Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

Extracting and Viewing the XML Test Message

The XML test message that you generated and published in the prior section can now be viewed using a supported Web browser. Refer to PeopleSoft PeopleBooks for more information about using the PeopleSoft 8 Application.

ProcedureTo view the XML message

  1. Within a supported Web browser, log into the PeopleSoft 8 Application.

  2. In PeopleSoft 8, click PeopleTools to open the PeopleTools application (see the figure below).

    Figure 1–36 PeopleSoft 8 Application Contents Page

    PeopleSoft 8 Application Contents Page

    The PeopleTools Directory Tree appears as displayed in the figure below.

    Figure 1–37 PeopleTools Directory Tree

    PeopleTools Directory Tree

  3. Click Application Message Monitor > Use > Application Message Monitor, and click the hyperlink. The Application Message Monitor page opens to the Overview tab (see the figure below).

    Figure 1–38 Application Message Monitor - Overview Tab

    Application Message Monitor - Overview Tab

  4. From the Publish Node field, select the PSFT_EP message node.

  5. Click Refresh. The number of messages published for the selected grouping, using the Create Test Message tool, is displayed.

  6. Click the link indicated by the number of messages in the New, Done, or Working columns. The Message Instances tab appears, displaying a summary of the published messages (see the figure below).

    Figure 1–39 Application Message Monitor - Message Instances Tab

    Application Message Monitor - Message Instances

  7. Click the Details link to view the properties of the published XML message (see the figure below).

    Figure 1–40 Message Properties Tab

    Message Properties Tab

  8. Click the XML Message Viewer tab to review the message itself.

  9. Select the entire XML message (see the figure below).

    Figure 1–41 XML Message Viewer Tab

    XML Message Viewer Tab

  10. Copy and paste the XML message into a text editor and save it, with a .xml extension, to a temporary location. Use the same naming convention used for the name of the Message Definition. The example in the figure below shows the saved XML Message ADVANCED_SHIPPING_RECEIPT.