Solaris User's Guide

Edit Menu

The commands on the Edit menu are common to most DeskSet tools. Click MENU on the Edit button to display the Edit menu.

Whenever a command cannot be performed, the corresponding menu item is dimmed. For example, Undo is dimmed when there are no editing operations to undo.


The Clear command removes the current sound data from the display canvas. Click SELECT on Clear when you want to delete all the data in the canvas.

Note -

The clear operation does not change the name of the file that's being edited. Take care not to accidentally save an empty canvas to an audio file.

The clear operation can be undone, and the audio data is retained so that it can be used by a Redo operation. However, since newly recorded data consumes space in the temp file directory, you might consider using the File New operation. This operation, which cannot be undone, recovers the unused space in the filesystem.


The Undo command reverses the effects of the last editing command issued. Click MENU on Undo to display the Undo submenu, which has the following options:


The Redo command restores the effects of the Undo command. Click MENU on Redo to display the Redo submenu, which has the following options:

Making edits to the audio buffer clears any subsequent editing history in the redo list.


The Cut command removes the current selection from your sound file and places it on the clipboard. Click SELECT on Cut to cut the selection.


The Copy command copies the current selection to the clipboard, without modifying the original sound file. Click SELECT on Copy to copy the selection.


The Paste command pastes data currently stored on the clipboard into the current audio file at the location specified by the play position pointer. For example, after doing a Cut or Copy, the next step is often to paste the stored data to some new location. Click SELECT on Paste to paste the selection.


The Delete command removes the current selection from the sound file, without modifying the contents of the clipboard. Use Delete instead of Cut when something is on the clipboard that should not be overwritten or when you are sure you do not want to use the selection again.

Click MENU on Delete to display the Delete submenu with the following options:


Properties... enables you to modify the functionality of Audio Tool. Click SELECT on this menu item to display the Audio Tool: Properties window, shown in Figure 11-19.

Figure 11-19 Audio Tool: Properties Window


The controls on the Audio Tool: Properties window are described in the following paragraphs.

Note -

Silence detection is automatically suppressed for audio file formats that have a sample rate greater than 16kHz, regardless of the silence detection setting in the Edit Properties... window.

Note -

Recorded audio can quickly use up disk space. Set the temp file directory to a file system that contains adequate disk space. Also, if you are using high sampling rates (e.g., CD or DAT format), you may have difficulty recording to a remotely mounted temp file system.

In addition, there are two buttons at the bottom of the Properties window, Apply and Reset. Use these buttons as follows: