Solaris User's Guide

Edit Pop-Up Menu

A pop-up menu with commonly-used audio editing commands is available when you click MENU in the display canvas (Figure 11-20). Note that many of these choices also appear in the Edit menu under Clear and Delete.

Figure 11-20 Edit Pop-Up Menu


Reset Pointer

This command clears the current selection and places the pointer at the beginning of the file.


This command removes the current sound data from the display canvas.

Delete Unselected

This command deletes everything in the display canvas that is not selected.

Delete All Silence

This command deletes all silent segments (which are indicated by horizontal lines).

Delete Silent Ends

This command deletes only the silent segments at the beginning and end of the file.

Select All

This command selects all of the audio data in the display canvas. This is the same as triple-clicking SELECT in the display canvas.