Configuring Sun Master Indexes (Repository)

Configuring Master Index EDM Page Layouts (Repository)

You can define how fields appear on most EDM pages in the Enterprise Data Manager file. You can also define the name of the tabbed heading for a page, the type of object handled on each page, and the first page to appear when a user logs on.

Perform any of the following actions to define screen layouts. Modify the XML file directly to perform these tasks.

Specifying the Initial View for the EDM (Repository)

By default, the Matching Review page appears when a user logs on to the Enterprise Data Manager. You can specify any of the other tabbed pages as the initial view.

ProcedureTo Specify the Initial View

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the page-definition element in the gui-definition element, and then to the initial-screen element.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To display the Matching Review page first, change the value of the initial-screen element to “Matching Review”.

    • To display the Search page first, change the value of the initial-screen element to “EO Search”.

    • To display the Create System Record page first, change the value of the initial-screen element to “Create System Record”.

    • To display the History page first, change the value of the initial-screen element to “History”.

    • To display the Reports page first, change the value of the initial-screen element to “Reports”.

      Note –

      These values remain the same regardless of whether the tab name of the page has been changed. For example, if you change the name of the Matching Review page to “Potential Duplicate”, you would still specify “Matching Review” for that page to appear first.

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the EDM Search Results Page (Repository)

The Search Results page displays a list of records returned from a search. The same Search Results page appears for all simple search pages. You can configure the number of records to display at one time in the results list and the fields to display in the list. Fields in the field-ref elements are named by their object name and then the field name; for example, Person.LastName or Phone.PhoneNumber.

ProcedureTo Configure the Search Results Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the page-definition element in the gui-definition element, and then to the eo-search element.

  3. In the search-result-list-page element, do any of the following:

    • To modify the number of records displayed on the search results page at one time, change the value of the item-per-page element.

      For example:

    • To specify a maximum number of records to return from a search, change the value of the max-result-size element.

      For example:

    • To add a new field to the results list, create and name a new field-ref element.

      For example:

    • To modify a field in the results list, change the value of the appropriate field-ref element.

      For example:

    • To delete a field from the results list, delete all text between and including the field-ref tags defining the field to be deleted.

      For example, to delete the City field from the following list, delete the boldface text.

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the EDM View/Edit Page (Repository)

The View/Edit page appears when you select a record in the search results list. This page displays all of the information about an enterprise object. You can configure the number of fields that appear in each row of the view page.

ProcedureTo Configure the View/Edit Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the page-definition element in the gui-definition element, and then to the eo-search element.

  3. In the eo-view-page element, change the value of the field-per-row element.

    For example:

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the EDM Create System Record Page (Repository)

The Create System Record page is where a user adds new records to the master index database. You can configure the name of the tabbed heading and the type of object returned. Do not modify the URL of the entrance to the Create System Record page. Following is a sample of the create-eo element.

   <tab-name>Create System Record</tab-name>

ProcedureTo Configure the Create EO Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the page-definition element in the gui-definition element, and then to the create-eo element.

  3. To specify a new object type for the objects you create, change the value of the root-object element.

    For example:


    Note –

    This must be the name of the parent object.

  4. To specify a new name for the Create System Record tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

    <tab-name>Add Record</tab-name>
  5. Save and close the file.

Configuring the EDM History Page (Repository)

The History page allows you to search for records, view a results list, and then view a history of changes to the record you select. You can configure the name of the tabbed heading for the page, the type of object returned, the appearance of the search and results pages, and the appearance of the merge history page. Do not modify the URL of the entrance to the History page. Following is a sample of the history element.


ProcedureTo Configure the History Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the page-definition element in the gui-definition element, and then to the history element.

  3. To specify a new object to be returned from a history search, change the value of the root-object element.

    For example:


    Note –

    This must be the name of the parent object.

  4. To specify a new name for the History tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

    For example:

    <tab-name>Transaction History</tab-name>
  5. To specify the number of fields to display in each row on the History search page, change the value of the field-per-row element in the xa-search-page element.

    For example:

  6. To specify the number of records to display on the History search results page, change the value of the item-per-page element in the search-result-list-page element.

    For example:

  7. To specify a maximum number of records to return from a History search, change the value of the max-result-size element in the search-result-list-page element.

    For example:

  8. To customize the fields that appear in the results list, do any of the following in the search-result-list-page element:

    • Modify the value of an existing field-ref element to the simple field name of a field you want to appear in the results list.

    • Add and name a new field-ref element (using the simple field name).

    • Delete a field-ref element defining a field you do not want to appear in the results list.

  9. To customize the fields that appear on the merge history page, do any of the following in the merge-history-key-field element:

    • Modify the value of an existing field-ref element to the simple field name of a field you want to appear on the merge history page.

    • Add and name a new field-ref element (using the simple field name).

    • Delete a field-ref element defining a field you do not want to appear on the merge history page.

  10. Save and close the file.

Configuring the EDM Match Review Page (Repository)

The Match Review page allows you to search for potential duplicate or assumed match records to compare, view a results list, and then view a comparison of the records you select. You can configure the name of the tabbed heading for the page, the type of object returned, and the appearance of the search and results pages. Do not modify the URL of the entrance to the Match Review page. Following is a sample of the matching-review element.

   <tab-name>Matching Review</tab-name>

ProcedureTo Configure the Match Review Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the page-definition element in the gui-definition element, and then to the matching-review element.

  3. To specify a different object to be returned from the search, change the value of the root-object element.

    For example:


    Note –

    This must be the name of the parent object.

  4. To specify a different name for the Matching Review tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

    For example:

       <tab-name>Potential Duplicates</tab-name>
  5. To specify the number of fields to display in each row on the Matching Review search page, change the value of the field-per-row element in the pd-search-page element.

    For example:

  6. To specify the number of records to display on the Matching Review search results page, change the value of the item-per-page element in the search-result-list-page element.

    For example:

  7. To specify a maximum number of results for a Matching Review search, change the value of the max-result-size element in the search-result-list-page element.

    For example:

  8. Save and close the file.

Configuring the EDM Reports and Reports Page (Repository)

Configuring the Reports page consists of two steps: configuring the page itself and configuring the individual reports.

Configuring the Reports Page

For the Reports page, you can configure the name of the tabbed heading for the page and the type of object returned. Do not modify the URL of the entrance to the Reports page. Following is a sample of the Reports page configuration elements.


The report configuration section of the Enterprise Data Manager configuration file defines the appearance of the Reports page, and is located within a set of reports tags near the end of the file.

ProcedureTo Configure the Reports Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the reports element. This is located near the end of the file.

  3. Modify the values for any of the elements described in Table 1.

  4. When you have finished configuring the Reports page, save the file.

Configuring Reports

A configuration section is defined for each of the six production report templates and for each of the three activity reports. Use these sections to configure each production and activity report to display information as you want to view it. You can also specify which reports can be run from the EDM. Following is an example of a report configuration stanza.

<report name="Potential Duplicate" title="Potential Duplicate Report">

ProcedureTo Configure Reports

Perform the following steps for each production and activity report.

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the reports element. This section is located near the end of the file.

  3. For each report, specify values for the elements and attributes listed in Table 2.

  4. For production reports only, define the fields to include on the report by modifying, adding, or removing field elements.

  5. When you have finished configuring each report, save and close the file.

EDM Reports and Reports Page Configuration Elements (Repository)

The following table lists and describes the XML elements that define the configuration of the Reports page on the EDM.

Table 1 Reports Page Configuration Elements




The name of the type of object on which to report (this must be the parent object). 


A name for the report pages. This name appears on tab label associated with the report pages on the EDM. 


The URL to the entry page of the reports pages. This element should not be modified. 


The number of fields to display in each row of the Reports Search page. 

The following table lists and describes the XML elements that define the reports run from the EDM.

Table 2 Reports Configuration Elements




A report definition of one type of report run from the EDM. with the exception of search reports (which do not need to be configured). 

report/name attribute

The type of report being generated. you should not need to modify this element, but you can specify any of the following production reports: 

  • Assumed Match

  • Potential Duplicate

  • Deactivated

  • Merged

  • Unmerged

  • Update

report/title attribute 

The descriptive name of the report. This can be any string, and appears as the title on the specified report. 


An indicator of whether the report can be run from the EDM. Specify true to allow the report to be run; specify false to disable the report.


The number of records to display on the report. if no value is entered, or if the value is zero (0), the size defaults to 1000 records. To retrieve all records for a report, enter a very large value for this element. 


The number of records returned to the report generator at one time for each report. If you do not enter a page size or you enter “0”, the size defaults to 500 records for all reports. 


A list of fields to display on the report in addition to those that are displayed by default. Use the simple field name for the field-ref value. This element should be empty for the activity reports. If a list of fields is supplied for any activity reports, it is ignored.

Configuring the EDM Audit Log Pages (Repository)

When enabled, the audit log stores a history of each instance in which information from the object tables in the master index database is accessed. The EDM allows you to search for and view the audit log entries. You can enable or disable the audit log in the Enterprise Data Manager file.

ProcedureTo Configure the Audit Log Pages

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click the Enterprise Data Manager file.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the page-definition element in the gui-definition element, and then to the audit-log element.

  3. To specify that records be written to the audit log, change the value of the allow-insert element to true.

    For example:

  4. To specify that records not be written to the audit log, change the value of the allow-insert element to false.

    For example:

  5. Save and close the file.