, 9462 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 FILE SYSTEM STATE SET TO OKAY

If the superblock in the root (/) file system becomes damaged and you cannot boot the system, reinstall /kernel/unix and rebuild the root (/) file system with newfs. Because a superblock is created by the newfs command, you do not need to restore it.

How to Fix a UFS File System fsck Cannot Repair

Sometimes you need to run fsck a few times to fix a file system because problems corrected on one pass may uncover other problems not found in earlier passes. fsck does not keep running until it comes up clean, so you must rerun it manually.

Pay attention to the information displayed by fsck. It may help you fix the problem. For example, the messages may point to a bad directory. If you delete the directory, you may find that fsck runs cleanly.

If fsck still cannot repair the file system, you can try to use the fsdb, ff, clri, and ncheck commands to figure out and fix what is wrong. See fsdb(1M), ff(1M), clri(1M), and ncheck(1M) for information about how to use these commands. You may, ultimately, need to re-create the file system and restore its contents from backup media. See Chapter 35, Restoring Files and File Systems (Tasks) for information about restoring complete file systems.

If you cannot fully repair a file system but you can mount it read-only, try using cp, tar, or cpio to retrieve all or part of the data from the file system.

If hardware disk errors are causing the problem, you may need to reformat and divide the disk into slices again before re-creating and restoring file systems. Hardware errors usually display the same error again and again across different commands. The format(1M) command tries to work around bad blocks on the disk. If the disk is too severely damaged, however, the problems may persist, even after reformatting. See format(1M) for information about using the format command. See Chapter 23, SPARC: Adding a Disk (Tasks) or Chapter 24, x86: Adding a Disk (Tasks) for information about installing a new disk.

Syntax and Options for the fsck Command

The fsck command checks and repairs inconsistencies in file systems. It has four options:

Generic fsck Command Syntax, Options, and Arguments

The fsck command has two components: a generic component and a component specific to each type of file system. The generic commands apply to most types of file systems, while the specific commands apply to only one type of file system. You should always use the generic command, which calls the file system-specific command, as needed.

Usually, you must be superuser to run fsck. You can run the fsck command without being superuser; but to make repairs, you should unmount the file system and you must have read permission for the raw device file for the slice (a potential security hole).

The generic fsck command goes through /etc/vfstab to see what file systems to check. It runs the appropriate file system-specific fsck command on each file system listed, except those excluded by an fsck pass number of - or 0 (UFS only).

The generic fsck command has the following syntax:

/usr/sbin/fsck [-F type] [-V] [-m] [special]
/usr/sbin/fsck [-F type] [-V] -[y|Y]|[n|N] [-o specific-options][special]

Table 31-4 describes the options and arguments to the generic fsck command.

Table 31-4 The fsck Command Options and Arguments

Option Type 





Specifies the file system type (type). If type is not specified on the command line, it is obtained from /etc/vfstab by matching an entry in that file with the special device name specified. If no entry is found, the default local file system type specified in /etc/default/fs is used.



Echoes the completed command line (verbose). The echoed line includes additional information derived from /etc/vfstab. This option can be used to verify and validate the command line. It does not execute the command.



Performs a preliminary check only. It returns a code indicating the state of the file system: 0 for "clean" and 32 for "dirty." This option is used by the startup script /sbin/rcS to determine whether a file system needs to be checked.


-y or -Yor -n or -N

Runs the command automatically answering yes or no to all prompts. 



Converts an old format file system with statically allocated tables to new format dynamically allocated tables. Static allocation imposes a hard maximum on table size, while dynamic allocation means space for tables can be added as needed after the initial allocation. If the file system is in the new format, convert it to the old format, unless the table allocation exceeds the fixed maximum allowed in the old format. fsck lists the direction of the conversion. In interactive mode, fsck prompts for confirmation before doing the conversion. When you use the -o p option, the conversion is attempted without asking for confirmation. This option is useful when you want to covert a number of file systems at once. You can determine whether a file system is in the old or new format by running the fstyp(1M) command, and looking at the first line displayed.



Checks only file systems that permit write access. 



Specifies the mount point or raw device name of one or more file systems. An entry for the mount point must exist in /etc/vfstab. If you omit the special argument, entries in /etc/vfstab with a specified fsck device and a fsck pass number greater than zero are checked. If preening (-o p) is in effect and more than one entry has an fsck pass number greater than 1, file systems on different disks are checked in parallel.



