System Administration Guide

Administering listen Port Monitor Services

Use the pmadm command to add, enable, disable, and list the services associated with a listen port monitor.

Note -

You must be superuser to perform the following procedures.

How to Add a listen Port Monitor Service

To add a listen port monitor service, type:

# pmadm -a -p tcp -s lp -i root -v `nlsadmin -V` -m "`nlsadmin
-o /var/spool/lp/fifos/listenS5`"

In this example, a listen service is added for print requests from remote SunOS 5.x machines. This service does not listen for requests from SunOS 4.x machines.

Note -

In this example, the input wraps to the next line. Do not put a Return or line feed after the -o.


The add port monitor service flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag


Specifies the svctag lp as the port monitor service tag


Specifies the identify to be assigned to svctag when it run 


Specifies the version number of the port monitor


Specifies the listen-specific configuration data formatted by nlsadmin

The above pmadm command contains an embedded nlsadmin command. In that embedded command -o specifies the full path name of a first-in first-out (FIFO) or named STREAM through which a standing server will receive the connection.

How to List listen Port Monitor Services

To list the services associated with a listen port monitor, type:

# pmadm -l -p tcp


The list port monitor service flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag

How to Enable a listen Port Monitor Service

To enable a listen port monitor service, type:

# pmadm -e -p tcp -s lp


The enable flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag


Specifies the svctag lp as the port monitor service tag

How to Disable a listen Port Monitor Service

To disable a listen port monitor service, type:

# pmadm -d -p tcp -s lp


The disable flag


Specifies the pmtag tcp as the port monitor tag


Specifies the svctag lp as the port monitor service tag