System Administration Guide

The Virtual File System Table

The default file system configuration table (the /etc/vfstab file) depends on the selections you make when installing system software. You should edit the /etc/vfstab file for each system to automatically mount local UFS file systems, essential NFS file systems, and any other appropriate file systems.

The following is an example of the /etc/vfstab file. The file system table is an ASCII file. Comment lines begin with #. This example shows an /etc/vfstab file for a system with two disks and two NFS file systems mounted.

$ more /etc/vfstab
#device         device          mount           FS      fsck   mount  mount
#to mount       to fsck         point           type    pass   at boot options
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 /          ufs     1       no      -
/proc           -               /proc           proc    -       no      -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 -                -            swap    -       no      -
swap            -               /tmp            tmpfs   -       yes     -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 /usr       ufs     2       no      -
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 /files7    ufs     2       no      -
cheers:/export/svr4/man.ja5  -  /usr/man        nfs     -       yes     hard
cheers:/export/svr4/openwinV3.ja4 -     /usr/openwin    nfs     -       yes

Note that, for root (/) and /usr, the mount at boot field value is specified as no because these file systems are mounted as part of the boot sequence before the mountall command is run. If the automount field value is specified as yes, the mountall program redundantly (and unnecessarily) tries to mount these already mounted file systems. See Chapter 5, Shutting Down and Booting a System (Overview) for a description of the booting procedure.

See Chapter 28, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (Tasks) for descriptions of each of the /etc/vfstab fields and information on how to edit and use the file.