This is a comma-separated list of options that follow the -o option. Describes the options that are passed to the UFS-specific fsck command for interpretation.



Preens. Runs the command automatically in silent mode, correcting what it can, but exiting when it encounters a problem that requires intervention. This option also enables parallel checking of UFS file systems. 



Uses the alternative (redundant) superblock, located at the specified location. This option can be used to repair a bad superblock. You can display a list of alternative superblocks by using the newfs -N command.

Chapter 32 File System Reference

This is a list of the reference information in this chapter.

Default Directories for root (/) and /usr File Systems

Starting with the Solaris 2.5 release, kernel modules and commands that are platform dependent have moved to new locations. The /kernel directory now contains only platform-independent objects, including a platform-independent kernel, genunix. See Table 32-2 for a description of /platform and /usr/platform, the platform-dependent directories.

Table 32-1 describes all the directories contained in the default root (/) and /usr file systems.

Table 32-1 Default Directories for root (/) and /usr File Systems



Directories in the root (/) file system:


Root of the overall file system name space 


Primary location for special files 


Block disk devices 


pty slave devices


Raw disk devices 


Raw tape devices 


Entry points for the STREAMS Administrative Driver 


Terminal devices 


Host-specific system administrative configuration files and databases 


Accounting system configuration information 


Configuration information for cron


Defaults information for various programs 


Configuration information for exported file systems 


Binaries organized by file system types for operations required before /usr is mounted.


Configuration files for Internet services 


Scripts for changing between run levels 


Configuration information for the printer subsystem 


Mail subsystem configuration 


Configuration information for TI (transport- independent) network services 


Configuration information for optional packages 


Scripts for entering/leaving run level 0 


Scripts for entering/leaving run level 1 


Scripts for entering/leaving run level 2 


Scripts for entering/leaving run level 3 


Scripts for bringing the system up in single user mode 


Service access facility files (including FIFOs) 


Default profile scripts for new user accounts 


Status monitor information 


Backup copy of status monitor information 


Trademark files; contents displayed at boot time 


uucp configuration information


Default root of the exported file system tree 


Default root of a subtree for user directories 


Subtree of platform-independent loadable kernel modules required as part of the boot process. It includes the generic part of the core kernel that is platform independent, /kernel/genunix. See Table 32-2 for the /platform and /usr/platform directory structure.


Convenient, temporary mount point for file systems 


Root of a subtree for add-on application packages 


Mount/installation point for unbundled language products 


Essential executables used in the booting process and in manual system failure recovery 


Standalone programs 


Temporary files; cleared during boot sequence 


Mount point for /usr file system


Root of a subtree of varying files 


System logging and accounting files 


Default depository for kernel crash dumps 


cron's log file


Line printer subsystem logging information  


Directory where users' mail is kept 


Community service messages (note: not the same as USENET-style news)


NIS+ databases 


Root of a subtree for varying files associated with software packages 


Backup files for vi and ex


Databases maintained by the software package management utilities 


saf (service access facility) logging and accounting files


Directories for spooled temporary files 


cron and at spool files


Spooling lock files 


Line printer spool files 


Mail queued for delivery 


Spooled packages 


Queued uucp jobs


Files deposited by uucp


Directory for temporary files; not cleared during boot sequence 


c log and status files 


NIS databases (for backwards compatibility with NIS and unnecessary after full transition to NIS+) 



Directories in the /usr file system


Location for standard system commands 


Demo programs and data 


An empty directory, which is a remnant of the SunOS 4.x software 


Header files (for C programs, etc.) 


Additional modules 


Implementation architecture-specific binaries and libraries 


Various program libraries, architecture-dependent databases, and binaries not invoked directly by the user 


Accounting scripts and binaries 


Scheduling class-specific directories containing executables for priocntl and dispadmin commands


troff font description files


File system type-dependent modules; not invoked directly by the user 


Conversion tables for iconv(1)


Profiled libraries 


Internationalization localization databases 


Line printer subsystem databases and back-end executables 


Auxiliary programs for the mail subsystem


Internet network services 


Auxiliary programs and daemons related to NFS 


PIC archives needed to build the run-time linker 


Auxiliary refer-related programs 


Scripts and commands for the system activity report package 


Auxiliary programs and daemons related to the service access facility 


Auxiliary uucp-related programs and daemons


Time zone information 


Commands local to a site 


Programs that are being phased out 


Mount/installation point for OpenWindows software 


Various files and directories related to system administration; see specifics below 


