Working With the Master Index Data Manager

ProcedureTo Unresolve Potential Duplicate Profiles From the Results List

If the fields on the Duplicate Records search results list are sufficient to determine that a resolve transaction was performed in error, you can unresolve the profiles in the search results list.

  1. Perform a search for potential duplicates on the Duplicate Records page, as described in Finding Potential Duplicate Profiles on the MIDM, and display the results list.

    The results list displays key identification fields that might provide enough information for you to determine whether the profiles should be unresolved.

    Figure 54 Duplicate Records Search Result Entry

    Figure shows an entry in the results of a Duplicate Records

  2. Scroll through the results until you see the profiles you want to unresolve.

  3. Beneath the duplicate profile you want to mark as a potential duplicate with the Main EUID (the profile in the far left column), click Potential Duplicate.

    The status of the potential duplicate entry is changed from Resolved and the profiles are once again regarded as potential duplicates of one another.