Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS

The following sections provide an overview of the JBI component types and the administrative tools available from the Sun Java System Application Server (GlassFish V2) and NetBeans to administer these JBI components. This document covers the JBI commands used by these utilities and provides links to additional information. If you have any questions or problems, see the Java CAPS web site at

This document covers the following topics:

JBI Component Overview

Java Business Integration (JBI) is an implementation of the JSR 208 specification, developed as a way to implement a service-oriented architecture (SOA). JBI defines an environment that offers plug-in components that function as service providers (providers of services), service consumers (consumers of services) or both, and interact using a services model based directly on Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 2.0.

Java CAPS utilizes four types of JBI (Java Business Integration) Components:

Life Cycle States Within the JBI Framework

JBI components, service assemblies, and service units, each have life cycle states that are controlled by JBI administrative tools. The lifecycle states of service units are managed indirectly through the service assembly. These lifecycles can include Installed, Stopped, Started, Shutdown, Deploy, and so forth.

The JBI Runtime server persists the life cycle states of JBI Components. When the application server shuts down and then restarts, JBI Components revert to their state at the time the application server shut down.

Note –

The JBI runtime attempts to revert to the “desired” state of a JBI component. For example, suppose you tried to start a JBI component but it did not start due to an error in the component. If you restart the Application Server, the JBI runtime attempts to start the component again.

JBI Administration Tools Overview

There are several tools that allow you to administer binding components, service engines, shared libraries, and service assemblies, all of which are considered JBI components as a general term in this documentation.

The primary tools used to manage JBI components are:

Using the JBI Manager in the NetBeans IDE to Administer JBI Components

The JBI Manager is a term used for the JBI node (and it's associated functionality), accessed from the Services window of the NetBeans IDE. The JBI node is found under Servers > GlassFish V2 in the Services tree, and is only available when GlassFish is running. To start the GlassFish Application Server, right-click the GlassFish V2 and select Start.

The expanded JBI node contains directories for the JBI components. Right-click the JBI component directory to access the following functions:



Service Engines  

Binding Components 

Shared Libraries 

Service Assemblies 

Directory Functions: Right-click the directory to access functions


Select and install a new instance of the component. 





Install and Start 

Select, install, and start a new instance of the component. 





Select and deploy a new instance of the component. 



Deploy and Start 

Select, deploy, and start a new instance of the component. 




Refresh a component directory to update the component with the latest settings and information. 





Component Functions: Right-click the component to access functions


Start a component causes it to begin processing, such as reading, transforming, or writing data, or seeking, making, or dropping connections. 






Stop a component to end processing, such as reading, transforming, or writing data, or seeking, making, or dropping connections. 






Shutting down a component keeps it available to the application server, but flags it as not currently processing. 






Uninstalling a component removes it from the set of components that are available to the application server. 






Upgrading a component undeploys and uninstalls the current instance of the component and installs and transfers your settings to a new instance of the component. 




Advanced > Force Shutdown 

Forces the shutdown of a component when circumstances do not allow the component to shutdown. This option instructs the JBI runtime to ignore any failures in the component's method when processing the command. The component's method is still called and given the opportunity to complete, but in the event the method throws an exception, it is ignored (but still logged in the appserver log). 





Advanced > Force Uninstall 

Forces the uninstall of a component when circumstances do not allow the component to uninstall. The JBI runtime ignores any failures in the component's method when processing the command. The component's method is still called and given the opportunity to complete, but in the event the method throws an exception, it is ignored (but still logged in the appserver log). 




Advanced > Force Undeploy 

Forces a Service Assembly to undeploy when circumstances do not allow the component to undeploy. The JBI runtime ignores any failures in the Service Assembly's method when processing the command. The method is still called and given the opportunity to complete, but in the event the method throws an exception, it is ignored (but still logged in the appserver log). 



Purge Persistence Data 

Purge Persistence Data is enabled (depending on the state of the BPEL SE) when persistence is turned on and data is available. Purges persistence event records. 



Monitor Actions > Purge Data 

Purge Data is enabled (depending on the state of the BPEL SE) when persistence is turned on and data is available. Purges monitor event records. 




Undeploying a component removes it from the set of components that are available to the application server. 






Properties opens the component properties editor. 






Refreshing a component updates the component with the latest settings and information. 





