Monitoring Java CAPS Business Processes

Filtering Business Process Instances

You can filter the list of BP instances in order to see only BP instances that meet a specific set of criteria. The Filter Business Process Instance dialog box provides the following filters.

ProcedureTo filter the list of BP instances

  1. In the Business Process Instance Monitor toolbar, click Filter Business Process Instances.

    The Filter Business Process Instances dialog box appears.

  2. In the Status field, select a BP status.

  3. In the Time Stamp field, select a time stamp type.

  4. In the From field, click Select Date and/or Time and select the date or time.

  5. In the To field, click Select Date and/or Time and select the date or time.

  6. In the Business Process Attribute field, select the attribute and filter criteria operator and text.

  7. Click Filter.