System Administration Guide

Sample Backup Schedules

This section provides sample backup schedules. All schedules assume you begin with a full backup (level 0), and that you use the -u option to record each backup.

Example--Daily Cumulative, Weekly Cumulative Backups

Table 33-7 shows the most commonly used incremental backup schedule; it is recommended for most situations.

Table 33-7 Daily Cumulative/Weekly Cumulative Backup Schedule







1st of Month 






Week 1  


Week 2  



Week 3  




Week 4 


With this schedule:

Table 33-8 Contents of Tapes for Daily/Weekly Cumulative Schedule






Week 1  

a b 

a b c 

a b c d 

a b c d e 

a b c d e f 

Week 2  

g h 

g h i 

g h i j 

a b c d e f g h i j k 

Example--Daily Cumulative, Weekly Incremental Backups

Table 33-9 shows a schedule where each weekday tape accumulates all files that changed since the beginning of the week (or the initial level 0 for the first week), and each Friday's tape contains all the files changed that week.

Table 33-9 Daily Cumulative/Weekly Incremental Backup Schedule







1st of Month 






Week 1  


Week 2  



Week 3  




Week 4 


Table 33-10 shows how the contents of the tapes can change across two weeks.

Table 33-10 Contents of Tapes for Daily Cumulative/Weekly Incremental Backup Schedule






Week 1  

a b 

a b c 

a b c d 

a b c d e 

a b c d e f 

Week 2  

g h 

g h i 

g h i j 

g h i j k 

Tape Needs

With this schedule, you will need six tapes (if you want to reuse daily tapes), or nine tapes (if you want to use four different daily tapes): one for the level 0, four for the Fridays, and one or four daily tapes.

If you need to restore a complete file system, you will need five tapes: the level 0, all preceding Friday tapes (three), and the most recent daily tape.

Example--Daily Incremental, Weekly Cumulative Backups

Table 33-11 shows a schedule where each weekday tape contains only the files changed since the previous day, and each Friday's tape contains all files changed since the initial level 0 at the beginning of the month.

Table 33-11 Daily Incremental/Weekly Cumulative Backup Schedule







1st of Month 






Week 2  


Week 3  


Week 4 


Table 33-12 shows how the contents of the tapes can change across two weeks.

Table 33-12 Contents of Tapes for Daily/Weekly Cumulative Backup Schedule






Week 1  

a b 

c d 

e f g 

a b c d e f g h i 

Week 2  

j k l 

n o 

p q 

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s 

Tape Needs

With this schedule you will need at least nine tapes: one for the level 0, four for the Fridays, and four daily tapes, assuming you reuse daily tapes each week, which is not recommended. If you save the weekly tapes for a month, you need 21 tapes.

If you need to restore the complete file system, you need six tapes: the level 0, the most recent Friday tape, and all the daily tapes for that week.

Example--Backup Schedule for a Server

Table 33-13 shows an example backup strategy for a heavily-used file server on a small network where users are doing file-intensive work, such as program development or document production. It assumes that the backup period begins on a Sunday and consists of four seven-day weeks.

Table 33-13 Schedule of Backups for a Server Example




Tape Name 


1st Sunday 

n tapes


1st Sunday 



1st Sunday 



1st Sunday 



1st Monday 


1st Tuesday 


1st Wednesday 


1st Thursday 


1st Friday 


1st Saturday 


2nd Sunday 

n tapes


2nd Sunday 



2nd Sunday 



2nd Sunday 



2nd Monday 



2nd Tuesday 



2nd Wednesday 



2nd Thursday 



2nd Friday 


2nd Saturday 



3rd Sunday 

n tapes  


3rd Sunday 



3rd Sunday 



3rd Sunday 



3rd Monday 


3rd Tuesday 



3rd Wednesday 



3rd Thursday 


3rd Friday 


3rd Saturday 


4th Sunday 

n tapes  


4th Sunday 



4th Sunday 



4th Sunday 



4th Monday 


4th Tuesday 


4th Wednesday 


4th Thursday 


4th Friday 


4th Saturday 

With this plan, you use 4n tapes (the number of tapes needed for four full backups of root (/), /usr, /export, and /export/home), plus 24 additional tapes for the incremental backups of /export/home. This plan assumes that each incremental backup uses one tape and you save the tapes for a month.

Here's how this plan works:

  1. On each Sunday, do a full backup (level 0) of root (/), /usr, /export, and /export/home. Save the level 0 tapes for at least 3 months.

  2. On the first Monday of the month, use tape A to do a level 9 backup of /export/home. ufsdump copies all files changed since the previous lower-level backup (in this case, the level 0 backup that you did on Sunday).

  3. On the first Tuesday of the month, use tape B to do a level 9 backup of /export/home. Again, ufsdump copies all files changed since the last lower-level backup--Sunday's level 0 backup.

  4. On the first Wednesday, use tape C to do a level 5 backup. ufsdump copies all files changed since Sunday.

  5. Do the Thursday and Friday level 9 backups on tapes D and E. ufsdump copies all files changed since the last lower-level backup--Wednesday's level 5 backup.

  6. On the first Saturday of the month, do a level 5 backup of /export/home, which copies all files changed since the previous lower-level backup--in this case, the level 0 backup you did on Sunday. Store tapes A-F until the first Monday of the next 4-week period, when you use them again.

  7. Repeat steps 1-6 for the next three weeks, using tapes G-L and 4n tapes for the level 0 on Sunday, and so on.

  8. For each 4-week period, repeat steps 1-7, using a new set of tapes for the level 0s and reusing tapes A-X for the incremental backups. The level 0 tapes could be reused after 3 months.

    This plan lets you save files in their various states for a month. It requires many tapes, but ensures that you have a library of tapes to draw upon. To reduce the number of tapes, you could reuse Tapes A-F each week.

Other Backup Scheduling Recommendations

Table 33-14 provides other recommendations for scheduling backups.

Table 33-14 Other Recommendations for Scheduling Backing Up Systems

If You ... 

Then ... 


Need to restore different versions of files (for example, file systems used for word processing) 

  • Do daily incremental backups every working day.

  • Do not reuse the same tape for daily incremental backups.

This schedule saves all files modified that day, as well as those files still on disk that were modified since the last backup of a level lower. However, with this schedule you should use different tapes each day because a file changed on Tuesday, and again on Thursday, goes onto Friday's lower-level backup looking like it did Thursday night--not Tuesday night. If a user needs the Tuesday version, you cannot restore it unless you have a Tuesday backup tape (or a Wednesday backup tape). Similarly, a file that is present on Tuesday and Wednesday, but removed on Thursday, does not appear on the Friday lower-level backup. 

Need to quickly restore a complete file system 

Do lower-level backups more frequently. 


Are backing up a number of file systems on the same server 

Consider offsetting the schedule for different file systems. 

This way you're not doing all level 0 backups on the same day. 

Need to minimize tapes 

Increase the level of incremental backups done across the week.  

This means only changes from day to day are saved on each daily tape.  


Increase the level of backups done at the end of the week.  

This means only changes from week to week (rather than the entire month) are saved on the weekly tapes.  


Put each day's and week's incremental backups onto the same tape. 

This is done by using the no rewind option in the ufsdump command.