Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide


A bookmark is a file containing a Web URL, or a folder or attachment containing bookmarks. The Sample Bookmarks folder in the Application Manager Information folder contains examples of bookmarks. Clicking on a bookmark's icon brings up your default web browser with the web page displayed that is described by the bookmark URL. Double click on the index.html icon in the Sample Bookmarks folder to read about bookmarks.

Personal Bookmarks

The Folders subpanel of the Front Panel contains a Personal Bookmarks control. When you click on the control, a File Manager view appears on the desktop. It is initially empty. You can create bookmarks to put in this folder. These web URLs are then easily accessible through the Front Panel.

Creating Bookmarks

You can create bookmarks in any of the following ways:

You can create a bookmark using any URL that is normally available, such as URLs with http addresses.

Sharing Bookmarks

If you drop URL text or a bookmark file or folder onto the Front Panel mail icon, a mail compose window appears with the corresponding bookmark as an attachment.