Show Endpoint Statistics 

Opens the Endpoint Statistics window for the component and displays the provisioning and consuming endpoints for that component. The statistics include Received-Done, Errors, and Faults, and Sent-Done, Errors, and Faults. 

Other available statistics can be viewed from the component properties.  




Using the Admin Console to Administer JBI Components

The Sun Java System (GlassFish) Application Server includes a web browser-based administrative tool call the Admin Console. The Admin Console can be used to start and stop domains, configure the server, deploy applications, and so forth. The Admin Console provides context sensitive help to assist you with administration tasks.

Starting the Admin Console

To start the Admin Console from NetBeans, right-click the Sun Java System Application Server (or GlassFish V2) node, under Servers in the Services window, and select View Admin Console from the popup menu.

To start the Admin Console from a web browser located on the same computer on which the application server is running, open a web browser and type: http://localhost:4848/. This is the configured default. If another port was specified during the installation of your application server, use that port number.

To launch the Admin Console on a computer that is not hosting the application server, open a web browser and enter the following web address:http://<hostname>:<port>where hostname is the name of the computer on which the application server is running, and port is the port number for the server.

When you successfully connect, enter the username and password specified when the application server was installed. The Admin Console's default username and password are admin (username) and adminadmin (password).

Administering JBI Components from the Admin Console

From the left pane of the Admin Console, select the JBI node to view the screens available for JBI administration. By selecting the various JBI nodes in the Application Server tree, you can open JBI administrative screens to perform the tasks listed in the table below.

JBI Node (select node) 

Console Screen  

Functions Available 


General (tab) 

Provides a summary of the installed JBI Runtime Components, as well as links to the various component screens. 

Configuration (tab) 

Configure JBI Runtime: configuration for JBI Component and Library installation and operation, and JBI service assembly deployment and operation. 

Logging (tab) 

Configure JBI System Runtime Loggers. Specify log levels for the individual loggers.  

Monitoring (tab) 

View runtime monitoring statistics for the JBI Runtime framework and Normalized Message Router. 

Service Assemblies 

Service Assemblies 

Manage JBI service assemblies. Functions include deploy, undeploy, start, stop, and shutdown, and allows you to view current state of each service assembly. 

Specific Service Assemblies (select a specific service assembly under the Service Assemblies node) 

Provides three tabs that allow you to:

  • General: View the details for a JBI service assembly.

  • Descriptor: View the JBI archive metadata 'jbi.xml' contents.

  • Monitoring: View statistics for a service assembly.



Manage JBI binding components and service engines. Functions include install, uninstall, upgrade, start, stop, and shutdown, and allows you to view current state of each component. 

Specific Binding Component or Service Engine (select a specific component under the Components node) 

Provides seven tabs that allow you to:

  • General: View the details for a JBI binding component or service engine.

  • Configuration: Configure properties, depending on the component. Some components do not have configuration properties.

  • Application: Allows you to select or create a user-named Application Configuration or Application Variable.

  • Descriptor: View the JBI archive metadata 'jbi.xml' contents.

  • Loggers: Manage the JBI component loggers. Specify log levels for the individual loggers.

  • Monitoring: View statistics for a service assembly.

  • Libraries: View installed Shared Libraries required by this component.

Shared Libraries 

Shared Libraries 

Manage JBI Shared Libraries. Functions include install and uninstall, and provides a description of the installed libraries. 


Specific Shared Library (select a specific Shared Library under the Shared Libraries node) 

Provides three tabs that allow you to:

  • General: View the details for a JBI shared library.

  • Descriptor: View the JBI archive metadata 'jbi.xml' contents.

  • Components: View components that require this Shared Library.

Custom MBeans 

Custom MBeans 

Manage custom MBeans that have been deployed to the server. Functions include deploy, undeploy, enable, and provides the name, implementation class name, and status of the deployed MBeans. 

For more information about using the Admin Console, see the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Quick Start Guide at

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

The Sun Java System (GlassFish) Application Server includes a command line administration utility known as asadmin. The asadmin utility can be used to perform any of the application server's administrative tasks, including those for administrating JBI Components.

The asadmin Utility uses the following guidelines:

JBI Commands and Options for asadmin CLI

The following table contains JBI CLI commands and options used to administer JBI components. Some of these CLI commands have had options added to them to support the Java CAPS.