"valtools" binaries for use by FMLI scripts 


Executables and scripts for pkg management


Executables for system administration 


Statically linked version of selected programs from /usr/bin and /usr/sbin


Architecture-independent sharable files 


Architecture-independent databases 


Keyboard layout description tables 


mailx-related help files


nroff terminal tables


Various data files 


Auxiliary spell-related databases and scripts


Tab setting escape sequences 


terminfo-style terminal description files


[nt]roff macro packages


Source code for kernel, libraries, and utilities 


Berkeley compatibility package binaries 


Berkeley compatibility package header files 


Berkeley compatibility package libraries 

The Platform-Dependent Directories

Table 32-2 describes the platform-dependent objects in the /platform and /usr/platform directories.

Table 32-2 The /platform and /usr/platform Directories




Contains a series of directories, one per supported platform that need to reside in the root (/) file system.


Contains platform-dependent kernel components, including the file unix, the core kernel that is platform dependent. See kernel(1M).


Contains platform-dependent objects that do not need to reside in the root (/) file system. It contains objects which replace the contents of /usr/kvm, which has been removed.


Contains platform-dependent objects similar to those found in the /usr/lib directory.


Contains platform-dependent objects similar to those found in the /usr/sbin directory.

The Structure of UFS File System Cylinder Groups

When you create a UFS file system, the disk slice is divided into cylinder groups, which are then divided into blocks to control and organize the structure of the files within the cylinder group. A cylinder group has one or more consecutive disk cylinders. Each type of block has a specific function in the file system. A UFS file system has these four types of blocks:

This section provides additional information about the organization and function of these blocks.

The Boot Block

The boot block stores the procedures used in booting the system. If a file system is not to be used for booting, the boot block is left blank. The boot block appears only in the first cylinder group (cylinder group 0) and is the first 8 Kbytes in a slice.

The Superblock

The superblock stores much of the information about the file system. A few of the more important things it contains are:

The superblock is located at the beginning of the disk slice, and is replicated in each cylinder group. Because the superblock contains critical data, multiple superblocks are made when the file system is created. Each of the superblock replicas is offset by a different amount from the beginning of its cylinder group. For multiple-platter disk drives, the offsets are calculated so that a superblock appears on each platter of the drive. That way, if the first platter is lost, an alternate superblock can always be retrieved. Except for the leading blocks in the first cylinder group, the leading blocks created by the offsets are used for data storage.

A summary information block is kept with the superblock. It is not replicated, but is grouped with the first superblock, usually in cylinder group 0. The summary block records changes that take place as the file system is used, and lists the number of inodes, directories, fragments, and storage blocks within the file system.


An inode contains all the information about a file except its name, which is kept in a directory. An inode is 128 bytes. The inode information is kept in the cylinder information block, and contains:

The array of 15 disk addresses (0 to 14) point to the data blocks that store the contents of the file. The first 12 are direct addresses; that is, they point directly to the first 12 logical storage blocks of the contents of the file. If the file is larger than 12 logical blocks, the 13th address points to an indirect block, which contains direct block addresses instead of file contents. The 14th address points to a double indirect block, which contains addresses of indirect blocks. The 15th address is for triple indirect addresses, if they are ever needed. Figure 32-1 shows this chaining of address blocks starting from the inode.

Figure 32-1 The File System Address Chain in a UFS System


Data Blocks

The rest of the space allocated to the file system is occupied by data blocks, also called storage blocks. The size of these data blocks is determined at the time a file system is created. Data blocks are allocated, by default, in two sizes: an 8-Kbyte logical block size, and a 1-Kbyte fragmentation size.

For a regular file, the data blocks contain the contents of the file. For a directory, the data blocks contain entries that give the inode number and the file name of the files in the directory.

Free Blocks

Blocks not currently being used as inodes, as indirect address blocks, or as storage blocks are marked as free in the cylinder group map. This map also keeps track of fragments to prevent fragmentation from degrading disk performance.

To give you an idea of the appearance of a typical UFS file system, Figure 32-2 shows a series of cylinder groups in a generic UFS file system.

Figure 32-2 A Typical UFS File System


Deciding on Custom File System Parameters

Before you choose to alter the default file system parameters assigned by the newfs command, you need to understand them. This section describes each of these parameters:

Logical Block Size

The logical block size is the size of the blocks that the UNIX kernel uses to read or write files. The logical block size is usually different from the physical block size (usually 512 bytes), which is the size of the smallest block that the disk controller can read or write.

