Working With the EDM for Sun Master Index

ProcedureTo Perform a Blocker Search

  1. On the Search page, select app_name Search from the Search Types drop-down list (where app_name is the name of the master index application).

  2. Select the option button next to Blocker Search.

  3. Enter the search criteria for the object you want to find.

    For more information about criteria combinations for blocker searches, see Advanced Search. See your system administrator if you do not know the criteria combinations defined for the blocker search.

  4. Click Search to initiate the search.

    The Search Result page appears with a list of matching profiles. If only one matching profile is found, the results page is bypassed and the View/Edit page appears.

    Note –

    The system administrator can choose whether to display the EUID field or the local ID and system fields on this page. Any values entered into these optional fields take precedence over information entered into other search fields. For example, if an invalid EUID is entered but valid first and last names are entered, no results are returned due to the invalid EUID. The EUID field takes precedence over the local ID and system fields.