Command Name  

Options and Values 

Operand and Example 

install-jbi-component: Installs a service engine or binding component into the JBI environment.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

The file path or component name: The archive file that will contain the component attributes, or the name of the component that has been previously installed to the domain. 

start-jbi-component: Starts a service engine or binding component on the specified target. If no target is specified, the component is started on the embedded DAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user] 
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

The component name: The name of the binding component or service engine to start. 

stop-jbi-component: Stops a service engine or binding component on the specified target. If no target is specified, the component is stopped on the embedded DAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

The component name: The name of the binding component or service engine to stop. 

shut-down-jbi-component: Shuts down a service engine or binding component on the specified target. If no target is specified, the component is shutdown on the embedded DAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--force|-F: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost] 
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

The component name: The name of the component to shutdown. 

uninstall-jbi-component: Uninstalls a service engine or binding component on the specified target. If no target is specified, the component will be uninstalled from the embedded DAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I :[true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--force|-F: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--keeparchive: true|[false] 
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

The component name: The name of the component to uninstall. 

deploy-jbi-service-assembly: Deploys a service assembly into the JBI Environment. The Target option (--target) is only relevant for Application Server Enterprise Edition.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--enabled: true|false 
--upload: [true]|false 
  target name|[server]|domain

The file path or service assembly name: The archive file that will contain the service assembly attributes, or the name of the service assembly that has been previously deployed to the domain. 

start-jbi-service-assembly: Starts a service assembly on the specified target. If no target is specified, the command is executed against the server instance.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

The service assembly name: The name of the service assembly to start. 

stop-jbi-service-assembly: Starts a service assembly on the specified target. If no target is specified, the command is executed against the server instance.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

The service assembly name: The name of the service assembly to stop. 

shut-down-jbi-service-assembly: Shuts down a service assembly on the specified target. If no target is specified, the command is executed against the server instance.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

The service assembly name: The name of the service assembly to shutdown. 

undeploy-jbi-service-assembly: Undeploys a service assembly on the specified target. If no target is specified, the command is executed against the server instance.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--force|-F: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--keeparchive: true|[false]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

The service assembly name: The name of the service assembly to undeploy. 

install-jbi-shared-library: Installs a shared library into the JBI Environment.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--upload: [true]|false
  target name|[server]|domain

The file path: The archive file that will contain the shared library. 

uninstall-jbi-shared-library: Uninstalls a shared library from the specified target instance or cluster. If no target is specified, the shared library is uninstalled from the embedded DAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--force|-F: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--keeparchive: true|[false]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

The shared library name: The name of the shared library to uninstall. 

list-jbi-service-engines: Lists the service engines that are installed in the JBI Environment. If no filters are specified, the list includes all installed service engines.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  shared library name
  service assembly name
  target name|[server]|domain

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table


list-jbi-binding-components: Lists the binding components that are installed in the JBI Environment. If no filters are specified, the list includes all installed binding components.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  shared library name
  service assembly name
--target: [target name]


list-jbi-shared-libraries: Lists the shared libraries that are installed in the JBI Environment. If no filters are specified, the list includes all installed shared libraries.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: [target name]
  [component name]


list-jbi-service-assemblies: Lists the service assemblies that are installed in the JBI Environment. If no filters are specified, the list includes all installed service assemblies.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: [target name]
  [component name]

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table


show-jbi-service-engine: Shows detail information about the specified service engine. General information is displayed by default. Additional information is shown if the configuration, loggers, or descriptor options are specified.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain
--configuration: true|[false]
--loggers: true|[false]
--descriptor: true|[false]

The name of the service engine. 

Example: show-jbi-service-engine sun-javaee-engine

show-jbi-binding-component: Shows detailed information about the specified binding component. General information is displayed by default. Additional information is shown if the configuration, loggers, or descriptor options are specified.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain
--configuration: true|[false]
--loggers: true|[false]
--descriptor: true|[false]

The name of the binding component. 

Example: show-jbi-binding-component sun-http-binding

show-jbi-shared-library: Shows detailed information about the specified shared library. General information is displayed by default. Descriptor information is shown if the descriptor option is specified.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain
--descriptor: true|[false]

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

The name of the shared library. 

Example: show-jbi-shared-library cli_test_sns1

show-jbi-service-assembly: Shows detailed information about the specified service assembly. General information is displayed by default. Descriptor information is shown if the descriptor option is specified.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain
--descriptor: true|[false]

The name of the service assembly. 

Example: show-jbi-service-assembly PingApp

upgrade-jbi-component: Upgrades a service engine or binding component that is currently installed in the JBI Environment.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--upload: [true]|false
--upgradefile: [filepath]

The name of the component that currently installed in the domain. 

Example: upgrade-jbi-component --upgradefile=cli-test-engine4-1.jar cli_test_engine4

set-jbi-runtime-logger: Sets the log level for a logger in the JBI runtime.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

Contains name=value pairs separated by a comma, or the name of a file that contains the name=value pairs for the loggers that are set. If the operand contains spaces, it must be placed within double quotes. Spaces or white space inside the quotes is taken literally.  

The value specified must be text that represents a legal logger level, or the text “DEFAULT” can be specified. If “DEFAULT” is used, the logger is reset to its initial state, which is to inherit the logger level from the parent. 

Example: set-jbi-runtime-logger com.sun.jbi.messaging=WARNING

set-jbi-component-logger: Sets the log level for a specified component.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain
--component: [component name]

Contains name=value pairs separated by a comma, or the name of a file that contains the name=value pairs for the loggers that are set. If the operand contains spaces the operand must be placed within double quotes. Spaces or white space inside the quotes is taken literally.  

The value specified must be text that represents a legal logger level, or the text “DEFAULT” can be specified. If “DEFAULT” is used, the logger is reset to its initial state, which is to inherit the logger level from the parent. 

Example: set-jbi-component-logger --component=sun-http-binding

set-jbi-runtime-configuration: Sets the JBI runtime configuration values.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

Contains name=value pairs separated by a comma, or a name of a file that contains the name=value pairs for the configuration values that will be set. If the operand contains spaces, the operand must be placed within double quotes.  

The exact name of the configuration variable must be specified. Use the show-jbi-runtime-configuration command to view the names and current values for the runtime configuration. 

Example: set-jbi-runtime-configuration heartBeatInterval=6000

set-jbi-component-configuration: Sets the binding component or service engine configuration values for the given component name .

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

Contains name=value pairs separated by a comma, or a name of a file that contains the name=value pairs for the configuration values that will be set. If the operand contains spaces, the operand must be placed within double quotes.  

The exact name of the configuration variable must be specified. Use the show-jbi-binding-component or show-jbi-service-engine command with the --configuration option to view the names and current values of the component configuration. 

Example: set-jbi-component-configuration OutboundThreads=5,ProxyPort=2345

update-jbi-application-configuration: Updates the application configuration for the specified component.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]
--configname: [configuration name]

Contains name=value pairs separated by a comma, or a name of a file that contains the name=value pairs for the application configuration values that will be updated. If the operand contains spaces, the operand must be placed within double quotes. 

Example: update-jbi-application-configuration --component=cli-config-binding --configname=testConfig

update-jbi-application-variable: Updates the application variables for the specified component. Application variables are set using the format name=typevalue. If the type is not specified, the default type, String will be used. The valid types are String, Number, Boolean, and Password.

When updating a variable, the type of the variable specified must match the type of the variable when it was created.  

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]

Contains name=value pairs separated by a comma, or a name of a file that contains the name=value pairs for the application variables that will be updated. If the operand contains spaces or contains the square brackets specifying the type, the operand must be placed within double quotes. 

The type specified must match what was originally specified in the create command. 

Example: update-jbi-application-variable --component=cli-config-binding

create-jbi-application-configuration: Creates an application configuration for the specified component.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]
  [configuration name]

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

Contains name=value pairs separated by a comma, or a name of a file that contains the name=value pairs for the application configuration values that will be created. If the operand contains spaces, the operand must be placed within double quotes. 

Example: create-jbi-application-configuration --component=cli-config-binding --configname=testConfig

create-jbi-application-variable: Creates application variables for the specified component. Application variables are set using the format name=[type]value. If the type is not specified, the default type, String will be used. The valid types are String, Number, Boolean, and Password.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]

Contains name=value pairs separated by a comma, or a name of a file that contains the name=[type]value pairs for the application variables to be updated. If the operand contains spaces or contains square brackets specifying the type, the operand must be placed within double quotes. 

