Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

Correcting Misspelled Words

You can correct misspelled words with the Spelling Checker. You can also customize your Personal Dictionary and Main Dictionary; see "Customizing Spelling Checker Dictionaries" for more information.

To Correct Misspelled Words

  1. Choose Check Spelling from the Edit menu.

    Note -

    Your Spelling Checker dialog box may look different than the one pictured in Figure 10-6. If so, go to Figure 10-7 and follow the instructions after that figure.

    The Spell dialog box lists misspelled or unrecognized words.

    The Check Spelling (Version 1) feature is only available for the English language.

    Figure 10-6 Spell dialog box - Version 1


  2. Select the misspelled word in the Misspelled Word list that you want to find and press Return. Or, just double-click the word.

    The next occurrence of the word is highlighted in your document.

  3. Type the correct word into the Change To field.

  4. Click Change to correct a single occurrence.

    Or, click Change All to replace all occurrences.

  5. To find and change additional single occurrences, click Find and then Change.

  6. Click Close when you are done.

    Note -

    If your Spelling Checker dialog box resembles Figure 10-7, follow the instructions after the figure.

    The Spelling Checker dialog box displays a misspelled or unrecognized word and lists suggestions. To start a new spelling check while the Spelling Checker dialog box is open, click Start Check.

    Figure 10-7 Spelling Checker dialog box - Version 2


  1. Take action on the first word found by the spelling checker:

    • If the suggested replacement is correct, click Change to correct this occurrence, or Change All to change all occurrences. (You cannot Undo a Change All.)

    • If you see the correct replacement in the list, select it and click Change or Change All.

    • If the correct replacement is not in the list, type it in the suggestion field and click Change or Change All.

    • If the word is correct and you want to add it to your Personal Dictionary, click Learn Word.

    • If the word is correct but you do not want to add it to your Personal Dictionary, click Skip to skip this occurrence, or Skip All to skip all occurrences.

  2. Continue through the misspelled words found by the Spelling Checker.

  3. To stop the Spelling Checker and leave the dialog box displayed, click Stop Check.

    To stop Spelling Checker and close the dialog box, click Close.

Customizing Spelling Checker Dictionaries

When you run Spelling Checker, it uses both your Personal Dictionary and Main Dictionary. You can edit your Personal Dictionary and set your Main Dictionary.

You can run Spelling Checker with or without your Personal Dictionary. You can also remove words from your Personal Dictionary, import another user's Personal Dictionary, and export your Personal Dictionary to make it accessible to other users. When you import another user's Personal Dictionary, you can choose whether you want to append the imported Personal Dictionary to your own Personal Dictionary, or overwrite your own Personal Dictionary with the imported one.

Spelling Checker automatically sets your Main Dictionary to the default locale installed on your system. You can change the Main Dictionary to a different locale whenever Spelling Checker starts or change the locale just for the current session.

To Run Spelling Checker Without Your Personal Dictionary

  1. Click Options in the Spelling Checker dialog box.

  2. Choose Personal Dictionary as the Category.

    Figure 10-8 Personal Dictionary dialog box


  3. Deselect the Use Personal Dictionary checkbox.

  4. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.

    Spelling Checker will now run only with your Main Dictionary.

To Remove a Word From Your Personal Dictionary

  1. Click Options in the Spelling Checker dialog box.

  2. Choose Personal Dictionary as the Category.

  3. Select the word in the scrolling list.

    To select more than one word, select the first word and then Shift-Click (or Control-Click) to choose the other words. You can drag choose contiguous words.

  4. To delete the word from the list, click Remove.

  5. To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK.

To Import Another User's Personal Dictionary

  1. Click Options in the Spelling Checker dialog box.

  2. Click Import in the Spelling Checker Options dialog box.

    The Spelling Checker Import dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 10-9 Personal Dictionary Import dialog box


  3. Select the dictionary you want to import in the Files list, or type the dictionary name in the Selection field.

  4. Press Return or click OK.

    Note -

    You can also double-click the dictionary name in the dialog box.

  5. In the dialog box that appears, choose whether you want to append the imported personal dictionary to your own personal dictionary, or overwrite your own personal dictionary with the imported one.

To Export Your Personal Dictionary

  1. Click Options in the Spelling Checker dialog box.

  2. Click Export in the Spelling Checker Options dialog box.

    The Spelling Checker Export dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 10-10 Personal Dictionary Export dialog box


  3. Select the dictionary you want to export in the Files list, or type the dictionary name in the Selection field.

  4. Press Return or click OK.

    Note -

    You can also double-click the dictionary name in the dialog box.

    Now other users can import your dictionary. You can send your personal dictionary to another user or tell them where it is in your file system.

To Set Your Current Dictionary Locale

  1. Click Options in the Spelling Checker dialog box.

  2. Choose Main Dictionary as the Category.

    The Main Dictionary dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 10-11 Main Dictionary dialog box


  3. Choose the desired locale as the Current Dictionary.

    Note -

    This locale setting is for the current Spelling Checker session only. The next time you restart Spelling Checker it will run with your default locale.

  4. To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK.

To Set Your Default Dictionary Locale

  1. Click Options in the Spelling Checker dialog box.

  2. Choose Main Dictionary as the Category.

  3. Determine your main dictionary locale:

    • To have your Main Dictionary match the default locale installed on your system, select Set Dictionary to Match Locale Language.

    • To override the system default locale, Set Dictionary To and choose the desired locale.

  4. To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK.