System Administration Guide

How to Determine a Mounted File System's Type

Search the /etc/mnttab for the mount-point directory.

$ grep /home /etc/mnttab
mars:(pid129)  /home nfs  ro,ignore,map=/etc/auto_home,indirect,
dev=21c0004 693606637
neptune:/export/home/neptune  /tmp_mnt/home/neptune  nfsrw,
dev=21c0005 695409833

Information about the mount point is displayed.


  1. Use the devnm command to display the raw device name of the mounted file system.

    $ devnm /filesystem


    Is the mounted file system whose raw device name you want to identify. 

  2. Become superuser.

  3. Use the fstyp command to display the file system type.

    # fstyp dev/rdsk/device-name


    Is the name of the raw device containing the file system you want to identify. 

Example--Determining a Mounted File System's Type

The following example uses the devnm command to identify the name of the device that contains /usr, a mounted file system. Next, the fstyp command is used to identify what type of file system /usr is.

$ devnm /usr
/dev/dsk/cot3d0s6 /usr
$ su
# fstyp /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s6