Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Viewing a Merge History Tree on the Patient EDM

The master index application tracks all merges performed against each patient profile in the database. You can view a history of merges that affect a specific patient profile and view each EUID that was merged to form the final merge result profile. The merge history appears in a tree structure in the left portion of the Merge History page, showing each pair of profiles that were merged under the displayed patient profile. In the right portion of the page, transaction details appear for the EUID that is highlighted in the merge history tree.

Figure 31 Merge History Tree

Figure shows a profile's merge history tree.

ProcedureTo View a Patient’s Merge History

  1. On the Transaction History Search page, perform a search for the patient whose merge history you want to view (for more information, see Viewing a Patient's Transaction History).

  2. On the Transaction History Result page, click the transaction number to the left of the EUID whose merge history you want to view.

    The Transaction History page appears.

  3. In the upper portion of the page, click Merge Tree (if Merge Tree is not visible, the EUID does not have a merge history to view).

    The Merge History page appears with the merge tree on the left and transaction summaries in the right.

  4. To view a summary of merge transactions for a merged profile, select the EUID of that profile from the merge history tree.

    The transaction summary appears in the right portion of the page.

  5. To view transaction information for two merged profiles, click the profile above the merged pair.

    Transaction information appears in the right portion of the page.