Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

Generating a DTD for the XML File

The structure of the XML message must now be described in a DTD, from which an OTD is subsequently generated. PeopleSoft does not provide a DTD generation utility, but third-party utilities are available to accomplish this task.

A free, online DTD Generator utility is available at the following URL:

This utility is presented to illustrate the general procedures for generating a DTD. Sun Microsystems Inc. has no connection with, and does not support, this product.

  1. From the XML Document to DTD field browse to and select the .xml file with the saved XML Message. For this example:

  2. Click Open. The DTD Generator page reappears with the path and file displayed in the XML Document box (see Generating a DTD for the XML File).

    DTD Generator
  3. Click Generate DTD to generate the DTD. The DTD appears as displayed in Generating a DTD for the XML File.

    DTD Generator XML File
  4. Select only the DTD-related information (usually all information except the first line).

  5. Copy and paste the text into a text editor and save it with a .dtd extension to a temporary location. Use the same naming convention to name the message definition (for the example, ADVANCED_SHIPPING_RECEIPT).

    Advanced Shipping Receipt DTD

    You can now use the DTD to create a PeopleSoft OTD using the Netbeans IDE’s DTD OTD wizard (see Creating OTDs).