You can specify the logical block size of the file system. After the file system is created, you cannot change this parameter without rebuilding the file system. You can have file systems with different logical block sizes on the same disk.

By default, the logical block size is 8192 bytes (8 Kbytes) for UFS file systems. The UFS file system supports block sizes of 4096 or 8192 bytes (4 or 8 Kbytes). 8 Kbytes is the recommended logical block size.

To choose the best logical block size for your system, consider both the performance desired and the available space. For most UFS systems, an 8-Kbyte file system provides the best performance, offering a good balance between disk performance and use of space in primary memory and on disk.

As a general rule, to increase efficiency, use a larger logical block size for file systems where most of the files are very large. Use a smaller logical block size for file systems where most of the files are very small. You can use the quot -c file-system command on a file system to display a complete report on the distribution of files by block size.

Fragment Size

As files are created or expanded, they are allocated disk space in either full logical blocks or portions of logical blocks called fragments. When disk space is needed to hold a data for a file, full blocks are allocated first, and then one or more fragments of a block are allocated for the remainder. For small files, allocation begins with fragments.

The ability to allocate fragments of blocks to files, rather than just whole blocks, saves space by reducing fragmentation of disk space resulting from unused holes in blocks.

You define the fragment size when you create a UFS file system. The default fragment size is 1 Kbyte. Each block can be divided into 1, 2, 4, or 8 fragments, which results in fragment sizes from 8192 bytes to 512 bytes (for 4-Kbyte file systems only). The lower bound is actually tied to the disk sector size, typically 512 bytes.

Note -

The upper bound may equal the full block size, in which case the fragment is not a fragment at all. This configuration may be optimal for file systems with very large files when you are more concerned with speed than with space.

When choosing a fragment size, look at the trade-off between time and space: a small fragment size saves space, but requires more time to allocate. As a general rule, to increase storage efficiency, use a larger fragment size for file systems where most of the files are large. Use a smaller fragment size for file systems where most of the files are small.

Minimum Free Space

The minimum free space is the percentage of the total disk space held in reserve when you create the file system. The default reserve is 10 percent. Free space is important because file access becomes less and less efficient as a file system gets full. As long as there is an adequate amount of free space, UFS file systems operate efficiently. When a file system becomes full, using up the available user space, only root can access the reserved free space.

Commands such as df report the percentage of space that is available to users, excluding the percentage allocated as the minimum free space. When the command reports that more than 100 percent of the disk space in the file system is in use, some of the reserve has been used by root.

If you impose quotas on users, the amount of space available to the users does not include the free space reserve. You can change the value of the minimum free space for an existing file system by using the tunefs command.

Rotational Delay (Gap)

The rotational delay is the expected minimum time (in milliseconds) it takes the CPU to complete a data transfer and initiate a new data transfer on the same disk cylinder. The default delay depends on the type of the disk, and is usually optimized for each disk type.

When writing a file, the UFS allocation routines try to position new blocks on the same disk cylinder as the previous block in the same file. The allocation routines also try to optimally position new blocks within tracks to minimize the disk rotation needed to access them.

To position file blocks so they are "rotationally well-behaved," the allocation routines must know how fast the CPU can service transfers and how long it takes the disk to skip over a block. Using options to the mkfs command, you can indicate how fast the disk rotates and how many disk blocks (sectors) it has per track. The allocation routines use this information to figure out how many milliseconds it takes to skip a disk block. Then using the expected transfer time (rotational delay), the allocation routines can position or place blocks so that the next block is just coming under the disk head when the system is ready to read it.

Note -

It is not necessary to specify the rotational delay (-d option to newfs) for some devices.

Place blocks consecutively only if your system is fast enough to read them on the same disk rotation. If the system is too slow, the disk spins past the beginning of the next block in the file and must complete a full rotation before the block can be read, which takes a lot of time. You should try to specify an appropriate value for the gap so that the head is located over the appropriate block when the next disk request occurs.

You can change the value of this parameter for an existing file system by using the tunefs command. The change applies only to subsequent block allocation, not to blocks already allocated.

Optimization Type

The optimization type is either space or time.

Number of Bytes per Inode

The number of inodes determines the number of files you can have in the file system: one inode for each file. The number of bytes per inode determines the total number of inodes created when the file system is made: the total size of the file system divided by the number of bytes per inode. Once the inodes are allocated, you cannot change the number without recreating the file system.

