System Administration Guide

Example of Accessing a Directory With Kerberos Authentication

In the following example, user jjones can change to the mounted mntkrb directory and list the files in this directory.

The kerbd daemon has automatically secured a ticket on the user's behalf for the NFS server exporting the file system. At this point there are two valid tickets--the original ticket-granting ticket, and the server ticket. These two tickets are listed by klist.

earth% cd /mntkrb
earth% ls -l /mntkrb
-rw-r--r-- 1 marks  staff  29 Jul 14 12:22 sports
drwxr-xr-x 3 jjones staff 512 Sep 13 13:44 market
earth% klist
Ticket file: /tmp/tkt8516
Principal: jjones@North.Abc.COM
  Issued            Expires          Principal
  Jan 14 20:40:54   Jan
15:04:40:54  krbtgt.North.Abc.COM@North.Abc.COM
  Jan 14 20:43:21   Jan 15:04:43:21  nfs.pluto@North.Abc.COM