System Administration Guide

Administering listen Port Monitors

Use the sacadm command to add, list, kill, start, enable, disable, or remove a listen port monitor.

Note -

You must be superuser to perform the following procedures.

How to Add a listen Port Monitor

To add a listen port monitor, type:

# sacadm -a -p tcp -t listen -c /usr/lib/saf/listen -v `nlsadmin
-V` -y "le0 ethernet"


The add port monitor flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag


Specifies the port monitor type as listen


Defines the command string used to start the port monitor


Specifies the version number of the port monitor


Defines a comment to describe this instance of the port monitor 

How to View listen Port Monitor Status

To list the status of a listen port monitor, type:

# sacadm -l -p tcp


The list port monitor status flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag

How to Stop a listen Port Monitor

To kill a listen port monitor, type:

# sacadm -k -p tcp


The kill port monitor flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag

How to Start a listen Port Monitor

To start a listen port monitor, type:

# sacadm -s -p tcp


The start port monitor flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag

How to Enable a listen Port Monitor

To enable a listen port monitor, type:

# sacadm -e -p tcp


The enable port monitor flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag

How to Disable a listen Port Monitor

To disable a listen port monitor, type:

# sacadm -d -p tcp


The disable port monitor flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag

How to Remove a listen Port Monitor

To remove a listen port monitor, type:

# sacadm -r -p tcp


The remove port monitor flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag