Using the Sun Business Process Manager Worklist Manager for User Activities

Microsoft Active Directory

The Worklist Manager can adapt to your existing Active Directory structure. You need to define the reporting structure if this has not been done already. Active Directory provides two default attributes, manager and directReports, that define the reporting hierarchy. You can also create custom attributes that indicate a user’s supervisors and subordinates. You can create groups and roles to which Worklist Manager users belong, but this is not required.

In Active Directory, a user’s login ID is defined by the sAMAccountName attribute. This attribute is specified in the Worklist Manager External System properties in the Environment. Worklist Manager login credentials for each user are defined by the value of the sAMAccountName attribute and the value of the userPassword attribute. You need to create an administrator user that the Worklist Manager will use as the security principal.

For more information about configuring the Worklist Manager for Microsoft Active Directory, see Configuring a Microsoft Active Directory Connection.