Solaris User's Guide

Saving Changes for Mail Tool

To improve system performance, Mail Tool does not automatically save changes that you make when you close it to an icon. Messages that you have deleted remain available to you when you open the Mail Tool Header window.

To free up disk space and keep your mail box a manageable size, it is a good idea to periodically delete obsolete messages and save changes.

You save changes using either Save Changes or Done from the File menu.

Mail Tool automatically checks and incorporates new mail messages using a time period specified from the Mail Tool Properties window. If you have a long time period set and want to see if you have new mail, you can use Load In-Box from the File menu. Choosing either Save Changes or Done also checks for new mail messages. See "Customizing Mail Tool" for more information about Mail Tool properties.

When you quit the Mail Tool application, a Notice is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-25, asking you whether you want to save changes, quit without saving changes, or cancel the quit notice.

Figure 4-25 Quit Notice


Choosing Save Changes commits the changes and quits Mail Tool. Choosing Discard Changes discards changes, reincorporating any deleted messages as part of the In-Box, and quits Mail Tool. Choosing Cancel cancels the quit operation, and leaves Mail Tool running.