The default number of bytes per inode is 2048 bytes (2 Kbytes), which assumes the average size of each file is 2 Kbytes or greater. Most files are larger than 2 Kbytes. If you have a file system with many symbolic links, they can lower the average file size. If your file system is going to have many small files, you can give this parameter a lower value. Note, however, that having too many inodes is much better than running out of them. If you have too few inodes, you could reach the maximum number of files on a disk slice that is practically empty.

Commands for Creating a Customized File System

This section describes the two commands you use to create a customized file system:

The newfs Command Syntax, Options, and Arguments

The newfs command is a friendlier version of the mkfs command that is used to create file systems. The newfs command is located in the /usr/sbin directory.

The syntax is:

newfs [-Nv] [mkfs_options] special

Table 32-3 describes the options and arguments to the newfs command.

Table 32-3 The newfs Command Options and Arguments




Displays the file system parameters that would be used in creating the file system without actually creating it. This option does not display the parameters used to create an existing file system. 


Displays the parameters that are passed to the mkfs command and creates the file system, unless used with the -N option.


Use the following options to set the parameters passed to the mkfs command. The options are listed below in the order they are passed to mkfs. Separate the options with spaces without any preceding keywords.

-s size

The size of the file system in sectors. The default is automatically determined from the disk label. 

-t ntrack

The number of tracks per cylinder on the disk. The default is determined from the disk label. 

-b bsize

The logical block size in bytes to use for data transfers. Specify the size of 4096 or 8192 (4 or 8 Kbytes). The default is 8192 bytes (8 Kbytes). 

-f fragsize

The smallest amount of disk space in bytes that is allocated to a file. Specify the fragment size in powers of two in the range from 512 to 8192 bytes. The default is 1024 bytes (1 Kbyte). 

-c cgsize

The number of disk cylinders per cylinder group. This number must be in the range 1 to 32. The default is 16. 

-m free

The minimum percentage of free disk space to allow. The default is 10 percent. 

-r rpm

The speed of the disk, in revolutions per minute. The default is 3600. This parameter is converted to revolutions per second before it is passed to mkfs.

-i nbpi

The number of bytes per inode to use in computing how may inodes to create. The default is 2048. 

-o opt

Optimization type to use for allocating disk blocks to files: s for space or t for time.

-a apc

The number of alternate blocks per disk cylinder (SCSI devices only) to reserve for bad block placement. The default is 0. 

-d gap

(Rotational delay) The expected minimum number of milliseconds it takes the CPU to complete a data transfer and initiate a new data transfer on the same disk cylinder. The default is 4. 

-d nrpos

The number of different rotation positions in which to divide a cylinder group. The default is 8. 

-C maxcontig

The maximum number of blocks, belonging to one file, that will be allocated contiguously before inserting a rotational delay. The default varies from drive to drive. Drives without internal (track) buffers (or drives/controllers that don't advertise the existence of an internal buffer) default to 1. Drives with buffers default to 7. 

This parameter is limited in the following way: 

blocksize * maxcontig must be <= maxphys

maxphys is a read-only kernel variable that specifies the maximum block transfer size (in bytes) that the I/O subsystem is capable of satisfying. (This limit is enforced by mount, not by newfs or mkfs.)

This parameter also controls clustering. Regardless of the value of rotdelay, clustering is enabled only when maxcontig is greater than 1. Clustering allows higher I/O rates for sequential I/O and is described in tunefs(1M).


The special character (raw) device file name of the partition to contain the file system. This argument is required. 

Examples--newfs Command Options and Arguments

This newfs example uses the -N option to display file system information, including the backup superblocks.

# newfs -N /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0:  37260 sectors in 115 cylinders of 9 tracks, 36 sectors
        19.1MB in 8 cyl groups (16 c/g, 2.65MB/g, 1216 i/g)
superblock backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 5264, 10496, 15728, 20960, 26192, 31424, 36656,

The Generic mkfs Command

The generic mkfs command calls a file system-specific mkfs, which then creates a file system of a specified type on a specified disk slice. Although mkfs can support different types of file systems, in practice you would use it to create UFS file systems. To make other types of file systems, you would have to write the software for the file system-specific versions of the mkfs command to use. Normally, you do not run mkfs directly; it is called by the newfs command.

This annotated example illustrates all of the arguments to the mkfs command.


The generic mkfs command is located in /usr/sbin. See mkfs(1M) for a description of the arguments and options.