Designing Data Integrator Projects

Data Integrator Service Engine

The Data Integrator Service Engine is an implementation of a Java Business Integration (JBI) service engine and is compliant with JSR 208. When the service engine is deployed to a JBI container, the service unit (SU) JAR file that is produced by a Data Integrator project is consumed by the Data Integrator Service Engine.

The ability of the Sun Data Integrator Service Engine to expose ETL operations as web services makes the tool suitable for business integration applications based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). This engine is specially designed to work with high volume data with high performance. TheData Integrator Service Engine package is an embedded database engine and has the ability to execute SQL on non-database data sources.

The Data Integrator Service Engine includes the ETL Engine and the ETL Service Engine.

ETL Engine

The ETL Engine is responsible for executing the ETL operations that were designed using the ETL Collaboration Editor or Data Integrator Wizard. The ETL Engine parses the engine file, substitutes all SQL scripting with the runtime parameters if any, and then starts the execution. SQL scripts generated during the design time can be parameterized and can be substituted in the runtime. The ETL task manager creates a thread for each task defined using the ETL task thread. The task manager waits for dependent tasks and maintains the work flow that was specified in the engine file. The ETL Engine supports batch processing and uses prepared statements to provide better performance.

ETL Service Engine

The ETL Service Engine is an optional component. This component exposes the ETL operations as web services and also handles the service requests and responses. This component is installed separately.