Example: create-jbi-application-variable --component=cli-config-binding

delete-jbi-application-configuration: Deletes an application configuration for a specified component.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]

The name of the application configuration to be deleted. 

Example: delete-jbi-application-configuration --component=cli-config-binding testConfig

delete-jbi-application-variable: Deletes an application variable.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table

The name or names of the application variables to be deleted. If the operand contains spaces, the operand must be in cased within double quotes. Spaces are taken literally. 

Example: delete-jbi-application-variable --component cli-config-binding FirstName

list-jbi-application-configurations: Lists the JBI Application Configurations for the specified component.

--echo|-e : true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]


Example: list-jbi-application-configurations --component=cli-config-binding

list-jbi-application-variables: Lists the JBI Application Variables for the specified component.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
--target: target name|[server]
--component: [component name]


Example: list-jbi-application-variables --component=cli-config-binding

show-jbi-runtime-loggers: Shows the JBI runtime loggers.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain

For more information on options and their use, see JBI Command Options and Values Table


Example: show-jbi-runtime-loggers

show-jbi-runtime-configuration: Shows the JBI runtime configuration values.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain


Example: show-jbi-runtime-configuration

show-jbi-statistics: Shows JBI statistics, filtered using the specified option values. To show more then one statistical category the user can specify more then one option value on the command line.

--echo|-e: true|[false]
--interactive|-I: [true]|false
--terse|-t: true|[false]
--secure|-s: true|[false]
--port|-p: [port number]
--host|-H: [localhost]
--user|-u: [admin user]
--framework: true|[false]
--nmr: true|[false]
--component: [component name]
--endpoint: [endpoint name]
  [service assembly name]
--passwordfile: [filename]
  target name|[server]|domain


Example: show-jbi-statistics --nmr

JBI Command Options and Values

The Following table provides a description of the JBI command options.




Common Options: These options are common to most of the JBI Component asadmin commands.

--echo | -e 

true | false 

true indicates that the command specified on the command line is echoed to system output.

--interactive| -I 

true | false 

true (default) indicates that only the required password options are prompted.

--terse | -t 

true | false 

true indicates that the output is reduced to the minimal amount.

--port | -p 

The port number 

The HTTP/S port for administration. Default port for PE: 4848, default port for EE: 4849 

--secure | -s 

true | false 

true indicates that SSL/TLS is used to communicate with the domain administration server.

--host | -H 


The machine name where the JBI application is running. The default value is localhost. 

--user | -u 

The admin user 

The authorized domain administration server administrative username. 



The name of a file containing the password entries. 


target name | [server]|domain 

The name of the target.  



Displays the help text for the command. 

Specialized Options: These options are for specific JBI Component asadmin commands only.


service assembly name 

Lists the components that have ASA deployed as part of the service assembly unit with the specified service assembly name. 


component name 

The name of the referenced component. 


component name 

Lists the shared libraries referenced by the specified component. 



Displays the component's configuration values. 



Displays the component's XML desriptor. 



true indicates that the service assembly starts automatically when the system starts up. Users are allowed to access the service assembly. For EE, this option enables the deployment on the specified instance or cluster. This option is ignored when the service assembly is deployed on the target domain.


endpoint name 

Displays the endpoint statistics. 

--force| -F 


true indicates that the component will be forcefully shut down.



Displays the framework statistics. 



true indicates that the component will remain in the domain.


shared library name 

Lists the components that currently use the specified shared library. 



The list can be filtered on the lifecycle state of the components. 



Displays the component's loggers and their levels. 



Displays the NMR (Normalized Message Router) statistics. 


service assembly name 

Displays the component's statistics. 



The new archive file path that is used to update the component. 



true indicates that it uploads the file to the administration server. If the filepath of the installable file is mounted to the server machine, or if the administration server is running locally, set the upload option to false.

Starting the asadmin Utility

To start the asadmin utility from the command line, go to the install-dir/bin directory, where install-dir is the application server installation directory, and enter the command: asadmin.

For directions on how to configure a Windows Environment to use the asadmin Utility tools, see GlassFish Quick Start Guide.

For more information about using the asadmin Utility, see GlassFish JBICLI Project Plan and JBI ADMIN CLI